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Aditya walks to Malini’s room and seeing her weak condition think her condition is because of him. Malini gets happy seeing him and walks towards him. He makes her rest again. Daadi asks where he had gone. He thinks Malini knows he had not gone for work, so he shouldn’t lie anymore. Dev says he should have called Malini once at least. Adi reminisces Pagdandiya incident and apologizes. Anu enters and says he should be sorry and asks if the phones didn’t work where he went and if work is more important than Malini, etc. Dev says let us go out and let Malini and Adi speak. Anu leaves fuming. Adi asks Malini to take care of herself. She says she wants him also to take care of her. He says he knows he didn’t go for work. She says she has trust on him as he is honest. He asks if she forgave him? She says she fears that his mind is somewhere else even when he is with her here and asks if this distance will clear or not. Adi reminisces editor’s warning not to ride on 2 boats and thinks he can not hurt both Imlie and Malini and should take a decision. Malini thinks if he is not ready to clear the distance and speak clearly with him. Adi says he will tell her everything. Anu walks in and tells Malini its time for her medicine. Adi asks her to give Malini’s medicine list, he will give it to her at home. Anu says she will not let her take Malini home and she made a mistake by giving his daughter to a wrong man like him. Malini says she wants to go and requests thinking she needs to speak to Adi. Anu agrees.

Adi takes Malini home reminiscing recent event. Family rejoices seeing Malini. Aparna hug her and says good she returned home, asks why she looks ill. Adi says she fell unconscious due to weakness. Family gets more concerned. Pankaj asks Malini if Adi apologized to her. She says there is no need for that. Family insists. Adi apologize to Malini. Nishant asks him to mimic cock and accept punishment. Malini says there is no need for that. Family takes Malini in ignoring Adi. Adi think family is worried for Malini when she went out for 1 day, but didn’t remember Imlie once as she left 1 week ago, if they forgot Imlie. Malini notices him and thinks he looks like he forgot something and not her behaving like her life partner, will she get her life partner back?

Imlie takes Prakash’s phone and calls Adi. Adi tells Malini that he got many calls from this unknown number and picks it. Imlie speaks. He walks aside. She asks if he is fine. He says yes. She asks if she called him at the wrong time and says she shouldn’t have called him, but couldn’t control it. He think she should have been with him and even he is eager to meet her. Malini think why is he speaking to unknown number for so long. Imlie says she will disconnect call now. He hopes she should continue speaking and drops Malini’s medicine. Imlie disconnects call. Malini notices that and asks him to give her medicine. He search for it and says sorry. She says she will take medicine herself from now onwards as he would be away most of the time. He doesn’t react and sits silently thinking of Imlie.

Imlie think why she is feeling happy talking to Adi. Mithi ask if she is fine? Imlie says she want to return to city and join college. Mithi says good she can return to her in-laws. Imlie think she will stay in hostel and will kill her feelings for Aditya. 

Malini wake up after Adi sleeps and calls back Prakash’s number. Imlie is sound asleep, so Prakash takes phone. Imlie wakes up and thinks where did phone go. Prakash picks phone. Malini says she got calls from this number, who is he. He says Prakash. She asks from where. He asks who is she? She says she is Malini Tripathi, Aditya Tripathi’s wife. He drops phone in shock. Imlie walks to him, asks why did he bring phone here, if Adi called back. Prakash asks who is Malini? Malini thinks she was doubting Adi wrongly, he is tensed regarding work, and feel guilty for doubting him. She hug him. He wakes up in shock. She asks if he saw a bad dream. He asks her to sleep and thinks fate has entangled his life, one sister loves him and he loves another sister, its better to die than being stuck between 2 boats.
Prakash confronts Imlie and asks if Malini is Aditya’s wife. Imlie pleads not to inform about it to Mithi and agrees that Malini is Adity’a wife. Prakash says that means Aditya is using her. Imlie reminisces all the incidents after marriage and says she knows Adi was engaged to Malini and stayed in Adi’s house as a maid, but family treated her like a daughter; Adi married Malini and he will not come here. Prakash says Imlie should get that right and he will inform dadda/Satyakam about it. Imlie warns that until she is alive, nobody can harm Adi; she says she thought Prakash understands her, but she is wrong; Adi can not be with her, but loves her a lot. Prakash asks then why did he leave her? She reminds how he supported her since childhood with each incident and requests to continue helping her. He asks what will she do then? She says she will return to city, give her entrance exam and wait till results come. He asks if she will stay with her in-laws as maid again. She says she will stay in hostel. He says he will drop her to city, get her admission in hostel, and then return back. She thinks she convinced him some how and prays god to not let anything wrong happen again.
The next morning, Tripathi family while having breakfast insist Nishant to get married. Malini ask why don’t he want a life partner? Adi walks in and ignoring her starts breakfast. She feels bad seeing that, but asks Nishat why he doesn’t want a life partner. He says a woman sacrifices everything after marriage, but if their thinking don’t match, she would be compromising for him. She reminisces Adi understanding her earlier and says not necessarily. Adi says he should get a life partner who will challenge him constantly and change regularly as change is constant and the rule of life, there is no life without changing. Malini says she is talking about walking together and there should be some logic in relationships. He says relationships don’t work on logic, reminisces Imlie saying same, and walks away excusing to make important call.

Imlie get ready to leave for city with Prakash. Mithi says good she is returning to her in-laws as they must be missing her. She gives shirt gift for Adi and money to buy sweets for her in-laws. Bus comes. Mithi hug her tell her to take care of herself and greets Jai Seeta Maiya Ki. Imlie with Prakash gets into bus. Prakash asks how can she so easily lie to her mother. Imlie waves at Mithi and says amma is smiling and once she finds out the truth, she will not smile again; so hiding the truth is good.

Adi walk to his room and call Imlie. Prakash notice Adi’s number rejects it. Imlie returns removing her sindhoor and mangalsutra. He asks why did she remove them? She says she told them that she is unmarried in the city. He asks what if she can not be unmarried and requests to marry him? Imlie stands shocked hearing that. Adi repeatedly calls Imlie and thinks he called her 5 times since morning, why isn’t she picking call. He calls Pagdandiya post office and asks postman to call Imlie or her family. Postman asks him to wait for 5 minutes. Mithi runs in and speaks. He greets her and says Imlie is not picking call since morning, if she she is fine. Mithi says if he is worried that if Imlie boarded bus safely and informs that she is coming to Delhi with Prakash via 7 a.m. bus. He says he will call her later and discoonects call. Prakash tells Imlie that he loves her since childhood and came back for her after studies, but was disheartened seeing her already married to traitor Aditya; she should marry him instead. Imlie says Adi is her husband and will always be, so he should return back as she can not forget her pain if he is around her. He says he is accompanying her. She says she is thankful that her friend is with her and just considers her as friend. He says if she considers him only a friend, he will never leave her alone.

Aditya thinks Pagdandiya bus must be coming anytime, so he should go and receive Imlie. Malini walks to him and says she needs to talk something important. He says he is going on some important work, so will speak to her in the evening. She stands disheartened while he walk away. Imlie reach Delhi, and Prakash goes to bring snacks for her as she didn’t have anything since morning. Imlie thinks amma was right that she should have something before leaving. Adi offers her snacks and asks why didn’t she listen to her mama, holds her hand and asks how is she. Tauji and Taiji come to same bus station to drop a guest. Imlie asks why didn’t he pick her call. He says he called her repeatedly, but couldn’t speak to her. He asks if she also loves him and came to meet him? She frees her hand and says she came here for studies and ask him to go. He asks where will she stay, she can not stay in hostel for long without much money. Prakash returns and says Imlie is not alone and he is there to take care of her. Adi blame him that he want to take his place. Prakash says Imlie brought him along. Adi warns not to interfere between him and his wife. Prakash asks which wife, Imlie or Malini. Imlie says she didn’t tell him anything. Adi says Prakash is just a friend and he is Imlie’s husband and has first right on her.

Precap: Tauji sees Imlie with Adi. They both get tensed seeing Tauji. Adi enjoys playing holi with Imlie while Malini hopes he applies color on her first.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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