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Shruti asks Virat if he of thought where he will keep her. He says he will keep her in a temporary place until he finds a permanent place for him. He asks will he come to meet her there. He says police doesn’t know how Sada’s wife looks, so she has to act as suhagan with sindhoor and not Sada’s widow. She hesitates at first but then agrees and says she will for Sada’s sake and maybe she will meet Sada one day. He says she has threat from other groups apart from police who would try to gather vital information from her, which they couldn’t from Sada. She says when he is doing so much for her, she will follow his orders. He asks when she had her last prenatal checkup. She says they don’t get prenatal checkup in jungle and its her 8th month. He says he will find her an isolated place near hospital and will keep her in a temporary hotel till then. She thinks she doesn’t know about his family, but he seems to be a good man and she should trust him.

Sai misses Virat and thinks one he returns, she wants to ask him if he loves her like a wife. Virat takes Shruti to a hotel where receptionist insists for their ID card. He gives his ID card and says she forgot her ID card at home. Receptionist says its a policy. Shruti imagines Sada in Virat and feels labor pain. Virat rushes to her and requests to give them a room. She asks his wife’s name. He thinks for a second and says Mrs Sai Chavan. He then walks to Shruti and says she will stay in this hotel for a few days. She asks if he will not stay with her. He says he will visit her often. She feels guilty that he is paying for all her expenses and taking her and her baby’s responsibility. He says he is taking responsibility himself, so she can repay him when she gets money. She asks if he is married. He says yes and his wife is medical student. She asks if his wife knows about this. He says no and will have a lot of time once he returns home, but he has already told her that he will not hesitate to hide truth if it saves someone’s life.

Sai continues missing Virat. Samrat offers her green tea and says he knows she wants to see Virat at this time. She says no. He says sometimes heart speaks different and eyes speak different, he can see only Virat in her eyes; she shouldn’t be sad as Virat will return soon after finishing his mission, he will be awarded for his bravery, but nobody will award her for bravely waiting for her husband and its not an easy task. Sai says she is lucky to have a brother who cares for her and came to share her pain. He says Virat is lucky to have her as wife and asks if Pakhi was also missing him when he was out for a year and used to get happy whenever he was discussed. She asks if he thinks so, then he is right. He prays for Virat’s safe return soon.
Hotel’s employee while dropping Virat and Shruti to their room asks if his wife is pregnant, his sister works in a clinic and if there is any emergency, he should inform him and he will call his sister here. Virat thanks him and sends him away. Shruti gets angry hearing Virat mentioned her as his wife. Virat explains that he had to do this for her safety and asks her not to trust anyone here easily. She says she trusted him. He thanks her for that and promises to never break her turst.

Virat asks Shruti not to blindly trust anyone in hotel. Shruti says she trusted and accompanied him here. He thanks her and says he will bring her bags from his car. She apologizes for troubling him. He says she is disturbing him with her questions though. Samrat tries to call Virat’s phone number. Pakhi asks if the situation is really serious. He asks if she realized it now, she was criticizing and trying to prove him wrong. She continues criticizing Sai and repeats that even after Virat’s warning, she called DIG directly last time and stopped his transfer irking him. He says she is still criticizing Sai. She says they way Sai and Virat got closer, Virat will call Sai directly and not like her husband who left her to make new relationships and returned after 1 year. He asks does she want him to repeat the reason behind it. She says last time Virat and Sai found him and brought him back home, what if he doesn’t return next time.
Sai continues worrying for Virat and sleeps on couch. Ashwini feels sad seeing her condition. Sai senses Virat entering and looks at door. Virat enters. Sai happily runs and hugs him. Ashwini happily prays god to protect her children’s happiness, thinks she knew Sai would welcome Virat with extended hands, and prays god to keep them together forever as husband and wife. Sai asks why he didn’t call her. Bhavani gets happy seeing him and blesses him. She then tells Sai that her husband returned and she should feel happy. Other family members join. Samrat hugs Virat and asks if his mission was successful. Virat says yes and thinks his mission was successful, but he failed in his friendship, remembering shooting Sada. Sai notices mauli/protective thread in his hand missing and questions him. He shows mauli and says her mauli saved his life, remembering the incident. Sai thanks god for sending Virat home safe.

Devi asks Virat to never go away from Sai and says she made a mistake of breaking Sai’s mangalsutra by mistake. Sai says let us forget whatever happened and be happy. Ashwini says Sai is jumping with happiness, but was very sad in his absence and kept 3 day fast for him. Mohit walks in next and says he will bring Virat’s bags from his car. Virats his bags are still with his team as they reached early and he had to stay back for some work. Sai says she knows why he is late. Virat gets tensed thinking if she found out about Shruti. Sai says she had called DIG sir who informed that whole team came and he is missing, so she was tensed. Samrat says even they all were worried. Virat says its not good to repeatedly call and disturb his seniors and team. She says sorry, she was worried for him. He says his phone battery is dead and he needs to charge it as he may be getting calls. She senses his dilemma and asks if he is fine, why he looks so silent. He says she is a police officer’s daughter and now his wife, she knows the risks involved in his house, so she shouldn’t call his seniors or team and trouble them. Sai asks how will she find out if he is fine. He says she should wait for his call.

Pakhi criticizes Sai again and says Sai troubled Virat’s team and even them by giving them half information. Ashwini tells Virat that he should have seen Sai’s condition, she was in really worried for him. Samrat asks Virat when DIG considers Sai as his daughter, why can’t Sai call him. Virat says she can, but not during mission; even he wouldn’t pick her call during mission. Ashwini says he can’t say that. Sai says let it go. Bhavani scolds Ashwini for supporting Sai instead of her son and then Samrat for supporting Sai instead of his brother and says they should be worried for Virat as he must have a gone through a lot during mission. Omkar says they are proud of him. Pulkit asks why he looks so dull even after mission’s success. Samrat asks what happened. Sai says modak is tired and will be normal after he rests a bit. Virat nods yes.

Virat walks into his room. Sai says its amazing that as soon as she returned to his room with her bags, he left for mission and she was shocked. He says he saw it on her face. She says she missed him as he ordered her and asks if he missed her. He says he missed her a lot. She excitedly asks if he had her prepared fried modak. Seh says they were tasty. She apologizes for calling his police station to inquire about him and says she is habituated to call Aaba during similar situation, but forgot that was Gadchiroli and this is Nagpur. He says there is no need to worry. She says she was and asks him not to bother much and rest. He thinks he is happy seeing her concern for him, but he cannot share is problems with her and hence its better if she stays away from his work and problems. She asks if they are still best friends as when bestfriends meet after a long time, they will have a lot to discuss, is he hiding something from her. He gets nervous. She sees sindhoor on his shirt and questions him. He gets more tensed.

Precap: Shruti calls Virat repeatedly. Sai notices it and informs Virat. Virat hurriedly rushes out. Bhavani yells at Sai if she let Virat sleep peacefully at night or disturbed him the whole night with her questions. Sai says she should question her son where was he THE whole night. Shruti asks Virat what will he tell his wife when she questions where was he whole night. Bhavani yells at Sai if she let Virat sleep peacefully at night or disturbed him THE whole night with her questions. Sai says she should question her son where was he the whole night. Shruti asks Virat what will he tell his wife when she questions where was he whole night.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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