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Pulkit hosts college’s award function and welcomes guests. He says this college produced not only India’s but one of world’s best doctor and he feel proud to teach them in these few years. He further says today’s function is to felicitate an outstanding student Sai. Sai eagerly looks at door for Virat while everyone clap. Pulkit calls college’s dean and another guest and asks them to light a lamp and inaugurate the event. Ninad asks Ashwini why hasn’t Virat reached yet. Ashwini says Sai’s doubt is right. She feels concerned and says if Virat continues like this, Sai will definitely leave Virat and hence they need to do something. Ninad comforts her. Mansi tells Bhavani that Sai made Chavans proud. Bhavani yells she just got 1st among few students, Chavan family sons already made them proud when Samrat became an army officer and Virat an IPS officer. Sai thinks when will Virat come.
Virat writes a message to Sai apologizing to her for not attending her function, but stops when doctor walk in. Doctor inform him that miraculously both mother and baby are fine and he can see them in sometime. Virat thank god. 

Sonali starts her tantrums and says she is feeling bored in this waste award function. Mansi try to stop her. Bhavani backs Sonali. They then discuss if Virat will attend function or not. Pakhi says he is not as he is stuck with a woman. Bhavani asks if the situation is so worse. Sonali says yes as Sai threw tantrum when Virat left home after Shruti’s call. Devi says Virat got Shruti’s call last night and went to her. Sonali and Pakhi continue badmouthing about Sai and think she will leave their house permanently this time. Ashwini feels sad and cry. Bhavani consoles her and scolds Sonali to shut up. Sonali complains that she is worried for the family, and Bhavani is scolding her instead. Samrat asks Bhavani to calm down as she is head of the family. Mansi asks Pakhi to call Virat and find out where he is. Pakhi says Virat will not pick her call and she is not interested in interfering between Sai and Virat now or else Sai will blame her again.

Pulkit announces a play. Sai notices similarity between she and Virat’s story and play and imagines herself and Virat as its hero and heroine. Serial’s title track plays in the background. After play everyone clap while Sai sheds tears.

Pulkit continues hosting college award function and requests dean to speak a few words. Dean praises Sai’s achievement. 

Virat emotionally speak to Sada’s baby boy Sahas and says he needs more Sahas/courage to stay in this world, his father was a courageous man, he is his father’s best friend Virat and he can call him Veeru Kaku, he has aunt/kai Sai who is getting an award and would be happy seeing baby Sahas, etc., and clicks his picture. 

Dean calls Virat to come on stage and speak a few words. Sai eagerly waits for Virat and thinks why should she bother when he is not bothered about her. Aniket tells Sai that she is lucky both at studies and family wise. Sai thinks she came first in exam, but got zero family wise.
Virat visits Shruti. She panics seeing her tummy flat. Nurse says she delivered a baby boy. Shruti insists to see her baby right now. Virat shows Sahas’ picture and says he in incubator now as he is bit weak. Shruti insist to hold her baby right now. Nurse sasy she can later and gives her injection to rest. Shruti fall asleep. Nurse suggest to Virat to go and take rest as mother and baby are under observation. He thank her and pray to god to reach Sai’s award function before she receives award.

Sunny join Mohit and Samrat and seeing Virat missing asks if he has gone to bring gift for Sai? Samrat informs that Virat didn’t attend function and has gone to meet his friend’s wife Shruti. He explains that Virat gets Shruti’s call and he leaves even at midnight. Mohit says he doesn’t even return home the whole night. Sunny says Shruti must be Virat’s colleague’s wife and he must be helping her. Samrat says Virat would have brought Shruti home if she needs help. Pakhi ask if they should treat Shruti like they treat Sai? Mohit reveals that he saw Virat with a woman. They all 3 hope Virat is not doing anything wrong.

Virat finds his car not starting, shows his ID card to a biker, and takes his biker to reach auditorium. 

Dean present awards to winners. Karishma says Sai is missing from her seat. Sonali taunts Sai is acting like a celebrity. Ninad says his bahu is really a celebrity and will make them proud more. Ashwini says she is proud of Sai, but the one who really matters for Sai is missing. 

Virat escapes accident while driving fast. 

Pulkit calls Aniket and other rank holders on stage first and then 1st rank holder Sai who made a new record and made the whole college proud. Virat reaches auditorium and hopes to reach in on time and watch Sai receiving award. He enters in and hears Pulkit calling Sai. Everyone clap for Sai. Sai walks on stage while everyone clap and her haters Pakhi, Omkar, and Sonali frown. Dean asks Pulkit to present award to Sai as he helped her a lot in her success. Pulkit presents award to Sai and notices her looking at the door. He congratulates her. Dean asks Sai to break records and make her college proud.

Precap: Sai expresses her sorrows on stage that she doesn’t have a dear one who can support her. Virat hearing that thinks who is he then. She thanks people who supported her and one who didn’t, she feels alone today. Virat thinks if he is nothing to  Mohit informs family that he saw Virat with a woman in a hotel. Virat says he already told that Shruti is his friend’s wife. Mohit asks why did he check into a hotel room as Mr and Mrs Virat Chavan.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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