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Sai cry in her room remembering Virat’s promises and his betrayal. She tells her Aaba that she realized today that she is just Virat’s responsibility and he never considered her as his wife, she was a fool to think of asking if he loves her as a wife, truth is he loves Shruti. She further remembers Virat warning family not to dare speak ill about Shruti and Mohit’s words and think how can Virat do this to her. 

At the hospital, Shruti tell Virat that he doesn’t have right to hold her baby. Nurse asks why is she telling this to her baby’s father. Shruti remembers Sada and says her baby’s father.. Virat gets tensed thinking she will reveal her identity to nurse and says everything will be alright. Shruti says this man is neither her husband nor her baby’s father. Nurse asks why is she saying this. Virat says she is under emotional stress post delivery and asks nurse to get some medicine for her. Nurse leaves. Shruti continues that she doesn’t want her husband’s murderer to hold her baby and is capable of taking care of her baby. He says she should think of her baby’s future and calms her down. Nurse returns. He asks her to help Shruti feed her baby. Nurse asks him to stay back and learn how to help Shruti. He says he needs to make an important call and walks out. Nurse tells Shruti that Virat is a good husband and father. Shruti thinks Virat is her baby’s father’s murderer.

Sai continues her despair. Samrat knocks door and request her to open it. Sai feels drowsy and falls down. Samrat gets concerned and call the whole family. Ashwini, Mohit, Pulkit, and Devi rush in and plead Sai to open the door and let them console her. She deny and continues venting out her frustration on Virat. Devi breaks down and warns that she will not have food and medicine and will sit in front of her room door until she opens it. Pulkit consoles Devi and requests Sai to open the door followed by others. Sai opens the door finally and confronts them for Virat’s betrayal. They all try their best to console her, but she continues and feels drowsy again. Ashwini pleads with her to sit and asks Mohit to bring some food.

Virat takes food for Shruti and asks her to let Sahas rest or else he may need to be kept in an incubator. Shruti gives baby to him. Nurse returns and says baby felt comfortable in mother’s lap. Virat asks when can baby and mother be discharged? Nurse says doctor will inform them after checkup and takes baby away. Virat asks Shruti to rest. Shruti asks him to sit as she needs to say something. 

Ashwini plead with Sai to have food followed by Devi and Pulkit. Sai says she doesn’t want to have anything and asks them to leave. Pakhi brings green tea for Sai and taunts her that its her and Virat’s favorite. Sai remembers Virat serving her tea. Devi angrily throws away tea and confronts Pakhi to stop her dirty game and troubling Sai. Pakhi says she brought green tea to make Sai feel better. Sai says she doesn’t need tea. Pakhi says Sai knew this would happen anyways, so she should let Virat go to Shruti as they are all can’t stop him. Sai get more angry.

Pakhi asks Sai if Virat truly loves Shruti, who are they to stop Virat; anyways, Sai says they are just friends, then there is no reason to get angry. Mohit asks her to stop as Sai is already tensed. Pakhi says she is saying the truth. Devi warns her to shut her dirty mouth and asks Samrat why don’t he control his dirty wife who troubles Sai always, she is more insane than her. Ashwini tells Pakhi that she must be enjoying as she doesn’t like Sai, but as a woman should she tolerate if any other woman interferes between her and her husband. Samrat asks Pakhi to stop her dirty thinking and asks what if he has an affair with another woman. Pakhi asks if he also wants to have extramarital affair like his brother and spice up her life. Samrat asks if she is feeling bad just with discussion, imagine how Sai must be feeling. Sai says she is not feeling anything.
Shruti expresses her gratitude towards Virat and says truth is if he wasn’t there, her baby wouldn’t have been born. Virat remembers shooting Sada and says if he wasn’t there, Sahas’ father would have been alive. 
Sai continues crying and asks them to do whatever they want to with Virat, but leave her alone. Samrat says he knows she doesn’t want to listen to anyone, but she should confront Virat as a wife. Sai asks if he wants her to run behind Virat and plead with him holding his feet to leave Shruti, there was an incident in their lives which led to their marriage and they compromised, but why should only she bear the responsibility. Pakhi thinks now Sai realized her pain. Ashwini asks Sai not to blame herself. Samrat says Shruti must be having some motto and hence entered Virat’s life. Mohit says Shruti knows Virat is married and hence trapped him. Ashwini says they need to find out the truth. Devi says Shruti must have manipulated Virat and trapped him. Sai says she doesn’t want to think of anyone else other than her. Samrat says Virat is her husband and he knows she is concerned for Virat Pakhi comments Sai maintained just a friendship with Virat and hence he found love somewhere else. Mohit warns her to stop blaming Sai as its Shruti’s mistake, he will not spare Shruti if he finds her. Sai ask him not to blame Shruti as Virat is an adult and knows what he is doing, why only woman is blamed, its completely Virat’s mistake. Samrat says she is right, but Virat doesn’t want to explain anything as he is trapped in a situation which he can not come out of. Sai says they can do whatever they want to, but should spare her. Ashwini supports her. Sai says she doesn’t want to stay with Virat and doesn’t want to know with whom he wants to spend his life with, maybe Shruti is Virat’s responsibility, so she has to leave this house. Ashwini asks if she will leave her aayi followed by Mohit, Devi, and Samrat. Sai continues crying and asks them not to question her anymore. Ashwini says they all know its Virat’s mistake and not Sai’s, so Virat will leave this house. Pakhi try her best to get some expressions on her face, but fails as usual.

Shruti asks Virat to go home as its late night. Virat says he will go once doctor comes and informs what’s in her reports. Shruti apologize to him for bearing the burden of her responsibility. He says responsibility is not a burden and its not her mistake. Shruti says his family wouldn’t like this, especially his wife who must have misunderstood her call. Virat remembers their fight and says he doesn’t want to talk about it. Shruti says he is risking his relationship to fulfill his promise made to Sada, she doesn’t want him to pay high for that. She further says she experienced how precious a motherhood is and hopes Sada would have also experienced fatherhood; if she was in Virat’s place, she would have felt that she did right by killing a traitor and just fulfilled his duty, but she is thankful to him for whatever he is doing going against his morales.

Devi and Samrat insist Sai to stay at Chavan nivas. Pakhi asks on what basis and asks Ashwini if she will adopt Sai? Devi says Sai is her friend and will stay with them, Pakhi should go if she has any problem. Samrat says Sai is his sister and hence will stay in her brother’s house. Mohit says Sai is even his sister and hence he will not let her go. Devi taunts Pakhi, and they 5 hug Sai leaving Pakhi frowning. Pakhi comments its good they are supporting Sai as she needs their support after divorce.

Precap: Virat tells Sai that trust is examined when they support a person even when situation is not in their favor. Sai asks him to return to Shruti. He requests her not to go away as he cannot live alone in his room. She says he already found someone to stay with him. He asks her to stop.  Sai returns Virat’s wedding ring and leaves his house. He thinks he will not repeat his words and doesn’t have strength left to prove himself innocent.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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