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Virat tells Shruti that his wife is understanding, she is a medical student and they will get along well whenever they meet. Sai feels sad remembering Virat’s words. Devi walks in and asks why she is not yet ready for her own award function. She says she will get her ready and braids her hair. Ashwini brings Sai’s favorite breakfast and asks her to get ready soon. Sai says how can she when Virat promised her last night to gift a new dress to her and is now missing. Pakhi walks in and taunts that her demands are increasing, she demanded a big TV yesterday and today a dress. Sai says she demanded a TV for family and Pakhi should know the difference between wish and demand, it was Virat’s wish to take her for shopping and now is missing. Devi says he must be stuck somewhere. Pakhi says she is not a kid to crib, Virat is an IPS officer and must be stuck at work. Sai says she often changes sides, earlier she used to taunt Virat and now supporting him, is it friendship or something else.

Sakshi cribs at Virat that she lost her support and husband Sada. Virat says he is supporting her because of the promise made to Sada. She says he is getting into trouble because of her and his marriage may be at stake. He says he doesn’t want to involve his wife in this and see her in trouble as he may go to jail for supporting Shruti. She says she wants him to stop supporting him. He denies and continues that he is doing it for Sada and soon there will be ray of hope in her life. Back at Chavan nivas, Ashwini warns Pakhi to stop pestering Sai and asks her to get ready as Ninad is waiting to drop his bahu to college. Sai asks what about Virat. Shruti continues expressing her emotional insecurities. Virat consoles her. She asks how was his wife’s special day. Sai tells Ashwini that her special day is incomplete without Virat. Devi says she will get Sai ready soon.
Sai says Virat surely must have gone to meet Shruti as he got her call in the morning. Pakhi continues her taunts and says Virat always breaks her promises. Devi warns her to stop badmouthing about Virat. Sai warns Pakhi next. Pakhi continues that Virat broke promise made to her and hides his weakness behind his duty, etc. Devi warns her to stop bothering Sai. Ashwini asks her to go from here. Pakhi says she can’t help if they cannot digest truth and walks away. Shruti gets severe labor pain, and doctor treats her while Virat stands outs nervously. Ashwini consoles Virat and asks if she spoke to Virat yesterday. Sai says he told cannot say anything until the right time comes and says she just wants to know who Shruti is who calls Virat anytime and leaves to met her, this question is haunting her all the time. Ashwini hopes their relationship doesn’t tarnish again. Nurse informs Virat that Shruti’s labor pains have started and he shouldn’t go anywhere till delivery. He thinks he may not be able to attend Sai’s function.

Ninad asks Sai why she is not ready for her college function as he is waiting for since 2 hours. Sai says she is happy that he wants to attend the function with her, but she is not going to college. Ashwini says why is she punishing herself for Virat’s mistake, she shouldn’t bothered when he is not bothered about her. Ninad says he will question Virat once he returns. Ashwini says she and her baba will support her and will go against Virat if need be. Devi says maybe Virat will reach college directly. Sai says he will not as he is just bothered about Shruti, he just leaves home whenever she calls him and they don’t know why she calls him anytime and not her own husband; if Virat is having an extramarital affair with Shruti, then she will leave him. Ninad says they will support her every decision.
Virat remembers Sai requesting him to attend her college function and think he can not attend her function or inform her. Shruti writh in labor pain. Sai says she will divorce Virat if he is at mistake. Devi asks her if she will leave Virat and insists Ashwini to explain Sai. Ashwini asks Sai not to say that as their family and house accepted her. Ninad says Virat’s misbehavior maybe wrong, but he cannot have an affair. Sai continues her ordeal. Doctor asks Virat to fill consent form as Shruti’s delivery is on the way. He rushes to reception. Sunny calls him repeatedly and thinks he wants to know whether he should reach home or directly at auditorium. Nurse asks Virat to give Shruti’s ID proof. Shruti is rushed toward labor room. Virat gets Ninad’s call and disconnects it. Shruti requests to be in hospital till her delivery.

Ashwini and Ninad console Sai and convince her to get ready for function. Mohit and Samrat get ready for function early and call Virat, but he doesn’t pick call. Mohit thinks if Virat is with that woman. Virat waiting outside labor room feels helpless and thinks he really wants to attend Sai’s award function and watch Sai receiving award, but can’t due to his promise made to his dying friend and he cannot ransack 2 lives, etc. He prays god to protect Shruti and Sahas and hopes Sai feels proud of him seeing Sahas one day. Doctor informs him that his wife’s condition is critical and needs operation, they can save either mother or a baby. Virat is shocked and says he promised his wife that he will not let anything happen to her or her baby, doctor should please do something. Doctor says money cannot save anyone or else rich wouldn’t have fallen ill at all, she needs a consent and asks him to choose between mother or baby. He remembers Sada’s last words and asks how can he take this decision. Doctor says he has to. He thinks if something happens to Shruti, how will her baby survive; he asks to save mother. Doctor asks him to sign consent form, and he does.

Precap: Sai expresses her sorrows on stage that she doesn’t have a dear one who can support her. Virat hearing that thinks who is he then. She thanks people who supported her and one who didn’t, she feels alone today. Virat thinks if he is nothing to her.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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