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Ashwini emotionally ask Ninad if he remembers the sweetness of their love, can they bring it back in their life. Ninad nod yes and says he want to laugh with her even today like their honeymoon days. He thank Virat and Sai for their help and says usually children can not clear parent’s debt, but they can not clear children’s debt forever now; they made him realize that he loves Ashwini forever. He hug Ashwini and then Virat and Sai. Family rejoices seeing that. Sai says modak did it. Virat says it was not possible without mirchi. Ninad says Virat was right that he stopped trying to revive their friendship years ago, can they try it again? Shivani asks Ashwini to answer. Ashwini shy. Sai says their bride is shy and can not answer easily. Shivani whistles. The whole family except Sonali and Omkar insists her to reply soon. Ashwini says yes. Everyone clap for them. Ashwini hug Ninad and congratulating him, leaving Omkar and Sonali jealous. Sai hug Virat, leaving Pakhi jealous. Karishma taunts Pakhi that it looks like Virat and Sai are celebrating their anniversary. Ashwini’s sister greet happy wedding anniversary to Ninad and Ashwini. Virat tells Sai that she stole something. She get angry and asks what did she steal? He says she stole aayi and baba’s letters from their wedding album and did wonders by reuniting them. Omkar and Sonali criticize Ninad for celebrating his wedding anniversary and hugging Ashwini in front of everyone. Ninad hold Ashwini’s hand and tells Omkar and Bhavani that they all 3 misbehaved with Ashwini till now, but they should learn from their mistakes and correct it. He warn everyone that he will not tolerate anyone misbehaving with his wife and praises Ashwini’s sacrifice for their house and working tirelessly for them. He says Bhavani takes care of the house and keeps family united, but Ashwini with her hard work to fill their stomach and keep this makaan/4 walled mansion as ghar/house, etc., and continues. Everyone clap again. Virat says he can proudly say that his father is his hero. Ninad emotionally hug him and says his son is his hero. Ashwini calls mirchi/Sai and says she didn’t know even mirchi/chilli can spread sweetness in lives. Virat and Sai take their blessings. Sonali try to provoke Bhavani, but Bhavani says she is okay with it if her children are happy.
Virat and Sai rejoin Ninad and Ashwini’s bed. Virat jokes on Sai. She says very funny. He gets mesmerized with her beauty and watches her moving around and decorating the room and offers her flower. She remembers Mahabaleshwar incident and asks why he wants to give this rose to her? He asks if she remembers what he is remembering, laughs and says her face is red like red mirchi. She says she doesn’t want same thing happening to aayi and baba. He remind her that she shouted at him that day. She says it was his mistake. He apologizes to her for his mistake and try to leave. She stops him and laughs saying his face is swollen like balloon, chubby modak. He also laughs and thank her for the magic she did to reunite his mother and father and make them realize their love for each other; he offers her flower as a friend. She accept it. Devi enters and seeing that excitedly says Veeru proposed to Sai, she will inform everyone. They get tensed.

Devi sees Sai offering rose to Sai and says she will inform everyone that Veeru proposed to Sai. Virat says he gifted rose to Sai for decorating the room. Devi says she thought they reunited as husband and wife, now Sai will fix this rose in her hair like a typical wife does. Sai says they are friends. Devi says soon they should become husband and wife again. Sai says they have started a journey of friendship without knowing about the future, their presence is very beautiful. Virat repeats. Sunny enters and informs them to come down for party. 
In living room, Sonali bring garlands for Ashwini and Ninad. Sonali taunts that Shivani search for her husband always and is ready with garland. Shivani says Sonali taunts always as she doesn’t have any other work. Sonali comments as if Shivani has any work. Virat and Sai walk down. Samrat jokes mirch masala came. Sai says they are mirchi/chilli and modak. He asks where were they? Pakhi comments they must be following their friendship somewhere. Sai taunts back that she is omniscient and knows everything, she must also be knowing what will happen next. Pakhi stand jealous. Sai says they will make mother and father cut cake. Shivani says they will make them exchange garlands first. Ashwini and Ninad exchange garlands while everyone clap. Shivani says let us cut cake now. Bhavani says if they will cut cake at this age, this is getting too much. Swapna comments and shuts her mouth. Ninad and Ashwini cut cake and feed it to Virat and Sai. Devi says they will celebrate Viru and Sai’s anniversary next as their friendship would have turned into love by then. Ninad says yes. Sai says its not necessary that friendship can change into love. Virat says over time it can. Ninad and Ashwini thank everyone for attending their wedding anniversary. Swapna says she is happy for Ashwini as Ninad accepted her at last, now she can live in her house with pride. She then asks Sai if she considers Ashwini as mother and pampers her. Sai says she will call her mausi/aunt. Swapna get more happy and tells Virat that he is lucky to have Sai and he should always keep her happy. Virat smiles. She then suggest to Bhavani that Ashwini is the eldest suhagan bahu of this house, hence Bhavani should handover all the responsibilities to Ashwini and herself lead a renunciate life. Bhavani gets angry and asks if she means she is old and controlling the whole house. Ashwini says her sister didn’t mean it, elders should always control their house. Bhavani asks if her sister has an illness of reaching other’s house and sharing unnecessary knowledge. Swapna says only where she feels she is needed and walk away. Ashwini asks Bhavani not to bother as Swapna treats her like a child.

Sai says let us forget everything, she has arranged a special night arrangements for aayi baba to compensate their 37-year-old separation. Pakhi says she is going overboard. Sai says she will not understand and take Ashwini along to get her ready. Pakhi provokes Bhavani that Sai manipulates things according to her needs. Sonali provokes that Sai must have taught Ashwini everything and suggested Swapna to insult Bhavani. Karishma says else why would Ashwini’s relatives dare to visit after so many years and taunt Bhavani to accept renunciation. Pakhi says Bhavani has changed and has lost her power. Bhavani says she will not accept it and will do something. Virat walks to them and invites them for dinner, says they have decided that women will have dinner first today as a symbol of women power. Pakhi asks if Sai sent him, how does he feel being a joru ka ghulam/wife’s servant. Virat says he is not Sai’s servant and neither she is his servant, they are friends and do everything together, just like they took this dinner idea together? Bhavani asks why didn’t he take her permission before inviting Ashwini’s family. Virat apologize to her and says everything happened instantly and he didn’t have time to inform her. Sonali taunts that since Virat married Sai, he spent half of his time making mistakes and half correcting them. Pakhi says Virat apologizes at least, but Sai never apologizes. Virat warns her to stop bad mouthing about Sai. Sai walk to them calling modak and asks them to join them for dinner soon as she needs to make a special announcement after that. Everyone gather. Bhavani asks what she wants to announce. Sai says they usually have dinner together, but today aayi and baba will have special dinner in their room. Ashwini thanks them for their support, but she and Ninad will have dinner with everyone as usual. Virat says today is their special day and they should celebrate it alone. Omkar yells that Ninad felt bad when he and Sonali had food in their room, now he wants to have dinner alone with his wife. Bhavani orders that they all will have dinner together in living room and end this anniversary drama.

Precap: Bhavani thinks she knows Ashwini considers Sai as her daughter, but being a head of the family, she will consider Sai as Virat’s wife and her bahu and hence Sai has to behave as bahu, she took a decision which Sai helplessly has to obey and look at her and Virat’s relationship in a new way. Sai talks about her and Virat’s friendship, says she doesn’t want to leave Virat’s room, and hopes any unusual event ruin their friendship and they separate before the reunite again.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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