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Sai tells Virat that even she will not let him go as he is her.. He asks what. She stops and tries to leave. He holds her hand and asks why. She says she cannot see him in trouble. He says even he cannot. She hugs him and says she cannot lose their friendship as he matters to her a lot. He says he doesn’t know where their friendship will take them, but he knows that she will be an important part of his life till his last breath; she shouldn’t think she made a mistake by returning to his house as this belongs to even her, they will be best friends forever and she should concentrate only on her studies; they will visit her college and stop her transfer; she shouldn’t bother about Bhavani’s bitter words. Sai says she is happy that he didn’t take Bhavani’s order seriously. He jokes and she laughs.

Pakhi tells Samrat that she really wants to take their relationship forward. He says the he has to take the first step. She asks what should she do then. He gets Mahabaleshwar’s orphanage kid Virat’s call who informs that their orphanage’s electricity and water connections are disconnected and even warden is ill. He says he need not worry as he will reach there tomorrow. She thanks god that she will escape from his questions. Samrat asks her to accompany him to orphanage as per her wish to take their relationship forward. She thinks she should give some excuse and stay back or else Virat and Sai will get more closer in her absence. Next morning, Samrat gets ready and asks Pakhi why is she not yet ready. She says she doesn’t want to trouble him by accompanying him right now, she will reach him once he settles orphanage issues. He says she acts mature in these situations. She says she will pack his back.

Sai and Virat head towards college when Bhavani stops them and asks Virat where is he taking his wife. Virat says Sai’s college. Bhavani orders Sai that she shouldn’t dance and roam around with friends hereon as she is a Chavan family bahu now. Sai asks why she changed her surname from Joshi and why her behavior changed suddenly. Bhavani says she cleared her blindfold and realized the situation. Sai says people change so soon just like her, then why she expects her not to. Bhavani angrily asks who is she to comment on her. Sai says as she said Chavan family bahu. Sonali walks in and badmouths about Sai. Virat says Sai is same as she looks and not like other Chavan bahus. Pakhi asks if he means they are wrong. He says he didn’t say that. Mansi asks Virat to stop this discussion and visit Sai’s college. Sonali says Sai has to do household chores like other bahus. Bhavani backs her. Ashwini says she will finish Sai’s work. Bhavani taunts she should also go to college then and says Sai has to learn her responsibilities. Sai says she has diwali vacation. Bhavani asks if she means she will not work. Sai asks her to let her speak and says she will finish all her tasks during diwali festival. Bhavani continues scolding her.
Samrat walks down and informs Bhavani and Mansi that he is going to orphanage as he got some important work. Mansi asks if he will return or not. He says he will and says he is getting late for bus. Virat offers him lift on the way to Sai’s college. Pakhi says she will also accompany to spend some more time with Samrat, thinking she will test if Bhavani’s order affected Virat and Sai or not. Samrat thinks she looks happy with his absence and hopes she doesn’t interfere in Virat and Sai’s lives. They all 3 drop Samrat in bus stand. Pakhi tells Sai that she wants to shop with Virat till Sai finishes her college work, so Sai can sit in car’s back seat. Sai says she need not give excuses to sit in front seat. Virat returns. Sai gets excited seeing candy floss and insists modak/Virat to get it. Virat says they need to visit college. Pakhi comments that she didn’t understand Bhavani’s order of bearing a child and still acts childish. Virat thinks Pakhi is exaggerating the issue and goes to get candy floss. Sai says she was tensed after Bhavani’s order, but Virat comforted her and assured that their friendship is first and then rest. Virat returns and hears her. Pakhi continues taunting. Sai laughs and says it happens in films and not in real life. Virat says they need to attend college. Pakhi gets jealous and sits in back seat. They reach college. Virat asks Pakhi to wait in car while he and Sai finish college formalities. Sai says she is mature enough and can handle things herself. Pakhi asks if she is okay to leave her husband with her. She says she trusts her best friend more than herself and knows he will not cross any limit. Once she leaves, Pakhi thinks she will break Sai’s confidence and make Virat lift her. She taunts Virat that Sai trusts her immensely. He says yes. She says even she trusted him and married his brother, but he broke her trust. He gets angry hearing that.
Pakhi thinks of executing her plan to make Sai feel jealous. She walks between vehicles towards Virat’s car, purposefully clashes with a bike and falls down calling Virat. Virat notices her and rushes towards her. Biker apologize to her and says he will take her to hospital. Virat stops him and extends his hand to help her get up. She acts as getting leg sprain and says she can not even get up. He lifts her and walks towards car while she looks at his face. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Sai returns from college and asks what is he doing. He says Pakhi met with an accident and sprained her leg, so he is taking her to hospital. She asks if he didn’t notice that her college is also a hospital and asks ward boy to get wheelchair. Pakhi continues acting. Sai forcefully makes her sit in a wheelchair and says she is lucky that she got injured in front of hospital. While taking her in, Sai says Virat acts as a savior always and lifts everyone, reminding him lifting her when she met with an accident. He says he lifted her as she is his wife and took permission before lifting Pakhi. She says he should call ambulance instead of himself becoming a savior or else he will be beaten by mob some day.

Pulkit checks Pakhi’s foot x-ray and says everything is normal. Pakhi shouts she is in deep pain and he says nothing happened. He says he said x-ray is normal, he gave her pain killer and her pain will be gone in 2 days. Virat thank god. Pakhi frowns in jealousy. Sai taunts that it looks like she is feeling pain more than usual. Virat thank Pulkit for attending to Pakhi between his class. Pulkit says its okay. Sai push Pakhi’s wheelchair and heads towards car. Pakhi thinks Sai interferes whenever she try to be with Virat and tells Virat that she will sit in front seat as she may feel pain in backseat. Pulkit says she will feel less pain in backseat instead. Sai makes her sit in backseat and she herself sits in front seat, leaving Pakhi burning more in jealousy.

Ashwini visits Sai and after asking about Pakhi’s condition says she needs to discuss something. Sai asks if she means Bhavani’s order about having a baby. Ashwini says yes, she feels embarrassed to talk about it. Sai says she need not worry as their friendship will not change. Virat enters and asks what are they discussing. Sai jokes they are badmouthing about him and laugh. Ashwini says she is happy that their friendship is not affected by Bhavani’s order, but Bhavani is also not wrong as all old people desire to play with their grandchildren. Virat signals Sai not to worry. Ashwini explains that a baby will bring more stability in their relationship and lives and will generate more relationships. Sai says but.. Ashwini says they shouldn’t let anyone’s words disturb their relationship, but children are necessary in marriage and their minor differences will end when they get busy taking care of babies. Sai says its not necessary to create a big problem to end a small one. Ashwini asks if giving birth to a child seems a problem to her, being a mother is an unique feeling and she should experience it; till then they both should get compatible with each other being friends or whatever they want to and trust god. Sai says they trust even her after god. Virat thanks Ashwini for understanding them and once Ashwini leaves he tells Sai that aayi and Bhavani are of old thinking and they are right according to their generation, he will not force her to do which she doesn’t like. He says he is acting like a role model for husbands and every girl desires a friend in her husband.

Precap: Sai tells Virat that she feels Pakhi is still behind him and hence purposefully trying to create differences between her and Samrat. Virat says she started again. She says seeing all the recent incidents, its clear that Pakhi wants to get closer to Virat. Pakhi walks into Virat’s room at night and says she saw a bad dream. Virat says she shouldn’t spend night alone. Pakhi gets happy thinking he will ask to sleep in her room. Bhavani tears shopping list and says only she takes all the decisions. Ninad says he is sending Virat and Sai for shopping with a reason. Bhavani says she will not give special treatment to Sai. Ashwini asks why did she seek a heir from only Sai. Sai says in that sense, she has right to opine. Sonali says if she could, she would have changed Virat’s wife.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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