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Virat set ups camp in the middle of jungle. Inspector Surve asks if its right to do this. Virat says this is jungle’s safest area, they can watch any movement around, it has 3 police stations nearby and they can get a backup if needed. Surve asks why are they camping here. Virat says he wants terrorists to think same and Sada send one of his aide to check. Surve asks if he knows Sada. Virat says Sada is his college friend and its his responsibility to catch him. He notices bonfire nearby and alerting his officers goes to check. Sada wearing a mask points gun at him. Virat dearms him. He picks gun again and warns Virat to go from there or lese. Virat attacks him again and removes his mask. He gets emotional seeing Sada and asks to hug his bestfriend Viru. Sada pushes him away. Virat is about to fall on a stone when Sada holds him and says their ways are different, so he should stop following him. Virat reminds their college days, how they made their first half century together, how he wrote first love letter for Sada’s girlfriend, how his childhood friend Sunny used to get jealous of Sada and used to feel a third person between them, and requests to hug his best friend. Sada hugs him.

Sai misses Virat and calls him, but Virat leaves his mobile in camp. Officers get worried for Virat and go to search for him. Virat ask Sada why he didn’t keep in touch with him? Sada says even he didn’t keep in touch and didn’t invite him for his marriage. Virat ask if he knows about his marriage? Sada says he saw bhabhi in mall that day, she is very beautiful. Virat says she is. Sada ask if its love marriage. He says neither love nor arranged but situational and ask about him. Sada reveals he had love marriage with one of his comrade Shruti and she is carrying their baby. Virat ask if he is keeping his pregnant wife in the jungle, he should surrender for everyone’s betterment. Sada says its not that easy, politicians full dirt in society and they need to suffer, so he is revolting against the system. Virat try to convince him to surrender and assures him that he will protect him and his family. Sada says their paths are different now. He hears Virat’s officers searching for him and feels betrayed by Virat. Virat warns that they will meet again as a police officer and terrorist and not friends and escapes from there.
Virat return to his camp and think a storm is running inside his mind, he needs to speak to Sai to calm it as he discussed all his issues with her after they became friends; he hopes he doesn’t have to arrest his best friend. 

Sai thinks tomorrow is padva festival and hopes Virat is with him tomorrow to celebrate it. The next morning, Sonali and Ashwini prepare uptan/herbal paste for festival. Bhavani explain the ritual and gets emotional remembering her festival days with her husband. Ashwini ask her to explain more. Sonali says they should let their daughter inlaw perform this ritual. Sai walk towards living room when Pakhi clash with her and ask how was her first night with Virat, she means in Virat’s room in his absence. Sai ask why is she worried so much about her, she even came to her room yesterday. Pakhi says its call sympathy. Sai says she should show this sympathy on her husband instead as he returned home after 1 year. Pakhi get jealous hearing that.

Sai taunt Pakhi that her husband returned home after 1 year, even then she stays away from him. Pakhi angrily says they stay in same room. Sai says they sleep separately and give him a fake smile. Samrat enters and asks who gives fake smile. Pakhi says Sai is talking about her friend. Sai says Pakhi is too much concerned about her since Virat left, and was asking if she slept well, she also came to her room yesterday concerned for her. Samrat says he is impressed. Pakhi says she has to make Padva festival arrangements and taunts Sai that she doesn’t have to as. Sai says Virat is not here. Samrat ask Sai to call him if she needs any help. She thank him.

Virat looks at area map and says Sada will not attack on citizens and will attack in a secluded 8 km stretch. Bomb squad informs him that they checked 8 km stretch and they didn’t find any bomb. Virat think how will Sada attack minister then? 
Sada in his camp tells his team that police must be thinking how will he attack minister. His team member gives him bomb and says it can kill many people. Sada describes the differences between a rebel and a terrorist and says they will not harm the innocents. Another aide informs that police have appointed their best officer to catch us. Sada says he doesn’t care. His wife Shruti walk to him. He asks why did she come here? She says since he didn’t return to their camp last night, she came here. She describes that she is his teacher’s daughter who fell in his love seeing him following her father’s principles and how they are fighting for justice. He expresses his love for her and her child. She says she was fearless before, but now fears for their lives. He suggest to her to shift to her parent’s house until his mission end. She refuse. Aide informs him that police is coming towards them. He ask her to go now and says they will go far away from this jungle after he complete his mission. She ask him to promise on their child that he will return safe. He promises and sends her away.

Pulkit and Devi visits Chavan family to celebrate Padva festival. Seeing her brothers and SILs ready for the ritual, Devi insists to apply uptan to Pulkit. Pulkit hesitantly agrees and sits with Samrat and Mohit for ritual. Sai offers uptan thali to Devi. Mansi tells bahus that they should get gifts from their husbands after performing ritual. Karishma and Devi get happy hearing that while Pakhi try hard to get some expressions on her face. Bhavani tells Sai that she wants her to perform ritual with Virat once he returns as their bonding is very important to fulfill her demand. Sai thinks she is still behind her demand and just hopes Virat returns home safe first. Pakhi apply uptan on Samrat’s back. Bhavani asks Sai to learn it from Pakhi. Samrat says he is feeling relaxed. Pakhi senses Samrat’s heart racing. Samrat says its because of her touch. She gives her universal expression with eyes wide open. Sai misses Virat. She imagines Virat in front of her and ask if she is shying to apply uptan on his body. She says its normal in physiotherapy classes. He says this ritual is to develop more love and bonding between husband and wife and says they should enact as one for this ritual. She agrees and apply uptan. He says it smells good. She asks if she cares for him like a friend or husband? He ask what she wants to ask. She asks if he loves her like a husband?

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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