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Sai asks Virat if he loves her like a husband. Virat says she is his wife and he.. She insists him to complete. He says forget it. She angrily pinches his shoulder and then gets concerned. He apply haldi on her and runs . She runs behind him and realizes its her imagination. 

Virat with his team checks security and calls DIG to find out if minister cancelled his trip. Minister calls him back and informs that minister denied to cancel his trip and asks about Sada’s movement and what has he decided about his friend. Virat says he is insulting his loyalty towards his duty by asking this, Sada is just a criminal for him and not bestfriend. DIG says he was expecting this answer from him and wishes him all the best as minister’s convoy will pass by in 15 minutes. Virat gets back into his jeep. Sada watches him hiding on a tree.
Sai try to light temple lamp. Bhavani taunts her. Sai burn her finger. Devi gets tensed seeing that. 

A terrorist blasts Virat’s jeep. Sai try to calm down Devi. Devi continues to panic. Ashwini try to calm her down next. Devi says she already told them that whenever Sai and Virat separate, they get into danger; if Sai is hurt here, even Virat must have; she wants to speak to Virat right now. Sai says he is on a mission and hence they can not speak to him. 

Virat and his team get out of jeep injured. Bomber run in front of them. Virat stops his team and says Sada wanted to divert their attention behind bomber so that he can blast minister’s convoy. Surve informs that jeep tyre have burst. He asks Surve to reach nearby police station and get a jeep. Surve get a message that minister’s convoy has reached their area. His stuff falls down and he search under jeep. Virat realizes that Sada must have planted bombs under a small bridge. Sada keeps bags under bridge and hides. Virat reach bridge and finds bags. Bomb squad checks it and finds only timer in bags. Surve informs that minster’s convoy is about to reach. Virat notices a drone with bomb flying.

Devi insists to meet Virat repeating that his life is in danger. Family try to control her. Sai hold her. She breaks Sai’s mangalsutra by mistake. Family gets tensed. Sonali comments its abshagun, and Karishma comments Virat went on Padva day and Sai didn’t perform pooja for his safety, so this was obvious. Sai crying pick mangalsutra beads. Ashwini help her. Pakhi comments why is Sai worried when she always considered her marriage as a mutual understanding and Virat as just friend. She continues spilling venom. Ashwini and Bhavani shut her mouth with their reply and ask her to help Sai pick beads. 

On the other side, minister’s convey reaches bridge. Sada is about to blast drone bomb when Virat shoots drone and blasts it in air, failing Sada’s plan.

Virat rescues minister’s convoy from bomb attack and sends them away. Sada with his team attacks Virat and his team. Their gun battle starts. Virat’s team kills Sada’s men. Sada shoots at Virat, but he escapes. His protective thread tied by Sai breaks down. He remembers DIG’s advice and shoots Sada. Sada falls down. Virat runs and holds him. 
Sai cry remembering Devi’s warning that Virat’s life is in danger whenever Sai goes away from him and prays god to protect her mangalsutra. 

Sada tells Virat that he already told him that either one will be alive whenever they will meet next, he shouldn’t regret as they were performing their duty, he is not worried about him and regrets not even seeing his baby’s face. He reveal that he selected his baby’s name as Sahas and requests to protect Sahas and Shruti. Virat promise. Sada gives him a map to reach Shruti and passes away calling Shruti.

Ashwini fixes Sai’s mangalsutra and return it to her. Sai thank her and prays for Virat’s safety. Ashwini says even she used to fear for Ninad’s life whenever he used to go on a mission and used to pray for him until he to return, so even Sai should. Sai says she prays for Virat’s life with her each breath. Devi walk in and apologizes to Sai for speaking bad. They both fear for Virat’s life. Ashwini comfort them.

DIG visits shootout venue. Virat feels guilty for killing Sada while DIG had ordered him to arrest him alive. DIG says he performed his duty faithfully and killed 4 terrorists, they should find Sada’s wife and other gang. Surve says they should take Sada’s body for postmortem. Virat requests to let him find Shruti and handover Sada’s body to her. DIG says he knows the procedure. Virat cry that he shot his friend but can not see his body into pieces. DIG ask him to control himself. Virat apologizes. 

Terrorists informs Shruti that Sada is no more as he is shot by a police officer.

Shruti shatter, decide to take Sada’s mission forward, and insists to see Sada’s dead body or least a place where he was shot dead. Aide says its dangerous. She says they should leave the mission if they fear for their lives, should learn bravery from Sada at least. Virat searches Shruti with Sada;s given map. Shruti reaches shootout spot, smears Sada’s blood on her hairline, and wishes to see Sada’s body. Aide says officer Virat Chavan who shot Sada took it. She determines to meet Virat.

Precap: Bhavani scolds Sai for crying while praying for Virat’s life. Sai says its her right and she will cry. Virat meets Shruti and requests to let him help her and fulfill promise made to his friend. Shruti points gun at him. Sai calls Virat’s team who informs that Virat is missing. She prays for his safe return. Virat takes Shruti to hospital and introduces themselves as Mr and Mrs Chavan

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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