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The Episode starts with Charu asking won’t Goli come to dine. Chandru says no, its because of me, I told her about Pradyush. Charu asks why did you tell her. Chandru says she would have seen him on the wedding day. Neeti asks who is Pradyush. They all tell them about Goli’s liking for Pradyush, their marriage got cancelled. Sunanda says don’t say this to Goli. Anu says yes. Charu says sorrow goes with time, we don’t let it go, Goli is doing the same, she should forget this and move on. Goli comes and hears them. She turns to go. Divya stops her. Goli refuses to have food.

Everyone tries to pacify Goli. Goli says its difficult for me to beat this sorrow. Anu says we are with you. She says some sorrow are of own self, I had thought a lot, I will sing, dance, deck up in Anu’s marriage, but now I have to hide my face. Sunanda asks why, you are true, you are not wrong, he is wrong. Anu asks Chandru why did he invite that man. Chandru says I was helpless, he will feel bad if we refuse to him now. Goli says you worry for him, not me. Charu says listen to me. She says I m going to my room. She goes.

Its morning, Neeti tries asking Goli if she will have tea or juice. She calls everyone and says Goli locked the door. Goli asks them to not trouble her. Anu says we will cancel this marriage. Golu says think of Riddhesh once. Anu asks who will think of Goli. Golu says just one person can convince Goli, Gungun. Yug says good idea. Ankit says maybe she has a solution for this. Anu says she had money to solve your problem, but this matter is of heart. Golu says you don’t know her talent. Anu says she was bringing her BF in bachelorette party, such talent is not there in any girl. They call Anu jealous. Anu asks how are you cool about her BF. Neeti says we know he is just namesake BF. Ankit says its just a style statement, nothing else. They praise Gungun. Anu says she is shameless, I just have to tolerate her for one year. Golu says you both can come close and become inseparable. Anu says impossible. They ask Anu to call Gungun, she will come and end the problem, she is a faury who can fix everything by her magic.

Gungun asks Garima for money. Garima says ask your dad. Gungun says you have to do this, because you love me, ask dad to give me money for bachelorette party. Garima says okay, I had to talk about Maya, she is coming in your marriage. Gungun says I know. Garima says she will stay here. Gungun gets angry. She argues. She says I won’t let her stay here. Garima says forget it, did you talk to Akriti. Gungun says no, she is stubborn and misbehaving. Garima says sorry and cries. Gungun hugs her and says your daughter is stupid. Garima says yes, she doesn’t understand that you and Riddhesh gave me support, love and shelter. Gungun says please don’t cry, you have made this house.

Golu calls Gungun. He asks can you come home. She asks what happened. He says Goli locked herself in the room, she is angry, we can’t tell you on phone, come home, just you can bring a smile on her face, you are the smiley sent by Lord for us, you saved me too, sons share properties, daughters share sorrow and joy, I feel you have become our daughter before becoming bahu, thanks. She says don’t say so, you are so sweet, nice and funny, wrong can’t happen with you. He says wrong can’t happen with anyone. She asks Garima shall I go. Garima says yes. Gungun says I m coming. Gungun says I m crying because he was crying. Golu asks Anu to never hurt Gungun. Anu says you always praise her. Yug asks is she coming. Golu says yes.

Gungun knocks the door and asks Goli to open the door. Anu asks is this her magic. Golu says yes. Anu says lets see if magic works today or not. Neeti says I think our idea will fail. Gungun says wait. She uses her phone and records a video of Goli’s room. They like her idea. Gungun sees Goli and says she is fine. Anu jokes. Gungun says you don’t joke if anyone is helping. Anu says you are just trying to help.
Gungun says I will break the door if you don’t open it. Anu says I also gave this idea. Yug says she is threatening. Gungun acts hurt. Goli asks him to go. Anu says this is blackmailing, we could have done this too. Gungun asks why didn't you do it. She screams. Goli opens the door and asks are you fine. Gungun says yes. Goli says you fooled me. Gungun says you weren’t opening the door. Gungun goes after her. Golu says look at her magic. Anu says this is blackmailing. Gungun asks why are you upset, tell me. Neeti says Bua loves Gungun more than me. Yug says no, she acted hurt. Neeti laughs and says I know.

Gungun asks who is that fool who made you cry. Golu says she is called Chandru as fool. Yug says she is calling Pradyush as fool. Gungun says I will cancel the marriage. Goli says you don’t cancel the marriage for an outsider. Gungun says then let him be an outsider. Goli says some people bring bad memories. Gungun says I know the feelings, my mom is coming in the marriage, I can’t stop her from coming. She cry. Goli says my pain is coming to meet me, we can’t do anything. Gungun says we can ignore pain as an irritating salesman, I have decided to ignore the pain, you also ignore, sometimes it’s a big punishment for a person when we ignore. Goli says forget it, sit, how is the marriage preparation going. Gungun says I didn’t start study, I have a deal with dad that I will pass the exam and then divorce Anu. Goli asks what. Anu asks will she tell everyone about the deal. Goli asks why did you sign the deal. Gungun says I didn’t want the marriage, come out of the room, else I will get a chance to cancel this. Goli says no, I will come. Gungun thanks her and asks how are Buas so sweet, you also forgot your sorrow for my happiness, come fast, else Anu will tease me. They go out and see everyone hiding. They all say we were scared and called Gungun to help. Anu says not fair, you opened the door for the outsider. Goli says no, she is this house laxmi as Neeti. Golu says you also stay as Laxmi, if you lock yourself again, then I will eat your samosa. They all smile. Goli says don’t dare to touch my samosa. Anu says now I can peacefully go to my institute, I have no interest in seeing the magic show.
Anu says I am distributing the work, send me the project reports by mail, I won’t come for work, but will work from home. The lady says Akriti is also going for leave. Anu says you should have informed beforehand. Akriti says yes, I had personal work, its imp. They argue.

The team support Anu. Anu asks them to go, he has to talk to Akriti. They leave. Anu asks what’s happening, she can’t vent out anger on her. He asks her to keep personal issues out of the institute. He leaves. Akriti asks what if personal thing happens in the institute, love, I have a problem with your marriage, because I like you, in fact I love you. He gets shocked. She confesses her feelings to him. He says I didn’t know you think so about me. She says you couldn’t say this to yourself too that you like me. He asks why did you think so. She says you made me feel special, you care for me. He says I care for all my assistants, I didn’t give you any signal that I have feelings for you. She says we don’t express feelings this way, you like to spend time with me, you like discussing personal things with me. He says you have this in your head, I don’t love anyone, so I m having an arranged marriage. She asks why do you want to marry without love. He says I don’t want to talk about it, I respect your feelings. She says complications will get more, I m the right person for you, I understand you, call Gungun and tell her that you can’t marry her, give me a chance, we can get married after your divorce, I know you will end this marriage after a year. He asks are you out of your mind. She says love makes a good person mad. He leaves. She faints down. Anu and everyone rush to her. The guy says she doesn’t eat lunch and always say that she doesn’t want to have anything. Anu cares for her. He asks them to call the doctor. She gets conscious. She sees everyone. She asks what happened. Anu asks everyone to go. He says you fainted down, are you fine. She says it depends on you, I have told you my feelings. He says I don’t want to give you a false hope. He gets a call. She says I m fine, I don’t want to go to any doctor. He says you need counselling, go home and take rest. She asks do you think I m mad. He says no, you can take professional help if you don’t understand, take care. Anu goes and thinks I have to clear her misunderstanding, I don’t want her career and mental health to get affected.

Precap: Gungun looks at a photo frame of her with Ridesh and Garima. She tells Garima that she never want to snatch Akruti’s happiness. She is ready to call off this wedding saying that she and Anubhav is also not get along. Garima asks Gungun will she let go of a good person like Anubhav for the sake of Akruti’s happiness. Gungun says yes. Garima asks her not to think so much and tells her that Maya is coming to their house the next day. Gungun looks Maya meets Anu’s family. She jokes on the joint family. She argues with Riddhesh.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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