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The Episode starts with Gungun taking care of Maya. Garima gets happy for Maya. She says Gungun has finally accepted you. Maya says even Akriti would forgive you, did you invite her for the party. Garima and Gungun say she won’t come. Maya calls Akriti and acts. Akriti says mind blowing acting. Maya pretends and invites her for the party. She disconnects and says Akriti disconnected the call. Garima says she hates me and also my family, she misbehaved with Riddhesh and slapped Gungun. Maya asks what, did she slap Gungun. Gungun says yes, I called her a lizard. Maya says you know where she lives, we will go and personally invite her. Gungun asks what.

Charu invites Ankit’s parents in the party. Chavi says your voice will reach even if you talk slow. Charu says I m making my emotions reach them. Ankit’s parents say we will be there, don’t worry. Sunanda says Goli didn’t marry, we have no other Samdhis, and Rasika… She misses Rasika. Everyone comes and sits talking. Golu says we have to invite everyone, else the relatives can feel bad. He offers mangoes to Charu. Charu says no thanks. Golu smiles and eats. Yug tells about the destination wedding trend. Neeti says it has just few people. Sunanda jokes. They all laugh.

Gungun says its useless to talk to her. She asks about Akriti. The man says she is in Anubhav’s cabin, he went out for some work. Gungun and Maya come to meet Akriti. Akriti gets rude. Maya says I also left Gungun, but she gave me a chance, you also… Akriti says I don’t want to become like her. Maya asks what do you mean. Akriti says stubborn, irresponsible, party animal and a loser. Maya says shut up, who are you to judge her, you should be thankful that I have come here to invite you for the party, you slapped Gungun, I will slap you hard if you think of it again. Anu comes and hears them.

Maya says Gungun is weak in studies, it doesn’t mean she is undeserving, she is a good person. Gungun gets emotional. Maya says Gungun deserves the best, like Anu. Akriti asks did you come to invite me or scold me. Maya says elders have to scold kids sometimes. She explains Akriti a lot. She asks her to come in the party for Garima’s sake. Akriti says fine, I will come if you insist. Gungun asks really. Maya thanks Akriti and goes. Anu comes and asks are you fine. Akriti says you were silently hearing all that and didn’t come, you don’t pretend now. He asks why did you agree to go in the party if you had a problem, you can’t get convinced by anyone, so tell me the real reason. She says you understand me well, you are right, I didn’t get convinced by her speech, I said yes for your sake, I want to see how happy you are with your decision, your eyes won’t lie. She cries. He gives her a tissue. He says I won’t go against my family. She says I won’t lose, I will try to change your decision. He asks her to think about Garima, Maya really wants them to patch up. Akriti thinks how can Anu trust Maya so easily when I understood her in one meeting. Gungun comes home and gives the good news. She says Akriti has agreed to come in the party. Garima asks really, did she say she will talk to me. Gungun says she will meet you and talk to you. Riddhesh says Maya did this, where is she. Gungun says she is coming. Garima says I can’t forget this favor. He says I didn’t know she will put efforts for Garima. Maya says I was staying alone and know I value my daughter and family, I m sure Akriti would be feeling the same. Garima thanks her. Maya says I just did my duty, we are family.

Riddhesh says you should have valued family before. Maya says maybe my time started now. Gungun asks her to stay back even after the marriage happens. Maya says I will surely stay back. Gungun says I forgot to inform Anu’s family about the party theme. He asks do you think they will follow it. She says maybe not, but I will make it possible. Maya says I got a dress for Chavi, give it to her from your side. Gungun says okay, and leaves. Garima asks how did you convince Akriti. Maya says to be honest, I convinced her for Gungun’s sake. riddhesh thanks her. Garima says its enough if she comes and I get to see her. He says I hope she forgives Garima.
Gungun asks how is the dress, cool right. Everyone looks on. Gungun asks Chavi didn’t you like it. Charu asks Sunanda to say. Sunanda says show us the other part of the dress. Gungun says its complete dress. Chandru says Goli’s kerchief is bigger than this dress. Sargam says we mean Chavi’s childhood dress were longer than this. Gungun says its party wear dress, its cool. Sunanda asks does this have any fan that you are calling it cool. Everyone smiles. Gungun says its bit small. Goli says its smaller than my finger. Gungun says it will suit Chavi, it’s a gift for her. Chavi asks how can I wear this. Golu laughs.
Sunanda says we don’t wear such dresses. Gungun says you won’t let me wear western clothes after marriage. Chandru says no, you can wear it if you like. Sargam says I like to wear sarees. Anu comes. Gungun says guys wear western, then why did Anu refuse to my mom for his suit. Anu says we already decided it. Golu says he will wear the suit he had worn in awards. Gungun says Akriti and everyone had seen it. Neeti asks is she coming in the party. Gungun says mom invited her, she scolded Akriti a lot for slapping me. Golu asks won’t you feel bad if she comes. She says yes, but Garim will get happy, I can tolerate anyone for her happiness. Ankit says then invite Ranvijay also. She says don’t talk about him. She gets Maya’s call.

Maya says I m at Garry’s studio, he wants to show your dresses. Gungun likes the dresses. She says final anything. The designer asks for the groom. Gungun shows Anu. Anu asks why do you want to talk to me. The lady says because you are the groom, choose Gungun’s dress. He says I m not interested. Golu says choose the dress for her. Charu says talk to her on phone. The lady asks Anu to step back and turn around. She says perfect, my work is done. Maya thanks Anu for cooperating. Everyone greets Maya. Maya says I have to finalize the dresses now. She ends call. She says Gungun always goes to their home, why does she like them. Chandru says I won’t sing classical songs in the party. Goli says no, I didn’t come to talk that, why don’t you want to sing. He says I will sing a rap. She asks what. He says say wow. She asks why. He says because modern people will come there. She says don’t sing a rap. He says I will sing a rap for Maya and her guests. He asks why did you come here. She says I wanted to say that, you had invited Pradyush. He says don’t worry, I will refuse to him, he is out of city now, I don’t have his number. She says no, you call him, he is your old friend, I will face him with courage, why shall I hide when I didn’t do anything wrong, don’t expect me to welcome or talk to him. He says I m glad that you are not weak. She says I was never weak, look at my health. He says you are always strong, I will sing a song for you. She says I m not that strong. She disappears.

Maya says I m having a little pain in my feet. Gungun cares for her. She says Sargam has given Gond laddoos. Maya says they are still stuck in ayurveda. Gungun says its good for health, everyone loves me there, except Anu, I also love everyone except him. Maya asks what do you like in them. Gungun says it’s a joint family, I don’t feel lonely, they are sweet.

She describes the family. Maya says I didn’t know you have grown up. Gungun asks her to have laddoos, Sargam gave it with love. Maya says you started behaving like a typical bahu that things shouldn’t be wasted. Gungun says its good. She goes. Maya says I m afraid that they will make you like them and treat like like a doormat, but I won’t let this happen. She crushes the laddoo. Maya talks to Akriti on phone. She praises her acting. Maya says you are possessive about Anu, its because of love. Akriti says Gungun is lucky to get a loving mum. Maya warns her and asks her not to hurt Gungun again. Gungun calls Maya and gets her number busy. She goes to see Maya. Maya says just see what I do in this party, I will insult that family. Gungun looks on.

Anu says I am going to institute, party is in the evening. Charu asks him to come home soon. He asks them not to call him and trouble. Golu teases him.

Precap: Kamini scolds Golu and Yug. Maya asks her to behave herself. Kamini says I thought they are workers, look at their clothes, so low class. Gungun’s friends ask her about Anu. Anu says Gungun. Gungun smiles seeing Anu. Gungun asks where is Anu. Yug says I am trying to find out. Akriti faints in the lab. Anu rescues her. She smiles.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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