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Anu says I avoided a good person because of you, you were wrong, you did too much with her. Gungun asks what are you saying. He says your fake innocence won’t work on me, so bye forever and thanks for nothing. She says just listen to me first, I m happy that this marriage is cancelled. He says I m also happy. She says I m marrying someone else, that lucky man is Sarvar. He says I pity you, you are marrying a NRI joker. She says he isn’t crazy like you, he doesn’t insult me always, come in my marriage. He says I won’t come, because even my marriage is happening that day. She asks who is that poor girl, tell me or I have to ask your family. He says stay away from them. She asks him to cut the cake and go. He says enough, you have no limit to be disgusting, but I have a limit of tolerance, you celebrate your break up and loneliness. He leaves.

The waiter gets the cake. Gungun says he left, but its abshagun to leave the cake, you cut it, its good that I got rid of Anu. Anu comes to take his bag. Gungun comes home and cries. She says its tears of joy. Garima consoles her. Gungun sees Maya and scolds her. Riddhesh comes. Maya says do anything you want, I did all this for you, for my daughter.

Gungun says they don’t want to see my face, Anu insulted me. Maya asks where is your self esteem. Riddhesh scolds Maya. He says they didn’t insult me when I went to apologize to them, they have decency which you don’t have, they were broken and upset. He calls Maya a Naagin that she ruined her daughter’s happiness. He says they don’t want to keep any terms with us, they said they will keep Anu’s wedding on the same day in the same mandap but with some other girl. Gungun says it means Anu was saying the truth, I want to go there and talk to them. He says they won’t listen to us now. Gungun cries. Maya says I can’t leave you in this state and go, you can hate me, I won’t go until I get you married in a rich family. Riddhesh says a qualified man can get all the luxuries for his wife. Gungun asks Maya to get out. Maya asks where will I go. Maya says please, don’t make me out of your life. Garima says don’t do the sin of insulting a mum. Gungun says she isn’t my mum. Maya says I won’t go leaving you. She shouts I will kill myself if you all make me away. She faints down. Riddhesh checks her.
Everyone eats sweets after fixing Akriti and Anu’s marriage. They all praise Akriti. Shankar says Anu should have been here, we would have met him. Akriti says I feel guilty to marry Anu, when he was marrying Gungun, she will feel bad. Sunanda says Gungun’s marriage broke because of her. Shankar says they will get punished for their deeds. Riddhesh treats Maya. Garima says I will stay here. He says it was an anxiety attack, but she will be fine, don’t worry. Gungun argues with him. She asks are you sure that she is really unwell, maybe its her drama. He says her BP was high so she fainted, we can’t ask her to leave, don’t give her stress. She asks what about our stress. Garima says it’s a matter of few things. He says we have no way than to adjust for few days. Akriti calls Garima and asks how are you, I called you because I was missing you. Garima cries and says I m fine, how are you. Akriti says good, I felt I need you, my marriage is fixed, groom’s family asked me about you, we made an excuse, they may break this relation. Garima says forgive me, I couldn’t give you any happiness. Akriti says maybe my fate is bad, my happiness is in your hands. She acts.

Akriti says everything will get fine in my life if things get fine in my family. Garima says nothing can get fine between your dad and me, but I will try to fix things between us. Akriti asks will you come here and stay with me till my marriage. Garima says yes but your dad… Akriti says dad has realized that we need you in our house, you and dad didn’t get divorced, you can come and stay with all the right. Garima says but Gungun will fall lonely. Akriti thinks I want this. She says Gungun has her dad and mom, she got my share of love, won’t I get your love, I need you. Garima says I will come. Akriti says sangeet is on Saturday. Garima says I will come right now. Akriti says come soon. Gungun comes. Garima says Akriti is getting married, she wants me to stay with her, I have to go, will you feel bad. Gungun says no, I m happy that everything got fine. Garima says I will come back once she gets married. Gungun says you can take your life’s decisions, go and enjoy her marriage, have fun. Garima hugs Gungun.

Charu says you all will plan the sangeet, I will pay one lakh for the DJ. He sees Golu upset and says I will give 50000rs more. Sunanda asks are you unwell. Charu asks Golu why is he upset, what’s the matter. Golu says nothing, I have headache. Chandru says get to work. He asks them to handle their work. He sees Golu and says I know you are not happy with this marriage, don’t instigate the children. Golu says I m not doing anything. Charu asks him to do the work happily. He asks Anu when is his leave starting. Anu says I got it cancelled. Charu says take it again. Anu says okay. Golu says you aren’t happy with this marriage right, even then you are marrying. Anu says I wasn’t happy before, what’s the problem, Akriti is perfect. Golu asks him to think again, robots are perfect, not humans. Charu asks them to accept the decision. Charu goes. Yug says we all like Gungun, she helped Golu. Golu says she is different than others. Anu says yes, there should be no one like her, I m very happy to get rid of her, her chapter is closed from my life, forget it, don’t spoil my mood by taking her name. He leaves.

Anu meets the dean. She says congrats, I m so happy that you both are marrying, when did this chemistry happy. Anu says nothing. Akriti says since a year. Dean says you have to go on a project. She asks them to have a seat. Akriti says we want one week leave, marriage is this week, so we can’t come to institute for a week. Dean says sure, you will get a leave. Riddhesh asks Garima why are you going today. Garima says I want to go there as a guest, I don’t want Akriti to handle everything alone. He asks who is the groom. Garima says she didn’t say, I also forgot to ask, I will go there and ask. She asks Riddhesh to take care of Gungun, she will be upset, take her to Anu’s family. He says okay, I will see. Gungun asks what are you saying. Riddhesh says about your marriage. Gungun says not funny, we will go in Akriti’s marriage. Maya asks Garima, are you going somewhere. Riddhesh asks did you get fine. Maya says yes, where is she going. He says to Akriti. She says Gungun will be alone if she goes. Garima says I have to go, Akriti’s marriage is fixed. Maya says she is running on her daughter’s call. Gungun says Garima is happy for her daughter, unlike you who couldn’t tolerate your daughter’s happiness. Garima says I will come soon. Riddhesh says I will drop you. Gungun hugs her. Garima says take care of yourself and your dad. She leaves. Gungun says I will go in Akriti’s marriage and see who is my groom.
Garima gets busy in shopping. Shankar comes and sees Garima. Garima asks Akriti about the Sasural and the groom. Akriti stops the girls from saying. She asks them to go and do the packing. Garima says say something about the guy. Akriti says meet him directly, he is a scientist in my institute. Garima says then he will also be sensible like Anu. Shankar starts coughing. Garima gets water for him. He thanks her. He says sorry Garima for everything. He asks can’t we make new memories. She asks why now, when my wait and I got old. He says I won’t lie to you, I missed you and now I need you. She says you want me to stay here because you need me. He says Akriti also needs you, I m Akriti’s culprit also, she got away from her mum’s love because of me. Akriti says I also want to apologize to you, I never tried to understand you, now I want my mum forever.

Gungun says this will suit Akriti. Riddhesh says come with me on shopping, we have to meet Anu’s family tomorrow, you have to apologize to them, right. They come to Anu’s house and get shocked seeing the function going on.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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