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The Episode starts with Chandru saying I didn’t call him. Goli gets angry and goes. Yug and Anu stop her. Anu asks her not to run away, and stare at her weakness until the weakness ends. Yug says if he can be wrong and dare to come, can’t you face him when you are true. Anu says you aren’t weak, right. Goli nods. Goli recalls her past with Pradyush. She gives her jewellery to help him. Charu asks why did you come here. Pradyush says I thought to come for a talk. Chandru says I didn’t invite you home. Pradyush says I don’t need any invitation to come here. He meets everyone. Sunanda and Divya taunt him. Pradyush says I didn’t think that you will invite me to Anu’s marriage. Chandru says you asked me about it. Pradyush meet Anu.
Maya says I am going to US. Gungun asks really, thanks, it’s the best wedding gift. Riddhesh says you should have stayed till the marriage. Gungun dances. He asks her to behave. Maya argues. Garima comes home. She sees Maya leaving and stops her. Gungun asks Maya to leave. Garima asks Maya to attend Gungun’s marriage before leaving. She says Maya is still the Laxmi of the house, she shouldn’t leave in annoyance, she has to be here to fulfil rasams. Gungun says we will skip some rasams. He says Garima is right, Maya will stay here till the marriage. Maya ask why? He says we need you. Garima asks her to stay for Gungun’s sake. Maya agrees. She says I do care for Gungun, I will stay back, Gungun will apologize to me, no one will misbehave with me. Garima says fine. Gungun says its not my mistake, she should apologize for her odd behavior. Riddhesh makes Gungun apologize. 
Pradyush says you got the scientist of the year award, I can talk about your US job offer. Anu says no thanks, I have no interest in leaving the family, I didn’t do MBA, I understand that it’s a big loss to lose relations. They ask Pradyush how long is he going to stay, did his wife and daughter come along? Pradyush ask Sargam to make tea for him. Sargam says we also didn’t forget anything. Golu says I will go to caterers and come. Pradyush says I also want to help. Golu says thanks, we don’t let guests work. Pradyush goes to Goli. He asks are you upset. She says you left me, I didn’t leave you, I just have complains, why did you come here? He says I had a burden on my heart since many years. She says no need to relieve the burden here, I am happy, you taught me a big lesson, thanks. He says I am ashamed, you did a lot for me, you took care of my ill mum and sold jewellery for my foreign dreams, if you didn’t help me, then I wouldn't have never gone to America. Charu says we would have helped anyone. Chandru says its our nature to help. Goli says your nature is to cheat. Pradyush says some things were left to say. Anu says its pointless to say it now, don’t waste our time. Pradyush cry. Sargam gets tea for him. She taunts him. Goli says I stood here because I am not weak, but I m not shameless to stand here until this man leaves. 

At the institute, Anu recalls Maya’s words. Akriti asks did anything happen, you can share any problem with me.

Anu call Gungun. He apologizes to her. She asks are you really saying sorry, why? He says I vented your mom’s anger on you. She says its okay, I have forgiven you, it doesn’t mean I am interested in marrying you, I want it to get cancelled. He says talk to your mom, she can help you, she dislikes us a lot. She says its her issue if she has an issue, you can’t break this marriage by this reason, find another reason, I won’t let Maya misbehave with your family, I will make sure she apologizes for her mistakes. She says I have to sleep. She end call. Akriti says I got your favourite black coffee to make your mood better. He says I hope she didn’t hear my talk. She says I will take my phone and go. She leaves. She hears the recording. She recalls putting her phone on recording. She says there are chances that this marriage will breaks, I have to meet Maya. She goes and follows Maya. 

Anu and Gungun are at the café. Anu says I will get a shock, we have spent 15000rs. Gungun says everything needs to be changed. He asks her to change the groom. She says Golu asked me to go shopping with you. They argue. She calls Golu and says I will call them here, you go shopping with them. He says don’t call them here. She jokes on him. He says your dad can answer this better, why he selected me. He checks the bill and comments. Akriti collides with Maya. She says I know you, I m Akriti, Garima’s daughter. Maya says don’t try to get friendly with me. Akriti taunts her that Gungun hates her. Maya says she is upset with me, she doesn’t hate me, no daughter can hate her mum. Akriti says I hate my mum, we both are in the same boat. Gungun says I was walking on heels for two hours, my feet is hurting. Anu asks for the bill. He says I bought a thank you gift for you. She asks what. He says pain relief spray. She says how romantic. He says how thoughtful, I knew your feet will ache, I got another gift for you. She asks what is it. He says gift from my side, check it. He says hair band. She says I would prefer to get bald, its too bad, why is it pink. He says pink is girls fav colour. They argue. He says I will return this gift. She keeps it. Gungun pays the bill. Anu says I will pay. She says no thanks, no need to become typical man. Maya and Akriti come there. Anu and Gungun leave. Akriti cries and says our pain is the same. Maya says its an arranged marriage, I don’t know who Indians are so obsessed, that family is happy to get a rich bahu, Gungun is our only daughter, she will get our property, it will be of that family. Akriti says no, Anubhav isn’t greedy. Maya asks how can you say this. Akriti says because I know him well, I work with him as a junior, I don’t want this marriage to happen, Anu and I were dating before his marriage got fixed. Maya asks what. Akriti says his family forced him to agree for marrying Gungun. Maya says thanks for telling this to me, now I will expose that family, I will break this marriage. Akriti says Gungun was saying Anu that she will make you apologize. Maya says fine, I will see them. She thinks Gungun deserves a lot better, I won’t let her make this mistake. Akriti thinks she will help me.

Precap: Maya cry and says no one understands me here. Gungun says stop shedding crocodile tears. Maya apologizes to her. She says I can apologize to them for your sake. Maya apologizes to Anu’s family. She says I am not a good mum, you forgive me, I did that for Gungun’s love. Ankit says something is fishy. Anu says everything is fishy. Maya cry.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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