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The Episode starts with Akriti asking won’t you give any answer to Maya. Anu says I am silent because of Charu. She says they think you are weak, don’t you and your family have no respect, they are judging you by clothes, your intelligence and values make you different in the crowd, how will they understand if you don’t say anything, say something, else Maya’s words will be believed true, they did too wrong today, but you are the reason for this wrong. Anu looks at her. She says you got fixed alliance with such a girl, this had to happen, everyone will taunt Charu, please answer Maya. Anu gets angry. Akriti says don’t go in anger, take a stand for your family, drink water. Anu drinks it and leaves. Akriti smells the glass and says oh no, this was wine. Gungun says you cheated me, you had insulted my would be inlaws, go and apologize to them. Maya refuses. She asks her to come out of her bubble. She says you should thank me for showing their status. Gungun shouts shut up, there is no use to talk to you, dad will come and handle this. She calls Riddhesh. Riddhesh comes and says food is served, what happened. Maya says I have told what you couldn’t say. He asks what did you say, tell me, what happened. Anu is drunk. Anu says so much happened, we shall leave. Riddhesh asks what happened. Anu says I m sure you also wished the same. Riddhesh asks what do you mean. Sargam and Divya ask what had happened there. Chandru tells them everything. Riddhesh is shocked. He asks Maya what is this misbehavior. Anu says let it be, we understood what you think about us. Maya says even then you are here like a shameless, maybe you all are insult proof, you have much experience of insult. Anu shouts shut up. Akriti comes. Anu says if you say a word now, then I will not leave you. Akriti signs them that Anu is drunk. They all get shocked. Charu asks Anu to come with him. Charu says Riddhesh, we know we have no match with your family, but we didn’t know that we will get insulted here, I was silent because of your respect, let us go now, before our patience breaks. Sargam asks Charu to answer them. Goli says yes, I will tackle Maya. Charu stops her. Sargam says sorry, but I can’t keep quiet. She asks everyone to know the other side of the story. Charu says no, its enough of the drama, come. Maya stops them. She says you are talking about telling the truth, give the answer if you have it, I will tell you what’s the truth. She insults them. Akriti shouts enough. Maya says I didn’t wish to say anything but they forced me, they want to prove me as a villain, I will show them who is the real villain. She tells about Golu, who was going to jail for theft. Golu says it wasn’t theft. Maya says yes, it was carelessness, Gungun told me everything in detail how you kept the money in the locker and left it open, bank accused you for theft. Anu asks did Gungun say this. Maya asks who else will say. Golu says I m not a thief. Maya says you are a scam artist. Kamini says anyone will think the same seeing them. Maya says the family decided to arrange around 90 lakhs and pay the bank, but they couldn’t arrange it. Gungun comes. Kamini asks what, are you sure, it was rupees, not dollars. Maya says they have no status. Gungun shouts stop it Dr. Maya. She goes to Riddhesh and says ask this woman to apologize to my family. Maya asks why, did I say anything wrong. Maya says then they couldn’t arrange money, they asked Riddhesh’s help. Anu says we didn’t ask any help, we didn’t tell them about our problems. Golu says we didn’t need his help because real thief got proved. Maya says I know you aren’t a thief, can you say this about your elder brother. Charu asks what. Maya taunts him. Goli shouts Maya. Maya says you can commit theft, let me show you. She asks Charu to show everyone what’s in his pocket. Charu gets shocked seeing a silver spoon in his pocket. Everyone cries. Charu says I don’t know how this came in my pocket, I m not a thief. Maya says I didn’t know your family is a joker and magician also, this came in your pocket by magic. Kamini says disgusting. Riddhesh shouts Maya. Maya says don’t get angry on me, Charu did the theft, not me, I thought they didn’t see such cutlery so they are praising it, I didn’t know they will steal it, I have seen him putting the spoon in the pocket. She recalls going to Charu and putting the spoon in his pocket. She insults the entire family.
Maya scolds Chavi. Gungun says I had gifted the dress to Chavi. Maya says I made the payment for Chavi’s dress and Anu’s suit. Anu looks at Gungun. Charu says its enough, come. Gungun says don’t go, I m sorry on her behalf, I don’t know why she did this. Anu asks you didn’t know, you told my family’s secret to your mom. Gungun says I told her, but I didn’t know she will use this against me. She scolds Maya. Maya says they want to enjoy the luxuries here. Riddhesh asks how dare you. He goes to slap Maya. Maya stops him and asks how dare you raise hand on me. She pushes Riddhesh away. Riddhesh falls over Charu. Gungun rushes and the drinks fall over Charu. Everyone gets shocked. Anu and Yug rush to help Charu.

Riddhesh asks Charu is he fine. Anu shouts enough. He says I have seen many people and animals, but didn’t see worse people than you. He says sorry Bade Papa, I was silent because of you, but I can’t be silent now. He asks are you a doctor or a chameleon, you have changed so many colours in five days, who came to our house to apologize, you had come, you came and pleaded with us to please let me throw a party, who invited us, you, am I saying right, you don’t deserve to lift Charu’s sole dust, we thought you realized your mistake so we accepted to come here, we didn’t know that your pets will start barking on your sign, your guests don’t like Golu’s stories, but you forced him to tell stories, my dad doesn’t sing well, you forced him to sing, you sent the dress for Chavi, how can you accuse us that you got insulted, you have money, we have values, how are we inferior to you. Maya asks what values are you talking about. Anu says Charu gave me values, so I m still respecting you, yes, we are middle-class, we are proud of you. Maya argues. Anu says we share our food, whatever we eat, we aren’t poor, we first make the food for a cow and then a beggar, do you know what’s a beggar, I admit you will be more rich, but we are rich in relations, we don’t take medicines to sleep, we get tired and sleep, we don’t take appointment to meet parents, mothers don’t leave children for their careers in our house. Maya gets angry.

Maya shout enough. Anu says I just started, you are so poor that you couldn’t raise your daughter, you couldn’t give her values and teach her common sense and manners, Gungun isn’t serious about her life and career, she failed in B.A. exams, you were making fun of my family, does your daughter have any goal. Maya says don’t dare say anything about Gungun. He says you were saying nonsense about my family, you left your daughter to fulfil your American dream. He claps for her. Gungun cry. Riddhesh asks Anu to stop it. Anu says you should have told this to your wife when she was insulting my family, you stood and heard everything, you either have no voice in front of her or you are also involved with her to break this alliance. Anu asks what was the need to do all this drama. Riddhesh says we don’t want this. Anu asks why didn’t you make your wife quiet when she was insulting my family, we didn’t come to beg you for this alliance, you came to us to get your ill mannered daughter married to a valued man who can teach her values. Maya says this is his real side. Anu says no, I got to see your truth, especially Gungun, she claims to hate her mom, but she did planning and plotting with her mom against my family, you know that I was never happy with this alliance, but I agreed for my family’s sake, and today, I break this alliance for my family’s sake. Gungun cry.
Riddhesh, Garima and everyone worry. Akriti smiles. Anu falls down. His family brings him home. Anu says Gungun is a loser, fraud, cheat. Akriti says he won’t get senses so soon, its alcohol overdose, don’t worry, he will be fine after a good sleep. Charu asks Yug to take Anu to room. They all think when did Anu get drunk, maybe someone tricked him to have it. Golu says I will find out who made him drink. Akriti recalls. She goes to take care of Anu. Sargam says you helped us a lot. Akriti says no, wrong was happening there, sorry if you felt bad. Sargam says no, I felt glad, you have raised voice for us. Gungun recalls whatever happened. Garima asks staff to clear everything and go home. She asks Gungun to have food. Gungun says no, I will do what I should have done before, morning will happen when Maya leaves from here. Garima calls Riddhesh. Gungun asks Maya to get out of her house. Maya says I know you are angry. Gungun packs her bags and argues with her. 

Charu asks everyone to go and sleep, and forget it. Chandru asks why, we just had respect, and lost that today. Sunanda says yes, you didn’t let us say anything. She cries. Chandru says Golu and I don’t feel bad for ourselves, you were called a thief, why didn’t you let us say anything. Charu says its their manners to insult, and its our manners to respect, we don’t know Maya, we thought she is like us. Chandru says Gungun is also like her mum. Golu says no, she tried hard, but Maya didn’t listen, she planned to break the alliance, its not Gungun’s mistake. Chandru says Gungun told her everything about our family. Golu says Maya would have insulted us some other way. They argue. Chavi says Gungun made Anu wear that suit, her friends were making fun of him. Yug and everyone come. Sargam says Gungun doesn’t value Anu. Chandru says Akriti stood by us, Gungun was just seeing the drama. Sargam says I can never forgive her. Sunanda says don’t know who fed the wine to Anu. Akriti says I have to tell something, it was my mistake, Anu was angry, so I gave him water, I swear, I didn’t know that it was wine. Golu says it means you fed him the wine. She says this happened by mistake, sorry, I thought you will misunderstand me, I swear, I didn’t know that, Gungun is my cousin, but she did wrong, she isn’t deserving of Anu. Golu says she loves us a lot. Charu says we have seen her love and respect for us, no one will take her name in this house. 

Garima asks Gungun to calm down. Gungun asks Maya to get out from her life and house. Maya says I saved you from that greedy family. Gungun says don’t you dare, I will not hear a word against that family, Anu was right, you left a chameleon behind in changing colours, your tears and concern were fake, I should have not forgiven you, you don’t deserve it, I thought you have changed and really love me, you couldn’t become a mum, I don’t want to see your face. She asks Riddhesh to ask Maya to leave. He says it will happen what you want, calm down and go to your room. Gungun goes. Riddhesh says I don’t know I m angry on you or myself, I know you but couldn’t see your fake tears, you are selfish, get out of this house, you have no place in our life. Maya says I m not going anywhere, I will go to Kamini’s house because Gungun is upset, but I will come back, I have a legal right on this house, I will have breakfast here. She leaves. Riddhesh says she ruined it all, she has hurt Gungun and Anu’s family. 

Akriti asks Yug to feed lemon water to Anu and not let him come to institute, he will have headache. She says I will go now. Sargam asks how will you go at night. Akriti says I will manage. Sargam says no, it won’t be right. Golu taunts Akriti. Divya asks Akriti to stay with them at night and go tomorrow. Everyone insists and stops Akriti. Charu refuses to have food. Akriti asks them to have food, else they will have acidity. Sargam says no, you are a guest. Akriti says you can help me, try the food I make. She goes. Chandru says these are called values. Sargam agrees.

Precap: Anu says I know you are ill mannered and foolish, but you broke my trust. Gungun says I wanted to bond with the family and you also. Anu says its too late. He returns the ring. He says everything is over. She cries. Anu scolds Gungun for breaking their faith. They cry. He gives her the engagement ring and breaks the relation. He leaves.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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