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The Episode starts with Riddhesh saying I have some work at the hospital, I will go. Garima asks Gungun to go home and have food. Gungun asks her to worry for her daughter. Akriti says yes, she will worry for me. Shankar says Garima and I want to make a new start, you have always stood by her, we forgot that our fight will affect Akriti, I want Akriti to get her mum’s love. Akriti says I want my mum to stay with my dad after I leave, they can take care of each other. Riddhesh says I didn’t stop her, she came by her wish, she can go back, I will be happy for her. Garima says I told you, I promised Gungun that I will come back. He says no need, stay with your family, I m with Gungun. She cries.

Riddhesh says have a happy married life. Gungun says congrats, bye. Anu says goodbye. Gungun cries and leaves. Akriti stops Garima. Garima says I want to go to my brother’s house. Shankar asks which brother, who stopped you from coming home. Garima says he just saw my happiness, not your planning to separate me from Gungun, you have snatched Anu from Gungun. Akriti says you promised me that you will stay with me. Garima says I don’t think its imp to keep promise to you. Akriti says what lie, we wanted to surprise you. Garima says you aren’t so smart to fool your mum. She cries and says I had come here for Akriti’s marriage, but she proved that she is your daughter. She taunts Shankar for his bad upbringing. Akriti says you had left me, you should be ashamed, you are blaming dad.

Garima says I didn’t go away from you, I was made away from you. Akriti says you have sorrow for Gungun’s marriage breaking, but get happy for me. Garima says you should have earned it, but you have snatched and stolen Gungun’s happiness. Akriti says Gungun’s marriage broke because of her, Gungun and Anu were not happy with the alliance. Shankar says I think Garima regards Gungun her daughter. Garima says Gungun is my daughter, I have raised her, if not birth, I m proud of Gungun, Gungun and Anu are different, but they have truth in their hearts, truth should be with truth, not with a lie, don’t come between them, they can fight each other, but they have a connection, you can’t break it.

Akriti says Anu loves me. Garima says I know why he broke the marriage with Gungun, I don’t know why he agreed to marry you. Akriti says he loves me. She shows the video. She scolds Garima. Shankar says don’t forget, you are talking to your mum. He asks Garima to have water, focus on her daughter’s marriage. Garima says its your daughter’s marriage, I m not interested in this marriage or the rituals.

Riddhesh and Gungun come home. Maya asks how was the sangeet ceremony. He says good. She asks how did you like Akriti’s would be husband. He says good, but jodi wasn’t so good. Maya shows the sangeet video on tv. She says I got to know who is the guy, I liked the jodi, I did media stalking and got this footage. She argues. Riddhesh asks Gungun to go to her room. Maya says truth is that your sister is clever and opportunist, she has backstabbed you. He asks what problem do you have, you should be happy. She says I m happy that Gungun got to see Garima’s truth, she thinks her Bua is the truest person, she is selfish, she got Akriti’s alliance fixed there, Anu moved on so easily, can love happen in two days, they were already dating, Akriti had told me, he was marrying under family pressure, so I broke this marriage, I didn’t want anyone to cheat Gungun. He asks her to shut up. Gungun cries. Maya blames Riddhesh for Gungun’s tears. He asks her to stay away from Gungun. They argue. Gungun cries. She takes the car keys and leaves. She drives crying and recalls everything. She says no one thinks of me, I fell alone, Anu is marrying his junior, why am I feeling bad. She breaks the signal. Riddhesh asks where did Gungun go. Maya says I don’t know. He calls her. He scolds Maya. Everyone talks to Anu. They praise Akriti. Golu says very soon, she will make everyone dance on her fingers.
Riddhesh call Golu and asking about Gungun. Golu says we have no idea about her. Anu taunts on Gungun. Riddhesh says if anything happens to her, then I won’t leave Maya. Anu says she would have gone for a breakup after party. Golu asks why do you care, you think about yourself and your junior assistant’s marriage, I m there to think for Gungun, Riddhesh is worried, I m going to find Gungun. Chandru asks will you go there where we got insulted. Golu says I will go. Gungun meets with an accident. The people father. She faints down. Police comes and asks them to get back. Golu comes to Riddhesh’s house and asks about Gungun. Maya asks what are you doing here. Riddhesh says she isn’t answering.

Riddhesh’s friends say she will come soon, there isn’t anything to worry. Maya says I m sure that she went to party to distract herself, her Bua broke her heart. Riddhesh says she isn’t so careless, shut up and go inside. Maya leaves angrily. Golu says don’t worry, we will find her, Yug and Neeti also went to find her. Riddhesh says I hope she is fine. The people comment on Gungun. Inspector scolds them. Golu says Gungun is a nice girl, God will protect her, don’t worry, we should go to police. Riddhesh gets Gungun’s call and asks where are you, I was calling you. Inspector says I m Inspector Khan, your daughter met with an accident. Riddhesh, Golu and Maya get shocked. Riddhesh says I m Dr. Riddhesh Bhatnagar, I m her dad, make me talk to her. Inspector says she isn’t in a state to talk. Riddhesh asks is she alive. Inspector says she is alive, she is unconscious. Riddhesh says tell me her exact condition. He leaves with Golu. Golu says don’t worry, nothing will happen to her, drive slow. Riddhesh says you can get down the car, if you are scared, I have to reach Gungun. Golu says if you don’t reach her, then who will save her. Riddhesh says no one could understand her, her heart broke, she doesn’t know worldly things, she just knows to speak the truth, truth is bitter. They cry.
Riddhesh says Anu is getting married to Akriti so soon, you all called us family, you have cheated us, you broke her heart. Golu says don’t include me with them, I m still with Gungun, I can’t decide anything there. Riddhesh asks for the ambulance. Yug calls Golu and asks did you find about Gungun. Golu says she met with an accident. Everyone gets worried. Golu says I m going there with Riddhesh. Yug says I will also come there. He says Gungun met with an accident, I m going there. Charu says I will also come. Ankit and Anu go with him. Everyone prays for Gungun. Riddhesh and Golu reach Gungun and see her. inspector says ambulance will be coming. Riddhesh says I will take her to my hospital, do formalities there, treatment can’t be delayed. Inspector says such things wont happen if you control things, this guy could have died because of her mistake. Riddhesh says sorry, I will compensate for your loss, let us go now. The people scold him. Golu says we have to take Gungun first. Riddhesh takes Gungun to the ambulance. Anu, Ankit and Yug are on the way. Anu calls Riddhesh and asks is Gungun fine. Riddhesh scolds him and ends the call.

Golu cries and talks to Gungun. He says I know you are angry, vent it out on me. Riddhesh leaves. Ankit and Yug ask Anu why did he call Riddhesh, why is he coming along for Gungun, she is not Akriti. Anu asks Ankit to take them to Riddhesh’s hospital. Riddhesh apologizes to Gungun. He says you are a good daughter, but I am not a good dad, I can lessen your pain, I will take you away from this city and memories, we will start a new life, you can do anything you want, I couldn’t understand what’s right and what’s wrong for you.

Precap: Anu and Akriti are getting married. He gets a call. He goes to see Gungun. He marries Gungun too.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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