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The Episode starts with Anu and Maya arguing. She says I can give gifts to Gungun’s Sasural, hope you all don’t mind this culture, I mean gifts like electronics, AC, car, etc. Anu says no thanks. Maya says I know its expensive items for you, its not a big thing for me. Anu says it’s a big thing for us to take expensive things, we don’t want it. Riddhesh says you can’t buy them by expensive things, you can win them by love and respect. Anu says you decide if you want to get Gungun married here or not. She says we will think. Riddhesh says I have decided it. She says I didn’t like them. He says my decision is final. She says you are insulting me. He says you are getting yourself insulted. Yug says ask Gungun if she likes our house or not. She asks who are you. Yug says I m Anu’s elder brother, I did B.Tech and I m an engineer in irrigation dept. Maya asks how much do you earn. Anu asks why are you asking. Neeti says Yug is married to me. Maya asks how many persons earn here.

Golu says just Yug, Anu and I earn here, Charu and Chandru got retired, the women are housewives. She says typical mentality, women are to serve family and have children. Goli says its imp to run the house, its their choice that they don’t want to work, I m a school teacher because I like it, I will leave the job when I want. Maya says work from home is tough. Riddhesh says its easy than hell from home. Anu says you are judging us when Gungun failed in BA. Maya says its result of Riddhesh’s love. Riddhesh says you also failed as a mother, who would you blame now. Sargam asks her to have something. Maya refuses. Sunanda insists. Riddhesh says leave it, we will leave now. He apologizes to Charu. He says don’t judge me and Gungun because of someone. Charu says I understand. Maya says come out of this house and see the world. Anu says our world is inside the house, we are happy with love and family, if we meet again, then please leave this attitude and arrogance outside the door. Maya gets angry.

Riddhesh comes home. He shouts Garima. She asks what happened. He says I have to go to hospital, book Maya’s ticket. Maya comes. He says you will be going back after attending the marriage. Gungun comes. He says Maya has insulted that family. Maya asks are you sure you want to marry in that dharamshala, there is no AC there, no fixed room, three people out of 13 earn there, they feel proud of themselves. Gungun says stop it, you have no right to say anything about them. Maya says it will be the biggest mistake of your life, I m your mom. Gungun asks really, your career was imp than me. Garima asks them to calm down. Maya scolds her.
Gungun and Maya argue. She asks Maya to think before commenting on Garima, else leave without attending the marriage. Garima asks Gungun to stop. Maya says my daughter has become cold, rude and ill mannered by being with you. Riddhesh says she has become so because you were away. They argue. Gungun says I m just my dad’s daughter, you left me when I was 9 years old. Maya says I kept you in my womb for 9 months. Gungun asks why did you give me birth, you should have just become a successful doctor. He says Maya never wanted to become a good mum, just to just become an established doctor in US. Maya claps and says you brainwashed Gungun, you can’t tolerate if a woman wants to do something on her own, time couldn’t change you. He says you are still playing the victim card, even you didn’t change. Maya says Riddhesh didn’t like my ambitions, so he is getting you married in that family where none has ambitions, Anu refused to take gifts from me. Riddhesh says you were bribing them for Gungun’s happiness. Maya says I was giving more than their status.

Riddhesh says you didn’t understand esteemed people, that’s why you didn’t understand me. Garima asks them not to fight and talk calmly. He asks what did you cook. Garima says I made pasta for Gungun. Maya says Gungun will get tinde in her Sasural, she might not get a bed in that room. Gungun says I will get peace there, go and stay at your mom’s place. Maya says sorry, I will stay in my house. Riddhesh says you need to stay in limits, you misbehaved there. Maya says I have got that family’s Kundali, see this, they earn too less, they have studied in govt schools, just Anu did MSc with scholarship, he is working on a small scale, they are beggars. Gungun shouts enough, I won’t tolerate a word against that family, you can never understand them, I value family and relations, happiness is permanent there, Charu and Sunanda are the foundation of that family. She praises the family. She says Anubhav is the scientist of the year, just one person gets this award, Anu got it this year, you left me for US, he was getting an offer from US and he left the offer, he gives me attitude because he doesn’t care for money. Riddhesh and Garima smile. Gungun asks Maya to look at herself in any mirror. She says just stay as a guest, don’t try to become my mum.
Gungun says Anu’s family would have felt bad, I have to apologize to them. Golu says Maya embarrassed us a lot. Sunanda asks is money everything. Charu says I also felt bad. They all talk about Gungun and Riddhesh. Gungun comes home. She cries and hugs Sunanda. Gungun says I m sorry on behalf of my mom, I got something as a token of apology. Sunanda asks what token. Gungun says I got muffins. Golu says then make such mistakes every day and we will happily forgive. She asks everyone to have it. She says Anu isn’t here, where is he. Charu says he is in his room. She takes a muffin for him and says sorry on my mom’s behalf. They argue. She says I m not interested to marry, what reason will you give this time, that I have a BF. He says yes, and about your mom’s behavior, its about self respect, no man will tolerate that his would be wife has a BF. She says go and tell Charu that I have a BF, I want to see your guts. He says you wanna see. She says yes, you already have Akriti in your life, she likes you, so she doesn’t like me. They argue. Golu and gang come there. Gungun says Akriti loves Anu. They ask what. Gungun says Anu should give a right reason to break the marriage, he has a GF, he should tell Charu about Akriti. Yug says you didn’t tell us. Anu says I m not in a mood to joke. Golu asks who told you that Akriti is his GF. Gungun says I can see their affair, so she has an issue with our marriage. Anu says you also have an issue, do you also love me. She says I hate you, I don’t want to marry you. Golu says we will still get you in this house as our bahu, we will get you married to a tree. Gungun says it will be better than marrying him, I have Zumba class, I will go. She leaves.

Anu asks why do you take Gungun’s side, I m not happy with this marriage. Golu says we will tell Charu and cancel the marriage. Anu says but Charu won’t agree. Golu says convince him. Neeti says don’t spoil your and Gungun’s life. They all laugh. Garima comes to Gungun and says you praised Anu. Gungun says I did that by mistake. Garima says you went there to apologize to Anu. Gungun says I went to apologize to his family, he was showing attitude to me. Garima says you like that. Gungun asks why, he is insulting me less now. Garima says you like him. Gungun says no, never, maybe he isn’t annoying much. Garima teases her. Charu stops Anu for a talk. Anu says I didn’t say anything wrong to Maya. Charu says your way was wrong. They all explain him. Anu says my family is my pride, she insulted you all, I m sorry if you think I did a mistake. Charu says great. Anu asks shall I go now. Golu says Gungun came here to apologize, Anu threatened of cancelling the marriage. Goli asks is he saying the truth. Golu asks why would I lie. She asks Anu to say. Anu says yes, I can’t marry such a girl whose mom insults my family.

Charu says you shouldn’t punish the daughter for mum’s mistake. Anu says it will be a dream come true for Gungun. They all praise Gungun. Ankit says Anu always fights with her. Golu says Gungun came on my one phone call for Goli. Anu says I didn’t call her wrong. Sunanda asks why didn’t you take her side when your junior slapped her. Goli says Gungun is also your family. Anu says I will take a leave today, we will have tea and discuss. Pradyush comes. Goli gets shocked.

Precap: Anu calls Gungun and apologizes. She says I forgive you, I m not interested in marrying you. He says talk to your mom, she will help you. She says I will make Maya apologize to your family. He smiles. Maya cry and says no one understands me here. Gungun says stop shedding crocodile tears. Maya apologizes to her. She says I can apologize to them for your sake.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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