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The Episode starts with Riddhesh treating Gungun. He asks nurse to check the vital stats. He talks to Gungun. He says seeing your smile is the best thing for me. Gungun gets conscious. Golu says Gungun got conscious. Riddhesh thanks Lord. Gungun asks how did I come here. He says you will be fine, you met with an accident, but you are safe, why did you take the car. Doctor asks him not to ask her anything right now. He says don’t talk of the accident, stress can get harmful for her. Riddhesh says sorry, I didn’t realize.

Gungun says my car…. Riddhesh says don’t take stress, I have handled it. She says take me home. He says I will see your reports and then take you home. He goes out. Golu asks how is Gungun now. Riddhesh sees Anu and asks what are you all doing here. Ankit and Yug say we got worried for her and came to see. Riddhesh asks Anu to go and see his marriage arrangements, Gungun doesn’t need any stranger’s sympathy, her dad is alive. Yug says he is right, Ankit drop Anu home. Anu says you are saying like I m responsible for her condition. Ankit says yes, you have hurt her, you should have not agreed to marry her sister, she doesn’t love you maybe, but she is hurt. Golu says I think she loves Anu, maybe she doesn’t know, she isn’t able to express her emotions. He cries. Anu says I m not so foolish to not understand anyone’s love, she hates me, I don’t hate or love her. Ankit says there is no point in all this, you are going to marry Akriti. Anu asks can we meet her. They ask why, there is no need. Anu says I would feel bad for my enemy in trouble also, I m feeling bad for the sake of humanity. Yug asks him to leave and not hurt Gungun more. Anu goes to meet her. They worry. He asks the nurse can I meet Gungun. She says sure, but don’t talk much. Gungun asks why did you come here, no need of formalities, go and do preparations for your haldi rasam. He asks how are you. She says I m alive. He asks are you much hurt. She asks why, should I got much hurt. They argue. He thinks you should accept that you are hurt because of Akriti and my marriage. Gungun thinks why shall I tell you. She asks him to leave. Nurse asks her not to shout, else her bp will get high. She goes to get medicines. Anu says I will go. Gungun asks why didn’t you invite me in sangeet. He asks would you come. She says of course, I would have come for Akriti and got gifts for you also. Anu says talk something else than gifts. She says you talk about your marriage, its bigger thing than my accident, your family would be happy that you got rid of me and they got a perfect bahu like Akriti. Yug, Golu and Ankit meet her. She says I m surprised seeing you all. Golu says we care for you. Gungun says times have changed now. He says you are still the same now. She asks why did you not call me in sangeet, fine, I will come from the bride’s side, groom’s gift is also pending.

Riddhesh comes and asks Anu to leave. Anu says I took the nurse’s permission. Riddhesh scolds Anu. Anu says I just came to see her. Riddhesh says we don’t need your fake sympathy. He says I have seen the reports, all reports are normal, we can go home. Anu tries to help. Riddhesh stops him. Gungun hugs Riddhesh and says I will never do rash driving, don’t get upset with me, all I have is you in the entire world, you understand me and love me unconditionally, don’t leave me ever. Riddhesh says who do I have except you, I will be always there for you. Anu looks on and cries. Riddhesh takes her.
Yug says sorry. Riddhesh says I m not upset with anyone, I want to focus on my daughter, so please excuse us. He brings Gungun home. She asks where is Maya. Riddhesh says she sleeps early, I told her that you are fine. She says good, I don’t need to see her face. He asks shall I make pasta, I can try. She talks to him sadly. He says you are the most imp for me. She says I have a request, I want to give a gift to Anu. He asks are you sure you want to go there. She says I know Bua and Anu didn’t invite us, but Akriti did, so we should go there. He says fine, we will go, I don’t know how they will react, Garima knows we are upset with her. She says I think we should not get upset with her, any good mum would want the best for her daughter. He says I m with her but I m angry that she hid this from us, didn’t you feel bad. She says I m confused, and feeling all the emotions together, just you matter to me, you understand me, I love you. He says I love you too, you are a great girl.

Everyone worry for Gungun. They thank God that Gungun is fine. Yug says she has gone home. Chandru says its good, else Anu and Akriti’s marriage would have got interrupted. Akriti calls Anu. Sunanda says I have to fulfil my mannat for Gungun’s safety. They all leave. Anu answers Akriti’s call. He says Gungun met with an accident. She calls her careless. He asks her to show some sympathy for Gungun. She says I m saying that thinking of Riddhesh, he loves her a lot. He says we all had gone to the hospital to see her. She asks what, you should have not gone there. He asks why. She asks what’s the use to say now, I feel Gungun always makes fun of you, she insults you, what will people say that you are marrying me, but you had gone to see Gungun at night. He says I don’t care what people say. She says but I do care, Gungun will say that you couldn’t stay without her. He says I would have done that for any colleague also. She says I know you are good at heart, so I love you a lot, I m glad to get a true and honest life partner like you. He asks does Garima know it. She says yes, but she didn’t care, she is busy in haldi preparations. He says tell her that Gungun met with an accident. She says I don’t think she will get affected. Garima comes. Akriti ends the call. She says I was talking to Anubhav, he was saying that Gungun met with an accident. Garima asks when, where and how, is my Gungun fine. Akriti says relax, she is fine now. Garima says I will talk to Riddhesh. He answers the call. She cries and asks for Gungun. He says you don’t need to care for Gungun, I am here for her. She says I was coming back but a mum’s duty stopped me here, tell me that Gungun is fine. He says yes, she is fine, I won’t let Gungun miss you. She says listen to me before punishing me. She cry. Akriti brainwashes her. Garima shouts shut up, which husband and daughter, who lie to me and cheat me, Riddhesh and Gungun are misunderstanding me. Akriti says no, we have shown their truth to you. She goes. Garima cry. Gungun says you have spoken harshly with Garima. Riddhesh says I can’t behave sweetly with her, its our mistake, we trust people too soon and link our happiness with them, we forget that they are just a guests in our life, like Maya and Garima left, I will never leave you. Gungun says you are the world’s best dad, I don’t need anyone. He says we both are enough for each other. She says I am feeling bad. He says your heart broke, your heart is the most beautiful heart, it’s the truth, I am lucky and proud to have a daughter like you, those who have a beautiful heart, God tests them a lot by giving them sorrows, so a beautiful heart has to be strong, we have to protect it from selfish and fake people, no one should have a power to hurt your heart, no one.
Everyone is busy grinding the haldi. Sargam teases Khushi and asks to make her Nani soon. Khushi says you think Anu is happy with this marriage. Sargam says don’t know, you all don’t look happy. Khushi says Anu isn’t happy. Sargam says he wasn’t happy marrying Gungun, Akriti has all the qualities of a good bahu and good wife, Anu is marrying Akriti, not Gungun. Goli asks where is Anu, we have to apply haldi to him and then send haldi to Akriti. Anu sees Gungun’s contact. Golu, Ankit and Yug come to him. Golu says you were waiting for Gungun’s call. Anu says no, I was waiting for Riddhesh’s call, he insulted me in the hospital, he should apologize to me. Golu says not everyone appreciates fake sympathy, you thought you broke the marriage with Gungun and going to marry her sister, so Gungun got a shock and met with an accident so Anu went to meet her. Anu says I went out of courtesy. Yug says you broke the marriage for her bad behavior, why did you say yes to marry Akriti. Anu says I had refused to her also. Ankit says you said Akriti is the perfect match for you. Anu says yes, she is nice, she understands me, she respects my family, my family also likes her. Anu argues with them. Golu says we all don’t like Akriti, we like Gungun. Ankit says Akriti is fake and opportunist, Gungun is real. Anu says Akriti is sensible, Gungun is a cheat, she insulted us. Golu asks why did you go to see her. Goli comes to call them for haldi.

The girls tease Akriti. Garima asks Akriti to call Anu’s family. The girl asks why so much hurry. Garima says everyone has other work too. Shankar says we have to do marriage preparations also. He asks Garima not to rush. Garima says I want this rasam to end soon, Gungun met with an accident, I have to go to her. He says like they are waiting for you. She says I will go there and clear their misunderstandings, I m sure that Riddhesh will forgive me. He asks why, this is also your house. She says this house can never become mine.

Riddhesh and Gungun come in Anu and Akriti’s wedding. He disappears. Gungun shouts Papa… She wakes up. Maya asks are you okay, did you see a bad dream. Gungun says I am seeing a bad truth now. She calls Riddhesh. She asks where is dad. Maya says he has gone to hospital, are you okay, there is no major issue in your reports, I will give you medicines, have the soup. Gungun refuses. She taunts Maya on her fake love and says you are the root of my life’s every problem, you are responsible for my accident too.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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