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The Episode starts with Charu saying the catered food has run short for all the guests. Maya asks Riddhesh to do something, she has to attend guests. He asks how can this happen. Sargam and Divya say we will go and help him. He says no need. Sargam says its our responsibility also. Divya says guest is like Lord, we can’t let guests leave hungry. Gungun asks how did the food shortage happen. Maya recalls bribing the servant and asking him to keep Riddhesh busy. She asks Golu to tell some story and entertain the guests. Charu says we joke that he is so entertaining that we should put entertainment tax on him. Sunanda jokes on Charu.

Goli says Golu is a double pack of entertainment. Maya says please show your talent to our guests. Anu says Golu should refuse. Yug goes to Charu and asks him to stop Golu. Charu says why, we have to entertain the guests. Golu says I have to prepare, it’s a big party with many people. Charu says they are our guests. They all ask Golu to go and make their name shine. Gungun comes. Golu says I will tell a joke to you all. Maya says not a joke, say some story. He says fine.

Golu tells a story in an entertaining way. He laughs. The guests don’t find the joke interesting. Maya says it was really funny, but you all didn’t understand so you didn’t laugh, it was a middle class joke, we are upper class, so we couldn’t relate with this, he has nothing to lose. Kamini says you are understanding middle class mentality well, nice. The guy says you should write a book, how to be with a middle class. Maya says you can come here and crack a joke after Golu. She asks Golu to continue. Golu says sure. He tells another story. Sarvar also makes gun of Golu. Anu and everyone look on.

Maya asks Sarvar to hear it out first. Golu continues. Kamini and guests make fun again. Anu says your mom was pleading with us to invite us for the party, but she is insulting us. Gungun says I will talk to her. Maya goes away. Akriti says Maya is intentionally doing this to insult Golu. Maya taunts Golu. Chandru says I have to do something to save our respect. Charu asks what do you mean. Goli says you won’t sing. Anu says I thought you and Maya got close, so you came for her. Akriti says no, I have nothing to do with them, I just came for your sake, I regret coming here, no one can insult middle class family, even I m from a middle class family, how are you standing silent here, don’t you feel bad. Anu says I m feeling bad. Gungun asks Maya why is she doing this. Maya asks what did I do. Gungun says they are my would be inlaws. Maya says I know, they are making fun of themselves, I m just trying to control the situation. She calls Riddhesh. He says I m in catering area, food problem will be solved. She says fine, I will keep the guests busy. She asks Chandru to come, the music is meditation for him. Everyone claps. Anu worries. Charu and Sunanda ask Chandru not to sing. Chandru asks why, I will go. He asks them not to worry. He says I won’t sing classical today, I have prepared something new, I have written it. Yug asks why. Chandru says its for my son and bahu, ask Goli what I m going to do. He signs about the rap. Anu goes to Maya and asks why are you doing this. Maya says a father gets happy for his son’s marriage, I m giving Chandru a chance to express his happiness, why don’t you want him to sing a song. Chandru sings a rap song and dances. Everyone shuts their ears when he sings aloud. They laugh hearing the funny lyrics. Gungun, Anu and everyone look on. Kamini shouts stop this nonsense. She asks did you call us here to get tortured, I didn’t hear such disgusting song till now, he is the biggest enemy of music. Chandru gets sad. Everyone looks on. Anu gets angry.

Kamini and Sarvar make fun of Chandru. Garima scolds Sarvar for having no manners. She asks Kamini who is she to insult their would be Samdhis. Kamini says they are getting insulted on their own. Goli and Sunanda get angry and scold Kamini. Charu says Maya is there to take our side. Maya says I have to hear all this because of you all. Garima says its not their mistake. Maya says no, its my mistake to call them in this hi fi party, they are illiterates. Anu shouts enough, who gave you this right to insult my dad and all of us. Maya says you should have stopped your dad before, I really thought that he knows singing, what was the need to insult us.

Chandru cries and says its my mistake. Charu says you did the limit, you got us ashamed. Maya says at least you should have thought of our respect, what will the guests think, that Gungun is marrying in this circus. Gungun asks her to stop it. Maya says you stop taking their side for everything, they have no class, they are third class. Sunanda says forget it, we are sorry. Maya shouts sorry, my foot, what shall I do of your sorry.
Anu argues with Maya. Maya says you don’t all have any respect, but we have a social status, I got insulted today, you won’t understand it, I m explaining this to an illiterate housewife, whose life is spent in cooking. Charu stops Anu. Maya says every woman in this family is just limited to kitchen, you all can just do this. Akriti says enough aunty. Maya says its our matter, who are you to talk between us. Anu asks who are you to insult Sunanda. Charu says we shall go home now. Kamini asks how do you tolerate such people, do you want Gunjan to become a middle-class girl. Gungun scolds Kamini and asks her to get out of her house. She argues with Maya.

Garima says you still value money, but not people. Maya insults Garima also. Kamini says she is the selfish mother who abandoned her only daughter. Maya says yes, she is that woman and that’s her daughter. She asks Akriti isn’t this true. Gungun says enough, you are blaming Bua, you are so selfish, you also left your daughter to make your career. Maya says I made my career for your sake, I was ready to make them Samdhis, but they don’t deserve us, we got embarrassed, just imagine, we have to face such embarrassing situations many times in life. Gungun says you are sounding like Dr. Maya, not my mom, you were doing acting till now. Maya says yes, my sweet behavior with them was a drama, but my love and concern, that apology wasn’t a drama, whatever I told today, I had it in my heart, I was silent because of you, I had to say it when it came to my respect, I didn’t fix Gungun’s alliance, her dad did this against my knowledge and against Gungun’s wish. Gungun asks her to stop it. Maya asks her to tell them that Riddhesh and Garima are pushing her in this hell, prove that you are my daughter, it was not your decision to marry in such a family. Gungun says yes, its true, that my dad had taken my marriage decision.
Maya says say that you were forced to marry. Gungun says yes, this is also true, that I was not interested in doing this marriage. Maya asks did you all hear it, Gungun isn’t happy, Riddhesh realized this so he left. Gungun looks around. Goli asks where is Riddhesh. Golu says he respects us. Goli asks why isn’t he answering Maya. Gungun cries. Maya says I will defend myself if you all get insulted, I thought Gungun will be happy there. Gungun says I m happy. Maya says its not true, you longed for a happy family, so you liked this joint family, I won’t let you go in this hell, where you get no happiness and comfort. She insults Garima also. She says this family asked for Gungun’s hand for their son, thinking they will get all the property. Charu answers Maya. Charu, Chandru and everyone defend themselves. Chandru says Maya has snatched our respect. Charu says it was better to die than getting so much insulted. Gungun cries. Maya asks who stopped you here. Chandru shouts and coughs. Everyone worries for him.

Akriti gets the water. Maya claps and says you are a bad singer, but do good acting. Akriti shouts enough, now you have crossed limits, he isn’t able to breathe, you don’t deserve to be called a doctor. Goli scolds Maya. Maya asks Goli to shut up. Anu says we are already quiet. Maya asks really. Anu says my family has stopped me, else we would have shown what we are, this alliance. Charu asks him to stop it. Sunanda and Chandru ask Charu to tell the truth. Charu stops them. He scolds Maya. He says I respect Riddhesh, we will keep the respect, Maya forgot her manners, but we shouldn’t forget it. Maya asks them to have food and go, maybe they won’t get such food again.

Precap: Gungun says you have cheated me, you have insulted them to satisfy your ego, apologize to them. Maya says better thank me for showing their status. Gungun shouts shut. Anu says if you had to break the relation, then you should have told it, you came to us with the alliance. He says I got to see Gungun’s truth, I was never happy with this alliance, but I agreed for the family’s sake, and today I break this alliance for the family’s sake, this marriage is cancelled. Riddhesh and Gungun are shocked.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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