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Rudra finds himself stuck in jungle and walks seeking help. At home, shocked Sharda says that Rudra loves his father a lot, then how can he kill his father, there must be some mistake. Ahana says Rudra’s fingerprints are found on murder knife, so he Rudra is the murderer. Preesha gets inspector’s call. She asks him if Rudra is found. He says no and informs that Balraj’s postmortem is done and they can take his dead body for last rights. Sharda asks who will perform Balraj’s last rights now. Preesha asks her not to worry as Rudra will return and perform last rights. Sharda says one who murdered his father cannot perform last rights or else Balraj’s soul will not be in peace. She asks to bring Balraj’s body first and tries to stand up. Preesha and others stop her. GPS says he will go with Yuvraj and bring the dead body after finishing legal formalities.

Rudra reaches highway and stopping a truck asks where is he and requests to drop him to Delhi. Driver says he is on Agra high way and gets him into truck. He sees Rudra’s dilapidated condition and asks if he didn’t have time to bathe. Rudra says someone had kidnapped him, he doesn’t know where was he and for how many days, asks today’s date. Driver says 10th February. Rudra says that means he was missing since 10-12 days. Driver asks who had kidnapped him. Rudra says he just knows that he was in a room and then today woke up in a jungle. Driver asks if he will go to police station to file a police complaint. Rudra says he needs to reach home first as family must be worried for him.

Preesha asks inspector about Rudra. Inspector says his team is still searching. Mahima walks to them and yells at inspector that she told him to give information only to her and not strangers as Preesha is not a family member. Preesha asks her to speak sensitively in this situation and shuts her mouth. Reporters throng outside. and question about Balraj’s murder. Preesha asks who informed them about it. Mahima says news would have spread somehow. Reporters asks who murdered Balraj. Mahima is about to take Rudra’s name when Preesha stops her and says police is investigating the matter and once they find out, they will inform them. She drags Mahima aside and asks if she was taking her husband’s name. Mahima says yes as he murdered his father. Preesha says it is still not proven that Rudra murdered Balraj. Mahima says Saransh saw it and there are Rudra’s fingerprints on murder knife. Preesha says she is sure Rudra cannot do it and Rudra has not come to confirm it. Inspector says she is right and if they spread the news, Rudra will get alert and escape.

Rudra reaches home in truck. Truck driver says this is a big house, who is he. He says he is a singer. Driver asks if he is rockstar Rudraksh Khurana. Rudra says he is the one and walks towards gate. Reporters throng him and inform that his father is murdered and if he knows who did it. Shocked Rudra pushes them and enters home. He shatters seeing Balraj’s dead body. Preesha asks where was he. He says he doesn’t know, he was in a room, what happened to papa suddenly. He then walks to Sharda and asks how did it happen. Sharda slaps her and says he murdered his father and cries vigorously. Rudra says he cannot understand what she is saying. Sharda says he murdered his father when he stopped him from doing wrong; he punished even her for giving her birth and supporting her against her husband, he separated them forever. Rudra says he didn’t do anything. She describes all the incidents he did. He shouts he didn’t do anything and how can she think that he murdered his father. He tells Balraj that he used to fight with him for dear ones and not himself; he wanted him to hug and say son I love you, but his wish would be unfulfilled forever. He tells Sharda that he didn’t murder papa as he was kidnapped, he was in a room for 10-15 days and when he woke up, he found himself in a jungle and came home taking a lift. Sharda asks if he is in his senses, if he is inebriated and lying. He says he is not. She says he was with them here. He says he is not lying and asks Preesha to tell maa that he was at home last during lohri night. Sharda says he cannot escape punishment with his cooked up story and will get her husband’s murderer punished for sure.
Sharda asks inspector to arrest Rudra/murderer and take him away. Rudra asks how can she think that he can kill his papa, she should touch her heart and think if he can murder his papa. He asks Preesha to explain maa that he cannot do that. Inspector tells him that he has to arrest him in Balraj’s murder case. Rudra resists and takes Saransh’s oath. Sharda says Saransh himself told that he killed Balraj. Rudra is shocked to hear that. Sharda says Saransh saw him stabbing Balraj till he died. Rudra tells Saransh that he is not here since 10-15 days, then whom did he say. He asks GPS, Vasu, Ahana, Mishka to support him and blames Mahima that its all her plan; she got him kidnapped. He frees himself and strangulates Mahima. Constables drag him away. Preesha thinks if Rudra is telling truth that he wasn’t here since lohri night, then who was present here. Rudra pleads Sharda to trust him. Sharda says her heart trusted him, but her eyes saw him hitting his father. Rudra asks when did he do that. Sharda asks if he forgot that he pushed his father on floor, forcefully became company’s MD in his place, and then killed him. Rudra says Saransh is confused. Sharda says why would he and asks inspector to take him away. GPS tells Sharda that sunset is nearing and they need to perform Balraj’s last rights soon. Rudra pleads inspector to let him attend his father’s funeral and then take him wherever he wants. Inspector agrees.
Pandit ji starts Balraj’s last rights and asks if he has a son to perform his last rights. Rudra says he is Balraj’s son and will perform his last rights. Sharda stops him and says a murderer cannot perform her husband’s last rights, so he should go away from here. Rudra says he is Balraj’s son. Sharda says his relationship ended when he killed his father. Rudra cries that he didn’t and pleads not to give him such a big punishment. Sharda gets adamant. Rudra asks who will perform last rights then. Sharda says Saransh, Balraj’s grandson. She asks Preesha to bring Saransh and tells panditji that he is Balraj’s grandson. Panditji teaches Saransh to perform last right. After last rights, everyone walk away crying. Rudra asks Preesha why did she also not trust him once and left his support. Preesha says her heart trusts him, but her eyes saw him changing recently and even Saransh saw him murdering his father, she helplessly is forced to believe like maa that he is not the one whom she loved. She walks away thinking why her heart is not believing that he is a culprit. Serial’s title track plays in the background.. Rudra cries vigorously while police arrests him and takes him in jeep.

Back at home, after performing remaining rituals, Mahima asks Preesha to go home and take even parents along. Preesha says she will not go leaving Saransh alone. Mahima says she is with Saransh. Preesha says its a big reason and she will stay with Saransh. Mahima continues yelling and says who is she to decide if she will stay here or not. Sharda says this is not only her house, Balraj used to take decisions and in his absence she is the elder of this house and will take decisions, whoever wants to stay in this house will have to obey her. Mahima says she always obeys her, but she always takes Preesha’s side. Sharda says its about Saransh and he will decide whom he has to stay with. She asks Saransh whom he wants to stay with. Preesha asks him not to be afraid and tell whom wants to stay with. Saransh hugs her and says he wants to stay with her. Preesha says they will go to his grandparent’s house. Mahima says Preesha can’t as she has right on Saransh’s custody. Sharda says Mahima is right and after losing her husband, she wants Saransh here. Ahana thinks Saransh is not Sharda’s real grandson, then why is she insisting so much. Sharda requests Preesha to stay with Saransh. Vasu also asks Preesha to stay here to support Sharda emotionally. Preesha agrees. Vasu asks Sharda to call her if needed and leaves with GPS and Yuvraj. Preesha gets an emergency call from hospital and informs Sharda. Sharda asks her to go while she takes care of Saransh. Preesha asks Saransh to be with Daadi and leaves, leaving Mahima fuming.

Precap: Preesha sees Rudra’s sign different on documents, goes and checks his back mark and says he is her real Rudra. Rudra asks if someone else came in his place. She says yes. Fake Rudra is seen laughing with Mahima. Doppelganger meets Mahima and asks how is his acting. Mahima praises him. He asks what will she do with Rudra as she loves him. She says he will be in jail forever. Preesha plans to expose Doppelganger.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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