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Vasu with GPS, Yuvraj, Preesha, and Rudra goes to meet Mahima in police station. Mahima tries to gain her sympathy and says good she came to see what they have done to her. Vasus gives her a tight slap and says she is not her amma as she has only one daughter Preesha; she shouts what kind of a sister and mother she is to try to kill her own sister and son, she can not be her daughter; she used to pray to god for Mahima, but now she curses herself. She asks inspector to punish Mahima rigorously and make sure she doesn’t get out of jail. Yuvraj says she shouldn’t worry as he will file strong case against Mahima. Vasu slaps him and says who helps a sinner is a big sinner; she and GPS helped him so much, but he betrayed them; he should pack his bag and get out of her house. He walks way fuming. GPS takes Vasu from there. Mahima thinks Preesha may have defeated her today, she will return for sure to take revenge from her.

After returning home, Rudra tells Preesha that her amma is a superamma who kicked out 2 problems from their lives. Preesha says she superamma of a super daughter. Rudra says let us end this danger chapter and start a new life together with their son Saransh. At night, Preesha applies medicine to Rudra’s wounds and asks if its paining. He says its burning and kisses her repeatedly. She asks to sit silently. He agrees. She asks if he agreed so easily. He gets romantic. She pushes him and says let her apply medicine. He says they are sitting relaxed after a long time. She says good she saw his birthmark on back or else she is still unable to forget Bhuvan and Mahima’s romantic scene. He asks what if it was him instead of Bhuvan. She asks not to talk rubbish and walks aside. He holds her and asks if she would have got jealous. She says she would have felt same like would have felt if he had seen her sharing bed with Yuvraj. He gets angry. She says even she would have felt angry. He holds her and warns not to say that as she is only his and nobody can separate them. She says even he should remember that he is only hers. Their romantic continues. A romantic song plays in the background. Saransh enters disturbing them and they get alert and part ways. He says good she is here, now he will not stay away from her. Rudra says not even him and they all 3 jump on bed.
The next day, judge pronounces Mahima guilty on the charges of cheating, kidnapping, and murder and announces 20 years jail term. He says its proved that Bhuvan helped Mahima and killed Balraj Khurana, but since he became approver and helped police, his jail term is lessened to 5 years. Mahima warns Preesha that she will not spare her and will return to take revenge from her. Bhuvan thanks Preesha and Rudra for lessening his jail term. They thank him for helping them punish Mahima. Bhuvan plead to find his sister Sonia and gives her photo. They promise to search for Sonia and seek inspector Singh’s help. They next meet inspector Rajesh and enquire about his Omega Hotel raid where he caught Sonia. Rajesh says he left Sonia as he had come for a modeling assignment. Preesha says inspector Singh informed he has Sonia’s address. Rajesh says he has and asks constable to bring raid’s record. He says Sonia’s friend Savita stays at the address and they should meet her. Rudra takes address’ pic and heads towards it. Someone follows them. They reach Savita’s house and asks if they can come in. Savita asks who are they. Rudra shows his face. Preesha says they need to talk about Sonia. She let them in. Rudra notices someone following them. Savita asks what they want to know about Sonia? Rudra asks to tell them about Sonia first. Savita says Sonia is her good friend and Rudra’s biggest fan, in fact Rudra had called her to Omega Hotel for audition, reminiscing Sonia informing her about it. Rudra says he doesn’t even know Sonia and if he calls anyone for audition, he calls them to his studio. Savita says even she felt same and by the time Sonia found out about it, it was too late. She reminisces Sonia returning home crying and saying hotel where Rudra called her is not good and police raided it. She asks what did she say? Sonia says police left her when she told them she came for an interview after taking her address. She asks Sonia to inform her brother. Sonia says her brother will be upset, so she will not. Out of flashback, Savita says Sonia searched for jobs and got one at Jena’s modeling agency; she was very happy for a few days as she was getting good assignments and one day she got ready in a bold dress for a whole night shoot for a big fashion brand and never returned after that. Preesha asks if she didn’t return even to take her bag? Savita says no. Rudra asks if she has the address of modeling agency? Savita gives Jena’s modeling agency card to Preesha. Preesha says they will enquire at modeling agency. They reach modeling agency and finding it closed question security guard who says its closed since a month. Rudra asks phone number, guard says he doesn’t know anything. They both thinks where will they find Sonia now and get into car. Stalker follows them again.

Preesha asks Rudra how will they find Sonia when even Savita doesn’t know about her whereabouts. Someone calls Rudra and says if he wants to meet Sonia, he should come to Cafe Coastal at 9 p.m. today. Rudra asks who is this, man disconnects call. He informs same to Preesha. Preesha asks how did he find out that they are searching for Sonia as only them, Bhuvan, and inspector knows about it. He says he must have heard their conversation in police station. She says he would have met them there instead of calling them to me him. He says Sonia’s matter is getting complicated, they should go there and check who is this man. They reach Cafe Coastal. Preesha gets hospital supervisor’s call and asks Rudra to go in while she enters later. He searches around and thinks who must have called him and shows Sonia’s pic to everyone. Waiter asks if he is searching for someone Rudra shows pic and asks if she works here. He says she doesn’t work here and he came to a wrong place. Rudra thinks whom to ask now. Another waiter walks to him and asks if he is searching for someone. Rudra shows Sonia’s pic to him. Waiter says he knows her and takes him to a room. Rudra waits in a room hoping to meet Sonia. Two goons enter and trash him to stop searching for Sonia or else they will kill him. Rudra warns to inform police. They brutally trash him and warn that they are sparing him last time and if he enquires about Sonia again, they will kill him for sure. They throw him out of the hotel.
Preesha search for Rudra and calling him asks where is he. He says he is outside and asks her to come soon. She reaches him and seeing his condition gets into car. He informs her what happened and says Sonia’s case is getting complicated and he doesn’t know how to find her. Preesha asks who took him to that room. He says a waiter. She says he must be knowing where Sonia is. They both wait for waiter and follow him to a house. Rudra tries to enter home, but Preesha stops him saying he has seen his face. He hides, and she knocks door and says looks like there is no one. He peeps into window and says there is no one there. They then see 2 inebriated men passing by chatting that a dancer dances really well and they spent 25000 rs on her. They then see waiter getting out of a house and decide to enter house. She says he will be identified again. He says he will disguise himself and enter house. He disguises himself and enters house and is shocked to see a dance bar inside house. Preesha calls him and asks if he reached home. He says yes and there is a dance bar inside. A dancer touches him, and he reacts. Preesha feels jealous. He then sees Sonia entering and disconnects call. He pulls money bundle and waves at Sonia. Sonia walks to him and dance with him. He asks her to continue dancing as his brother Bhuvan sent him here. She asks if bhaiya is here. He says they can’t talk here, so they should meet somewhere. He says there is a store room from where he entered, she will meet him there. He walks to store room, she follows him and asks who is he and why did her brother send him here. He removes his disguise. She angrily shouts that her condition is because of him, if he had not called her for audition that day, she wouldn’t have been here now. He says he had not called her and he came here to help her on Bhuvan’s request and get her out of this place. She pleads to do it fast as this place is very bad and they keep her like slave. He disguises again as old man and walk out of room when goons surround him and insist to meet their boss CC. He says he doesn’t have time for all that and will go from here. They forcefully take him to CC who asks which tonic he drinks that he danced so energetically. Rudra says he doesn’t have time to chat and wants to go. He says he is Chitranjan Chuturdevi, bar’s owner; he is sparing him as he came here for the first time, what was he doing in store room with Chameli. Rudra realizes that Sonia’s name is Chameli here.

Precap: Rudra searches Sonia on dance flooorr and doesn’t find her there. He then with Preesha brings police to raid the place. Inspector says they searched whole place and didn’t find Sonia. Preesha thinks where is Sonia now, something really bad is happening with her.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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