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Rudra informs Vasu that Mahima killed Preesha. Vasu doesn’t believe him. Rudra says she doesn’t know Mahima’s reality, she as acting as good, she killed Preesha and betrayed everyone, she acted as dead to escape from taking Saransh’s responsibility; she was using men for money and did same here, she brought his doppelganger to snatch his wealth, even got papa killed, didn’t spare even her sister, and took away Saransh. Vasu still doesn’t believe him and says her daughter cannot do that. GPS says Mahima can, Preesha had informed him about Mahima and he didn’t tell her to stop breaking her heart, Mahima killed even her sister. Rudra says he will not spare Mahima now.

Mahima over phone speaks to her aide. Saransh pleads to send him to his mamma. She stuffs his mouth with a cloth and shouts that his mamma is dead. Her aide enters. She asks if he made her fake passport as Anjali Sharma and booked her and Saransh’s London ticket. He says he will bring passport and ticket in the morning. She asks if he saw Preesha’s dead body. He says whole world saw it. She asks him to go and gets happy seeing Preesha’s death news on TV. She asks Saransh to see that his mamma is dead and thinks Preesha challenged to defeat her, now she will fly to London tomorrow and this is real winning. Back at home, Ahana thinks she didn’t want Preesha to die, but wanted both sisters and Saransh go away from this house and her life and it seems her wish is fulfilled today. Inspector informs Rudra that he needs to take Preesha’s dead body post mortem and will hand over it tomorrow for last rights. GPS resists to take Preesha’s body away while ward boys carry it away.
Mahima gets a call at midnight. She picks it yelling and is shocked to hear Preesha’s voice, asks who is it. Preesha asks if she forgot her sister’s voice. Mahima panics and says Preesha cannot be alive as she herself killed her by pushing her down with car from cliff; thinks maybe Rudra made someone call her; then thinks she should go and check Preesha’s dead body and if she not dead, she should kill her again. She thinks of a backup plan before she leaves the city, calls her aide and explaining her plan asks to come there immediately. Saransh hopes Preesha to come and save him. Mahima leaves hotel while receptionist is asleep. Receptionist wakes up and watching Mahima’s news informs police.

Vasu cries that her motherhood failed. Sharda consoles saying motherhood cannot be wrong at all; she gave good upbringing to her children, but children take their own decisions after they grow up and she shouldn’t blame herself for that. GPS says she is right, Preesha thought of everyone since childhood and Mahima was selfish and chose wrong path, but he never thought she would forget humanity and kill her own sister. Vasu says even now she cannot think Mahima can do that, why would she kidnap her own son Saransh. Sharda says for money as Balraj had transferred all his wealth into Saransh’s name and Mahima would be his legal caretaker until he becomes 18, Rudra wouldn’t let her grab Saransh’s right, so she made all the drama of killing Balraj and sending him to jail, etc.

Mahima reaches hospital and acts as having severe stomachache. Nurses help her and take her to emergency room on a stretcher. She asks to call doctor. Nurse goes out to call doctor. She silently gets into morgue and checks Preesha’s dead body and gets happy seeing her pulseless and breathless. She says she killed her so well that there was no chance of her being alive, she is so happy to see her sister dead. She thinks Rudra called her to trap her, so she should leave. Preesha holds her hand and opens eyes. Mahima is shocked to see that. Preesha asks why is she in a hurry to go and should wait till her loss turning into win. Mahima asks how can she be alive when she herself killed her. Preesha how can she kill a mother who is on a right path and god is supporting her. Rudra also wakes up from next stretcher and says she made multiple plans and made so many sins, now all her plans are waste. Preesha reminisces Mahim pushing her car and it getting stuck midway. She calls for her. Rudra with police reach the spot and hearing Preesha’s voice panics seeing her condition and tries to get down to save her. Inspector stops him and calls harness team. Rudra says he will go down with harness team to save Preesha.
Preesha hangs with car midway the cliff. Rudra panics seeing that and asks her not worry as he is coming to sav her. He asks inspector to get a master key to unlock Preesha’s handcuffs. Harness team reaches there. He reaches Preesha via harness and picks master key to free her, but key falls into car. He picks it with great difficulty and frees her before car falls down and reaches up hugging her. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Their bonding and hugging continues ignoring police and harness team. He says he will not let her die until he is alive and asks how did all this happen. Preesha explains him whole incident and asks if he caught akka/Mahima and where is Saransh. Rudra says she escaped. She cries that she needs her son back. Rudra says Mahima is very intelligent and she escaped again with Saransh. Preesha says she needs to act as dying to catch akka or else she will escape from India with Saransh; she has to act as dying for the whole world and akka. Rudra says if the plan backfires, Mahima will escape easily. Preesha says that will not happen and explains her plan. They continue their drama as seen before and hope Mahima watches the news and gets trapped.

Rudra says they will hurt their parents. Preesha says they will be happy later. They reach morgue where Rudra says its very cold here and she may not tolerate it. Preesha says she can tolerate anything for Saransh. Inspector returns and informs that Mahima was trying to escape to London as she booked 2 London tickets in her and Saransh’s name. Preesha says she will call Mahima and force her to come here. She takes temporary number from inspector and calls Mahima. Mahima panics hearing her voice. Preesha says akka will come here to check for sure and asks inspector if he circulated Mahima’s photos everywhere. He says yes. Rudra says Mahima is very clever and will disguise. Preesha says she disguised herself in different getup. Inspector calls sketch artist to draw Mahima’s new get up and circulates it everywhere. Constable notices Mahima entering hospital and informs them. Preesha acts as dead again and traps Mahima.

Out of flashback, Preesha tells Mahima that when a sinner’s time ends, she/he comes under trap easily, Mahima is trapped now. Rudra shouts her game is over now as she has confessed everything. Mahima says not yet and pushing him away points gun at Preesha, shouts if they think she can be trapped so easily. She shouts if she should shoot Preesha now and kill her really. Police surrounds Mahima and warns her not to make that mistake. Rudra says police is even outside hospital, so she should drop the gun. Preesha takes gun from her and asks where is Saransh. Mahima laughs and says if they think they trapped her, picture is still not yet over, Saransh is her backup plan and if they get her arrested, she may or may not get punishment, but Saransh will die in 15 minutes as she fixed a time bomb around Saransh. She reminisces taking bomb, passport and tickets from her aide and ordering him to tie Saransh tightly and not let him escape. She picks bomb from bag and smirks.

Precap: Mahima challenges Rudra and Preesha to go and save Saransh if they can. Preesha says if her motherhood is true, she will search him for sure. They reach hotel and breaking door reach Saransh. Bomb blasts just then. Inspector asks rescue team if anyone is still stuck inside. Officer says no. Preesha says her son is still stuck inside and runs into building with Rudra calling Saransh.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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