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Preesha informs Rudra that she saw Sulochana maa in lounge dancing and drinking alcohol. Rudra is shocked and asks how is this possible as Sulochana maa was at home. She says even she felt same and when she went near the lady, she saw it was someone else. He says she is overusing her mind to catch Mahima and is imaging things, she should forget all this and think of only him and finish the task they left incomplete in Ooty. He gets romantic and holds her. She feels shy and asks him to leave. He hugs her. Sonia watches them and prays god to give her a loving person like Rudra.

In the morning, Rudra having breakfast with family asks Sharda to join. Sharda says she is going to temple to pray for her both sons as Kabir is joining office today. Rudra and Kabir touch her feet and leave for office. Preesha thinks its best opportunity to find a clue and searches Sulochana’s room. She searches cupboard and is shocked to see alcohol bottles in it. Sulochana returns and asks Preesha what is she doing here. Preesha shows alcohol bottles and asks how did they come here. Sulochana nervously says she doesn’t know and someone using this room before must have kept them. Preesha says nobody stayed here before her and calling maid asks how did the bottles come here. Maid says there were no bottles here till she was cleaning this room. Sulochana nervously asks to take them away as she feels nauseated with alcohol. Preesha leaves. Sulochana thinks Preesha is very intelligent, she needs to handle her now. She calls Kabir and informs him how Preesha reached her alcohol bottles. He asks why she kept them there. She says she cannot throw so many bottles out at once and now she has to teach Preesha a lesson. He asks what she will do. She says she will handle Preesha in her own way.

Ahana searches her laptop and asks Mishka if she took her laptop. Mishka denies and says it must be with Rudra as she heard him asking servant for her laptop. Ahana panics saying it has her personal stuff and rushes towards Rudra. Kabir lustfully looks at Ahana’s laptop screen. Rudra asks if he sent documents. He says yes. Ahana walks to Rudra and asks how can he give her laptop to Kabir without her permission. He asks her to relax as Kabir needed it, he has ordered new laptop for him anyways. She continues fuming and he walks away chatting over phone ignoring her. Kabir returns her laptop, and she is shocked to see him looking at her personal pics and confronts him. He denies to check her personal folders. She warns him to stay away from her and walks away. He thinks she was looking hot in pics.
Sulochana mixes a medicine in prasad laddu for Preesha and thinks once Preesha eats it, then.. She offers prasad to Rudra, Kabir, Sonia, Saransh and offers medicine mixed to Preesha. Preesha consumes it. Mishka and Ahana deny prasad. Preesha feels nauseous and runs to her room. Sulochana smirks thinking her special prasad work, takes Sharda to Preesha’s room, shows Preesha vomiting, and informs her that Preesha is pregnant and they both are becoming grandmothers and Rudra papa and Preesha mother of her own child; they should inform this good news to Rudra. Sharda says let us confirm first and let Preesha herself inform Rudra about it. Sulochana says she cannot hold her happiness. Sharda says even she is happy and wants Preesha to share it with them. Sulochana fumes that Sharda spoilt her plan, so she needs to think something else. She sees Saransh walking to Preesha and stops him saying mamma is resting and he should do all his chores himself as mamma is having her own baby. He gets happy hearing that. She stops him and says if mama will have her own baby, he will take her away from him. Saransh says mamma love her more than anyone else. She says mamma will love her own baby and not him. Saransh starts crying. She asks him to do all his chores himself, keeps skate board on Preesdha’s way, and smirks thinking Preesha wanted to search her now, now she will search for happiness in her life.

Preesha waits for Saransh to help him in his homework and goes to check on him. She steps on skateboard, slips, and falls. Saransh noticing her rushes to her worried and asks if she is fine. Sulochana blames Saransh for keeping skateboard on floor purposefully. Saransh says he didn’t. She continues that he is taking revenge from Preesha as she told him that Preesha is pregnant with her own child and he told he doesn’t want to share his love and wants mamma to love only her, etc., and whisks him. Preesha stop her and says her son doesn’t lie, how dare she is to raise hand on her son. Sulochana sees Rudra coming and acts as falling down and Preesha pushing her down. Rudra scolds Preesha how dare she is to push his mother. Sulochana asks him not to scold Preesha as she is pregnant and they should take care of her. Preesha asks what is she saying. Sulochana says she is worried for her upcoming grandson and told Saransh that Preesha cannot pay more attention to him, etc. Preesha stops her and says Saransh is her top most priority and she is not pregnan and must have vomited due to food poisoning. Rudra insists Preesha to apologize Sulochana. Sharda walks in and asks what is happening. Rudra says Preesha pushed Sulochana on floor. Preesha explains what happened. Rudra insists Preesha and says she should apologize when she is wrong. Preesha denies. Sulochana acts as severely hurt. Rudra asks Sharda to bring hot water bottle for Sulochana.
Sharda walks with Preesha and asks what exactly happened. Preesha explains whole incident and informs seeing Sulochana heavily inebriated and dancing in a lounge. Sharda is shocked to hear that and asks if she is sure. Preesha says she is and don’t know what Sulochana is up to. Sharda says Rudra is very sensitive and is blindfolded in mother’s love as he got her back after many years, so to investigate more about Sulochana, she needs to apologize her and be in her good books and suggests to take hot water bottle for her. Preesha agrees.

Rudra fumes on Preesha while Sulochana continues provoking him that youngster don’t respect elders and hence Preesha will not apologize. Rudra insists that Preesha has to apologize. Preesha enters and says apologizes her for her mistake done unknowingly. Sulochana says its okay as she considers her as her daughter. Preesha gives her hot water bottle and asks to call her if she needs her help.

Preesha then walks to Saransh’s room and seeing him crying tries to console him. Saransh asks why isn’t he born from her tummy as Sulochana told she will love the baby more who is born from her tummy. Preesha says she loves her more than anyone else and asks him to rest. She thinks why Sulochana is doing all this, she needs to discuss with Rudra about it. She walks to Rudra who is still angry on her and asks why did she misbehave with maa. She says didn’t he see her apologizing maa. He says he saw how she apologized maa, what happened to her. She should have seen how Sulochana scolded Saransh and roughened him, he used to get angry when someone used to even speak loudly with Sarash but now is blindly supporting his mother. Rudra says she is behaving like an overpampering mother and her attitude will spoil Saransh. She tries to explain, but he walks away. He then plays guitar roughly and vents out his anger on it. Sonia noticing his finger bleeding tries to suck it. He stops her and asks what is she doing. She says his finger is bleeding, performs first-aid and asks if something happened. He says nothing. She says he can share it when he feels like. Preesha walks to them and asks what happened. Sonia says Rudra’s mood was band and he cut his finger while playing guitar, so she bandaged his finger. Preesha says she will do it and takes Rudra to room. Sonia thinks she feels really good being near Rudra.

Sulochana with Kabir enjoys alcohol and says Rudra and Preesha must be sleeping in different rooms after their fight. Kabir asks not to underestimate Preesha. Sulochana asks to wait and watch what she will do.

Preesha takes Rudra to a room and removes bandage saying he is only hers and she doesn’t want anyone’s stuff touching him. He says she is feeling jealous. She apologizes him for fighting with him and misbehaving with maa and says she cannot see anything wrong happening with Saransh. Rudra says even he can’t and understands her motherly feeling for Saransh, so he is sorry for getting angry on her. She asks not to apologize. He says their fight ended now and their love is forever. She agrees. He gets romantic and kisses her cheeks and when he tries to kiss her lips, she stops him and laughs. He hugs her.

Precap: Kabir informs Sulochana that they have only 50000 rs left. She says they should get locker keys. Kabir acts as falling down. Sulochana says she should have done his ayurvedic treatment long ago. Rudra takes locker keys from Sharda and is about to give it to Sulochana when Preesha stops him. Sulochana informs Rudra that Preesha gave her fake notes and police arrested her. She sees Sharda with a man in police station and thinks Sharda is having an affair. Rudra scolds Preesha and asks why did she give fake notes to maa.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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