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Preesha enters Khurana House climbing wall and via window. She thinks Mahima akka stole Saransh from her house, now she will take back Saransh home. She hears Saransh crying sitting nearby and asks what happened. He points at living room. Preesha is shocked to see Balraj lying dead in a pool of blood after being stabbed by someone. She rushes to him thinking how did this happen and who did it. She checks his pulse and finding him dead calls family members. Ahana with Mishka walks to her and yells how did she come in. Mishka sees dead Balraj and shows it to Ahana. Ahana checks Balraj and panics seeing blood oozing from hsi stomach. Mahima switches on lights and asks Preesha what is she doing here, then stands shocked seeing dead Balraj. Yuvraj wake up from sleeping coughing and asking Preesha to get him water, not finding her on bed thinks where she must have gone now, then thinks why should he bother about her when her parents are soundly sleeping. He knocks GPS and Vasu’s room room and waking them up informs them that Preesha is not at home. Vasu gets concerned and says Preesha must have gone to Khurana House and must be fighting with Mahima, so they should go and stop them. GPS agrees. Yuvraj insists to accompany them to drive car.
Ahana panics and asks to call ambulance. Preesha says he is already dead. Mahima shouts to call doctor. Preesha says she is a doctor. Mahima alleges Preesha for killing Balraj. Preesha says she didn’t. Mahima calls watch and asks why did he let Preesha in. He says she hid outside since evening and must have entered somehow. Mahima alleges that Balraj must have seen Preesha while she entered home and she stabbed him in anger. Ahana and Mishka also allege at Preesha. Saransh walks down and says Preesha mamma didn’t kill daadu as he saw someone else doing it. He cries hugging Preesha. Mahima yells at Saransh. Preesha says she entered house climbing a wall and saw Saransh crying and pointing at dead Balraj, they should call police. Mishka dials police number. Sharda doesn’t find Balraj on bed and thinking Balraj and Rudra must be fighting again walks to living room and seeing Preesha and others there asks what are they doing here. Mahima shows Balraj and cries hugging her and saying papaji is no more. Sharda panics and asks Balraj to wake up and to call Rudra. Ahana says papaji is no more. Sharda slaps her and asks Preesha to wake him up. Preesha hugs and consoles her. Sharda collapses. They all take her to room.

Yuvraj with GPS and Vasu reaches Khurana House and seeing police van and ambulance ask watchman what is happening, if someone died. Watchman says he cannot say that as police warned not to. They walk in and are shocked to see Balraj dead on floor. Preesha injects Sharda and says she will feel better once she wakes up. Saransh hugs Preesha. Preesha consoles him not to worry as she is with him. Servant informs Preesha that her parents have come. Mahima yells if Preesha called parents. Preesha says she didn’t and they didn’t even know that she came here. She with Mahima walks to Vasu and GPS and informs them that Saransh saw Balraj’s murder. Inspector asks Preesha what did she see when she came here. Preesha she saw Saransh crying sitting in a corner and pointing at Balraj’s dead body. Inspector asks if her son saw Balraj’s murder. She says yes. He says he is a vital evidence and asks her to call him.

Preesha informs inspector that Saransh saw Balraj’s murderer. Inspector asks her to call the boy as he may get information from him. Preesha says he is afraid and will need some time. Inspector agrees. Preesha goes to Saransh and tries to console him. Mahima enters yelling at Preesha that she is trying to take advantage of the situation and take Saransh away and should stay away from him as she is not his mother. Preesha asks if a mother can be like Mahima who is not bothered about her son at all. Mahima says she is Saransh’s legal guardian and will not let Preesha near him. Preesha says she will take Saransh with her and will not risk his life with Mahima. Police finds murder weapon/knife, and inspector asks constable to call everyone down. Constable informs Preesha and Mahima same. They walk down with Saransh. Inspector shows them blood smeared knife and asks Saransh if he saw who murdered Balraj. Saransh says Rudra murdered Daadu. Everyone are shocked. Mahima yells if he is out of his mind, why is he lying. Preesha warns her to stop and says she trusts her Saransh and he never lies.
Mishka rushes to inform Ahana about same. Mahima who is in Sharda’s room asks her to speak low as Sharda is sleeping. Mishka informs that Rudra murdered Balraj. Ahana also panics and rushes down. Sharda wakes up and accompanies them. Inspector asks to call Rudra. Mahima says he is sleeping in his room. They all walk to his room and knock door. Mahima says he must be sleeping. Preesha says he wakes up with a slight voice and is very sound sensitive, so he must have woken up by now. They break open the door and see Rudra missing. Inspector says now he is sure that Rudra must be a murderer and orders constables to search and arrest him. Mahima messages Yuvraj to spread Balraj’s murder news and his own son Rudra murdered him. Inspector takes Balraj’s body for postmortem. Mahima asks Preesha and parents to leave. Saransh says he will not let Preesha mamma go away from him. Mahima as usual yells Preesha, but Preesha gets adamant and stays with Saransh. Next day, inspector returns and informs family that Rudra’s fingerprints are on murder weapon, hence its proved that he murdered his father. Ahana asks if they can get back Balraj’s body to perform last rights. He agrees and says they will get the body by evening. Preesha thinks where is Rudra.

Rudra is seen lying unconscious in jungle in a dilapidated state and crows biting him thinking him dead. He wakes up and thinks where is he, why is he wearing torn clothes and what happened to him. He shouts for help.

Precap: Rudra returns home. Media questions him about his father’s murder. He enters home and cries seeing Balraj’s deadbody. Preesha asks where was he. Rudra asks what happened to papa. Inspector informs him that he is under arrest for Balraj’s murder. Sharda asks inspector to arrest Rudra. Police arrests him. He takes Saransh’s oath and says he wasn’t here. Sharda says Saransh informed he murdered his father. She stops him from performing last rights. Preesha thinks why Rudra is telling he is missing since lohri night.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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