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Ahana stops wardboys from carrying Bhuvan’s body and asks one wardboy to remove his shirt. Rudra asks what she wants to do. Ahana asks if they want to shut Mahima’s mouth or not and asks inspector to bring dummy body from his van. Inspector asks constable to bring dummy body from van. Ahana ask gawar/Yuvraj to remove shirt from Bhuvan and exchange it with wardboy’s shirt, then put it on dummy and burn it to fool Mahima. Preesha asks Rudra to be with Yuvraj and help him and keep an eye on him while she takes Bhuvan to hospital with others. Yuvraj burn dummy and sends pic to Mahima. Mahima thinks finally Yuvraj burnt Bhuvan’s body. She calls advocate to come tomorrow and read Balraj’s will as she can not claim anything without that. Sharda hears her conversation and thinks if she does so, all their wealth and company will go to Mahima legally, so she needs to inform Preesha about it.
Bhuvan wakes up in hospital. Preesha says poison is out of his body, but he can not walk as he lost sensation of his legs due to poison for sometime and he can walk after sometime. Doctor asks Bhuvan to thank Preesha for saving his life. Bhuvan thanks Preesha and says she saved his life even after what he did. Rudra confronts him for killing his father and destroying his family, he could have asked him for money instead directly. Bhuvan says he couldn’t have revenge of his sister Sonia Garg from him. Rudra says he doesn’t know any Sonia. Bhuvan says he is lying, his sister Sonia died because of him; she was his biggest fan. He goes into flashback where he sees his sister listening to Rudra’s songs and desiring to become a signer like Rudra. Sonia gets a call and excitedly informs Bhuvan that she is getting a chance to sing with Rudra, she had sent her song CD to him and he liked her voice and called her to Delhi. Bhuvan drops her at airport and asks to take care of herself. Sonia says she is going from Patna to Delhi and sees him off. Out of flashback, he says he didn’t get any call from his sister, so he came to Delhi to search for her, he searched Khurana House address first and tried to meet Rudra in vain, so he went to police who also didn’t help and asked to bring any proof against Rudra; he then hired a private detective who found that Sonia was seen in a hotel a few days ago. Inspector says that hotel is famous for prostitution; he had raided that hotel 3 months ago and found some stuff there, Bhuvan can check the stuff and identify if some belong to his sister. Bhuvan agrees. Inspector calls constable to bring the stuff. Rudra tells Bhuvan that he feels sorry for his sister, but he really doesn’t know her. Ahana says they call singers and candidates to their studio and not hotel. Preesha says someone must have called her taking Rudra’s name. Inspector shows stuff to Bhuvan. Bhuvan identifies Sonia’s CD. Rudra assures that they will find his sister and get the culprit punished, he should trust them. Bhuvan says he will trust because of Preesha and praises Preesha that she is very kind hearted and can not think of harming anyone, she loves Rudra immensely, etc. He further says that he wanted to make Rudra feel pain of losing dear ones and is not a murderer, he fell in Mahima’s trap and will help them catch Mahima.

Sharda calls Preesha and informs that Mahima called lawyer and is making him read Balraj’s will; she wants to destroy Khurana family; once she gets the will read, she will take over all the wealth as she is Saransh’s biological mother. Preesha says she will do something and informs Rudra and Ahana. Ahana gets tensed and says Mahima will take over all their properties and company, so they should stop her. Rudra asks what should they do? Preesha says akka played games with them, now its their turn.

At night, Mahima gets a message from someone that he knows her secret about fake Rudra/Bhuvan and she should meet him at the same place where she poisoned and killed Bhuvan. Mahima panics and thinks Yuvraj must have sent it, she calls him, but he is busy driving and doesn’t notice her call. She then thinks it can’t be Yuvraj as he would pester her for money and she is his ATM, so it must be someone else and she needs to meet him to find his motive. She reach the spot and shouts who is he, come out in front of him. Rudra walks to her. She says he should be in jail, how did he come out. He says he is Bhuvan. She says she killed him. He says he is dead and is a spirit. He describes her each sin using him and asks why did she poison him. Mahima shouts if she had not killed him, Preesha would have forced him to take her name. She repeats in detail how she used him for her benefit.
Mahima accepts that she made Bhuvan as Rudra, taught him to sing like Rudra, ordered him to kill Balraj, used him for her benefit, and after all this she wouldn’t have let him alive to expose and destroy her. Rudra disguised as Bhuvan says he is not yet dead and will do the same she did to him. She asks if he will kill her and says he is Rudra and can’t even act as Bhuvan as she taught Bhuvan to mimic Rudra, but he used to pronounce exactly as egjackly, so he is caught. Preesha enters saying she is very intelligent, so she doesn’t leave any proof of her sins, but this time she is trapped. Mahima says she proved that she is her sister and played her game on herself, she converted Rurda to Bhavan. She then asks how did she teach Rudra to mimic Bhuvan as Bhuvan is dead. Preesha reminisces planning to send Rudra as Bhuvan to meet akka and make her confess her crimes. Rudra asks how will that happen. Preesha asks Bhuvan if he can teach Rudra to act like him. Bhuvan agrees and says he cannot teach to walk like him though, so they can check his videos on his phone. He teaches Rudra everything. Out of flashback, Preesha tells Bhuvan taught everything to Rudra and is alive as they saved him on time. Mahima panics and says this can’t be true as she killed Bhuvan. Preesha says Bhuvan will give evidence against Mahima to police, even she recorded Mahima’s confession and police heard her confession. Police reaches the spot. Preesha says it doesn’t matter if he is Rudra or Bhuvan, all evidences are against her, she always told that truth wins. She orders inspector to arrest her.

Mahima says Preesha cannot win over her, she will not be caught. Constables try to handcuff her. She pushes them and escapes in car easily. They follow her. She thinks Preesha wants to get her caught, she will now end the drama once for all. Rudra drives car with Preesha and Ahana. Ahana says Mahima is very clever. Rudra says police will arrest her for sure and even he is out now to catch her. Inspector informs his team to catch Mahima. Rudra reaches Mahima and warns her to stop. Mahima picks gun to shoot him. Preesha asks Rudra to stop as Mahima will kill her. Rudra says Mahima killed his father, he will not spare her. Ahana asks not to be bad as Mahima will shoot him. Mahima warns Rudra and shoots. Bullet hits glass and he stops car. Mahima escapes. Inspector also stops jeep and asks if they are fine. Rudra shouts Mahima escaped. Inspector says he has alerted his team and Mahima will be caught soon.

Mahima continues driving fuming that Yuvraj betrayed her even after she stuffed his mouth with money; she will take revenge from everyone but needs to escape from here first. She sees police blockade and police checking each car. She escapes again and rents a hotel room. She cuts her hair and disguises herself into a blonde woman and thinks she herself cannot identify her, then how will Preesha identify her; now she will pinch on Preesha’s weak nerve.

Preesha with Rudra and Ahana returns to police station and asks inspector if he caught Mahima. Inspector says not yet, but she will be caught soon and they can go home and rest. Preesha asks what about Rudra. Inspector says Bhuvan gave evidence and even Mahima confessed her crime, so Rudra is free after signing some documents. Rudra does and leaves police station with them. Ahana relaxes while returning home. Rudra says they will catch Mahima at any cost. Preesha says Mahima will try to take Saransh away, so they need to be careful and protect him. She calls Shard and asks if Saransh is fine. She says yes and sleeping. Preesha asks her to take care of Saransh. She asks not to worry and returns to sleep next to Saransh. Mahima enters via window and tries to make Saransh sniff chloroform, but seeing Sharda waking up hides. Once Sharda goes to washroom, she makes Saransh sniff chloroform and kidnaps him.

Precap: Mahima threatens to kill Saransh. Saransh pleads Preesha to save him. Preesha pleads Mahima that she will do anything for Saransh. Mahima handcuffs her to car steering and pushes car from cliff. Rudra and Saransh cry in front of Preesha’s dead body. Mahima threatens to kill Saransh. Saransh pleads Preesha to save him. Preesha pleads Mahima that she will do anything for Saransh. Mahima handcuffs her to car steering and pushes car from cliff. Rudra and Saransh cry in front of Preesha’s dead body.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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