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Sulochana’s puppet brings complementary snacks to Gajendra’s room and records his and Sharda’s video. Sharda forcefully asks Gajendra’s shirt after tea falls on it. Preesha thinks of going home early from hospital and ask Sharda why she needed 20 lakhs as she must be in trouble. Waiter gives video recording to Sulochana and Kabir who are shocked to see Sharda removing Gajendra’s shirt. Kabir says he didn’t know Sharda can stoop so low. Sulochana says they will show this video to Rudra and everyone. Kabir asks how will they. She says she will cook lunch and ask whole family to come home early. During lunch, Sulochana goes to her room in lieu of having medicine and sends Sharda’s video to Rudra. Preesha asks Rudra to have lunch first and then check phone. Sulochana switches off her phone and rejoins family. Kabir tells Rudra it must be client’s important message. Rudra checks message and is shocked to see Sharda and Gajendra’s video. Preesha and Ahana ask what happened. Rudra shouts nothing and asks Sonai and Saransh to go to their rooms soon. Once they leave, he shows video to Preesha. Even Preesha stands shocked seeing it while Sulochana and Kabir smirk. Ahana stands shocked next and Sulochana acts and says she cannot believe Sharda is having an affair with a man just after Balraj left. Preesha says this video can be wrong as Maa cannot do this. Ahana backs her. Sulochana says video shows Sharda is having an affair. Preesha says video can be tampered. Rudra says sener has sent hotel’s address and asked to come and see it himself. Sulochana says they should go and check. Preesha says let us wait till maa returns.
Rudra insists and takes Preesha, Sulochana and Kabir to hotel. He asks receptionist about Sharda’s room. Receptionst says there is no room booked in Sharda’s name. Kabir suggests to knock each room door and check. Rudra says there must be many rooms here. Preesha says they should call maa. Sulochana says Sharda will not be caught red handed then. Preesha requests Rudra, but Rudra insists. Presha thinks he is doing it in anger and will feel guilty later. Rudra checks each room. Sulochana says he is wasting time as Sharda is in room 201 in second floor. Kabir suggests Rudra to check second floor. Rudra rings each room’s bell and finally reaches Sharda’s room. Gajendra opens room with shirt buttons open and stands shocked. Rudra asks where is Mrs. Sharda and forcefully walks. Sharda is shocked to see them. Rudra asks who is this man. Sharda says she was about to inform them. Sulochana alleges repeatedly that she can not believe that she is having an affair with a stranger in a closed room. Sharda try to explain, but Sulochana continues. Sharda slap her. Rudra shouts why did she slap maa. Sharda says she spoke wrong. Rudra asks then what is she doing with this man and who is this man? Sharda asks why should she explain to him or anyone. Rudra says then maa was right. Sharda asks if he thinks so low about her and informs that he is her brother Gajendra and Rudra’s mama/uncle. Rudra asks why didn’t she inform them about him. Sharda says her family had disowned Gajendra as he is a drug addict, but now he wanted to go to rehab, she wanted to help him silently and not trouble family, but Rudra thought so low about her. Preesha consoles her and asks why didn’t she inform them and suffered alone. Sharda says Rudra is a rockstar and she didn’t want to put him in trouble because of her drug addict brother. Preesha asks if she took 20 lakhs to admit mamaji into rehab. Sharda reveals that someone found out this secret and blackmailed her. Rudra says that means she gave 20 lakhs to blackmailer? Gajendra apologizes everyone and pleads not to trouble his sister because of him. Rudra says he should apologize him instead, Preesha told him many times think well before reacting but he didn’t always. Gajendra asks him to hug him. Rudra hugs him emotionally. Preesha tells Sharda that family is the biggest strength, she need not worry about mamaji as she will get her admitted in a rehab near her hospital. Sharda thanks her. Preesha asks Rudra to take everyone home while she gets mamaji admitted into rehab. Sulochana fumes that giraffe/Sharda slapped her and spoilt all her plan. Kabir says let us go from here. Preesha returns home in the evening and informs Sharda that she got mamaji admitted into rehab and will get his daily progress reports. Sharda thanks her. Preesha asks not to thank her and asks why did she suffer alone? Sharda says she was already tensed regarding Sulochana and Kabir, so she didn’t want to give her more tension. Preesha asks who must be the blackmailer who sent video.

Kabir while enjoying alcohol with Sulochana laughs on her saying her plan badly failed today. Sulochana throws alcohol on him and asks if she got a dream that Gajendra is giraffe/Sharda’s brother. Preesha tells Sharda that blackmailer must be a known person and she will find out who it is. Sulochana thinks even Preesha cannot find out who the blackmailer is and cannot reach her. Sharda asks Preesha who must have recorded the video. Preesha says apart from Sharda and Mamaji, there was a third person present there for sure. Sharda reminisces waiter bringing complementary snacks and says he had come in when she was removing Gajendra’s shirt. Preesha says waiter recorded the video for sure and blackmailer must have bribed him to do that, so they should go in the morning and find out truth. Sharda says they should take Rudra along. Preesha says they both will enquire first.

In the morning, Preesha wakes up and seeing Rudra already awake. She asks if he didn’t sleep whole night. He asks how does she know. She says she is his wife and understands him well, they both will support each other in each happiness and sorrows of life. He says he is lucky to have her as life partner. She says she didn’t listen to him and asks him to repeat. He repeats and asks if she is pulling his legs. She says she didn’t hear it properly. Saransh hearing their conversation repeats. They ask since when he is awake. He says since their chatting began. Rudra says then this kid is very dangerous and they should beware of him. They both pamper Saransh and smile at each other. Sonia notices that from window and thinks Preesha is lucky to have Rudra as life partner.

After sometime, during breakfast, Sulochana sees Preesha and Sharda going out and asks if they are going somewhere. Preesha says she is taking maa for routine checkup as she is her gynecologist. Sulochana says even she will get her checkup after 2 days and thinks they have bonded together like a cement. Preesha with Sharda reaches hotel and question manager who had gone to Sharda’s room yesterday. Manager asks if she saw the nameplate. Sharda says he wasn’t wearing nameplate. Manager says he can’t help them without knowing name. Preesha threatens him that waiter recorded client’s video and intrigued into her privacy, she can sue the hotel for that. Manager asks what he can do for her then. She asks to call all the waiters who were on duty yesterday, maa will identify who was he among them. All waiters walk in. Sulochana’s puppet hides seeing Sharda. Preesha asks Sharda if he is one among them. Sharda says he is not the one. Preesha asks manager if any waiter is missing.
Kabir sees Ahana passing by, cross legs her, makes her fall on his lap, and holds her tightly. She shouts to leave her and slaps him saying he did it purposefully by cross legging her. He says he cannot move his leg and came to help her, but she slapped him instead of thanking him. She says she knows his truth. He nervously asks which truth. She says he is a lecherous, pervert, creep and warns if he dares tries to touch him, she will not spare him. He acts acts pleading that he is not like she thinks and then thinks she is so beautiful and he cannot control himself, soon even she will be attracted to him.

Manager informs that waiter Rakesh is missing as he must be up cleaning. She says when everyone came, why didn’t he; she will come again tomorrow. Manager asks waiters to resume their duty. A water walks to servant quarters and seeing Rakesh asks why didn’t he come and explains what happened. Rakesh thinks he should hide for a few days until the issue resolves and tries to leave via back door. Manager stops him. Preesha with Sharda walks in and reminisces planning to catch Rakesh when he tries to escape. Out of flashback, Sharda says he is the one who entered her room. Preesha asks why did he record. Rakesh denies. Preesha threatens to call police and send him to jail for lying. Rakesh agrees that he did recording on someone’s order. Preesha asks who did it. Rakesh says 2 people ordered him to record by bribing him 20,000 rs. Preesha asks how were they looking. She says they were a man and a woman who were wearing goggles and mask. Preesha asks if one was on wheelchair. He says no. She says they will come tomorrow and leaves. On the way, Sulochana asks why did she ask about wheelchair. Preesha says she doubts Sulochana and Kabir as they don’t seem good and even Ahana was complaining that Kabir touches her inappropriately, she will inform Rudra about it. Sharda asks not to inform him without proof as Rudra blindly trusts his mother and will not believe them without proof.

They reach home. Ahana asks where were they as their phone is switched off. Sharda gets tensed. Rudra says there is no need to get tensed as there is good news instead that her son is nominated for this year’s best singer award. Whole family happily congratulate him. Preesha says she knew this would happen and is sure he would win the award. Sulochana says her jagrata pooja worked. Kabir says they are lucky for Rudra. Saransh says even he will accompany Rudra for award function. After sometime, Preesha walks into Rudra’s room and searches him. He romantically hugs her from behind and says after award function, something special will happen. She says they will go for dinner party with whole family. He says only they both will go and he has booked a honeymoon suite for them. She shyingly says its not their honeymoon. She says there is no time for honeymoon and she is not convinced. He asks what will she gift him if he wins. She asks what he needs. He says he needs her as they are married for 1 year and should carry forward their family. She nervously says they will talk abou t it tomorrow. He asks if she will meet him.

Precap: Sulochana tells Kabir that they should emotionally blackmail Rudra and transfer all properties in their names. Kabir informs that Saransh is the legal heir of properties. Rudra gets romantic with Preesha. Preesha disguised as Ahana exposes Kabir’s pervert act and threatens to inform Rudra about it. Preesha complains Rudra that Kabir touched her from behind. Sulochana says Preesha is lying and is having grudge on Kabir. Kabir says he really touched Preesha thinking her as Ahana as he loves her. Ahana says she loves Kabir.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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