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Rudra, Preesha, Ahana, and inspector meets truck driver who agrees that he had dropped Rudra home and he was in a very bad condition. Rudra says he remembered truck number, so he took inspector’s help and called him here. Ahana asks if he can remember the place he found himself awake. Rudra says not exactly, but knows direction. Preesha asks him to take them to the place. He takes them to the place. Ahana asks if he is sure. He says yes. Preesha asks if he remembers how and who brought him here. Rudra says he just woke up here. Ahana says there are only 2 routes seen here, Preesha says one may lead to a locality. Inspector says they will divide themselves and walk on both routes. Preesha and Rudra reach a market. Preesha asks if he know this place. Rudra says he came here for the first time. Ahana and inspector also reach same spot and they search around the place. Ahana says they can not understand anything. Preesha sees God’s idol and prays for help. Inspector says let us check further. Preesha sees chole bhature stall and tells them that god showed them a way. She walk to chole bhature stall and orders one. Ahana says she has lost it, if anyone wants to have chole bhature. Preesha tells Rudra this may be the same chole bhature as there is no other shop around. She feeds him and he says this is same chole bhature which he used to eat. Ahana praises Preesha. Stall owner mistakes Rudra as Bhuvan and asks why did he come so early today as he comes around 3 p.m. daily. Preesha asks if he knows him. Owner says he is regular customer and comesa round 3 p.m. daily, but came early today. She asks if he comes here yesterday. He says yes. Rudra says he was telling her same and asks Preesha to pay him. Preesha does and says fake Rudra may come here even today. They all hide. Rudra says he wants to catch his father’s murderer and punish him.
Bhuvan comes at 3 p.m. and orders chole bhature. Stall owner says he gave him just sometime ago. Bhuvan get confused and try to leave. Police stand spectators, but Rudra rushes and catches him and warns him not to dare run away. He says he is exactly same like hm. Inspector finally warns Bhuvan to dare not try to run away. Rudra trashes Bhuvan for killing his papa and vents out his anger. Inspector stops him and offers Bhuvan to lessen his punishment if he helps them catch Mahima. Bhuvan stands silently. Inspector asks him to take him to the place where he kept Rudra and punches him. Preesha asks him to shoot him and act as he was running away, so inspector had to shoot him. Inspector loads gun. Bhavan gets afraid and agrees to help them. He takes them to a place where Rudra was kept. Rudra says this is the same place where he was kept. Inspector asks who is he. Bhuvan says he is Bhuvan. Inspector whom he is working for. Bhuvan says he can’t. Preesha says they know its akka/Mahima and asks inspector to arrest Bhuvan. Inspector asks Preesha to file complaint against Bhuvan and free her husband from all allegations. Preesha agrees. Inspector orders constablees to handcuff Bhuvan. Bhuvan thinks of escaping and says he needs to go to the washroom. Constable warns that he will escape, but inspector permits and asks constable to guard him outside washroom. Bhuvan burns a few papers inside washroom and escapes via window. They all panic seeing smoke coming out of washroom. Inspector knocks door. Preesha says nothing should happen to Bhuvan. Constable breaks the door open. and sets off fire with water. Rudra says there is no one here. Preesha sees window open and says he escaped via it. Bhuvan runs. They all search him. Preesha finds him and informs Rudra. They both follow him. He hides in a grocery shop. They try to enter shop, but owner stops them. They say a murderer entered his shop. Owner agrees to let them search the shop. Inspector asks them to search somewhere else. Bhuvan thinks he is trapped and silently escaping again reaches PCO, calls Mahima, and informs Mahima that Preesha got him caught by police, but he escaped. She panics, says she will send him to a safe place where nobody can reach, and asks him to meet her at a nearby mountain. He agrees. Mahima gets angry that Preesha found Bhuvan, but she has to reach Bhuvan now before Preesha reaches him again. Bhuvan gets out of PCO when fans mistake him as Rudra and throng him. Rudra and Preesha hear youngsters rushing to see rockstar Rudraksh and follow him. Fans takes selfies with Bhuvan, but he escapes before Preesha and Rudra reach there.
Rudra and Preesha see fans discussing that Rudra/Bhuvan was right here and left. One says his shirt tore and a piece is stuck at PCO booth. Preesha finds shirt piece and says he must have come to call akka/Mahima. She redials last time and hears Mahima asking if its Bhuvan as he called from same number. Rudra says he must have gone to meet Mahima and they need to catch him before Mahima kills him. Preesha ask they don’t know where akka called him. Mahima drives car fuming that Yuvraj didn’t do this job and just need money. She calls him. He picks call thinking she must have found out that he didn’t do her job. She yells why didn’t he follow Preesha when she sent her location. He says he did, but was caught by policeman for breaking signal. She continues yelling. He says he will do her job for free today. She ask him to reach her sent location as she called Bhuvan at a nearby mountain. He think of informing Preesha. Mahima sends him location. He calls Preesha and she shouts why did he call her. He says to inform her that Mahima is meeting Bhuvan. She ask where. He says near highway mountain and forwards her Mahima’s sent location. Preesha informs Rudra and police and they rush towards the spot to stop Mahima from killing Bhuvan.

Mahima reach the spot and waits for Bhuvan yelling. Bhuvan reaches there running, short of breath. She asks if he informed anyone about her. She says he didn’t and didn’t tell even his name properly, he set fire into washroom and escaped via window. She get him water and asks why didn’t he leave city when she ordered him to. He says he was about to leave the city tonight, but Preesha caught him before that; he will go wherever she want him to. He starts coughing and choking and asks what is happening with him. She says he wanted her to send him to the safe place, so she gave him poisoned water and is sending him out of the world; she is doing this to save herself and he has to die for that. She continues blabbering. He tries to strangulate her, but falls down throwing froth from his mouth. She walks away smirking and wishing him good bye.

Preesha with Rudra, Ahana, and police reaches the spot and sees Bhavan unconscious. Constable rushes and says he is about to die. Preesha says he is poisoned and they need to save him by bringing poison out of his body. She asks inspector to bring salt water. He brings it and she feeds Bhuvan. Bhuvan vomits. Preesha says good poison is out and he can be alive till they reach hospital. Inspector calls ambulance and says it will reach in 5 minutes. Preesha says Bhuvan is crucial evidence and they need to save him at any cost. Yuvraj reaches there and starts his jokergiri as usual. He asks if Mahima came here and stands shocked seeing Bhuvan unconscious on floor. He continues drama. Preesha asks him not to inform Mahima that Bhuvan is alive. He says Mahima will definitely call him to find if he disposed off Bhuvan’s body. Mahima video calls him just then and asks if he found Bhuvan. He says Bhuvan is lying dead on floor. She insists to show his dead body. He shows. She asks him to burn and hide it before Preesha reaches there, thinks before Preesha does anything, she needs to transfer whole Khurana family property in her name. Yuvraj informs Preesha that Mahima wants him to burn Bhuvan, record the video and send her. Ambulance reaches and wardboys pick Bhuvan in stretcher. Ahana asks them to keep it down.

Precap: Mahima gets a message that he knows her secret and to meet him at the sent location. She reaches and shouts to come out. Rudra comes in front. Mahima nervously says he should be in jail. Rudra says he is Bhuvan. Later, Rudra and Sarfansh cry in front of Preesha’s dead body. Preesha tells Mahima that she recorded all her confession and asks inspector to arrest her. Rudra and Saransh cry in front of Preesha’s dead body. 

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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