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Rudra gets romantic with Preesha and insists her to meet him tomorrow night after award function. She shies. Saransh calls her to come down. She says she will say yes or no only tomorrow. He thinks she will agree for sure. Next morning, during breakfast, Rudra brings outfits for whole family for award function and tells Kabir that he brought same dresses for himself, Saransh, and Kabir and gets emotional that he and Rajiv used to wear same dress for big parties. Kabir acts emotional. Rudra then says a special dress for a special person and gives it to Sonia. Sonia gets happy thinking she is special for Rudra.

Sulochana gets ready for party and tells Kabir that they should emotionally blackmail Rudra anjd transfer his all properties in their names. Kabir says Balraj transferred all his properties into Saransh’s name and Rudra gets only salary per month like employees. She is shocked and asks how did he find out. He says he bribed advocate and found it out. She says then they wasted their time coming here. He says Saransh’s caretaker mother Preesha will get all the property till he grows up. Sulochana says Rudra himself is poor and they wasted their time on him.

Rudra gets romantic with Preesha and asks if she liked her dress. She says her blouse is small, why he brings her such dresses. He hugs her and says let the world know that rockstar Rudra’s wife is so s*xy. She asks why is he getting so romantic. He says its their honeymoon tonight and insists to says yes to meet him tonight. She says she will think. He insists. Just then Saransh enters and says daadi is calling mamma. Preesha walks with him asking Rudra not to cancel honeymoon suite as her answer is yes. He gets very happy hearing that. After sometime, Rudra gets ready in a tuxedo. Sonia enters and gifts him rose. He says its a priceless special gift and asks her to fix it in her pocket herself. She does and says its looking very beautiful. He asks her to get ready for function. She feels more happy. Preesha helps Sharda get ready. Sulochana walks in. Rudra walks in next to checks and gives Sharda’s necklace to Sulochana. Sharda feels bad, but doesn’t react. Show organizer calls Rudra and asks him to hurry up as show will start soon. Preesha asks Rudra to take Sharda, Sulochana, and Saransh with him, she will come with Ahana, Mishka, and Kabir. Rudra asks if she is sure. She wishes him all the best and he leaves.

Ahana gets ready and asks Mishka to help her fix her blouse hook. Kabir enters and lustfully touches her after fixing hook. Ahana senses that, shouts what is wrong with him and why he tries touch her even after many warnings. He says she told him to fix the hook. She says she asked Mishka and not him. He says Mishka is not here, so he came for her help; she is looking hot and sexy. She says its incorrigible behavior, he should behave with her bhabhi. He says he was just complementing. She warns him to get out of her room. He says she looks more sexy in anger. She walks away saying he is impossible.

Rurdra with Sharda, Sulochana, Saransh, and Sonia reaches award function venue. Reporters interview him and ask reason behind his success. He says credit goes to his mother, brings Sulochana ahead and says he is nominated this year because of her prayers. Sulochana says her Rudra will win the award. Sharda feels embarrassed tries to leave. Rudra holds her hand and says he is more lucky as he got prayers and blessings from both mothers, he has Devaki and Yashoda maa and whatever he is is because of Sharda. Sharda emotionally says she is lucky to have a son like him. Rudra introduces Sonia as a new singer. Organizer tells Rudra they should speak about award now. Sonia thanks Rudra for giving her a chance and says she wants to sing with him. He says she deserves this. She thinks she is lucky that Rudra came in her life.

Preesha gets ready for function and tells Ahana they are getting late. Ahana says she is uncomfortable in revealing clothes and wants to exchange them with Preesha’s. Preesha says Rudra gave her this sari. Ahana says so what, she will wear another sari if she doesn’t give hers. Preesha agrees and goes to exchange sari with her. After exchanging saris, Ahana says she needs matching jewelry and goes to check on Mishka asking Preesha to wait in living room. Preesha thinks Rudra will get angry as this award is very important to him.
Award ceremony starts, and host starts the event. Rudra calls Preesha and asks where is she, function is about to start. Preesha says she is at home as Ahana wanted to change her dress. He asks her to hurry up and disconnects call. Kabir hugs her tightly from behind thinking her as Ahana. Preesha frees herself, gives him a tight slap, and warns how dare she is to touch her. He gets tensed that he is caught today and pray to god to save him. Preesha says she didn’t think he can stoop so low. He think maa will kill him, how will he escape now. Rudra waits for Preesha near door. Sonia follows him and asks what is he doing here. Rudra thinks he should bring Preesha along next time. Sonia says her dress is really good and his choice is really good. He gets busy waiting for Preesha. She insists him to complement her. He angrily asks her to go in as he is already tensed regarding Preesha. Organizer takes him on stage to present award. Preesha continues scolding Kabir. Ahana walks in. Preesha says Kabir touched her from behind like he touches Ahana.

Preesha is shocked when Kabir hugs her from behind and complains Ahana that he did same what he does to her. Ahana says she was telling it since long that Kabir is a creep. Preesha says she will inform Rudra about it and he will kick Kabir out of this house. Kabir says its a misunderstanding. Ahana says his truth is out and now Rudra will come and deal with him. Kabir thinks things went out of his hands, now both Rudra and Sulochana will beat him and he will lose property, so he needs to do something.
Rudra presents award to a contestant and returns to his seat. Host announces Rudra as the winner of best singer award. Everyone clap for Rudra. Rudra thinks he wanted to receive this award in front of Preesha, why didn’t she come yet. He touches Sulochana and Sharda’s feet, receives award, and returns to his seat thinking why did Preesha miss such a big moment. He goes aside and calls Preesha. Preesha fumes reminiscing Kabir hugging her from behind. Rudra asks why didn’t she come yet. She asks him to come home right now. He thinks something is wrong and rushes home with Sharda, Sulochana, Saransh, and Sonia. Preesha sends Saransh and Sonia in and cries hugging Rudra. Rudra asks what happened. Preesha says Kabir. Sulochana thinks if Kabir did something to Ahana. Preesha says Kabir hugged her from behind. Sulochana thinks Kabir didn’t even spare Preesha; she acts that Kabir is like a saint and he will never do such a heinous act, asks Rudra to control his wife. Sharda says Preesha never lies. Sulochana cry that everyone insults them in this house, it was better if she had stayed in her old small house. She alleges Preesha that she is lying. Kabir enters and says Preesha is telling the truth. Rudra asks if he knows what he is saying and slaps him. Kabir says he thought she is Ahana. Sulochana thinks if he is out of his mind. Kabir says he hugged Preesha from behind thinking her as Ahana as she wore Ahana’s sari. Rudra asks how can he think so low about Ahana, if he has gone mad. Kabir says he loves Ahana. Rudra shouts how dare he is to think ill about Ahana. Kabir says even Ahana loves him. Preesha says Ahana hates him and she herself told he how he touches her inappropriately. She calls Ahana. Ahana comes down. Rudra says Kabir says he loves her. Preesha asks Ahana to tell how Kabir touches her inappropriately. Ahana says Kabir is right, she loves Kabir. Everyone stand shocked hearing that. Sulochana thinks how did Kabir manipulate her. Preesha asks Ahana why did she say that earlier. Ahana says she lied and loves Kabir now, she was hiding her feelings for Kabir as he is Rajiv’s brother and thought how will society and family react; she was running away from Kabir and when he proposed to her, she thought even she deserves one more chance and accept his proposal. Kabir says he really loves Ahana and wants to marry her. Rudra says he can’t believe this, they gave him a good news and he will perform their marriage if they love each other; he asks Ahana not to worry about society and should start a new life with her new life partner, he is very happy for them. Sulochana says she is happy that Ahana will be her bahu. Rudra says its a big day for him today as he got award today and feel like Rajiv returned in his life. He congratulates Ahana and Kabir. Miska asks if she is sure what is she doing. She says yes.

Kabir returns to his room. Sulochana excitedly praises him. He sees Sharda’s necklace in her neck and asks why is she still wearing it. She says she will wear it till morning and asks how did he manage Ahana and what magic did he do on her. He says he used his brain and goes into flashback where Ahana thanks god that Kabir did same heinous act with Preesha. Mishka asks her to relax and goes to get juice for her. Kabir enters and locks her room door from inside. She panics and says he shouldn’t come to her room and tries to slap him. He holds her hand and stands up. She is shocked to see that. She calls Preesha. He shuts her mouth and asks to listen to him first. She asks why was he acting as disabled when he can walk. He says he is thinking of her benefit and explains that Saransh is legal heir of all the properties and not Rudra, Preesha is his legal custodian and hence properties will go to her; Saransh is Rajiv’s son and Ahana is his wife and can be Saransh’s custodian; she should marry him as court doesn’t give child’s custody to a single woman. Ahana agree.

Precap Preesha notices Sulochana hiding Sharda’s necklace in Kabir’s wheelchair and lying that she lost it. She informs Rudra about same. Rudra as usual overreacts. She searches wheelchair. Ahana and Kabir get engaged. Mishka tells Preesha that she doesn’t know how can Ahaa be so foolish. Preesha says they will get out Kabnir’s truth via himself by giving him bhang.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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