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Sulochana accepts that Rudra is her son and says she was helpless because of his papa’s order. She goes into flashback where Balraj takes Sulochana’s body in an ambulance, orders her to get up now and says they are doing this drama to make their sons believe that she is dead, says she should go far away from their lives. Sulochana says he is separating her from her children and even the baby in her womb is their baby. He says he doesn’t want this baby as the baby will be born physically disabled, she didn’t listen to doctor’s advice to abort this baby, she has 2 sons and wants to leave them and him for this baby. She says even this baby is theirs, how can she abort him. He says that is why he took a decision to send her away from there lives, she is dead to them and shouldn’t show her face to them, stops ambulance and sends her out of it. Out of flashback, Sulochana says Kabir is born disabled, she is a mother and couldn’t disown him, so she had to go away from Rudra, Rajeev, and Balraj. She says once again tried to talk to Balraj when Kabir was born and goes into flashback where nurse hands Kabir to her and informs that he is paralyzed below waist and suggests her to take her husband’s help as she cannot handle Kabir. She calls Balraj, informs him that a son is born and requests to come and meet him. He threatens to kill them if she calls her again. Out of flashback, she says she never spoke to Balraj after that and decided to leave Rudra, Rajeeve, and Balraj and accept Kabir; she remembered them a lot, but Balraj shut doors on them; since then, she and Kabir are handling each other and living an anonymous life. Rudra says now they don’t have to suffer anymore and should accompany him. Sulochana asks him not to inform Balraj as he is very dangerous. Rudra says Balraj will not tell anything as he passed away. Sulochana shatters hearing that, breaks her bangles, and asks when did this happen. He says a few days ago and even Rajiv passed away. She continues crying and he consoles her. Rudra says he lost a lot and will not lose them now and will take them home; he pleads her to accompany him. She says Balraj had remarried and his step mother will not like them there. He says mom is really good and has held them till now, she will be happy seeing them and hence they both should accompany him. They agree.

Sharda packs Balraj’s clothes to give them ito charity. She finds a key in Balraj’s cupboard and try to open cupboard locker when maid informs that Rudra called her to come down with aarti. She keeps keys in cupboard and walks down with aarti thali. Ahana seeing her asks who is coming. Sharda says let us see. Rudra enters and holds blowing lamp. Sharda says he stopped it from blowing off and asks why did he order this aarti thali. He says to perform someone’s graha pravesh and calls Sulochana. Sharda is shocked to see Sulochana alive. Rudra says she has one more surprise. Preesha brings Kabir on wheelchair. Rudra says he is his brother Kabir Balraj Khurana. Sharda is more shocked to hear that. Rudra says he is very happy that he got one more brother. Sharda gets emotional hearing hearing that. Ahana thinks where did these 2 came from. Sharda happily performs their aarti. Sulochana walks to Balraj’s photo and hopes she would have met them when he was alive. Sharda says one who go never return, she is happy that Sulochana returned to her family. Rudra says he told Sharda mom is too good. Sharda says she will show them their rooms.
Ahana insists Sharda to speak to her. Preesha takes Sulochana and Kabir to show their rooms. Rudra asks Ahana what is wrong with her. Ahana asks what is wrong with him, he brings someone each day, earlier Sonia and now this mother-son duo, what he thinks of himself, this is Khurana house and not a dharamshala. Rudra says one who came is his biological mother and he will not listen anything against her. Ahana asks what is the proof that that woman is her biological mother and that man is his brother. Rudra says he remembers her. Sharda says even she saw Sulochana’s photos and hence identified her. Ahana says still they don’t know their intentions and reminds that with Rudra’s foolishness, Mahima came into their house and they lost papaji because of Mahima; she feels they came here for money. He says they didn’t as they were living a poor life as papa had warned maa not to show her face, she even denied to identify him. Ahana says she wants to say that.. He says she shouldn’t say anything as Rajiv would have done same what he did and walks away saying maa and Kabir will stay in their house from hereon. Ahana says if its Khurana house or Purana house where all dead people return, earlier dead Mahima came and now dead mother came, she is sure they came with bad intentions and she will kick them out of house.

Rudra helps Kabir when his chair stumbles. Kabir thanks him. Rudra says his shirt is wet, so he will pick out another shirt. Kabir stops him from opening his bag and says he has only this good shirt as other shirts are torn. Rudra gives his clothes to him. Kabir says he doesn’t need them. Rudra asks why. Sonia enters and says Kabir is dignified/khuddar and will not accept anyone’s help. Rudra says he can take his brother’s help though. Saransh walks in and hugs Kabir asking if he is his chachu/uncle.

Saransh hugs Kabir and asks if he is his chachu. He asks to accept Rudra’s clothes as they are family. Sharda says he cannot deny it and ask anything he wants with right. Rudra emotionally says he used to feel happy sharing his stuff with Rajiv and request not to deprive him of this happiness again. Kabir agrees and hugs Rudra. Saransh joins. them. Sharda gives her costly saris t0 Sulochana and says its her right which she is getting after a long time. Ahana thinks they met now and became a family, Kabir and his mother are acting too good, something is wrong and she will find out.
After sometime, Ahana is busy over phone when Kabir passes by, holds her hand, and apologizes saying he touched her by mistake. Ahana feels he touched her purposefully. Kabir joins family for dinner. Rudra says he is a good man, then why was he working for a bad person like Chitranjan. Kabir says he is identity is his disability; he became a graduate with his hard work and tried everywhere for job, but nobody gave him job except Chiranjan; he worked there controlling his self-respect. Sulochani says he did it for her as she worked for others whole life for his education, so he wants to help her, its very difficult to manage expenses with a small salary and she cannot afford Kabir’s medications sometimes, being poor is a big problem. Rudra says he will not face poverty again. Preesha says one who didn’t value his capability are biggest poor. Rudra says Kabir will work in his company from tomorrow as he is Khurana family’s son, in fact he will speak to his lawyer and appoint him as board of director. Ahana stops him and insists to discuss something right now. Rudra follows her. Ahana asks if he has completely lost it, how can he include Kabir in board of directors, he may be feeling pity for Kabir but cannot make him company’s owner. He says Kabir is already an owner as he is Khurana family’s son. She asks how can he trust her as its not even a day since he found Kabir. He asks if she has a reason not to trust them, she has problem with them since they came here. She says she has problem with him for taking decisions senselessly. He asks if living without his mother was right, if his mother and brother living in poverty was right, etc; says he will include Kabir in board of directors for sure and it won’t be good for her if she interferes. She shouts to stop. Preesha walks in and asks why are they angry. Ahana says she is angry because of her and Rudra, they bring anyone home and waste wealth on them. Preesha says what problem she has if Rudra is getting his mother and brother back, she should be happy instead. Ahana says they both are made for each other, mad and think same; she should leave instead of wasting her time. Preesha says same here and leaves. Maid brings honey box and tells Ahana that someone sent it for her. Mishka enters and asks if Preesha gifted it. Ahana says her friend started honey business and sent her samples. Mishka says lets try. Ahana says not now, its late as she needs to get up early and go to office or early Rudra will waste whole wealth.

Rudra walks to Sonia’s room and thanks her for reuniting him with his mother and brother. He offers her to give her whatever gift she wants. She requests him to make her a good singer like him. He says he already decided about it and teaches her singing. He returns to Saransh’s room and sees him lying on Preesha’s lap and insisting Preesha to tell a story or else he will not sleep. He also lies on Preesha’s lap and insists. Preesha starts story. Saransh falls asleep. Rudra gets romantic. She pinches him. He holds her again and thanks her. She asks for story telling. He says he got his mother and brother back with her help and saying I love you kisses her cheek and thanks her for coming in his life. She also kisses his cheek and thanks him for coming in her life and giving her so much happiness. They get more romantic when they hear Sulochana calling him and run to her. Sulochana pleads to save her son. Sharda join them. They rush to Kabir’s room and see ants all over his body and him crying in pain. They all clear ants from his body. Rudra lifts him and makes him sit on a wheelchair. Sharda says ants never came in their house. Rudra asks Preesha to call all servants and asks who cleaned this room. Maid says she cleaned the room 3 times. He shouts at h er. Preesha thinks something is wrong in bed and finds honey on it. She shows honey on bed. He asks where did honey come from. Sharda says someone did it purposefully. Rudra asks maids who did it. Preesha remembers Ahana getting honey and says she is not sure that she saw honey bottles in Ahana’s room. Rudra shouts bhabhi did this, she has to answer him. Sulochana stops him and says she doesn’t want any problems because of them. Rudra says she is his mother and Kabir his brother, Ahana interfered between them and she has to answer him. He angrily walks to Ahana’s room and knocks it. Ahana wakes up and asks what happened. He shouts why did she do this. He asks what did she do. He picks honey box and asks how many bottles were in it. Ahana says she doesn’t know. Mishka says 6 bottles. Rudra shouts where did 3 bottles go. Ahana asks what difference does it make. He shouts someone spilled honey on Kabir’s bed.

Precap: Rudra asks Sulochana and Kabir to sleep in Ahana’s room and Ahana to sleep in guest room. Ahana picks Kabir’s hair and sends it for DNA testing. Preesha informs Rudra that Ahana did Kabir’s DNA test. Ahana says they should find out if Kabir is Rudra’s brother and his father is different. Rudra shouts she is questioning his mother’s character. Ahana gets DNA report and thinks now truth will be out in front of everyone. Ahana follows Sulochana and finds her having alcohol with her friends. She calls Rudra there.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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