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Jalal is going, jodha calls him but he doesnt listen, she calls him again, he ask what you want? she says i want to talk, jalal says you always talk but doesnt tell anything, jodha says i want to talk about today’s case, you did not take good decision as everyone have their past but how can you decide their future on basis of past.

Jodha’s lecture about not judging Azija based on the past, Jallu counters but Jodhu goes on ranting about the “vishwas” when finally Jallu blew off his fuse. He lets out in his furious tone about all he had kept hidden, the “yakeen” aspect but again viewers dream comes crashing down, this rage was just Jallu’s dream.

Jalal explains to her in a very calm voice that he has taken a right decision and that king and a husband should have the right to know the truth.

The recruitment drive is on at the gates of palace, every new baandhis are scrutinized , MA is supervising, Ruks comes and also shows off her powers.

Someone comes and informs MA that a person has come to meet her, she comes to know that a bahurupia has entered harem, she spots a person and identifies Sujamal, gets happy that her plans will work but she has to be sure about him.

Sujamal sees Sharifu and Maan Singh inside the palace.

Jodha is playing with Rahim, MA sees Jodha and figures if Dilawar Khan is really Sujamal then he will defo falter. MA asks Resham to again check if the khwaja shera is not a man in disguise. She gets confirmed that Dilawar Khan is the real Sujamal.

MA tells Ruks that she wants all khwaja sheras for introduction, Ruks asks DK to go to help BB. MA takes him to meet BB.

Jodhu thinks of talking to jallu to clear MU, Jallu ignores her and asks a baandhi to inform that he would like to visit Ruks in the night. Jodhi is shocked.

Sharif comes to bakshi and says happy to hear that you got eunch to work for you. eunch says not to worry, sharif looks at her and go close, he laughs and ask her name, she says dilawar khan, sharif says you look like some rajvanshi warrior he will kill you if he sees you, suja thinks thank God he didnt recognize me.

Phopho says to ruks that when your father died we were worried for you but now see you are strong women, when we brought you here jalal was happy we knew you both are partner humayun looked at you and said she is mughal begum, hoshiyar comes there and informs that jalal will come to your room in night she says okay go from here, ruks says to phopho we were talking about him and sent message, phohpo says i get happy seeing you both together, ruks leaves from there.

bakshi comes to hamida and says dilawar tale care of me, suja sees maan singh and jodha there and is happy, jodha says to bakshi that if you need anything then tell me, she sit infront of suja, jalal comes there, maan informs him that we have attacked baaj bahudar, jalal says he is getting help from pratap, take care of him. jalal ask about Sujamal, sharif says we are searching for him, jalal says i need him alive or dead, jodha is stunned. jalal has anger in his eyes.

Maham comes to javeda’s room , there is smoke, javeda talks in man’s voice, she says i was puffing hukka from morning, i was mourning that i couldnt become owner of this harem, maham says if you keep doing this foolish things then i will kill you, you fool.
Dilawar is taking care of bakshi, jalal cmes there, he says why are you sitting not resting she says i was resting only, tell dilawar he says yes. jalal says she throws medicine you take care of it, bakshi says it was childhood thing, suja recalls past when jodha used to not drink medicine, jodha says that doctor is jealous of me thats why he give me bitter medicine, suja says i will drink it then jodha says why you will drink, i am drinking it for you, jodha drinks medicine, fb ends, bakshi tells jalal that ruks appointed her, jalal says she does her work nicely, jodha comes there and says sorry i came, jalal says i am going only you can come, jodha says i brought creme for you. bakshi ask dilawar to take it, he takes it and thinks that jodha didnt recognize me then nobody can.

Ruks ask dassi to decorate the room nicely, jalal is coming after many days, she thinks everything is like before, harem is mine and also jalal, jodha has become a common wife, maham comes there, ruks doesnt see her and says you came(thinking jalal) i was waiting for you, maham says i didnt know that you love me so much, ruks says you, i thought.. maham says you thought jalal, he is coming to you tonight, ruks says in harem news spread like fire, maham says you are preparing for him, ruks says i dont need to prepare he was mine he is and will always be, maham says you are his childhood friend but you dont know him, he is worried these days, not because of politics, he didnt tell me, ruks says maybe he tell me tonight, maham says you dont need to wait you should ask him, maybe this time too his tension is because of jodha, you should know, maybe he is in love, ruks says you dont know him he doesnt have heart, maham says he is thinking from heart only thses days, i am your well wisher do what is in favor of you.
Bakshi is waiting for sharif and she cuts her hand unknowingly aas she was cutting bettle nuts. dilawar/suja comes there and worries for her, he bandages her and says its not good to eat paan and suparies in this condition, bakshi says i get peace from eating it, suja says why you need peace you have loving brother and loving husband, she yes(in sarcastic manner). suja sees jodha’s portrait and ask bakshi, she says i sent it to jodha, she thinks that he must have made it again, she says our artist made very good pictures just like what you say to her but she made jodha’s painting when sharif asked her, suja ask why he tell jodha’s face, bakshi gets angry and says you dont need to question me, go from here. he thinks there must be something why sharif made jodha’s portrait and why bakshi get irritated listening to jodha’s name.

Jodha is at balcony and thinks that he is shehenshah he will do what he thinks is right, she recalls how he said that think you try to get time to spend with me somebody from my family come inbetween, jodha says i will feel bad, fb ends, she thinks this harem is his, all begums are his then why i am feeling bad if he is going to some other wife’s room.

Jalal comes to ruks, she greets him and says you made me wait alot today, she says sit, she says i asked dasiz to make your favorite dishes, she says we will play game, she ask for drink, jalal in low tone says that i have no issue drinking wine, she gives him drink, he gulps in one sip, he says i am thirsty i want you too to drink with me, she says how can say no to you, she drinks with him, she says now we will play game.

In Jodha’s room, jodha is sitting sadly, moti ask what happened, jodha says i feeling sleepy, moti says you didnt eat dinner, she check her fever, she says no fever then why are you sad, jodha says i dont know what happened to me jalal is angry with me, he is not talking dont know its my perception or truth.

Ruks and jalal are playing luddo, she ask is there any problem, i have seen that you are distanced from jodha you dont talk to her everything ok? he ask where are we? she says in my room, jalal says then why are we talking about jodha, he says if you want to talk about her then go in her room, she says sorry dont go i will not talk about anyone else, he ask fro one more drink.

Moti says to Jodha that i am your friend even then you are sad then whatts the need of me. jodha stops her and says I dont know what happened, jalal informed that ruks that he will spend night with her, she is his wife then why i am feeling sad, moti says its good thing, jodha says i feel like crying and you are saying good thing, jalal once that if she is in love in with him and he go to other wife’s room then will she feel bad and i answered that they all are his wives even then she will feel bad as wife, moti says you got your answer.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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