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Ruks win the game, Jalal says Jodha plays better, Ruk says you said we will not talk about her, she again ask problem, Jalal says Jodha lied to me, ruks says I dont think she can lie to you, he says I have seen with my own eyes even then she is lying, ruks says women can in conditions one that she doesnt want to hurt or she does something wrong and want to hide it, jalal says she cant do anything wrong, ruks gives him drink and says jalal’s doubt is good for my win.

In the night, Jalal and ruks are sleeping closely. Jalal takes off her hand from his, he gets up and drinks, he remembers Jodha going with that man, he throws glass. he is restless and goes out, jalal comes to Jodha’s room he is too drunk but doesnt forget to take off his shoes at door, he looks at jodha sleeping peacefully, jalal sits on her bed, he touches her feet, she takes it back in sleep, he keep caressing her feet, he comes closer to her, he leans to her and looks her, he goes close to her lips and looks at her lips. he recalls man meeting Jodha and how she pushed him once, he backs off and tries to get up but falls on ground, jodha gets up startled, she looks at jalal shocked and ask what are you doing here, he says last time you threw me and now i fell down on my own, jodha says you are drunk, she ask him to get up, he says you didnt do right with me, he says you know I like you alot then why you did that, jodha ask what are you saying, jodha makes him lay down on bed, jodha turns to go but her saree is stuck, she says jalal I respect you alot please leave it, she turns and see jalal sleeping, it is stuck under his hand, she looks at him smilingly and puts his hand on place, she falls net curtain and says last time I pushed then thing were different but now its different. she leaves the bed.
Bakshi is sleeping, suja comes there and blows off diya, he says now I can search for that betrayer, he cmes out and search here and there, one soldier ask who are you, he says I am dilawar khan dasi for bakshi, she says I was going in kitchen, soldier shows her way, he leaves, he thinks that security is tight here i cant find him, I think I should leave, she turns, maham is standing there(i wonder she doesnt sleep in night always roaming). maham ask what are you doing here, dilawar says i was going to kitchen lost my way, maham thinks suja is clever, maham says this is palace you cant raom like street, she says dont do this mistake again, he says it will not happen again, maham says stop you said that you said yourself as him not her, eunch here calls themselves as women, she ask why did you said that, he says we use both and it happens when you are in man’s company, he leaves, maham says you can be clever but i amm waiting that when you will go to jodha as last move then i will play my card.

Dasi are doing beauty service of ruks, one begum ask about her night, ruks says it was amazing, we were drunk, we played game and talked alot and in morning not to do disturb me he left without telling, begum says we feel jealous of you, ruks says ready me as jodha must wanna know what happened last night.

In jodha’s room, Jodha after aarti spread its smoke in room, moti comes there, jodha shows her Jalal, she says kahna listened to you thats why he came, what happened between you both? jodha says go from here, she goes, ruks comes there and ask how are you, its a good morning, jodha says yes it is, ruks says i thought you must be sleeping as you might have not slept last night, you thought that you are clever by leaving harem but you lost harem and Jalal too. last night was beautiful. ruks says to jodha now you understood that jalal is only mine, his days and nights are mine only, ruks eyes falls on bed, jalal is sleeping there, ruks is embarrassed, jodha smiles. she leaves fuming. Jalal gets up and says my head is aching please turn off this light, he gets water and sees its jodha, he says am I dreaming? What are you doing in Ruq room, Jodha says you are in my room, jalal says why did you bring me here, jodha says you yourself came here last night you were drunk. jalal is stunned and get up from bed, jodha says you wanted to ask me something last night, jalal ask what did i say? jodha says you said what i do you dont find it good, jalal says i want to go, jodha says 1st tell me, jalal thinks should i ask her, jalal says nothing i was just drunk, he comes close to jodha, he looks in her eyes, he leans in and takes water glass from table, they look in each others eyes, he leaves, jodha looks on.

Jalal is in shahi bath tub, ruks comes there, jalal says please give me bath and select my cloth, ruks says why dont you ask jodha, jalal says what, ruks says dont be ignorant, you said you didnt want to talk about her then went to her room, jalal says i was drunk, I went to her room only to ask some questions, ruks says you should not think about things which disturbs you, she hugs jalal and says to think about beautiful moments of us spent last night.

Moti says to jodha that hoshiyar is sleeping from three days, he is not answering me, jodha says i will see him, they come out, hoshiyar is crying, jodha ask what happened, any problem, he says i am missing my ammi, jodha says i am angry with you, you hidden your problem from me, he shows her locket, jodha says its good, he says I came in this world on this worst date, we dont come in man or women, nobody respects us, jodha says dont think like that life is for everyone, you must love your life, never say like this again, jodha gives her bangles to hoshiyar as birthday gift, he says you have golden heart.

Ruks is checking monetary issues, she says there is alot corruption in hream’s money, maham says jodha have splurged alot, jodha comes there and says i wanna ask your permission, today is hoshiayr’s birthday we want to celebrate it, ruks laugh alot and says you wanna celebrate birthday of a eunuch, jodha says so what if he is eunuch, he is human too, they have right to be happy, ruks says he is servant he must remain in his limit and alot of money has been spent, jodha says not to worry about money i will do it on my own, maham says ruks is right all will laugh on you, ruks says jalal also will not like it and he must have not time for this stupidity, jodha sayss then i will ask permission from jalal only, she leaves, ruks laughs, she says she want to be become angel of harem and other side she meets somebody hiding from all, jalal told me this in drunk state, she says you have to make sure that jodha keep meeting him and jalal keep suspecting her then one day jalal will… this doubt factor can destroy big relations, maham says you are clever.
Dilwar is going, sharif stops her, dilawar says bakshi told me take this painting to jodha’s room, sharif says take this to my room now, jalal comes there and sees painting of jodha, sharif lies that bakshi made this painting and wanted to gift jodha but I think it will be good in your room, dilawar looks at him, sharif ask him to take this to Jalal’s room, jalal ask about suja, sharif says i will catch him. suja thinks why he lied infront of jalal.

Jalal is looking at Jodha’s painting, jodha comes in, he hides painting, jodha says I went to ruks to take permission but she denied so i came to you, jalal says i dont have time say it fast, jodha says i will come later jalal says no you can say now, jodha says today is hoshiyar’s birthday i want to celebrate it, jalal says this never happened, jodha says but. jalal says when ruks denied you shouldnt have come here, jodha says he will be happy, jalal shouts that i said that i will not happen, what you think that I will change my decision if you ask again and again, I dont have time for all this, he leaves, jodha is emotional.

Soul talk- jodha says everything went wrong, we couldnt talk, jalal says I was angry on something else and was taking on different things, you lied to me, jodha says i had my reason, jalal says i never wanted to hurt you but we were stuck between things, jodha says still I believed you fully. (we see jalal and jodha going in opposite direction)

Ruks laughs that Jodha is going to celebrate hoshiyar’s birthday. atgah informs Jalal that some eunuch was roaming in palace last night, maham says its not a important matter, she says I was checking i think she is new thats why he was roaming. jalal says i believe maham but just tell her to not roam. jalal says to maham that jodha didnt tell truth to me, my peace will go if she doesnt tell me, i trust her than why she doesnt tell me, why she is keeping silence, i shouted on her today without reason, maham thinks that why his trust not breaking, she says you should not question her as she will think that you are doubting her, she says its normal that question are rising as you are husband when husband sees her wife going out in night meeting someone and going in hut with him then questions arises but you cant doubt jodha she is true rajvanshi all you can do is to wait and have patience.

Maham is happy that now jalal will not trust jodha never. javeda comes there and ask why he will not believe her? Maham says as they have come close so now jodha will say that she doesnt love jalal then jalal will not believe her, javeda says you are so nice, javeda says I was missing adham so came to talk to you, maham says you should go to kitchen then, javeda leaves, maham have sigh of relief.

Hamida gets to know from salima that jodha is celebrating hoshiyar’s birthday. hamida says she is great. all eunuch are happy that 1st time this is happening. resham comes to hoshiyar and says happy birthday, she informs that jodha asked for celebration for your birthday from jalal and he agreed, hoshiyar says i am lucky.

Jodha is crying that I just asked his permission only why he shouted AT me? Hoshiyar comes there and says jalal agreed for my birthday celbration all because of you, jalal comes there and looks at jodha, hoshiyar thanks him and goes out, jalal says i agreed to your wish then why these tears? jodah says if you had to agree then why did you say bitter words, jalal says I cant see tears in women eyes, jodha says if you can give them then have courage to see them as well, Jalal says I was not in good mood that time, jodha says you can say no to me but the way you talked to me I was hurt, jalal thinks you are also hurting me.

Jalal and jodha come to hamda’s room, they are called inside, she says you both made me proud today, she says it never happened earlier your decision will make place in eunuchs’ heart, jodah says its all because of jalal, hamida says your father and granddad must be proud today, jalala is lost hamida ask what happened? he says nothing, jodha ask him to come in celebration, jalal says i will be there, he leaves, hamida says your husband seems tensed, jodah says yes he is angry today, he shouted on me, i dont know what happened, hamida says as wife you should lessen his pain, he doesnt share his sorrows, as a person he needs emotional support, jodha thinks that he is hurt because of me he was remembering last night how i pushed him earlier.

Dilawar ask bakshi to rest, she says i was just walking, she is about to fall but dilawar holds her and says you will be on bed now, she says jalal will kill me if anything happens to you. resham comes there, bakshi says you are looking good, she says dilawar is more cute, she says i came to call dilawar ,she says i cant come, i am with bakshi, bakshi asks her to go, dont worry about me, you should go, resham says lets go now, they come in jashn, dilawar/suja thinks i dont when i will do my work. in jashn all eunuch congats hoshiyar, they all say that you are lucky, resham says i am important to maham she will celebrate my bday, other say that all are not like jodha, jodha comes there and give gifts to hoshiyar sent by hamida. ruks comes there and says how jashn can be done without special begum, hoshiyar thanks jodha ruks sees it, jodha ask to start jashn. all eunuch starts dancing, jalal comes there, all stands straight, jalal gifts hoshiyar, she sits in his feet and thanks him for coming into his jashn, jalal says i announced it so i had to come, jalal says people come in rules, rules is not made by human so it can be changed anytime, jalal says to start jashn, ruks ask him to come here, he goes, jodha is about to go to him but he looks at her, ignores her and goes to sit beside ruks, jodha thinks now i am sure he is angry with me.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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