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In amer, Jodha is handing out coins to Hindu pilgrims so that they can pay the tax for pilgrimage when a maid comes hurrying , tells Jodha that a messenger from Agra has come with the news that Lagaan has been abolished .. Jodha is very surprised and comes out from temple , she is ecstatic to hear everyone singing praises of Jalal. Jodha realizes that Jalal’s heart has awakened.


Jodha says she began to recollect each and every word that he had said.. we get the flashback of Jalal apologizing, of all the other moments…

In agra, maham is in her room, gnashing her teeth n riling against the overweening influence of Jodha .. maham is angry that jalal is veering towards Hinduism away from Islam, She blames Jodha for this change. Hamida walks into Maham’s room.. Hamida and maham engage in conversation..Hamida informs Maham that her faults have been many but at the same time, Hamida says one cannot overlook Maham’s contribution and her sacrifices .. Hamida encourages Maham to try and decrease the distance between jalal and herself.. Hamida points out that Jalal still respects her hence he has overlooked many faults of Adham and hers.. Hamida wishes the best for Maham n leaves.. Maham who was looking all broken with tears rolling down her cheeks gets back to cruel mode again. Maham says unto the empty room that she is least bothered about Jalal’s opinion nor concerned about him.. From this moment on, All her energies, her planning will be towards getting her own Son Adham to the throne ..

In amer, All have sat down to dinner and are waiting for Jodha to come.. Jodha bustles in, declares that she was foolish n pushed her stubbornness beyond limit n wants to return to Agra , that too on that night itself…All in one breath…. Mainavati reminds Jodha that it is night n not safe plus one has to see auspicious time but Bharmal shoots down this suggestions saying that since Jodha is returning to her home, there is no need for such formalities

In amer, jodha is leaving fro agra, she meets kaki and maasa, they cries, she touches bharmal’s feet, he blesses her, meena does her aarti, jodha comes out of palace and sit in palanquin, their caravan starts journey to agra.

In agra, in court, atgah says some hindu people want to thank you for removing tax and wants to gift you, adham says this was left only, sharif says don’t burn your blood, just enjoy drama. hindu representative comes and thanks jalal, jalal says it was my duty, they say you took your duties and told this world that everyone can follow their religion. you told us that you have big heart and you lessen our burden. jalal says emperor is like father, I hope I keep all you happy always and serve my people, thye say that the have brought some gift, jalal says its not needed, they say please accept it, they gifts him a big quran paak, qazi says they are playing with jalal’s feelings to make him on their side, jalal is happy to see it and prays.
soul talk- jalal says that day I realized that what is eid is actually karvachauth, when god didn’t make wall between people then why we make it, that day I hoped that you come back.

Ruks is happy and says to jalal in room that people are going crazy fro your no tax order, jalal says most of people are thinking that I did that only fro hindus, ruks says it doesn’t matter, see how much people are happy, jalal says I should have done that before, when I went out with jodha, I was subjected to this tax, ruks says lets play chess for your celebration, jalal says I have political matters to handle, ruks becomes angry and says you care for all but not care for feelings of mine, jallal smiles and says okay lets play but only one game, they sit to play but dasi comes,

Ruks scolds her and says to go out, jalal says whats message, dasi says letter came from agra, ruks says jalal will come after playing, jalal says no it must be important, he goes out and gets letter, ruk sfumes that jodha is snatching him from far too, jalal comes running to her and ask her to read letter for him, ruks ask about game, he says I will play 2 games but read it 1st, ruks read and bharmal wries in letter that jodha is coming to agra, jalal cant believe it, letter says jodha have already left for agra and will reach soon, jalal says this means jodha forgave me, this is the best news of my life, I will welcome her grandly, I will play with you some otherday, he goes out, ruks is heartbroken and shouts jodha I hate you a lot.

Jalal comes shouting to hamida and says my wife and your daughter is coming bac k, hamida says thank god he listened to my prayers, I don’t want it to be dream, jalal says its reality, he says I did mistake but I hoped you forgive me, hamida says let bygones be bygones, I hope that you both learn from this incident and start to trust each other, we have to welcome her goodly, jalal is excited and says my wife, queen and sunshine of agra is coming back so welcome will be done by whole agra, its only because of her that I became great emperor, she taught me how to rule hearts, he ask salima to keep check on harem’s preparation, salima nods and sasy you are so much happy, jalal says yes, he says to hamida thanks for forgiving me.

For the celebrations, Jalal assign duties, sharif thinks I am happy jodha is coming but not sad also as you are not coming for me, he ask atgah to send fast paced horses and ask them to inform me about how much distance is left for jodha to come, he ask maaan singh to do arrangement in rajvanshi style, she is our pride, I want you to go to jodha and do grand welcome of her, I want her to come here with so much happiness that she forgets about time she left from here. maan nods. he says to sharif that you have responsibility to check decorations, you have to dev orate whole agra, he agrees. jalal says I cant tell you hw much happy I am that you are coming.

Hoshiyar tells moti that jodha is coming back, she thanks lord and says I have to clean and decorate her room, se says jodha coming here is like light coming in darkness, salima comes there ans supervise decorations of her room. in palace, it is decorating, jalal is checking, jalal ask atgah did you send faced paced horse man s they can infrom us about how much jodha reached, atgah says yes. atgah says I am happy that you have smile on your face, jalal says to atgah that when jodha went away everything was finished but now I have ray of hope in my heart and now she is coming back, I am so so happy, he hugs atgah.

Jalal gets the news that jodha has covered half distance, jalal gets happy and gifts soldier, jalal says i am only waiting when will you enter here, without you every minute is like year.

Begums gossips that 1st she was stubborn didn’t come with jalal and now coming here, one begum says if you understand her then you would be in place of jodha, its thing of love, it was 1st time that jalal went for some wife so there is something different in her.

Ruks comes to jalal and sees him restless, she thinks that the one who left you you are waiting for her and the one who is with you from childhood you are ignoring her. she ask jala what is he doing on terrace, jalal says i am waiting fro jodha, ruks says i know you are happy that she is coming back even me too but by waiting like this will she come quickly? jalal says you are right but I don’t have control on my heart, I only want to see jodha, I am not feeling to do anything or to rest.. i have only one wish that i get to see jodha. soldier tells him that jodha have covered most of the distance and she will be here till tomorrow, jalal is beyond happy and says see ruks only one night then tomorrow morning she will be here. ruks says that’s good, i have to do preparations, jalal says i am happy that you are doing all this, ruks says my happiness is in your happiness, she thinks in mind that i don’t want to do it but i fear that i don’t get away from you so i have to pretend to be nice infront of jodha. she goes.
Ruks comes to dasies and orders them to do good decorations, whole palace should look beautiful and jalal want it to be in rajvanshi style and also prepare jodha’s favorite food, maham comes there and says seem you are ill, ruks says may my enemy be ill. maham says who tried to snatch your position, you are doing all this for her welcome, ruks says i told you many times that no one can snatch my position and also i cant go against jodha like you but i will be close to her to get close to jalal then i will find way to separate them, maham says you should have said that you are fearing of jodha, ruks says not fear its cleverness, one should move in direction of wind not against wind as it will destroy like you, she leaves.

Jodha’s caravan is on journey, they stop somewhere seeing tents. they meet maan singh there, shehnaz is with jodha, jodha comes out and ask maan you here, maan says i will accompany you from now till agra.

Resham comes to maham and says decorations are like that tomorrow is eid, maham scolds her, adham comes there and fumes that jalal is celebrating jodha’s return greatly, he says you tried a lot and now she is coming back with full respect and we will bow down to her, it our defeat, maham says not our defeat but defeat of muhal sultanat. once this sultanat made rajvanshies bow down to us and now its opposite, its doing round aaround only one rajvanshi women, maham says we can stop it, didn’t you see bharmal, maan got positions, then shivani was forgiven then todal came here but you couldn’t do anything, we have to remove roots to stop all this, we have to make loyal people of jalal away from him like maan, todal, atgah, jodha all. 1st should be atgah in list, adham agrres.

Maan ask jodha to take rest, jodha ask why is here when she was only coming in agra, maan says jalal ask me to come here for your security, there is huge jashn, jodha sk about jalal, he says jalal was not happy before but when he got news of you coming back then his face glowed, jodha smiles.

Jalal gets the news that maan has met jodha they will reach agra soon, jalal again gifts him.

Jodha ask maan did he send any message, maan says his eyes was saying a lot but he didn’t said anything to me as he wants to talk to you only, jodha ask when we will reach agra, he says not much time, we will reach tomorrow morning, jodha says i want to go fast, i have hurt many people like salima, Rahim, hamida, i miss them, shehnaz ask what about jalal, jodha gets shy, maan leaves, jodha recalls maan’s words and is blushing.
Salima comes to jalal, she says i thought when will jodha coming here you will get peace but you are restless, jalal says right, its biggest night for me don’t know when will jodha come, salima says wait for one night only then glory will shine in whole agra, jalal says as women i wanna ask you something that tomorrow when i meet jodha what should i do, what should i say, salima says its strnge that you are same king that enemies sweat with your name and you are sweating to face your wife. jalal says i fought many wars but its thing of heart and i am dumb in it, salima says don’t worry as love has its language you don’t need to say anything, when you meet your love without speaking you listen and talk with your love and same will happen with you and jodha. she leaves, jalal says you sleep salima as i cant sleep now. otherside jodha also thinks when this night will end when will i reach agar, she thinks he sent maan for my welcome, i know till when i don’t reach agra he will not sleep. jalal thinks that my sleep is with jodha when will she come, please forgive. jodha thinks that you asked forgiveness but i was stubborn, i didn’t even talk to you but now everything will be fine, i will be with you, jalal thinks i will get peace when i get you. (in ankhoon plays) they both cant sleep and are restless. ishq hai who ehsas plays

Finally its morning, at gate of palace of all are waitng fro jodha to come, common people are also there and chats for jalal and jodha. they caravan arrives, palanquin comes in, jalal has broad smile, jodha comes out and is emotional, hamida says drak night ended, jodha’s glory has comeback, Rahim runs to jodha, jodha meets hamida and folds her hand, hamida hugs her, jodha hugs salima, jodha meets shivani and hugs her. her feets are washed by salima, jodha is looking out fro jalal, salima in rajvanshi style does her tilak and aarti, jalal is behind women, odha think where is jalal, women moves and jalal is standing infront of jodha, she looks at him and freezes there, jalal nods to greet her.

Jodha is coming on the carpet. Jalal is moving towards her too. She recalls when they were getting married. People are roaring Jalal’s name. Jalal smiles at Jodhna. Jalal does the adaab. They smiles at each other. Jodha does the arti of Jalal. She recalls when she said to him that she will only come bvack she wants to. Jalal says come with me. He extends his hand and Jodha holds it. Ruks is in tears and is angry to see this. She leaves and so does Adham Khan. Jalal and jodha smile at each other. Jalal takes Jodha forward. They are moving together, in the castle. Rest of the people are following them. Jodha is happy to see that Jalal has made a mandir for her in there. Jalal says you took your Ghana with you so I planned on welcoming your Ghana back too. Everyone is smiling.

Pandit says all the arrangements have been made for the pooja.Can we start now ? Jalal nods. Pandit ji says you both have to sit along as a couple for that. Jodha says Pandit ji we both are always together. Pandit ji asks them to take their places. They sit together. Salima says to jodha that I am so happy to se that jodha and jalal are back together. Hamida says mee to Salima. First Hindus gifted Quran Pak to the mughal king and now mughal kings is doing pooja for his hindu wife. A new combine culture is about to start. Its a new beginning where the two are meeting together.
Jodha and Jalal does the pooja rituals. Pandit ji says the asthampna is done.
Jodha says shahenshah I wanna say something. Jalal says I have to so much to talk about as well but you are tired now. Go and take some rest we will talk later on.

Hamida says to a servant that all the things are good. Jodha comes to Hamida’s room. SHe says parnam to her. Hamida says Jodha.. Jodha asks how are you ? She says I am better now. But when you left me without telling me I was so low. Jodha says please forgive me ammi jaan. She is in tears. Hamida says i can’t still see your tears. You don’t need to say anything. I can understand your emotions. hamida syas that a small kid cried and tells all the problems to his mom and you tolerated all the alone. I think there were shortcomings in my love. You didn’t even think that you are not just jalal’s wife, my daughter too. Jalal had to be punished. What was my fault and Salima’s ? The small Rahim thought that his choti ami has left because he asked for stories. He came to me and said bring my choi ammi back I will never ask for stories. Why you punished all of us ? Jodha says please pardon me. I took too intense step in emotions. Hamida says you will be punished to for this mistake. From today you won’t go out of Agra. You won’t go out of this castle without telling me. Jodha says I accept his. Hamida says If you hadn’t left jalal would never had realized his mistake. The human inside that kingv would never have come out. First time I saw jalal working as his heart directed him. He respected others’s emotions. I am grateful to you that you e him his heart back.

Jodha tells all the story to Shivani. She tells that he kept on sking for his pardon then i realized that it was too much. Shicvani says you have done wrong to him. He left his empire to look fro you and asked for pardon but you never said yes. I could see some special life on his face when he heard that you are coming back. he asked everyone to start arrangements for your welcome. Shahenshah loves you a lot. Jodha says not as much as you love tejwand. Shivani says please don’t tease me. Jodha says you can say everything. sHe asks are you happy with tejwand > Shivani sasy yes I am so happy and this has happened because of Shahenshah. How is everyone in amir ? Have mom and dad forgiven me ? Jodha says you are their daughter how can’t they ? You gave them reason to be angry. But when Jalal forgave you and tejwand, I could see peace on dda’s face. Shivani says such beautiful decorations.

Ruks says you will never win jodha because the game of heart and mind is still left. She looks at the painting and says wow its so good. She gives gift to the artist, Ruks says this haram has been ruled by the one who has been ruling jalal’s mind. You came and changed all the rules. This is now game of jalal’s heart. First time someone gave me a tough competition.

Jodha asks how this painting came in to my room moti ? Moti says Shahenshah have got it for you. When you were not here Shahaenshah used to stay here whole nights. I never saw him sleeping. He always used to look at your picture and kept on talking to your painting for hours. I felt like he has lost himself. He was broken even after being a shahenshah. I have seen him crying. He nevr met any of his wives after you left. I have seen love for you in his eyes. Shivani says jiji you lost in his thoughts ? There is time left in the night. Jodha runs after her. Shivani says I am sorry. They hug each other.

Jalal is in his room and recalls Jodha’s arrival. He smiles. He recalls jodha holding his hand. A man comes and tells him that jodha has come. Jodha comes in, jalal feels confused. Jodha says shahenshah I wanna say something.. Jalal says thank God I heard those words again. I was dying to hear them. Please stay I am coming in a moment. He takes out a hunter from trunk. He says that I deserve punishment as well. I know that my words did hurt you. I want you to hit me with this. Only then I will be able to look in your eyes. He gives the hunter to jodha.

Jalal ask jodha to punishe him, jodha takes hunter and ask how much should I attack, jalal says as much as you want, till my fault is not removed from your heart, till you are not satisfied you can beat til that and I will not say anything, jodha looks at him ,jodha says if this is the thing then I am at fault first and you punish me first, jalal says no you havnt did anything, I was wrong, jodha says no I did crime, you did what you had seen and what you understood but I didn’t allow the truth to come out to you, I hided truth, you kept asking forgiveness but I could nt see as I was blided by my ego, I did sin that my husband was begging me and I didn’t even look at you, I am criminal, I hurt a lot of people for my ego, hamida, salima they are hurt and Rahim I hurt him too so I am biggest criminal so give me punishment, jalal says no I am criminal I asked you to leave from agra, because of me all are hurt, I am neither good husband nor good king, punish me please forgive, he folds his hand, jodha holds it and says no, jodha says husband bend infront of wife is not good and king bend infront of wife its even not more good and to tell you truth, I forgave from long time but I couldn’t forgave you, she says I didn’t return because you removed tax or you forgave shivani but I return to see the person who have heart, have softness, have love for his own and that person is standing infront of me, I returned because my mission is accomplished and the person infront of me is best human and king, I am proud of you and that I am your wife, some prick goes in jodha’s eyes, jalal gets worried and says I will take it out, he gets close and blows air in her eyes, jodha holds his hand, jalal looks at her.. in ankhin main plays.. they are not leaving hands, jodha is shy, jalal holds her hand in his palm, they share eyelock, jalal gets emotional and hugs jodha, jodha is stunned first, try to control herself but closes eyes and feels jalal’s heartbeat, she pulls up her hand and hugs back jalal who is stunned and hugs her tightly. 

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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