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In harem, two begums come to jodha, they claim same ring to be theirs, jodha says i will check this ring’s data where everything is written whose thing is whose, hamida comes there and says today is jashn for you and you are stuck here, jodha says its my work, hamida says salima told me what step you have taken for bandhies, jalal also supported you so i brought some some gifts for you, she gives her gifts and says when you came here many were against you but forced them to change their mind about you, i thought jalal was alone but now he have partner, he is happy around you, i hope same for you , do you have any complaint against him? jodha says he doesnt give chance for complaints, salima says there are some dresses, wear in jashn from them.

Atgah is checking about jashn’s preparation, suja comes there and says i can give message to this minister, he writes on paper and gives it to one kid to give this atgah, he gives it to atgah, suja thinks who is he who wants to kill jalal and who is involved with him, i cant let this happen, atgah says who gave you this, suja leaves, atgah ask to make security tight, sharif comes there and is stunned to see strict security, atgah informs him that i got news that abul mali wants to kill jalal in jashn, sharif says what else you know? atgah nothing, you came here on right so i appoint you for jalal’s security, sharif and thinks you appointed wrong person. he thinks who gave this message to atgah.

Resham says what problem you have with jodha. mahma says she is standing against me, she stopped me and also took jalal from me, i thought ruks will help me but she is of no use, jodah’s jashn is being announced and ruks is getting ready. Javeda comes there and says i dont know what to wear in jashn, i want to look beautiful in jashn, maham says i will give you bandhi to get ready, you look good, javeda says you seem jealous but said a good thing, maham shouts that i am chief minister and you are talking infront of me, resham ask her to control, maham says go and get ready, javeda says you seem tensed today, i will go and get ready.

Jodha says moti what color should i wear? jalal says gree color, it intensify your beauty, jodha says why you came here you coud have called me, jalal says it is sin to call a lady who is getting ready, i need permission, jodha says yu dont need any, jalal says i have to as you pushed me once when i didnt took your permission, jalal says i want your permission will you walk with me in jashn? jodha says its an honour for me, jalal says i am confused why you drank poison for me, jodha says to save your life, jalal says why? jodha says i had to do that, jalal says this is not the answer, i want answer , dasi comes and informs that bharmal has come, jalal says to ask mirza to meet him i will come, he says i didnt get my answer today but i will get it one day, jodha is shy.

Jalal and jodha comes to meet bharmal, jalal tells her about todays jashn, bharmal says i came to meet jodha all were worried about you, he says you made me proud by drinking poison for jalal, jalal says i am alive because of her, its her favour, bharmal says no she just proved that she is rajvanshi it was her duty, jalal says i hvae to duty too, he says i want to discuss politics with bharmal. jodha leaves from there, jalal tells bharmal about death of his soldiers by sujamal, bharmal says we are not related to sujamal but we are sad that he was member of our family, jalal says he did wrong by attacking mewat, he says i will meet you in jashn.

Mali and sharif are in hut, mali says who he can be that warned atgah about attack, he ask sharif to tell him location of of jashn, Sharif tells him that where jalall will be seated and where shooter can stand, mali says jashn will start normally, soldiers will be active but with passage of time they will reolax then we will attack jalal. mali says to shooter that you will get only one chance to kill jalal, today will be last night for jalal.

In palace, jodha says its good that bharmal, moti says God also want you to be happy.

In ruks room, hoshiyar says I came to make ruks ready, ruks says I want to look best and want to enter in jashn with jalal.

All bandhies are heading towards jashn, they are happy that they are invited because of jodha. they praise jodha.

Ruks comes to Jalal’s room but bandhi says jalal went to enter in jashn with Jodha, ruks says she came between us again, i will not leave her.

Jalal is on horse, he comes at venue where nation is chanting for jalal and jodha. jodha’s palanquin comes there, jalal and jodha goes on stage, hamida, bharmal, Mirza, ruks, maham, javeda and all other begums come there. ruks fumes seeing jodha. javeda says to maham that today i will not get time for you because i will take praise from my lovers.
Sharif is waiting for shooter, sujamal is in jashn too, he thinks that i have promised jodha to protect her and jalal will be attacked too i have to stop him.

Ruks thinks that jodha did a big mistake by coming here with jalal, i will not forgive her, maham says you must be thinking that jalal came with jodha, ruks says i dont care, maham says it matters to you i can see that, jalal leaving you and coming with jodha is big thing, ruks says jodha must have asked him and her agreed to come with her, maham says wrong he went to jodha and asked her to come with him. maham says its good that you are silent because in future many things are yet to happen which you will have to bear, ruks says i am going out with jalal to spend time with him.

Jalal addresses nation that he is thankfull to all for coming here, he says i promised to do jashn for jodha and i fulfilled it today, jalal says human is free to breath so i am canceling the rule slavery in mughal saltanat, jalal ask atgah to read document, he reads that from today it will be considered as sin to make people servant and if anybody uses servant he will punished severely. jalal says i promised that i will do jashn with you as common man, he takes off his turban and says now we are all same. he sits, jodha says you didnt tell me that you will announce a new rule, jalal says only you cant do good work, you liked my gift? jodha says alot, they smiles, sujamal is finding shooter.
The jashn starts, dancer starts dancing on jai ho, all are happy, jalal is smiling. suja sees sharif and says he can recognize me, he must not see me, he bumps with shooter and says sorry, he remembers that he was with mali so he is the attacker, jalal nods to jodha and comes down, he says to atgah that i want to go betweeen them, atgah ask him to be careful, two men comes and takes jalal on their shoulders, attacker comes closer to jalal, he fills tube with which he will attack jalal, suja comes and puts knife on his belly, he says to silently come out with him, he takes him out and beats him, he kills the attacker, sharif and soldiers comes, they grabs him, sharif ask who are you, what were you doing here, sharif takes out his beard and says sujamal, suja runs from there, jalal and atgah comes there, sharif says he was sujamal, my soldier recognized him so he killed him, jalal ask why he came here? sharif says to kill you.

Atgah ask who was the man, sharif says he was sujamal he came to kill jalal, jalal says he should not go out of agra, i want him, atgah says i knew that mali will you tonight but didnt know that sujamal was with him.

In harem, jodha says i cant believe that suja came to attack, moti says believe it, jodha says i cant as he is a rajvanshi and cant attack from behind, he promised me that he will protect my husband then how can he attack jalal, moti says but sharif said that, jodha says i dont understand he said to me that he is leaving from agra then what was he doing in jashn, moti ask when did you meet him? jodha tells her about meeting with him in mandir, jodha says because of some confusion suja is being trapped as killer, she says i have to talk to jalal i will tell him everything, moti says no you cant tell him that you met him ,she says think that he is mughal criminal and you met him jalal will not like it, your and jalal’s relation is smoothing after many problem you should not tell him about suja, he will think that you are taking his side. jodha thinks.

Maham says its weird that whenever jalal goes out he gets attacked i think security is not good, ruks says if you are saying that atgah is not competent then you are wrong, its because of him that jalal is safe even after attack, attacks do happen on kings but our soldiers saves him everytime, maham says how attacker reached there, ruks says but he couldnt attack jalal, the only culprit is jodha’s brother sujalmal, even after this jalal doesnt find jodha wrong, she ask maham to find suja,she agrees.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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