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Dilawar is in bakshi’s room, she is sleeping, dilawar thinks that jalal have doubt on me have to find that man otherwise there will be no use of this risk, sharif comes and says my wife is sleeping, he says her resting is good for me, he ask dilawar to bring his coat, she brings it and make him wear it, he says when bakshi wakes up tell her that came. he leaves. bandhi informs dilawar that you are being called by maham.

Maham says to artist that today is your test you have to make a potrait which i will tell you, she tells her som ething in mute, dilawar comes there, maham says from today you will be serving ruks not bakshi, she says i have appointed another bandhi for bakshi so you go to ruks, suja thinks that when jalal was asking question she was also there so she have doubt on me. he leaves. maham says to artist to make painting of her, she ask why you want painting of eunuch? maham says how dare you question me, do your work.

Ruks says i have taken jewelry give this to bakshi and salima, bandhi ask about jodha, ruks says i didnt said her name so how dare you questioned me. dilawar comes there, ruks thinks that he is that rajvanshi whom jodha meet in night, she says i wanted to meet you, i mean i listened that you are good worker, she says i am tired massage my feet, she thinks if he is rajvanshi then he will never touch it, suja thinks that i will die but will never touch feet of mughal.
Dilawar says to ruks I can touch your feet, I can not touch shsheshah’s wife, ruks smirks. she says you know, many people say Jodha is good, Dilawar says I didnt mmet her but hear that she is soft hearted.

Maham comes to jalal and says i got to know a big thing about diawar, Maham shows painting of Dilawar, he says what, maham says dont you find it familiar.

Ruks ask Dilawar to go and give this jewelry to Jodha she goes. jalal says i dont find anything in it, maham says okay i will ease your problem. she makes beard and mustache on dilawar’s painting and ask now you remember who is he? He remembers Jodha meeting same man, Maham says he is same man whom jodha meets at night.. he came here behind jodha, I cant believe he took this way to meet jodha, she says I think they are having an affair , he came here for her love, in your harem, Jalal fumes. he takes portrait. maham says he was under bakshi thank God she is safe, he came to harem, he broke your rules he must be meeting jodha at nights, jalal throws painting and ask where is he? Maham says he is with ruks now, jalal goes. maham says sorry jodha now only your memories will remain here.

Dilawar is going to Jodha and think it's good I got a chance to meet Jodha, I dont think I can find that culprit, all have doubt on me I should leave after meeting Jodha, he goes to Jodha and says ruks gave this jewelry to you, he says I want to talk to you alone, Jodha ask Moti to go out. 

Jalal comes to ruks and ask about Dilawar, she says he was with me but said he wants to give something to Jodha, Jalal goes to her room.

Suja says to Jodha I am here, I am Sujamal, he take off dupatta, Jodha is stunned and says being a rajvanshi how can you do this, he says I promised you that I will protect Jalal someone is plotting against him so I came here but now all doubt me so I should leave. I am sorry I couldnt recognize that culprit, Jalal comes there shouting that betrayer I will cut your head, Jodha ask him to go, he leaves, Jalal comes in and ask Jodha what was Dilawar doing here, what are you thinking that will you lie to me, I know everything, I know who he is, I will talk to you but 1st I will cut his head, he goes out, Jodha thinks how to tell truth to Jalal truth. jalal ask soldiers to catch Dilawar.
Dilawar think I should leave, soldiers find him and attacks him, he fights with them and says mughal can not touch a rajvanshi. He runs from there, soldiers are behind him, Jalal says to Atgah that he is a rajvanhsi, soldiers infroms him that he went towards kitchen after hurting some soldiers, Jalal says how dare he? He goes there. Adham ask Maham what's all this, she tells him that Dilawar is a man and he came to meet Jodha, I promised dehli’s throne to you and our big problem was Jodha but now she will be removed from our way.

Sujamal comes to kitchen, soldiers surround him, he fights with all soldiers and hides in big mug, one bandhi sees him hiding, Jalal comes there, bandhi informs him that he is hiding in big mug. 

Jodha prays to kahna to save Sujamal from Jalal, she says he came here like eunuch just for me, please save him.

Ruks is happy that now Jodha will leave. Hamida ask who was that man, Salima says i dont know, Hamida hopes Jalal will not be angry with Jodha. 

Shrif is with Bakshi, he gets to know that he is a man, he thinks what if he is sujamal, he knows everything about me, he leaves. bakshi think he left hearing the name of jodha.

Jalal and force comes there to that mug, Jalal says I know you are in that mug, I am telling you come out, he says you still have time come out else hot water will burn your skin.

Jalal ask Sujamal to come outside of the mug, he says okay you will come out on your own, Jalal says you still have time otherwise you will burned with this hot water, soldiers starts pouring hot water, somebody screams from inside, jalal says take him out, soldiers take out man and its jalal’s soldier, Atgah ask what are you doing here? He says Dilawar put me inside and ran away. flashback shows Dilawar had seen bandhi running from kitchen, he says she will tell Jalal that I am hiding in the mug so he fights with one soldier, tie him up and put him inside mug. FB ends. Atgah says to jalal he will not able to go out of palace, Maham smirks.

Suja comes to Jodha, she says run from here else Jalal will kill you, he says I am not afraid of dying, I just wanted to meet you and say good bye, promise me you will not tell Jalal that you met me, Jodha says but.. Suja says you have swear on head, he says don't know when I will see you again, Jodha says go, he turns to go but Jalal and force are standing at the door, Jalal says I knew you will meet her before going, Jodha says don't punish him he is not at fault, Jalal says put him in jail, soldiers take Suja away,

Jalal fume at Jodha, he comes to her. Jalal says I asked you again and again but you remain silent, I had seen you with this man behind mandir because I had belief on you that you will tell me one day, you kept lying to me, dont you trust me that you didnt tell your heart thing to me, Jodha thinks I cant tell you because of the promise I made to Suja, Jalal says why are you silent, Jodha says I was tense, Jalal says I was also tense, I thought I dont have a heart but today my heart is saying to give you one chance, he says tell me the truth who is this man? I respected you, your religion, your rajvanshi stubbornness everything but what kind of rajvanshi is he that he became eunuch and came to harem just to meet you, you know there are hundreds of wives in harem but I never looked at them because I didnt feel love but now my heart is aching, this man invited his death because of you, I will kill him infront of you, he says what is the reason that he didnt care about his life and came to you, Jalal holds Jodha hairs tightly and says why he came here, is it because of your love for him or hatred for me? You allowed another man to come to your room but never allowed your husband, answer me, he throw Jodha to wall, Jodha says i cant tell, Jalal says why are you ashamed? You didnt feel ashamed having affair and now you can't tell me, do your father know, I never made relation with you but I have right to ask you who is he, when you were marrying me you had this man in your heart? You pushed me because of this man? Jalal says I was a fool and you are clever, you came here to attack me, you must have remembered this man everyday, you pretended to be good, you drank poison just to win my trust, you saved me from that poison because it will kill me in one go but you wanted to kill me slowly, I was a fool to show my heart to you and you just saw it to break it, I thought you have feelings for me but you.. I am the empror but I bowed down to your god, you asked that man to this god and I always wished that your prayers get fulfilled, you called other man to your room without shame, I bowed down infront of you but what you did, I never touched you because I respected you but you.. answer me, I will kill that man just answer me, he punch wall and his fist bleeds, jodha is shocked and concern for him, he push Jodha, he says I feel you have answer to all this, please answer me, for your god, for your love for your family just answer me, do you know this man, yes or no, Jodha says yes, he is about to slap her but stop, he ask did you meet him before marriage, Jodha says yes, Jalal throws things, he ask from when did you know him, she says from childhood, he ask do you love him, tell me, jodha says yes, Jalal shouts with pain and anger, he holds his head and laughs at himself, he says you embarrassed me, you accepted your affair and made our relation, mughal sultanat, rajvanshi traditions embarrassed, he says I always respected your talent but this talent of taking revenge is great, now I dont want to see any talent of yours. Jalal says to Jodha I started loving you and I was seeing light in my life but you made that light impure with your characterless nature, I dont want to see your face, go from here till tomorrow morning, Jodha is stunned.. he shouts go from here, he leaves, Jodha cry miserably.

Jalal comes to court, Jalal says I will come to the point, he shouts what system is this that an outsider man comes inside palace, nobody knows about it, who is responsible for it, one rajvanshi kept roaming in the palace and nobody knew about it, I am ashamed that one man came inside harem in eunuch disguise and was with my wives, he says to Maham answer me, she says every eunuch is checked but even then this happened, I promise you to find out about this matter, Jalal says I believe you because you concentrate on your work but you did mistake this time, Maham says yes I did mistake this time I accept and ready for punishment, Jalal says its shameful that you did mistake, he says to sharif that man was in your room and you didnt have doubt, he says till tomorrow assign severe punishment for that man that it will set example for others, Maham think that Jalal’s anger is showing that he is broken.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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