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Hamida comes to jalal and jodha, she kisses their heads, hamida brings gifts, the royal turban and crown for them and make them wear it, all people chants for jalal and jodha’s long life, jodha smiles and looks at jalal and makes face. atgah gets up and says bharmal has gifted you elephants and other animal, meenavati has also sent gifts.

Shehnaz is roeming and thinks that all are busy in celebrating, I can finish my work which was left due to gul babdan begum that day, she comes in her room and sees something in humayun’s biography, she says I have to find things fro my work to be done, she closes it and says I should leave before anybody sees me, she comes out of room. moti comes there and ask where are you going? shehnaz says I am going on roof. moti says don’t be sad I will make you see celebrations. shehnaz says jalal will be angry, moti says we are not going to celebrations but I will make you see it, shehnaz thinks that I got such a nice chance but this moti bai..

Hamida says jalal all Mughal rituals are done, now time for rajvanshi rituals, he ask whats it, hamida says its game of magic eyes, jodha laughs. hamida ask them to come, they gets up and are going somewhere, jalal whispers jodha that you are smiling looking at all but not looking at me, are you that angry, jodha says no but I am angry on your thoughts about shehnaz, jalal says I don’t have any personal animosity but I don’t want anybody to be hurt by her, jodha says she doesn’t do it purposely, jalal says I know but remember what she did with Rahim. we have to be careful with kids, hamida turns and ask what are you advising her related to kids? jalal says nothing, jodha knows about kids better, hamida says how she can know without being mother, when she will become mother she will know, jalal smiles while jodha is shy. they come for ritual, hamida gives them bowl filled with milk and rose petals, she says find magic eyes in it, jalal and jodha tries to find, jalal gets naughty and holds jodha’s hand in bowl, jodha is stunned but couldn’t say anything infront of anyone, hamida says I listened that Krishna ji use to like this game, salima says jodha you have to win, jodha looks at jalal and pleads to leave her hand, jalal leaves, jalal makes jodha win, hamida says good and ask her to make wish, jodha says yes but.. jalal says I will make wish with her, hamida says I have already wished that soon jodha gives young brother to Rahim to play with him, jodha is stunned.

Ruks ask dasi to bring doctor and don’t allow anyone to come in. doctor comes, ruks ask her to sit.
maham is with some hakim(doctor), she says I tried everything on patient but he is not getting well, doc says every illness has treatment, I will see patient and then tell you, he goes to check him, maham says you have to become fine at any cost, so that I achieve my goals.

Atgah tells jalal that some common people wants to congratulate you, they comes and praises jalal jodha, they say we hope your wishes get fulfilled, the dancers are dancing and praising jalal on song jai ho jai ho. jalal aks jodha to come close, she says what, he says either you didn’t listen or want me to tell loudly about my love, jodha comes close, jalal too comes close. jalal whispers to jodha that we have to talk about child tonight, jodha looks at him and says this is why you called me close, jalal says its very important matter, jodha angrily looks at him and is about to go far but her dupatta get stuck under jalal’s elbow, jalal says look your dupatta is also in mood of naughtiness, jodha is speechless..
The doctor which came to meet ruks, calls atgah out of the venue, she informs him something. atgah comes informs jalal same and jalal leaves with him, jodha looks on. jalal comes out and meets the girl, she tell him something which is muted, jalal says is it true? She nods, Jalal comes to ruks room and says don’t get up, he says is this news true? She says yes, he says this news is very serious for me so tell me the truth, ruks says yes you are going to be a father, I promised you that I will make you a father, I will give you a child and I fulfilled my promise, jalal gets happy and kisses her forehead, he says you have told me the most beautiful news, I am thankful to god that he gave me this happiness, he orders daises to take full care of ruks, he says there should be no carelessness in her care, more dasies should be appointed, food should be given after checking, call priest who will pray for my child, earlier also an unfortunate incident happened, I don’t want any wrong thing this time. the day which I waited for so long is about to come, you have given me happiness ruks, I cant thank you enough. He kisses her forehead, jodha comes there and sees this, he keeps kissing her hand, jodha cant see this and closes her eyes, she says jalal this was most precious day for me and you came here leaving me there, she recalls how Jalal said this is most beautiful day and he wants to spend his life with her, she is teary eyed. ruks thinks jodha now celebrate your anniversary without jalal.

All dasies discusses this news of ruks going to be a mother, they tells this news to Hamida and Salima, hamida is beyond happy, salima says seems good days are coming, hamida says doctor said that ruks cant be a mother then how did this happened, doctor says miracles happen, it was destined to be, I am happy that I was wrong. Salima congratulate hamida, jiji anga also congratulate, she says we should celebrate, we should share this with people, hamida says unfortunate happened earlier, I don’t want this happen again, don’t know where is enemy, we should control our emotions, jalal and ruks suffered earlier too.

Jalal is with ruks and says you have given me the best news, I cant tell you how much happy I am, I will take care of you even more this time, jodha sees their affection and cant tolerate jalal being so close to ruks, she leaves from there crying.

All ministers congrats jalal, jalal says this day is beutiful, I am feeling awesome, like I have wings to fly. Maan says so you should celebrate this good news with people, they should know that your heir is coming, jalal says once incident happened with me, i have many enemies so i dont want this news to spread, he ask Atgah to see security, he agrees. jalal comes out and is going, Shehnaz bumps into him and congratulate him. jalal being happy gifts his necklace to shehnaz, she says how nice of you, he leaves, she turns evil and says I don’t want this haar(necklace), I want your haar(lose). she breaks necklace into pieces.
Jodha is standing near window and recalls jalal kissing ruks, she cant bear it, she says why I am feeling bad, he is a king, he has many wives, all love him and he loves them too but why is my heart is feeling pain? jalal comes there and says where were you, I wanted to share my happiness with so I came here, jodha has her back to him and cry and says you have many to share your happiness with. jalal ask what happened, are you angry, he comes to her, jodha says dont disturb me, she is going, jalal says for god sake tell me what happened, jodha says nothing, i just want to sleep. jalal says is it that you saw me close to ruks, you are not happy that i am going to become father, jodha says you are king, how can i be angry, you have right to have many wives and ruks is your 1st wife, your best friend and mother of your unborn child, why should i be angry. jalal says truth is I even dont exactly remember when I was close to ruks, when you left me and went to Agra then I went to ruks then.. jodha says no I dont want to hear. I know you have many wives but what i can do of my heart, how to explain you that you only doesnt have right. i may smile from outside, i may pretend to be happy but how to tell you that i dont like you to be with someone else, how to explain my heart that if your husband is king then he has right to have many women and i being a women have to bear it, if a women think of someone else then its sin but a man can do this, you can have many wives but a women thinks that atleast you accepted her as wife, when you are in my room i try to make you happy but i even dont know till when you will respect me and when you will throw me. jalal says how can even compare me with someone else, you are jealous of ruks and her child, yes i have many wives, i have won many in wars and some i married with my own will but it was before you because before you came i was a stubborn heartless warrior only, a unfearful man, i was not human, i thought i didnt have heart, but you came and felt like i have heart, you realized me this, there many women who dream about me but there is no one who can see my dream, they have fear of me, there is no one in them for whom i feel pain if i see them in pain, there is no one that like to see them smiling but only you make me feel this, yes i have right to have many wives and i have duty to give them everything but only your name is written on my heart, its only you who attracts me, its only you who can push me because you have heart of jalal, you are binded with my breath, i want to live with you and for you, your kahna had 16 wives byut he had radha only in his heart, i am king i have duties but when people will call my name they will take your name too, i will not remembered as king but because of love i have for you, my name will e written with your name always, my love for you will be discussed, jodha is stunned, jalal says when people will talk about my kingship, they will talk about love of two people who were different from each other, story will be of cruel king who became soft and you made him soft, jalal emotionally looks at her. jodha says you may have many duties, you have to give time to avery wife, but what i can do about my heart as wife, jalal comes close to her, he says when you know everything then why jealousy, jodha says because i love you shehenshah, jalal is beyond shocked, he says when there is love then why distance, he comes close, jodha moves back, they share an eyelock, jodha pushes him and tries to leave but jalal holds her hand, he grabs her, jodha tries to free herself, jalal grabs her by hairs, he whispers in her ear to throw away anger, jodha says its hurting, jalal leaves her hand, jodha tries to go but jalal holds her dupatta, he again comes close but jodha again goes away, Jalal si disappointed an start going away from there, jodha sees him going and runs, she hugs him from back, Jalal feels her essence, he brings her infront of him and kisses her forehead, he says if you didnt stop me even then i wouldnt have gone, jodha looks at him and hugs him tightly, they close eyes and hugs each other feeling love. jodha turns to leave but jalal holds her from back, he comes at her and moves his hand on her arms, he holds her hand in his fist.

Soul talk- jodha says that night jalal, he says yes marium zamani that night was most beautiful night, that night every wall was removed between us, ( it is shown jalal is taking jodh to bed in his arms). jodha says that night moon was more shiny like he was witness to our togetherness.

Shaguni bai sees some beads joined and laughs, she says tonight there will be new history written, it will remembered for years, there is something to this night, love has won this night, lets dance together.

Jalal and jodha are on bed, jodha has her back to jalal, jalal caresses her hairs, he takes her in arms, jodha closes her eyes and then opens it to see jalal on her, jalal slowly takes off jewelry from her ( in ankhon main plays). jalal looks at her and tries to kiss her but jodha moves her head, jalal kisses her neck, jodha feels shy and gets up, jalal smiles and gets up, he opens her back thread, he kisses her bare back, jodha is feeling too shy, she turns to jalal and makes him lie down on bed, she lies her head on his chest, jalal holds her in his arms, jalal pulls thread of curtain and curtain falls around bed. Night continues, jodha gets up from bed, jalal smiles and gets up behind her, he open back lace of her suit, he kisses her back, jodha is blushing, she turns to jalal, and makes him lie down, she lies her head on his chest, jalal pulls down the curtain over bed.

Baba chisti prays and says to stop this time here, its good. ruks is enjoying dance of eunuchs, she screams to wives that I know I am not allowed to drink but you all can enjoy as much as you can, you can drink too because today is my winning day, today there is only queen in jalal’s life, marium zamani rukiyya, all chants for her.

Adham and sharif are drinking, sharif says jalal had anniversary today with jodha and also got good news of becoming g father, its happy day for him, adham laughs, sharif says maham is right, your anger is your enemy. adham says I got injured for jalal, I used to save jalal and get wounds t myself, now his heir will come and we will have to salute to him too, sharif ask him to come in senses, adham says I came in senses now, now I will get my right and throne, sharif says anger burn oneself, calm down and sit. adham says my fire will extinguish once I get throne otherwise I will burn down whole, sharif says then with whom will you celebrate your success, will you ruls graves, have patience. this is not stable of horses but Mughal rule. he says maybe it is girl, adham says if will be boy, he says even then till the time he will understand throne we will get chance, just wait, adham says till when I will wait, I cant now. he leaves. sharif says give some senses to him, he is burning sultanant, what if my jodha burns in it.

In morning, hoshiyar comes to ruks and sees all wives and ruks sleeping, he ask ruks to get up, its not your room, what if anybody see you sleeping like this, she gets up and says I didn’t know when I slept, it was good jashn, I want to meet jalal, hoshiyar says should I inform jalal that you are coming, ruks says I can go to his room without permission, I am his special queen now, marium zamani and mother to his child, I will keep close to jalal, he says I will make your hairs, ruks says no need jalal will do it, hoshiyar ask how this happened. ruks says when person is pain, have sorrows then its easy to lure him.

Ruks comes out and goes to jalal’s room but soldiers stop her, ruks scolds them saying I am going to become marium zamani, will you stop me, he says jalal said.. ruks slaps him and says you will get punished, listen I am special wife and nobody can go in, she goes inside room while soldier try to stop her. ruks comes in room and sees curtain over bed, she removes curtain little and sees jalal and jodha sleeping together with jodha’s head on jalal’s chest, she is shocked to the core, her mouth is wide open, she holds curtain tightly and has tears in her eyes. ruks comes out of the room, she feels like vomiting, she is crying and shaking, some wives comes and ask you here, seems you went to meet jalal, what did jalal say, she says he is very happy, they ask what did he gift you, ruks says he gifted me unique thing, a very beautiful and unexpected gift that nobody could have ever gave, they ask to show, ruks says its special so I will not make you see, look I have tears inmy eyes with happiness, they says jodha could not even think about gift he gifted o ruks, ruks says yes, I hope he gifts jodha like it too. she leaves in huff.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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