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Shehnaz is laughing, jalal looks at her and is angry, shehhnaz says to Rahim to see his doll is with her, jalal looks angrily and goes from there. Ruks, jodha, salima and jalal are in room, ruks says she pushed Rahim, who is she, from where did she came, salima says don’t be tensed, she is shehnaz, she is kid mentally, she didn’t have wrong intension, hamida comes there. she meets Rahim, salima says Rahim is fine, he is very strong, Rahim says shehnaz was snatching my doll and I fell, jalal gets angry and says to jodha that when you know that she is mad then why did you allow her to play with Rahim, ruks says thank god Rahim is fine, don’t know what that mad girl could have done, jodha says she is not mad, Rahim is important to me and what happened wasn’t good but we cant blame shehnaz for it, she is like child and child do these things. jodha says to jalal that I know her heart is innocent, jalal shouts enough, you met one mad girl in Mathura, did sweet talks with you and you became soft for her and brought her here and today when this big incident happened even then you are favoring her, I saw Rahim falling from height and that girl was laughing, only mad can do that.. salima says nothing bad happened so its all good, ruks says if jalal wouldn’t have reached there then anything could have happened, jodha says shehnaz didn’t do it purposely, jalal says so Rahim is telling lie that she tried to snatch doll from him and he fell, she is mad girl and she have to go to Mathura for her treatment, ruks says she can do anything so she have to go from here.

Shehnaz is crying and says to jodha that I didn’t do it purposely, I was just taking doll from him as I liked it, jodha says but one should not snatch things from others like this, shehnaz says sorry because of jalal shouted on you, jodha says don’t worry his anger will cool down, shehnaz says I will say sorry to jalal. Salima says to jalal to that nothing happened so why you are making issue, jalal says so should I wait for something to happen, I don’t know why jodha brought that mad girl girl, ruks support him saying that when jodha knew that she is mad then why she brought her here, salima says try to understand shehnaz is not mad but child, try to understand jodha’s point of view, she Is attached to shehnaz emotionally, when she left from agra, she was heartbroken and she shared her sorrows with shehnaz so how could she had left shehnaz there, we couldn’t even think of pain jodha went through.

Shehnaz is crying and jodha says don’t cry your tears make me worry, shehnaz says only you understand me, you are very nice, don’t go away from me, jodha sasy I will never, moti takes shehnaz away. Salima says to jalal that sehehnaz is like Rahim, if Rahim was there so you could have forgiven him because he is child, I am telling you same shehnaz is child, you got angry on jodha when her wounds started to heal, I worry if she gets in pain again. ruks says you are right but how jodha supported shehnaz after incident was not right, salima says jodha also love Rahim a lot, fight is not good, I think you should go and talk to her, tomorrow is your marriage anniversary and its not to fight now, there should be celebration not fight, jalal says you are right salima, I will talk with jodha today itself.

Moti says to shehnaz that doll is cute but why did you snatch it from Rahim, shehnaz says because I like it, like jalal and jodha, moti leaves. Jodha is thinking that why this always happens, when things start to settle down, jalal always start fight, he doesn’t see anyone infront of his anger, she says jalal should understand that shehnaz is like Rahim but he doesn’t see anything or listen in anger. jalal comes there and is awkward, jalal says jodha I came to talk about what happened, jodha says what to talk about, you thought that I am wrong and you just shouted on me that’s it, jalal ask to look at him, he sits and says I know I was angry on you but I want to tell you that Rahim is son of my guardian and now I am his guardian and I saw him falling and that sehenaz was laughing, clapping so I couldn’t bear it and I got angry, jodha says I ma saying that only that I love Rahim too but shehnaz and Rahim are like same.

Shehnaz is playing with doll and prince and say that one is king jalal and other is jodha queen, they married and love each other, she suddenly takes prince in her hand and takes off his head, she thinks that you are right moti I am not mad, I came here, I came jalal to get what is mine, throne.

Jalal says to jodha enough I am tired of these fights, I will not fight, will not taunt, its enough, we have anniversary tomorrow, I did mistake by getting angry, you don’t do mistake by not talking to me, lets forget it, I am sorry. jodha says enough don’t say sorry, it doesn’t look fine that husband say sorry to wife again and again, jalal says I sorry this much? jodha says ask yourself, jalal says so I think that you are still angry and not moving on, jodha says so I don’t have right to be angry on you, jalal sasy you have but it hurts me when you are angry, I am again saying sorry, I don’t like you like this so sput your anger and move on, he leaves. jodha smiles. Shehnaz looks at doll and says jodha you are that support from which I will get what I want, what should I call you preety jodha or fool jodha, she throws doll, you will make my wish come true and I will make your wish come true to stay always with jalal, nobody will separate you both after your death.
Ruks is fuming in her room and says that in this palace all support jodha, I was happy that on Rahim’s matter jalal will fight with jodha but salima in end made jalal’s love active, till when salima will keep trying to make them come close, jodha have to go away from jalal, jalal is only mine and I hate you jodha. hoshiyar comes there and tells her about celebration in palace, ruks fumes more, hoshiyar says I will bring flowers as I know you like them, ruks gets flashback in which jalal says to ruks that you know all my favorites, you know that I like roses that’s why put here. fb ends. ruks says go and bring big beautiful rose, I will gift it to jalal, I hate jodha but not jalal, I will gift him.

Jodha comes out of her room after taking bath, jalal sees her standing there and goes to her. jodha is happy, jalal and jodha prays to new morning, jodha says 1 year passed away and hatred changed into love in this year, I have seen a lot in this year, there was many ups and down in this year but in end everything is fine, I have only one wish that everything should be good in coming year of jalal’s life, she turns and sees jalal. she says you here, he says I can also say that, jodha says I came to pray on new morning of new year, happy 1 year anniversary, jalal sasy whole world will be congratulating us but I want to congratulate my wife, he hugs jodha and wishes her anniversary, jodha hugs him back happily, jalal says my life partner, my most special wife I wish god give you all happiness, jodha rest her head on his chest, jalal carsses her hairs, jodha feels peace.

Hoshiyar brings flower to ruks, ruks says you go now, your work is done, he is about to say something but ruks scolds him and sends him out, he leaves. she takes out some chemical and says happy marriage anniversary jodha, jalal is very happy today and i like it but you are snatching jalal from me and that i dont like at all, she put chemical on flowers and ask dasi to smell it, she smells and beocmes unconscious, ruks says perfect fragnance, she says sorry jodha in this celebrations/jashn you have to go alone, jalal will not be able to accompany you, she calls hoshiyar and ask to take these flowers to jalal, he leaves with bouqet, ruks laughs and says now i will also see that when jalal will not come in jashn then how much jodha’s face will pale.

Shehnaz is searching in hamida’s room for something that will help her in her mission, she finds biography on humayun and says maybe i will find something in it, phuphi comes there and ask what are you doing here? shehnaz pretends and says i was seeing papers, these are good and i want to write letter to rahim for asking soory, so can i take this paper? phuphi says dont come in rooms without permission and if you want to ask forgiveness then go to rahim and ask direc tly and dont go in rooms without permission, shehnaz says sorry and leaves, phuphi thinks that sometime she seems normal and sometime mad.

Jalal is getting ready for jashn, he cant decide what to wear., hoshiyar comes and congratulates him for aniversary, jalal ask his choice of cloths for him, hoshiyar says your clothes are not beutiful but you are beutiful so whatever you will wear will look good, jalal says no wonder you are sevant of ruks, you do fake praises, he sees bouqout and says did ruks send them, hoshiyar says how you know? jalal says i know she knows that i love roses, ruks comes there and ask did you like it? jalal says i always like it, he says there fragnance must also be good, i will smell it, ruks smirks, jalal smells and says wow there fragnance is awesome, ruks is confused that why jalal didnt get unconscious after smelling flowers, jalal smells again, ruks is confused and goes from there.

Maham is practicing seeing in mirror that jalal will you not fogive me once, did you forget what i did for you all thes years but today i will make you remember as i am coming in your jashn, adham comes and says you cant go in jashn did you forget how much they insulted you, you will not go, maham says dont forget who i am, adahma ask who are you? you are nothing but a servant now who just salute everyone, maham gets angry and grabs his neck, she says the nerve which i am holding can make you stand here for long time, see just with my figers i made you slave, you have to learn this that to make your enemy loose you dont need power but mind, you have to wait fot right time. you are my son so i am leaving you, i didnt forget that jalal killed love for him from me, i am doing all this for you, i will salute him thousand times, maybe he will not see me infront of jodha but i will not deviate from my mission, you know what the person who doesnt get defeated by anyone can be defeated by his servant who sit in his feet, he sit on floor and can pull floor from his master’s feet. whatever happened with me, i dont want that affect you, i want you to be strong in saltanat, i have only hatred for jalal now, i request you to not do foolish things that jalal will hate you too.

Jalal and jodha comes to meet hamida and greets her, jalal ask you called us, hamida says one year passed for your togetherness, this day is special, jalal agrees, hamida says you both look awesome together, she shows them turban and crown as gift for them, jalal says its preety, hamida says not more than your clothes,, she says one suggestion jodha that man makes sultanat but women makes home, bandhi comes and says chief minister wants to congratulate you, jalal says say to her dont meet me even in jashn, hamid says i cant change order of king but i can request my son, today is special day for you, jalal says i know thats why i dont want bad feelings around me, hamida says today you will meet all, today you will go and give sweets to prisoners so why will you not meet maham, is she worst then them, jalal says i know she will not be giving greetings with heart, we all know she doesnt like me and jodha together so her greetings will be fake too, those prisoners are better atleast there point is clear that they are my enemy but maham.. jodha says to jalal that you are right, maham tried to separate us but she had done a lot for you so you can meet her, jalal says you are saying that when she tried to harm your image and tried to break our relation, you really have a big heart, jodha says I know she stooped low but you can make your heart big. for today only and she didnt succeed in her evil deeds and today we are together, and this space made us more close, we are more close to each other because of her evil deeds, maham comes and greets hamida and jalal, jodha greets her. hamida ask her how are you, she says fine, she says jalal i went to your room but got to know that you are here so came here, jalal says i must leave. maham says to jalal that congrats on your marriage anniversary, jalal says i should leave now ammi to meet people who are waiting for me and are atleast loyal. he goes out with jodha, hamida ask her to giv gifts to her she will gift to jalal.
Ruks comes in her room and fumes that how this can happen, why jalal didnt get unconscious, hoshiyar says you should be happy that jalal liked your gift then whats problem, she ask hoshiyar did you went directly to jalal and gave bouqet to him, he agrees, ruks says then how he didnt get unconscious, hoshiyar ask what you mean, she says i had put chemical in those flowers to make jalal unconscious so he couldnt go in jashn with jodha, hoshiyar says it happens for good else if jalal would have found that you did it then he could have punish you like maham, ruks scolds him and ask him to get lost, he goes out and recalls flashback in which he had seen ruks putting chemical in flowers, when he was going to give it to jalal, he thought that innocent jodha, she gave me right to celbrate my so i can let this happen with jodha, jalal will be with you, he exchanges flowers with fresh one and gave it to jalal, fb ends, he looks at ruks from outside and says sorry ruks itsnot my disloyalty to you but my loyality to jodha. ruks in her room says i should know what happeened, when i myself had put chemical in flowers then why did jalal not got unconscious, i have to find who now has become jodha’s savior.

Jalal and jodha comes out to distribute clothes in people, jalal says do you remember once in amer you were distributing like this, jodha recalls and says how do you know, jalal says that day for first time someone placed sword on my neck, you were about to behead me. jodha says circumstances were different then, now its different, jalal says what is changed, what you think about me now, jodha says this is not the place to talk about this, jalal says atleast tell this that if knew that I was same jalal whose head you wanted put in devi’s feet then you would have killed me, jodha says I wish to kill you even now, jalal says what, jodha says yes, every wife think atleast one time in a day to kill her husband, jalal says only one time what about other time of day, jodha says other time she wish to care for him, jalal says like putting medicine on his wounds, waking whole night for his health, making remedy for him. jodha says this is not care but love, jalal smiles at her indirect confession, jodha says some wives 1st give pain to so husband come close then come more close to remove pain, jalal says leave all but tell me what you think about me, jodha diverts and says your dress is loose, give it to tailor, jalal says answer me what you think about me now, jodha says some answers wife doesn’t give, husbands have to find themselves.

They come to jail, they hear to prisoner getting beaten up and screaming, jalal comes there and saves prisoner, its Zakira, she says I did mistake to be with Benazir, but I didn’t had any option, I was servant of Benazir and had to follow her rules but now I pray for jalal, I was short by height so nobody use to give me work that’s why I started work with Benazir, jalal scolds soldier and says why were you beating her like this, jodha ask her to get up, zakira says sorry for her doing, jalal says I am freeing you from prison, zakira says I did wrong with you even then you are freeing me, jalal says I also got second chance so I am giving you too, jalal says you got punished for what you did and I listened in amer that handicapped people should not be given punishment, jodha recalls how once jalal’s handicapped companion was caught and she said that this person should not be given punishment as its against their respect and honour, fb ends, jalal repeats her words, jodha is stunned that he was there that time, jalal says god also forgive hi men so am I, you are free, zakira says you are great, I will pray my whole life for your togetherness, you both remain happy, I will keep praying for both of you. she leaves, jodha says today also you got precious gift that prayers of a weak person and I also go this, I am very lucky to listen my husband’s praise infront of me.

Jalal sees one mark on wall and says its same like which is on my bangle, bairam khan use to tell me there is some secret way in jail, I hope its same, jodha gets excited and says where it leads? jalal says why should I tell you, did you answer my question so why should I answer you, jalal says khan baba used to tell me that my father use to take this secret basement to hide himself and nobody could find him and there is way that goes to jungle from here, maybe I will get answers of questions seeing this place.

Maham comes in jail and says I will not leave him today, jalal and jodha are going in secret way, jalal says I don’t know secret is there in this basement, I am excited to know about my father’s secret place. jodha says but there is wall infront,jalal tries to hit wall with sword, maham is on ther side of and says there is someone on other side. jodha listens to someone screaming in pain, jalal ask what happened, jodha tells him that she listened someone’s scream. jalal looks on.. jalal also listens, they goes to otherside, maham sees them and hides with her secret man, jalal and jodha look around, jalal says there is nothing here, even khan baba didn’t know about it so there must be nothing here, it must be some bat so we should leave else we will get late for celebration, they leaves, maham have sigh of relief.

Jodha is getting ready, jalal calls her, she ask moti to give sweets to jalal and I will get ready, she gets ready, jalal comes and says you called me and you are not ready as yet, jodha looks at him and says look at you, how much you are glowing, jalal shows jodha in mirror and says when your wife is so beautiful so you have to look good so that you doesn’t look dull infront of her, jodha says you are weird and your ways of praising is also weird, jalal says if I was not weird then you could have not loved me, jodha gets shy and nods. jalal says I cant believe that one year passed with you and I am happy with you, I want to spend my life with you, jodha puts her hand on his hand and smiles. shehnaz comes there with sweet dish, moti comes there and ask shehnaz to go out, shehnaz ask what is it in bowl, moti says its sweet for jalal, shehnaz says then I will make him eat, moti tries to stop but shehnaz moves forward and deliberately throws sweet dish on jalal”s sandals, jalal gets angry, shehnaz says don’t punish me I am sorry, jalal says jodha I want to talk in private, moti and sehehnaz goes out, jalal says I understand that she is not mad but child, but did you see what she did, I don’t want her to come in celebration, jodha says nothing will happen, jalal says I don’t know but she will not come there, jodha says if you have decided then what I can say, jalal says I will meet you in celebrations and leaves. jodha;s mood gets off.

Sharif is doing arrangements and thinks that when you will come in my arms jodha, it hurts me that whom I crave for, I have to do preparations for her marriage anniversary, bakshi ask what are you thinking, he says about marriage, I mean we should celebrate our anniversary like this, bakshi says do whatever you want, she leaves, sharif says I want to leave your hand and grab jodha’s hand. all comes at jashn venue and are happy with arrangements, hamida ask about ruks, salima says she is not feeling well. jalal comes in hall, all greets him, ruks is looking at all this from balcony, jodha comes in hall, jalal keeps looking at her, all greets jodha, jodha sits beside jalal. jalal looks at her and smiles. ruks gets angry in her room and shouts jodha, she says my game is going away from me but I will not sit and see like this, jalal is going away from me, I have to do something, I will not feel good to see jalal heart broken but I have to make jalal mine.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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