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Jalal is outside at Amer palace, Jalal is sad, bharmal comes and ask you didnt sleep, jalal says till I ask forgiveness from jodha i will not be at peace, bharmal says you came running on her maybe jodha is in her way to amer, jalal says no i would have seen her, she is alone in night, i will go to see her, bharmal soldiers are gone to see her, she is strong enough for her safety, bharmal thinks am also worried for my daughter dont know whether she is okay, jalal says sorry for hurting them, bharmal says no dont do that, i know you care for my daughter alot, i can see love and tension for jodha in your eyes, this will never break your relation, jodha will come, jalal says i will wait till morning. bharmal leaves. jalal sits and prays to Allah that if i have pure heart then please protect jodha.

In amer, jalal says to bharmal that i will go to find jodha now, bharmal says maybe she will come, jalal says i know you are worried for her, he says to meena that i hurt two mothers but i promise i will find her and will never hurt her, jalal says i am sorry, she says dont say like this, jalal says it was my mistake and i will return after finding her, God will protect her but i will go to find her, i cant live without her, he says to bahrmal that i am leaving, he says its not safe, jalal says no i will go but if she comes here then do inform me, he leaves. women consoles meena that jalal loves jodha alot and he will find her.

Jodha is tired walking, she comes to some religious people and ask for water, he says okay, jodha says i was staying in mandir they said i will get place here in this village, he says yes you are accommodated, he gives her water, jodha says i have bangles only, he says no need for that as todal mal looks after people of this welfare center, jodha thinks i have listened this name, man ask her name, jodha thinks and says lakshmi.
Jalal is finding Jodha and ask some ladies about her but they say they haven't seen her.

In agra, sharif says jodha you are not here but i can feel you, what you got marrying jalal, you would be happy with me, jalal allowed you to go but if it was me.. bakshi comes there and ask what if you were.. he says bakshi you need rest, she says tell me if you were in place of jalal, tell me. sharif says jodha was doubted and now you are joining my name with her, bakshi says i can see your eyes, sharif grabs her hand and says if i see some other lady then fault is yours and also you must not want to loose me again, he leaves her hand, bakshi sees its bleeding, he says now you know how much i love you, please dont care for your child.

Jalal comes to some village and ask some men, jalal is finding jodha, he ask someone at mandir that i am finding rajvanshi women, she is about 20years old and has kahna idol in her hands, have you seen her, man says yes she is here, he ask to bring that lady, jalal says i am here jodha, i am here to take you back, thank God jodha is safe.. the lady comes and its not jodha, jalal says she is not her, he gets sad and thinks why are you so far from me jodha, i dont know how are you.

In agra, salima prays fro jodha’s safety, ruks comes and ask is everything alight, salima says how can things be alright in this situation, she says i dont know how is jodha, ruks says i think she is safe and maybe she is in amer and she is rajvanshi, she must have got some jewels which can help her and also jalal will bring her back, salima says question is whether she will come with jalal, she must have hidden herslef to the place where noday can find her, she has high self esteem and what happened with her was not good, ruks says maybe i dont know jodha but i know jalal that if jodha didnt accept jalal’s apology then he will leave her, salima says relations are greater then attitude, sometime you have to leave your ego for your heart. she leaves, ruks smiles and says she doesnt know that jalal doesnt have heart.

In the village, jodha comes out after taking bath, she prays to kahna that when all are away with me you stayed with me and gave me place in this center to live thank you,she prays that hamida, salima and … jalal should be safe, she says i cant take him out of heart, may he is safe and he remains happy, dont make him sad about me, she cries and says that i wasnt able to win his trust and love but i hope he remains at peace, he is safe and healthy always. here jalal is continuously on journey, soldier says you must be tired, jalal says i will not stop till i find jodha, jodha finishes her prayers and sees her kahna idol missing, jodha comes out and sees one girl is running is with her idol, jodha runs behind her and ask her to give her idol. jalal comes to some place, he says one women making rotis, he recalls how jodha made it for him when they went to priest chisti. some rajvanhsi soldiers comes and says bharmal have said that if you find any clue about jodha then do infrom him, jalal sits and thinks where is jodha, please come back, why you are taking my exam.

Jalal is heart broken and says to one soldier that i need ony 4 soldiers, ask all to leave. i will continue my journey.

Jodha is running behind that girl which took her kahna idol, lady ask girl to return it but girl denies, jodha is tired, girl says s you are tired this means i won, now this idol is mine, jodha says take my gold bangles but give me my idol, girl says what i will do with gold bangles, jodha gets sad. Girl places idol on ground and starts praying like muslim , jodha ask whats your name, she says i will not tell that my name is shehnaz, she says i knw you are a queen, jodha is stunned and says no, girl says no you are a queen look at your eyes they are beautiful, i can read faces, jodha says what else can you read on my face, she says someone broke your heart, you are hurt very much. she takes one stone and says your broken heart was on ground, take it with you maybe it can become someones heart, she says people call me crazy ma because i talk like this, they crave for money, successs but i talk about love, everything is left behind like money, beauty but why dont they see nature and they call me mad, she says you still have heartbeat like you are craving for someone, you heartbeat is attached with someone whom you are calling by heart, your pieces of heart is joint with someone, jodha says you understand alot, is your love lost too? shehnaz says yes my love is lost, center’s lady comes and ask shehnaz to go in, she goes. jodha ask lady who is she, lady says dont know, she is staying here from months, sometimes she calls Allah, sometimes do bhajans, maybe someone hurt her alot, Abul Mali, is with sharif, they taunt each other, mali is angry on not being informed that jalal went to amer, sharif says i attacked jalal but suja saved him and told him too that someone is is with you from palace, sharif ask him to be patient everything will be fine, mali says we have to finish him as soon as possible, he ask where is jalal now, sharif says dont know much about his activity.
Jodha is sitting with ladies in center, they praises kahna idol, one lady says your sindoor says you are married then where is your husband? jodha says he went out for yatra so i came here, lady says then why you are having idol with you? other lady says maybe she fought with her husband and came here, all are invited for dinner. jodha is about to sit but sees shehnaz and ask her to come and have dinner, lady says she eats when her mood allows, jodha says maybe nobody asked her lovingly, she sits with shehnaz and ask what is she doing, she says i am waiting for someone whom all know, you also know him? jodha ask her to come for dinner, she says i am not in mood but i know you havnt eat anything from yesterday, your eyes says it all, jodha says yes i am hungry but i will not eat till you come, shehnaz says you are stubborn, lets go. they come for dinner, jodha gives her food and makes her eat.

Jalal comes to some place, he gives his turban, jewels and coat to soldier and says i will go inside alone, soldier says its risky, jalal says i am not going on war but to khawaja gharib nawaz’ dargah, he comes inside and says once i came to you when jodha was dying, God you brought her back that time and today also she is away from me, please give me her back, i did a mistake but please dont punish me like this, he sits and prays emotionally, he is unable to control his sentiments as Khawaja ji plays. otherside jodha is praying in mandir, jalal gets and starts sufi dancing. he looks up and prays.

In Amer, shaguni bai comes to meena, she says you must be worried as your daughter is lost, meena says yes my world is dark without her, she says jodha had fight with jalal and she didnt come here because i ask her not to, shaguni says she is your daughter how you can close door on her, meena says tell something about her, shaguni says jodha and her husband are going through rough phase of life, its their exam and when this exam is over their relationship will be mpre strong, she is safe, meena ask what should i do, she says nothing, its fate, they are walking on separate path but they will come back on one path, where ever she is, krishna is with her. dont worry.

Jalal comes to some place, all village people sit around him, he ask about jodha, they says how we can know about any stranger, jalal says she is very beautiful. one man says they had seen one girl in common clothes and she had krishna idol in her hand, jalal ask where did she go? they say dont know, jalal says atleast i got hope, i will find jodha.

In Agra, hamida goes out, maham comes in her ad is finding something, she gets one box but it has lock on it, maham searches for its key, she finds it and opens box, it has jewels, maham says i have to find that document dont know where she had hidden it, resham says she is coming back, maham says she always keep resting in her room, resham says fast, maham think where it should be.

Jalal ask some other people about jodha, they say no we havnt seen her, they says we are going to mathura for krishna prayers, jalal says if know jodha then she must around her kahna in mathura, soldier says abul mali is also there, its not safe, jalal says jodha is most important for me.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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