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One of Bharmal son tells him that suja is meeting kings who are against bharmal and mughals. one brother says that jalal and jodha had fight because of suja, he first fought with us and then went to agra like a eunuch, bharmal says he has created problems. bharmal says suja and shivani brought shame to us. meena thinks why to think about that, bahrmal says my daughter ran away and didn’t talk to anyone. jodha says think from shivani’s perspective, she left her riches, she left jala’s brother and went with a common man, she had strong love, infront of love she didn’t think of money, family anything, bharmal says how can a person leave her family for love of common man, jodha says maybe you are right and maybe shivani is also right. jodha says maybe suja is also right, he says why he went to you like a eunuch, jodha says he came there to see me then he got to know about conspiracy against jalal, because of promise he gave to me he stayed there and misunderstanding created between me and jalal but suja didn’t had wrong intension. I know you have love for them in heart and you want good for them that’s why you are so hurt.

In agra, shivani and tej are being caught and brought to palace, moti sees them and says jalal will not spare them as he is very angry he didn’t spare even Maham.

Ruks comes to maham and says you are so cheap, she says you are dual face, you wear white dress to be so innocent but you plotted such cheap thing, why didn’t you tell me truth, maham says I didn’t tell you that he was suja but you also want jodha to go away from me, ruks says yes I wanted that but not by this cheap, to blame jodha that she is having affair with her brother this is so cheap, maham says it was in good of all, ruks says no you did it for your own selfish motives, I was jealous with jodha but why you did that with jodha?? maham says for jalal, that he doesn’t go away from me or you, ruks says jalal can never go away from me, he is mine always. maham says wow, you were with me till you wanted jodha to be thrown out but now when I am facing wrath of my plan then you are saying that I was alone, now I am game planner, I am sinner, I betrayed jalal and you didn’t do anything, you also wanted jodha to be away from jalal and you also plotted against her, you also played games only our way was different. maham says you can back out as it is saying that when ship sinks mouse run from it 1st but they don’t know that they are running towards water only, she says you are not accepting it but you also know that jalal has been snatched from you, he is close to jodha now, ruks looks at her, and leaves.

In court, all are waiting for jalal to punish shivani and tej, jiji says they are caught at wrong time as jalal is very angry these days and also he is very hurt, salima says I think jalal has started to understand love so he will understand them, jiji says when person is injured then he only thinks of revenge, salima says some injuries changes man. jalal comes there, atgah says they ran away and also shivani was committed to mirza, we caught tej and shivani get herself arrested too, one priest says they did sin so give the punishment, jalal ask tej to speak, tej says we ran away as we were in love before shivani was committed to mirza, we saved three lives, and if you think love as crime then give punishment, jalal says when you were in love then why did you both run away? tej says if we woulfd have told it to all then nobody will have accepted it as one side was your brother and other side was bharmal so our love woulnt have accepted, shivani says I am sorry and also I saved mirza as if I got married to him then he would been happy with me and also it is not right that I marry some other man and love some toher man so ran with tej, I just listened to my heart, ruks says to hamida that I am scared as jalal is very short tempered these days and also jodha is not here to save her sister. jalal says to atgah that you say they are criminals and they are saying they loved only, whats problem, atgah says you only ordered me to catch them, jalal says yes I said that because I was sad for my brother then he came to me and said that he would have more hurt if shivani married him, jalal says I felt that love is pure, whom we love we cant see them hurt, how can a pure feeling be called sin, mirza also loved so he is criminal too, jalal says my mother and every person loved someone so all are culprits, jalal says love doesn’t see any family, region, tradition or any religion, love only see one thing that is love itself and criminal is that person who come inbetween love. jalal says salute to your love that you both won from all, look at shivani, I know bharmal must have given her everything, every luxury but she left all for a common man, got his love so think how much love important so getting this pure thing is not sin, love is pure. he says I am setting them free, shivani sits in his feet and says you have very good heart, jalal says don’t sit in feet your sister will not like it, you understands love, jalal thinks wish I could have understood love before, so jodha would be here. jalal gives job to tej in his palace, shivani says may you get everything in your, may you get all happiness, jalal thinks my happiness is only jodha.

Voicover says todal mal got message and start journey to agra. Otherside in amer it is informed that shivani is found and jalal fogave them and they are staying in agra. Bharmal says jalal may have forgiven but dont expect me that. Jodha says she did mistake but she is your daughter, bharmal says duaghters makes father proud, she cant be my daughter, meena says forget past. Bharmal says she brought shame to rajvanshi king, I gave her everything but she ran away with some common man, jodha says jalal also forgave her now you too should do that. bharmal says I pray that she lives her life with peace, he leaves from there.

Jodha is in her room, shehnaz comes and says you are crying? jodha says you think my tears keep falling, shehnaz says for crying you don’t need tears, jodha ask what you think I am crying for, shehnaz says that your love came here but you didn’t forgive him, jodha says I didn’t do that, shehnaz says you didn’t accept his apology. he is a good man he forgave your sister, jodha says don’t know how he did that as he doesn’t understand things of heart and love, shehnaz says animals also understand love and he is a man, jodha ask how do you know about love, she says because someone loved me too but I lost him, she says jalal loves you a lot, he has pain in his heart for you, she says I know you love jalal but never say it.

Todal comes to agra, jalal is pleased to see him and says I called you to give you position of finance minister as there is corruption in money collection, todal says I have no problem to do this but I have some conditions, I work in my style and I will not answerable to anyone other than you, I will give reports to you only, jalal says I accept, adham fumes and says now hindus will be ministers of Mughals.

All ministers gossips that 1st jalal married hindu lady, but now hindus are becoming ministers, they are taking place in palace, 1st maan singh then bharmal then tej now todal, sharif says then why you people are quiet? qazi says jalal reduced our right to speak in political matters, we can only speak in religious matter, adham says its all because of atgah, we have to do something.
Jalal looks at moon and says jodha you are also missing me? are you also looking at moon, he says people say king have everything but see me I cant bring you here, salima comes there and ask did I disturb you, jalal says no I was getting bore thanks you came, he ask will you take drink, salima says you know I don’t drink, he says you also wanna ask why I called todal here? jalal says sometime we meet some people by coincidence, remember when me and jodha went to chisti, I met here there.
jodha is with dadi, she says I don’t know how he came here doing journey alone but he was not tired, you know once jalal and me were caught by Mughal soldiers as we couldn’t pay tax, jalal says to salima jodha was with me so every difficult time was spent easily, she kept smiling in all difficulties, I learnt a lot from her, he says oh I was talking about todal, then todal gave us shelter for one day. jodha says we went to todal, he was pleased with jalal as jalal is great warrior and fought with thieves, jalal says todal also helped me to find jodha but he didn’t ask for anything in return, that why I called him here, he is very honest and strict, I now honest minister in my palace, salima says one should not recognized by his relation but by his work, jalal says I lost my relations, salima says we learn by making mistakes, jalal says but some mistakes cant be rectified, I doubted jodha. dadi says to jodha are you still angry with jalal, will you not forgive him?. jodha says its not about forgiving, not about my ego but it is about his doubt, how he can doubt on my character, he didn’t trust me. salima says to jalal that I am pleased to see that you didn’t consider that todal is hindu and made him minister, jalal says I don’t care about his religion, jodha taught me that religion doesn’t it is about the relation you share with person, he says it matters most that what is your destination.

Maham calls dasi but no one comes, she shouts, javeda comes there, she says I didn’t call you, javeda says all your dasies are gone, if you need anything then tell me, maham is sad and ask her to go, javeda says what happened was bad but it was your mistake too as you didn’t tell me, I could have give you good advise, I know heart things, I always respected you and will respected you, she says I felt bad when regard himself as not yoyur son but I am daughter in law and will remain that, there must be some misunderstanding but I know you are best ammi and I will remain with you always, maham cries and hugs her.

Todal shows his reports about money collection curroption to jalal, he says a lot of money is taken from common man, they are not happy, jalal says you came here sometime back and you are saying people are not happy with me, we spend so much money on their needs, todal says you give money but it doesn’t reach them, jalal ask what he means, todal says tell me how much you know about your ministers and soldiers, jalal says I know them very well, I meet them daily, todal says right but you don’t meet people, they are away from you, you cant meet every person, you are connected to them with the thread of your ministers but when this thread is broken then common man suffers, you have to understand their problem you have to go inbetween them then you will understand corruption, he says you go to them in disguise but you should go frequently, so ministers will be afraid that you are connected to people and also we will catch corrupt, jalal says now I understand your point.
In the market, jalal atgah and todal comes there in disguise, todal ask did you come here before? Jalal says yes but didnt buy anything, one shopkeeper is selling rice in high price, todal says in mathura it is of less price, shopkeeper says then go to mathura, jalal looks at him. He goes to another shopkeeper who have more price, shopkeeper says my rice is good, he says price is more than mathura because we have to give bribe to ministers too, jalal is stunned., he says if you want to buy then give money otherwise get lost. Jalal gets angry and says you know to whom you are talking? Todal stops jalal, shopkeeper says he thinks himself as jalal. Jalal ask todal whether in mathura it sell on less price? Todal says and shopkeeper was right they have to give bribe, jalal ask atgah to gather ministers. Jalal sees soldiers asking money from people, people say you are doing injustice, atgah is informed that they are hindu yatries and tax is taken from them, jalal recalls how he was asked this tax when he was with jodha, hindus says they dont listen to us, they didnt even listen to jodha, jalal is stunned. Jalal ask soldier to not beat them, soldier says if he will stop them, eh says that he will beat jalal too as he is taking side of hindus being muslim. jalal ask atgah to bring meeting on this matter.

Jalal is in jodha’s room, he recalls how they were given bad food when didn’t pay tax, jalal is tensed and looks at jodha’s portrait, he caresses it and says in your absence I talk to your painting, he sees some box and and gets flashback of when he once came to jodha and ask what you put in this box? jodha says I save coins which I get from shahi money so that I can help poor, I give it in mandir and also to someone who cant pay yatra tax, jalal says to jodha that you are saying that tax taken from hindu yatries is not valid, jodha says I cant say anything, I can advise you but you are sheehnshah and decision is yours, she says tell me one thing if you are going to some dargah and you are asked for tax which distracts your prayers then how will you feel, fb ends, jalal looks at coins and jewels and is sad, he says I now understand what you were trying to say but couldn’t understand, now when you are gone I am understanding this.

Inside court, jalal brings some hindus who were complaining yesterday, they say we respect you a lot but we are being forced to follow many orders, they ask us more and more money for yatra(pilgrimage), aren’t we also part of this state? are you only shehenshah of muslims, atgah ask them to behave properly, jalal says its ok, hindus says we are always scolded is this justice, jalal says nobody will stop you today say what you want, they say we feel like killing ourself, we feel like leaving our homes, our fault is we are hindus? jalal says not your fault but my fault as I couldn’t see problems of my people, I now feel this tax is burden so I am announcing to remove this tax, atgah says but this tax is collected from many years, jalal says I told you earlier that if something is happening from year then that doesn’t mean its right, . jalal says it is unfair to collect money for prayers, will my god allow me to collect this money? it is unfair to collect interest in islam, it hurts man, if I stop them from prayers will they not curse me? munim and atgah agrees, he ask atgah to bring that solders who were beating them, jalal ask with whom order you were beating common hindus, with whom order you were taking more tax, soldier bluntly denies it and says nothing of that sort happened you are mistaken. jalal says I was there and I stopped you, he says this is all unfair, he ask to beat these soldiers and put them behind bars and take their property, jalal ask to bring shopkeeper who was seeling at hight price, jalal shouts on them that you corrupted people will not allow me to rise, he ask tham on whom order you were selling on more price, jalal says take shops from them and find which ministers are involved. he ask todal to bring honest shopkeepers and keep eye on all, this is serious matter, adham thinks what happened to jalal? jalal says king is like father to nation and when people say they will kill themselves then its shameful to listen, I accept tax is important but not on cost of lives, tax is collected for good, qazi says we are with you but removing yatra tax is not good jalal says then every muslim will pay tax too, qazi says what are you saying, jalal says all are equal for me whether hindu and muslim, qazi says you are deviating from rules, jalal says king is for hindus and muslims both and don’t forget all are my people, agriculture is developed by hindu and muslim too, adham and baghwan das both took wounds for me, todal and atgah both serves me when god sends rain it is sent to both hindu and muslim house, qazi says you are ignoring muslims, you are putting hindus in palace too, jalal says we honest and worthy people, I took that people who will serve us good, jalal says our people betray more, one minister says it will burden finance, adham says if we remove yatra tax then from where will money come for expenses of government, jalal says says valid question, he ask todal to tell if we remove tax then how much will it effect finance of government, todal says it will effect initially but then people will praise you so roits will be less which will be good, prople will be happy by this, qazi says this is wrong, jalal says enough I told you to not speak in politics and if anybody is not satisfied that he can leave, people are important for me, I am announcing that yatra tax will not be taken from now on, he ask atgah to tell this in other states, salima and hamida are happy.

Atgah hands the no tax order to the messengers and they are ordered to hand them over to the respective overlords, chieftains , governors .. The messengers are strictly instructed to convey to the said overlords and governors Any violation of the order will result in harsh punishment.

An announcement is made in public places that the Lagaan(tax) has been abolished and henceforth Hindus will not be paying any a deserted place

Pratap is praying when his messenger informs him about Jalal’s decision to abolish the Lagaan Tax . The Incisive mind of Pratap immediately grasps the difficulties that Jalal ‘s decision has thrown up..He is sure now that Hiindu subjects will support him as the sore spot has been removed but Pratap is undeterred. He swears to oppose Jalal at every turn as he is a invader. The Rajputs are impressed.

In agra, Moti and some Hindu Servants wish to see Jalal; Jalal orders them in .. They sing praises of Jalal’s broadmindedness and thank him for removing the tax. Moti adds that had Jodha been here , she too would have been elated ..Jalal hopes that this news does reach Jodha and she at least will remember him on this pretext.

Jodha is praying to Kali maa, Saguni Bai informs Jodha Begum that her time to depart has come .. Jodha smilingly agrees and says she has completed her prayers and will be leaving soon..saguni corrects her pointing out that she had called her Jodha Begum and not Kunwri Jodha .. Jodha is puzzled, she falteringly replies that she has not understood Saguni’s cryptic talk.. Saguni grows even more enigmatic, retorts that destiny is always inscrutable ..
Jodha walks out .

In agra, Hamida and Jalal have a chat.. Hamida has begun to treat Jalal as the King addressing him respectfully ..Hamida hesitantly brings up the issue of Maham and involving her in running of government.. Jalal doesnt agree with her.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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