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Jalal comes to Jodha and says why is there still a voice inside my heart that I should give you a chance. Think about the God you worship and every person you love and respect and answer me. Do you know that man? Jodha stand up and is about to say something. Jalal says just answer me what I am asking. Jodha says yes. He is about to slap her and get angry. He asks have you met him before our nikkah ? She nod. He asks Since when do you know him? She says since childhood. He is so angry and says just one last question, do you love him ? Just answer what I am asking ? Tell me do you love him? She says yes. Jalal screams and shouts in resentment. Then he laughs and says you made me feel ashamed. You got in a relationship with a man who is not your husband. You made fun of our relationship. Today I am embarrassed the whole Mughal empire is embarrassed. I was in love with you, It was a light and you ruined it. I set you free and by tomorrow morning just leave this place. She is crying.

Ruks ask Hoshiyaar what news does she has about Jodha? She says Jodha said Jalal asked her to go away from the palace, Ruks says did she leave? Hoshiyar says I felt bad for her, Ruks slap her and says don't forget that you are my servant and remember your place, Maham comes, Hoshiyar says i am loyal to you. Ruks says dont argue with me, Maham ask Hoshiyar to leave, Ruks tells Maham that Jalal asked Jodha to leave from palace, Maham says I am too happy to hear that, I never thought I will get this good news so soon.
Jodha blabber in her that I will tell jalal that he is my brother then says I can't break my promise to Sujamal, Jodha gets up and see her imagation, imagination says I am your heart and I am telling you to go and tell Jalal the truth, Jodha says he would not believe me as he is hurt, Jodha’s imagination says you are worried about him and what about you, he has hurt you too, Jodha says 1st I hurt him and what he did was just a reaction, he didnt do anything wrong. imagination says for a Rajvanshi nothing is important than her character he pointed at your charater, he doubted you even then you are not angry with him why? You have started loving him, he directly and indirectly told you many times that he loves you but you never answered him but now you want jalal to trust you, that he think you are pure why you want his trust? Why are you not angry with him, why you want to answer his questions? you think he is not wrong why? Because you love him, you dont want to tell him the truth because you think it will hurt him more, Jodha says 1st I get to know that suja is safe then i will go from here, imagination says you want to go because you want jalal to come before you and make up with you, you are in love with Jalal, Jodha says no, she says you love the man whom you promised to behead to kali maa, Jodha recalls how she said to kali maa that she will behead the person who took her jewelry. imagination says you says you dont love him but you are not even angry on his shameful talk, she says one side is your love, other side is suja, she says you have two ways 1st to tell Jalal truth and break promise and 2nd is you go from here, she says leave from here, Moti comes, imagination vanishes. moti says Jalal will not leave sujamal.

Jodha comes out of her room and thinks I have to tell Jalal the truth because now people are questioning sister-brother relation, I have to break promise to save suja, maham come and says you can't meet Jalal he is very angry, Jodha says its urgent, Maham says he is hot pan your hand will burn, Jodha says I have to tell him the truth, Maham says I told you, you cant meet him, wait if you want to meet him. Jodha think Jalal I will tell you the truth that my relation with you is pure. Maham think I will not allow this misunderstanding be clear.

Jalal is in his room and is very angry, he is throwing things, he throws Jodha’s potrait, Maham comes and says Jodha want to meet you, Jalal says I dont want to see her face, Maham says she said she want to ask for forgiveness, she want to clear the misunderstanding, Jalal says what misunderstanding everything is clear and for this crime I dont have forgiveness. he ask maham to leave. she leaves.

Maham and Ruks are sitting in court, they share happiness. Hamida says to Salima I know its a misunderstanding, I think Jodha is hiding something but she is not wrong, she cant be, I have full trust on her, Salima agrees. Jalal comes inside court, he ask Atgah to bring that Rajvanshi, Atgah ask soldiers to bring him, Jalal says I will talk to him in private, soldier comes and says the Rajvanshi ran away, Jalal put sword on soldier’s neck and says you can't handle single Rajvanshi, Jalal says I Jwill catch him, he comes to where Suja was imprisoned. he sees mountain of his soldiers killed by Sujamal, he is shocked and furious. jalal says I will not spare him, I will behead him, he says its my hunt, he ask soldiers to cordon off area but I will catch him.

In the jungle Sujamal is runing on horse, Jalal is also riding horse, he hear noise and follows sujamal, both are running, Jalal says I will not spare you today, Suja says today you can't catch me neither universe. Sharif is seeing all this hiding on horse, he think maybe you will not be able to catch Sujamal but i will not leave you alive today.

All the ladies are sitting, Ruk says to Hamida, Jodha is at fault, she hurt Jalal, Hamida says Jodha can't be wrong, she cares for Jalal there must be some misunderstanding, Salima says Jalal and Jodha are both intelligent they will solve it, Ruks says Jalal himself went to catch that Rajvanshi soon and truth will be out.

In the jungle, Jalal reach Sujamal and throws him from horse, he takes off his turban and says now you won't be able to save yourself, Sujamal and Jalal start fighting, Sujamal falls on ground, Jalal says you are fighting like eunuch, Suja says I am not attacking you I am just stopping your attacks, Jalal get angry and have sword fight with him, he put sword on suja’s neck, Jalal says you are without weapon so I will fight without sword, Jalal beat blue and black out of Sujamal but he doesn't attack Jalal, Sharif is hiding behind tree and targets Jalal, he is ready to attack him. Sharif think I will kill Jalal and the culprit will be Sujamal. Sujamal sees someone is about to attack Jalal, he shouts and push Jalal aside, he gets arrow on his chest, Jalal is shocked, Sharif run away from there, Adham come there and is about to kill Suja but Jalal hold his sword and tell him to run behind that man, he ask Sujaml why did you saved me? Suja says because I promised my sister that I will protect her husband, Jalal ask who are you? He says Suja..mal, he become unconscious, Jalal is stunned. Jalal says he is jodha’s brother, he recall their meeting and his bitter words to Jodha that you are having an affair, he recall how jodha said she knows that man and had meet him before marriage, and how he asked her if she love him to which she said yes, he recall how he asked Jodha to go from here, he cry. he sit near river and says sorry Jodha, please forgive me Jodha I did a big mistake but why didn't you tell me about him, you didn't have trust in me.
Adham come to jalal and says this Sujamal is our enemy and you are treating his wounds, Suja gets conscious and sees himself lying on the bed with bandages on his wounds, Jalal says he will get punished but not here, Adham says he tried to kill you in jashn, Jalal says then he wouldnt have saved me today, I have to find out the truth, Sharif come and says did you catch that Rajvanshi? Jalal says yes but where were you, Sharif says I was searching for him, soldier tells Jalal that Sujamal is consciousness.

Hakim give syrup to Sujamal, he says I dont need it, Jalal comes and says drink it, Suja drinks. Jalal ask how are you? He says fine. Jalal says didnt you find a strange coming to harem like eunuch, Sujamal says it was strange but we Rajvanshi fulfill our promise, I came here to meet Jodha after knowing she drank poison, but when I was returning I heard Abul Mali having plan with someone to kill you, that's why I stopped here, they had plan to kill you in jashn so I came in jashn, I gave message to Atgah too, I killed that man who was trying to kill you, to find out who was behind all this I became eunuch but before finding him you doubted me, he says I looked at every women in harem as my sister and you are lucky to have Bakshi as your sister, I will remember her as my sister, Adham says you are our enemy, Sujamal says mughals are still my enemy but Jalal is my sister's husband, Jalal says what will you do in battle field? Sujamal says in battle field all are enemy we don't see any relation but fight for our pride, he says either make me a prisoner or let me go, he gets up to go, Jalal says why do you think I will allow you to go, Sujamal says because you didn't order to imprison me and you are a warrior so you will want to fight with me then kill me but not stab me from back, let me go we will meet in battle field, Jalal says last question why didn't Jodha tell me about you? He says because I made her promise not to tell you about my identity, Jalal recall how he said to Jodha why are you silent and Jodha said I am not able to tell you the truth. Sujamal says bye, Jalal allow him to go, Sharif says why did you allowed him to go? Jalal says he is a warrior find the one who is ours but is betraying us. Jalal think I have to meet Jodha 1st.

In the palace, Jodha is in thoughts, Jalal is coming to Jodha’s room, he think how can he doubt Jodha, I will ask for forgiveness from her, I will listen to her every taunt, I will not budge till I get pardon from her. ( in ankhon main sad version plays). 

Moti comes to Jodha and tells that Jalal get to know that he was Sujamal and he allowed him to go and says if Jalal ask forgiveness then do forgive him, don't be angry with him, Jodha says to kahna thank you for protecting my brother. Jalal come to Jodha’s room, he looks at her, Jodha is happy to see him, he is emotional, Jalal comes to her and says you don't how much happy I am to see you here, Jodha says what you thought you will ask me to leave and I will go, Jalal says I don't want to recall that moment I did a mistake, please forgive me, he sits in her feet, Jodha makes him get up and says dont do this, yu are my husband and what you did was fine as it was a misunderstanding and you are making me sinful by asking for forgiveness, Jodha sees tears rolling from Jalal’s eyes, she nods no and wipes his tears, he says I hurt you alot please forgive me, he wipes her tears and kisses her forehead, he hug her, he sees tears on her cheeks and kisses them. Jodha sees tear on his cheek and wipe it by kissing him too, she kisses on his palm, Jalal says you always put balm on wounds and I gave you such a big wound, please forgive me. Jodha says its not needed, you were just angry on what you had seen and you did that in furious state, Jodha and Jalal hug each other.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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