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Jodha is going somewhere, she recalls time spent with Jalal, she recall how Jalal asked whether you love that man? She falls on ground and cry. She gets up and starts walking. 

In the palce Jalal is sad(in ankhon main sad version plays).

Ruks says to Maham do you know that rajvanshi was none other than Sujamal, Jodha's brother? Maham pretends to be shocked and says I have no idea, I didnt know about it but how do you get to know it? Ruks says I wanted that but not that way, I thought jodha was wrong, I thought you would know that he was sujamal, Maham says you are doubting, just be happy, Ruks says I dont find happiness punishing the innocent, Maham says innocent? She use to go in the night to meet Suja why? Ruks says I dont know why she hide it from Jalal, Maham says finish is important not the way you reached there, Jodha going away from Jalal is favorable for you, now he is yours, Ruks says no I dont want it this way that Jalal’s doubt is the reason for their separation, if Jalal comes to know about it he will run to jodha then what about me?

In the morning, Sharif comes in palace and think Jalal is lucky that he gets save everytime, now Jalal will find that man who is involved with Mali, Maham comes to him, she ask you seem lost, Sharif says I was behind Sujamal, Maham says you went before rajvanshi, Sharif says he was Sujamal, Maham says ohh he was sujamal, thank God he is caught, sharif says no jalal allowed him to go, Maham ask why, he says Jalal was saved by suja and he told Jalal that someone from inside is against him, Maham says thank God Jalal is safe but it's bad that Jalal thought Jodha’s brother to be her lover, Sharif says what, Maham informs that Jodha has left palace as Jalal doubted her, Sharif thinks its good as she will be close to me being away from Jalal.

Jodha comes to mandir and ask for water, a women makes her drink water, one man says to other man I dont understand Jalal’s rule, he takes tax in other form, other man says its all fake concern he has no softness for the people, 1st man says yes they all care about themselves, Jodha listens to this and says you are right Jalal is very bad, he is doing fake things, what if he removed taxes, what's the big deal if he removed slavery, gave respect to women, Jodha says its very easy to talk sitting here, i want to clear one thing that Jalal love his people alot, she realizes and says sorry, man ask do you know Jalal? she says no, she sits there, man says why she got angry hearing about Jalal, Jodha think they are right why am I feeling bad about him when he put such serious allegations on me? Women gives her food, Jodha eats and recalls how Jalal said he started loving her but she finished that light with her characterless nature.
Maham ask Sharif where are you lost, sharif says I was thiking that a misunderstanding separated Jalal andJodha, hope they patch up. he leaves. Maham think this misunderstanding will not last for long as jalal will get to know the truth and he will go behind Jodha, I have to play my next trick. Javeda comes and says the shine of this palace is gone, Jodha left the palace, Maham says I will come from mazaar and leaves. Javeda says she also think that jodha do black magic, I will also go to mazaar.

Jalal come to Jodha’s painting and says this much, if I say once that so you will leave. you didnt answer me once that I was wrong. I am like this I have loved someone for the 1st time. You could have made me understand things I know I did a sin by doubting you but you didnt clear the misunderstanding, I am human I can do mistakes but you could have fought with me, you could have answered me directly that I am wrong. you fought for bandhies, my sister bakshi and for many people but why didnt you fight with me for yourself, dont you think that you have right on me? If not for me you could have stayed for Hamida, for rahim, for Salima, for the nation who pray for you day and night. Hamida comes there and says now you know the truth now you know the importance of Jodha, Jalal says ammi.. Hamida says dont call me ammi, you dont understand the importance of relation , they are just mere responsibility for you, Jalal says I did a mistake. Hamida says so why me, Salima, Rahim and the nation have to suffer because of your mistake, a devil can never doubt on Jodha and you what you did, she says for her respect she left this palace, she is elegant pure lady, you have hurt me alot. Jalal says forgive me, she says you have broken a heart of a mother, you doubted on my daughter whats the need of this painting in this room, I am taking my daughter’s painting, Jalal says atleast you forgive me. Hamida says its your rule that only the person whom you have hurt can forgive you and i will forgive you when you will bring my daughter back, she takes painting and leaves. Jalal cry.
Maham is going somewhere in the market, Javeda is following her. She says maham is puntual at this age too, she sees jewelry and stops, she says I will bring coin, she says where did maham go? maham comes to an isolated place, Javeda is still following her and says this is not the way to mazaar, she says she is going to jungle, when wild animal will attack her, I will save her this will be great. she sees her hiding behind bushes. maham leaves, Javeda says where did she go. maham knocks on some hut and goes inside, Javeda comes and says she was here where did she vanish to, she cry and says that witch ate my ammi jaan, I have lost everything please give me my ammi

Jalal is sad and recalls how he said to Jodha I started loving you but you finished that by your characterless nature, he think I made a mistake, I misunderstood you I will rectify it. Jodha on other side thinks I love alot jalal but you have hurt me alot. (dil kashmakash main bara hai plays). Ruks comes to Jalal and says I know you are worried but a king cant be so emotional, Jalal says i have never put this much serious allegation on anyone, I have doubted on her purity, I have doubted her relation with her brother, I have hurt her alot. Salima comes there, Jalal says I need your advise, I put allegation on Jodha, I doubted her character, Salima says I know you made a mistake and also asked Jodha to go from here, she says I also know that you love Jodha alot, Jalal ask for suggestion, Salima says I can't give any because in husband wife relation they can solve matter themself, nobody can sort out your problem, you both can do that, its the matter between hubby and wife, you have given her wound and you are in pain, only you can lessen your pain, mistakes happen in relations but you have to rectify it, you have to face Jodha and rectify it, Jodha must be very hurt thats why she left from here, I know she will believe you, only you can bring her back, Jalal says right I have hurt her I will put medicine on it. Ruks says jodha herself went leaving palace so why should Jalal go to bring her back, Salima says its not the time to show attitude its time to show love, affection. Jalal says you are right I will go and bring her back.. Ruks is stunned and in tears.

Jalal comes at gate of palace and says to salima to tell hamida that i am sorry for my mistake and i will bring her daughter back, he says to atgah says till i am not here you see matters along with maham, i will come with jodha, atgah says alright.

Jodha is praying to lord. jalal greets hamida but she doesnt greet back, jalal sits on horse and leaves with his soldiers.

soul talk- jalal says that day i came to know what it feels like to loose someone, i brought you back from death bu lost you to my doubt, jodha says you only lost me but i lost everything because for a wife, her husband’s trust is everything, jalal soul says i was worried where i will find you , jodha soul says i was not worried for anything because i lost everything, you doubted me and i cut myself from you, you were seeing truth inmy eyes but you took my silence as lie, you took my love as fake, jalal says i was sorry for i doubted you. i was in so much pain because i started loving you, i cant think in my dream that anybody else see you other than me, now I just awnted to see you. we see jalal riding horse.

Javeda comes back to palace blabbering that where is maham lost, maham comes there and ask javeda what happened, javeda sees her and gets happy, she hugs her and says i thought you are dead in jungle, maham says jungle, javeda says i was following you because i wanted to ask you some question, i dont remember it, maham says it must be some silly question you could have asked me later, let me clear one thing dont follow me again, javeda says i thought wild animal will eat you so i was worried, maham says i know you care for me, actually jalal is tensed these days so i go to peer sahab to pray for him, dont tell it to anybody, javeda says okay and leaves. maham says anybody can follow me, i have to be careful.

Jalal is running on horse and thinks I am coming jodha to bring you back, i am sorry please forgive me.

Hoshiyar comes to Ruks and says i came here to care for you, he ask why are ypu worried, ruks says I thought Jodha was cheating so I was happy but after knowing truth i cant ignore the goodness of jodha, she saved my Jalal, hoshiyar says i never understand you, ruks says if allegation was true i would be happy that jodha is gone but nothing like that will happen, Jalal and Jodha are more closer and their relation is stronger now, so how can i be happy, hoshiyar says why you think so much, jalal will come back to you as you are his best friend, hoshiyar puts hand on her shoulder, ruks says to stay in limits she jerks his hand and says this is real resham dont touch it,

In the night, jalal is staying for some time, he looks at anklet which he got in ganghaur, he thinks that time is weird , see today jalal is listening to heart, i never thought i will be in love but see i am in love with you, people do weird things in love and i am so much restless to meet ou and say sorry. he ask soldiers to sleep. jalal comes in his tent and lays on bed, he recalls jodha throwing water on rahim standing in lake and he getting drenched, he smiles and says i accept i feel good to irritate you, he recalls how he asked jodha to go from agra, he sits and becomes sad again.

In the morning, jalal reaches amer, bharmal and meenavati welcome him, jalal meets them with sadness on face, meena does his aarti, bharmal says i am happy to see you, he ask jalal to come in. Jalal is sitting for lunch, meena ask him to eat more, bharmal says can i ask why you came here, jalal says i thought you would know, didnt jodha.. meena says yes I wanna how is jodha, why she didnt come with you, she is getting love in sasural that doesnt mean she will forget us, jalal is stunned that jodha is not in amer.. jalal says what jodha is not here, where is she then, bharmal says whether she is not in agra, jalal says no, bharmal ask why? jalal tells them everything, jalal says i thought she will come here, jalal says i will leave to find her, bharmal says no you stay here, our soldiers will go to find her, he orders to find her everywhere.

In Agra, Hamida is tensed and says to salima that its simple that jodha can be lost somewhere she will not come imfront of Jalal easily, ruks says you are doing wrong by not eating anything, Ruks says when jodha will return, will she like you like this, she will not forgive herself for your bad health, I know I dont like Jodha but I love you alot not for me, for your daughter jodha please eat something, Ruks makes her eat, Salima says thanks to Ruks, Ruks says dont thank me I have same perception for jodha till now, I dont want |Hamida to be hurt, she leaves.

in Amer, meena is crying, her relative ask her to be strong, jodha will come, meena sasy no she will not come in amer, she says I asked her to come in amer ony with jalal otherwise this palace is not for her, she says i have black tongue, she tries to cut it, bharmal comes and says I promise to bring jodha, please relax. 

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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