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Ruks cry and says sorry, Jalal ask why? She says I came to know that dilawar is a rajvanshi on the last day, Jalal furiously faces her, Ruks says believe me I didnt know it was Sujamal, she said she will catch him that's why I was on her side, Jalal push her away, Ruks sits in her feet and says i was just jealous of Jodha thats why I believed on Maham I didnt know she was plotting such a big game, Jalal turns and sees Salima there, he says see Salima how my own people is hurting me, I dont need enemy my own are enough. Jalal says Salima to say something, you always give nice advises, say something which give me peace, she says you are hurt but you should not show it like that you are shehenshah, Jalal says so what dont I feel pain, cant I be hurt? Salima ask his name? He says Jalaluddin, she says no your name is empror Jalaluddin, she says you are ideal of many people, nation look up to you, you should not break like this, and if Jodha would have been there she would have said same, Jalal says why is she not here? Salima says Jodha will take time to lessen her anger then she will surely come to share your pain till then you have to do what Jodha would advise you if she was here, Jalal says you are right I will take decision against Maham tomorrow as shehenshah, he leaves. Ruks says what will he do to Maham? Salima says i dont know but i know this is painful night for jalal, she leaves. ruks is teary eyed.

Adham come Resham and ask where is Maham, he comes and sees Maham sitting on the ground in a corner of room, he ask what happened, Maham says everything will be fine, I didnt lose anything, I have my position, Adham says what happened why are you disappointed, Maham says Jalal said I am not his ammi, I yold to him that he is not my son, how I could I say that, how can he break ties with me, Adham says I told you Jalal think you as a mere servant, you gave importance to him infront of me but you never listened, you are still crying for him, you love him, Maham says yes I love him, he is my son, I dont have any anger for Jalal, Maham cry. Maham says all this happened beacause of Atgah, Adham says I told you we should finish Atgah, Maham says no Jalal is close to Atgah, he says then I would talk to Jalal, she says no, I will do what should be done, Adham says you cant do anything, she says nobody can distract me from my mission, I am chlef minister, he says you are not chief minister anymore as Jalal has no value for you now, he says handle yourself, he leaves, Maham says how can I handle myself, Jalal will not call me mom, this is a big punishment.

Jodha comes in mandir, she recalls how Jalal had come with her once and prayed like her, Shaguni comes there and says he will not leave you, you will have to go, Jodha says I don't understand, she says I am saying what is in your fate and what your ego is not allowing you, Jodha says I left Agra because my character was tarnished but why am I not satisfied, Shaguni says heart doesnt understand anything you have to do what is written you have to go with the flow, your fate is written with Jalal and you have to go to him, she says why did you do janghaur pooja, Jodha says you know everything, she says Jodha what you want you can do but what your fate has written it will do that.

Jalal remembers how Maham probed him to doubt Jodha, he says my ammi played with my feelings and I doubted you Jodha, how can I hear anything against you, how can't I think you can't do anything wrong. 

Jodha does aarti of kali maa with full enthusiasm.

Maham comes to meet Jalal but soldier stops her and says Jalal odered that nobody can meet him, Maham says tell him that his bari ammi.. she stops and says tell him chief minister has come, he tells this to Jalal, Jalal sternly says that I don’t want to meet anyone, Maham says I am here, I want to talk to you Jalal, he doesn’t answer, Maham says look at me once, just talk to me, Jalal doesn’t look at her, Maham leaves dejected. she think everything is finished, my service, my loyalty everything vanished, I loved him like my own son even more than my son but everything finished in a minute.

Hamida ask Salima how is Jalal, Salima says he is heart broken, Maham crushed his heart and when your own ditch you then its hard to bear, Hamida says he believe less people but when he trusts someone then he do it blindly and when that someone breaks your heart then its hurts, Hamida tells her about Maham going in darkness, she says maham said she goes there to pray but now I have doubt, Salima says there are many secrets in the palace, she ask her to go to Jalal and gives him support, Hamida says no, I believe you must have given him confidence, if I go there than he will remember maham.

Ruks orders all dasies to set her room right as Jalal’s mood is off and he always come here when he is sad.

Jalal come to Hamida and says can I come in, she nod, he comes to her and says I know you are angry with me as I couldn’t bring your daughter, I am not a good husband, not a good son, not a good a emperor, not a good human, Hamida says you maybe not a good son or husband but you are good emperor, nation look up to you, you have blood of Humayun, don’t be broken like this, I believe you never fail as an emperor and tomorrow you will take decision as that. don’t think like a son, nation believe you, remember Maham did a lot for you so take decision after thinking, nation will listen to your decision so be an emperor.
Resham cry and says to Maham tomorrow Jalal will punish you. Maham says I know Jalal has turned his back on me, you know when someone falls in someones eye then the person never trust him again, I know Jalal will believe me, Resham says even then you are not feeling bad, maham says no as I didn’t do anything wrong, I taught him politics, taught him how to fight to wars, I feed him my milk, tomorrow I will be the culprit to him, I taught him justice and tomorrow he will do justice against me.

Hamida says Maham did a lot for you but now you are an emperor and you should not believe anyone blindly, you have to see the truth and do justice, Maham took bullets for your, she gave her milk to you and love to you ignoring Adham so you have to pay for it, Jalal says you are right but putting allegations on innocent women is a great sin, when I started to believe that I have a heart she broked that, I think her services are less than her plotting against Jodha, so I have to see that also.
Hamida says to Jalal that you are emperor you will do what you want but remember don't do such think that you will be ashamed of it, Maham says tomorrow I have to see whether Jalal will salute my service or will see my one mistake.

Ruks is waiting for Jalal and says why didn’t he come till yet. 

Jalal comes to Jodha’s room and sees her everywhere, he goes to mandir and touch the place with respect, Moti comes there and says you? Jalal says I will stay here in jodha’s room tonight, Moti says I will prepare for your sleep, dasi comes and says Hamida has sent something, it is beautiful painting of Jodha, Jalal is speechless, he recall how hamida told him he is Jodha's criminal and she will forgive him when Jodha forgive hm. He tell dasi to put the painting infront of him, he keep looking at the painting with pain in his eyes.

Ruks ask dasi where is Jalal, she informs her that he is Jodha’s room, Ruks is shocked and says he was about to come here then, she shouts and throws things in anger, she says why Jalal, why you did that, I prepared for you, I was waiting for you and you are in her room even when she is not here, I thought she went out of your life but no I was wrong, why Jalal why.

Moti gives water to Jalal, Jalal ask you knew it was Sujamal, you can leave. she says I was… Jalal says I understand Jodha would have not allowed you, she says sorry I was not allowed, Jalal says if you would have told me then she would be with me, Moti says we rajvanshi don't go against our own, he says rajvanshi women also doesn’t leave their husbands, Moti says she will come back as she lov… jalal says I wish you would have completed your sentence, it would have given me peace, Moti leave. Jalal lie on Jodha’s bed and says Jodha please come back, I am feeling so lost without you.
In amer, Jodha feels something in sleep and gets up with startle, kaki comes there, Jodha says nothing is right, I feel Jalal is saying he is incomplete without me. kaki says now you know what should be done. Jodha looks on.

Sharifuddin come to meet Abul Mali. Abul Mali is in pain, he is screaming in pain, his face is not shown, mMali says Jalal wrote his win on my face, Sharif says Jalal is a warrior, Mali says I will kill you, he gets up and his ruined eye is shown, Sharif says I will take revenge from him, Mali says he can take my other eye too if I try to attack him again, sharif says don’t be disappointed you are our strength, we have to fight for our mission, Mali says yes you are right I will not sit quietly till I get the throne, sharif says I will leave now, he comes out, Adham is there and says I knew you must be making some plan so I followed you here, I didn’t come to fight, I just want to know with whom you are plotting against Jalal, good both brother in law of Jalal are plotting against Jalal but he is not easy to kill, Sharif says what rubbish we are not plotting, Adham says oh good you are hiding it from me, Sharif says you know we all are against him but Jalal can kill us, Adham says I have protection that is my mom, I came here to make plan, he says we will kill him and I will take dehli and you take Agra and about Abul Mali we will give what one eye mjan wants, he laughs and leaves.

Hamida prays to god that Jalal is in so much pain and only you can lessen it, he is about to punish that person whom he called ammi only you can show him light in this darkness.

In amer, maasa comes with dasies to Jodha and ask them to do Jodha’s hair massage, Shehnaz says I will also do, she massages her head and Jodha screams and says don’t pull my hairs, Shehnaz says you are delicate, Jodha gets the flashback when she was doing Jalal’s massage and he said do it nicely as you are pulling my hairs, Jodha says you are a man cant you bear it, Jalal says when I will do your massage and pull your hairs then you will know, Jodha says I am rajvanshi and I can bear pain, Jalal says you will know when I will do same what you do with my hairs. Jalal says then you will know, he ask her to sit and he will do massage, Jodha says no its okay, Jalal says sit, she shyly sit, Jalal take off her dupatta and open her hairs, Jodha says you don’t know massage, Jalal says when I don’t try then how will I learn, fb ends. Shehnaz says I don’t know how to do it but will you let me do it again, Jodha being lost in thought says that if you try then I will feel good emperor.

Jalal is getting ready for court hearing, he think whenever I got confused or had to take decision you make me see right path but now you will be the culprit infront of me, it feel like a child is lost in crowd and he doesn’t know where to go and he can't even ask his mother, I sometime feels to forgive because there was a time when you were my ammi. He ask god to give him strength.

Maham is sitting like stone in her room, Resham come to her and says time has come to be presented in court, she says its time, let's go, Maham wipe her tears, Resham gives her support to stand up, she says Jalal respects you so he will be linient, maham says I got punished as he took position of ammi from me and he will do trial of me today.

Ruks is lying on the ground and recalls how dasi said Jalal is in Jodha’s room, dasi comes to clean her room, she shout at her to go, Hoshiyar come there, Ruks says why did you caome get lost from here, he says I am your servant I can't leave you, Ruks says you know Jalal stayed in Jodha’s room yesterday night, Hoshiyar says lets go to court, Ruks says I will not go, Jalal should know I am angry with him, Hoshiyar says Jalal will not notice it as he is in pain of what maham did to him, he needs your support, you are the only one left for him, Ruks says what? I was the only one in his life then Jodha came in between us, she changed Jalal, Jalal is living in her room, Jalal doesn’t know what he is doing, he is punishing maham that too for Jodha, because of Jodha so much is happening, Hoshiyar says its not about Maham or Jodha but Jalal need you, Ruks says I don’t know what he want.

All are in court. Jalal comes in court to tell his decision about Maham, he sits with proud like an emperor, he ask to bring Maham, he says people say while doing justice emperor should not bring in his emotion, today I will try to control my emotion, he ask to start the case hearing.. Adham is taking out his sword one minister ask him to control his anger, Maham come there and greets Jalal, Ruks is also there. Jalal says there is an allegations against you that you used your powers wrongly and tried to fill the emperor’ ears with wrong information, he ask atgah to tell everybody her deeds, Atgah says Maham knew that one eunuch was in harem who was a man and a rajvanshi, he was Sujamal, she didn’t take action neither did she tell Jalal and when the real Dilawar came to tell Maham she asked him to leave from there so she hide the truth from everyonr, Adham fumes and think Atgah I swear on Maham I will not spare you for the insult you brought to my mother. Jalal says thinks why you did that with me, I never thought in my dreams, Atgah says she played a game and told Jalal by her man that Sujamal is away from Agra, Jalal says not only this, she put doubt in me against my pure wife, she filled my ears against her, Jalal ask what will you say in return of thses allegations, Maham think and says nothing, what Atgah said is right, Jalal says so you accepted your crime, you are the culprit now, are you ready for your punishment, maham says yes with tears.

Jalal says she accepted her crime, you mislead mughal sultanat, are you ready to listen your punishment, maham nods. Jalal says you failed to do your duties, you allowed man to enter in harem so from now on you will not involve in political and managing matters. maham is stunned, jalal says you will not give any advice and atgah will see everything, every power is being snatched from you, maham is broken. Jalal says looking at your years long services, i am not giving you any severe punishment, you can go. Maham in tears greets everyone and goes. Jalal ask to inform all about new positions. Atgah is new finance minister and will see everything. Munim khan is given many states to look. Manager says now atgah and munim will look after empire of mughals. Adham and sharif fumes.

Adham says to his men that till now I was silent but now I will take revenge of my mother from jalal and this revenge will start from atgah’s blood. Maham comes and says no adham, you will not do anything. She says we cant do anything at this time, she says jalal took powers from me but adham is still important to him, soldier says he didnt take your position of chief minister, maham says you are so innocent, he didnt take my position but he took all powers from me, she ask all to go as she have to talk to adham alone. All leaves. Adham says why are you stopping me? Maham says to save your life, if jalal catches you then he might either kill or put you in jail, adham says we have lost everything. Maham says closing one gate means opening another gate, i have found a way through which we will get alot, we will get everything that is snatched, i only want my plan to become successful.

Jalal is practicing sword fighting, he is not concentrating, he imagines jodha fighting with him, he thinks you are angry with me and thats valid, he then keep looking at tulsi plant of jodha, he is distracted and soldier practising with him attacks him, jalal fights with him, atgah stops him and says jalal you are injured, he says any injury on shehenshah can be very dangerous for nation, jalal says fault was mine i was not concentrating, he says this injury is nothing, the real injury i got was when jodha said no to come with me, this injury on my hand will keep me remembering jodha as if she was here she would have applied medicine on it by her own hands. He says anyways tell me what you wanna say, atgah says i checked financial records and their is alot corruption in money collection, we should appoint a person to collect money who should be experienced and reliable, i think mirza is good. Jalal says no let him handle kabul for now. He recall todal mal saying that he divides his money, he says i know one person that is todal mal, atgah says but he is against mughals. Jalal says he is honest so we can count on him and also he helped humayun too so he is loyal person. Call him here. Atgah agrees.

Jalal looks at tulsi plant and says jodha in wait of you these leaves are feeling dull too, he ask dasi to bring water. Jalal chants mantra which jodha uses to chant. Rahim comes there and chants with him. Jalal says how do you know? He says jodha taught me, jalal ask what else she taught you. Rahim says she told me about ramayan, mahabharat, arjun story, bheem story, and other things and i told him about quran sharif. She also told me about geeta, jalal ask what else, rahim says something in pure hindi which jodha taught, jalal ask meaning, rahim tells him that it means do your work with concentration and dont fear because everything is of worth and you will get in return what you do. Rahim says when jodha will come i will ask her to teach you too. Jalal says hope your wish get fulfilled. Rahim leaves. Jalal says you are right jodha what you sow you will reap and i am suffering as i doubted you.

Maham is thinking something, jiji anga comes there, maham says you come to see that i lost my position, that i am low than you now. Jiji says you have wrong thinking and its your fault. Maham says no its jodha, she came inbetween me and jalal, she provoked jalal, she was behind me, she instigated jalal to take action against me. Jiji says you are still wrong, you wanted to be someone, you became then you became someone big and see you lost everything. Maham says its all fault of your husband atgah, if he wouldnt have told jalal about suja then i wouldnt be in this position. He snatched my position, jiji says enough my husband didnt do anything wrong, it was you who betrayed jalal, when some women feeds milk to a child then she becomes his mother, you still have chance as if jodha forgives you then everything will be alright, maham says what? You want me to go to jodha and pleads in feet to forgive, i will die, i will cut my head but i will never bow down infront of her, jiji you should be ashamed to call yourself a mughal as you are asking me to beg infront of rajvanshi, i will never do that. She ask jiji to go, jiji says you still have wrong thinking, maham says to get lost. She leaves. Maham says i lost but not everything. I still have something.

Maham is going to secret place and jiji’s words rings in her ears to be a mother. She says to soldier that some people got to know about this place, they have doubt and can come here but stay away from them and dont tell them whats happening here. She comes inside, she takes child from ground and says i waited for long, i have lost alot for you to speak but i cant wait now. She grabs child and says i lost everything and my only way to get back all is you, you have to open your mouth now otherwise i will kill you.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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