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The Episode starts with Nivedita taking Komolika to Mohini. Prerna goes to wipe the tilak and stops. She recalls Anurag’s words. He comes to her and says let it be, it looks good, consider it as pre announcement that you are mine, I just this tika to stay here, I like it, don’t wipe it. She smiles. He says I will apply this kumkum in your maang after seven days. Deewani hogai…plays… They hug and smile. He says we will stay together and support each other, how will I spend the seven days without you, the moment when we will be in the mandap….

Moloy comes and sees them. Anurag says pandit will guide us the marriage rituals, we will vow to always be together. Moloy gets surprised and gets overjoyed. Anurag says we will take the seven rounds, then pandit will say that marriage got completed. He hugs Prerna. Moloy turns away and then sees them again, getting happy and giving them kisses. He thinks its good, what shall I do now. He goes. Anurag says don’t go, no…. Shivani comes there and sees Anurag and Prerna’s romance. She turns away and smiles. Anurag says remember one thing, after seven days, I won’t let you go anywhere, you will always be around me. Shivani happily goes.

Moloy takes Rajesh to terrace and sings. He dances. Rajesh says Mohini is unwell, you are joking. Moloy says I got you here to give good news, you got promoted, you have become my relative, Anurag and Prerna… we used to think that they are innocent, they are mischievous. Rajesh says like you, I know its your drama. Moloy says no, I have saw them embracing each other and they were in love, Anurag proposed Prerna. Rajesh asks what are you saying, do you mean he proposed Prerna. Moloy says yes, she has acknowledged, I have seen this, it was my wish that they get married, my wish got fulfilled, they are in love, Navin and Mishka isn’t between them, there is only love. They laugh. Moloy says it was so nice to watch them together, I m proud of Anurag, he knows keeping his promise, I will keep the same promise, be prepared to welcome Anurag’s baraat, don’t tell this to Veena or anyone, you won’t go any other work, get nice suits stitched, did you get it, tell me how did you like the news, stop this senti drama and dance. They hug. Nivedita calls Moloy.

Anupam asks really, you confessed love. Anurag nods. Anupam gets glad and hugs him. They see Nivedita. Anupam says I also want to consult a doctor. Anurag asks him to take rest. Nivedita asks Moloy why does he look happy. Moloy says no, I m worried, Mohini is sick. She goes. Doctor comes and says Mohini is fine, we will get reports after lab tests. Anurag says she was shivering and fainted. Doctor says it happens by viral infection or stress, take care of her. Moloy asks Rajesh to remember what he has told. Prerna and her family leave. Moloy smiles seeing Anurag and Prerna’s eye lock. Prerna goes. Moloy asks Anurag about his friend, who was in love. Anurag says I will tell you his name and introduce him, I m going to meet mum. He goes. Moloy smiles.

Komolika says I have come to see Anurag and then learnt that you are unwell, so I have come to see you. Mohini thinks Mishka and Komolika are so sweet, I really like her, Prerna made everything so complicated. Komolika thinks I can replace Prerna, I will force Anurag to love me. Anurag comes to give medicines. Komolika stares at him. Mohini sees her and thinks Anurag is engaged to Mishka, then why is she looking at him in such a strange way. Komolika says sorry, Mishka couldn’t come, she went in a party and got too tired, she thought to take rest. She asks Anurag to take some rest. She collides with him and smiles. He says sorry. She goes. Mohini thinks I feel she is interested in my Anurag. Komolika thinks to inform Mishka about Mohini.

Prerna lies to sleep. Shivani teases her and asks what happened in the jungle. She says Anurag has confessed that he loves you, I have overheard your talk. Prerna says this is not done. Shivani says why don’t you tell me yourself. Prerna says don’t say a word now, Navin wanted to marry me by all means, but Anurag risked his life and saved me from Navin, we ran out of factory and went inside the jungle, I got hurt, we had to stay in temple, Anurag made a lep and did aid to my leg, I have asked him why is he doing this, he poured his heart out, he told me how much he loves me, he has applied this tika to me and promised that he will marry me after seven days, he will talk to Mishka, Mohini, and sort out everything. Shivani says I m so happy for you and hugs her.

Its morning, Mishka comes to meet Mohini. Nivedita greets her and asks her to come. Mishka says I have come to care for Mohini. Nivedita says I m happy to see your concern. Mishka goes. Prerna gets ready and calls Anurag. She thinks to disconnect. He answers. She says I was calling someone else. He says it looks good if you call me and talk, its fine, I will end the call. She says no, I have called you. He asks really, why did you say that you called by mistake. She says no, actually, its such an awkward feeling, when we have love feelings, you know what I mean. He says I know, when you blush, you look so pretty, I think this attracts me, and your smile…. you look beautiful, its confirmed that I m in love with you. He sees Mishka at the door.
Prerna cry. Anurag comes to console her. He says like you love your family, Nivedita did the same, you know her mood swings, mum and Nivedita had reacted in emotional way, very soon Nivedita will realize her mistake, its like when you agreed to marry Navin thinking he will support your famiy, you should have told me once, I would have taken care of your family and supported them, but you chose Navin, you liked him right. She says thank God there is much difference in you now, would you say yes that time. He says no, I didn’t see anything in you which Navin had seen. She beats him. He says you got distracted. She says you have done it, I understood. He wipes her tears. Tum ho paas…plays… He asks her to wash the hanky and give it. He says I already have your old hanky. She asks didn’t you give it to laundryman. He says no, actually…. apart from the hanky, I have kept many other things, your token of love, I will show it to you some time, you will be startled. She says yes. He says it was my heart who kept it. He makes her smile. Komolika sees them. She says Prerna, you have done much wrong, I have to make you realize this. Anurag asks Prerna to meet him at 3. Prerna smiles and goes. Veena sees Suman working hard and smiles. She hugs Suman and apologizes for scolding her. She says I love you as much I love Prerna and Shivani, I know you love everyone, you are also my daughter, will you forgive me. Suman asks why are you saying this. They hug. Veena says everything will be fine. Suman thinks let Prerna and Shivani do any mistake, then we will talk, I will never forget my insult. Komolika comes to Mohini and begins her drama. She says my mum had left me in my childhood, I have managed everything on own, it hurts a lot, if anything happened to you then… Mohini asks why are you worried for me.
Komolika says I m seeing my mum’s image in you. Mohini smiles. Komolika says now Mishka and Anurag aren’t together, sorry, I shouldn’t say this. Mohini says yes, I also have this doubt. Komolika says we will always be in touch, all relations don’t have a name, there is a connection between two hearts, I really like you and I love you, please love me as your daughter. Mohini says of course. Komolika says I feel whatever Prerna did today, she did that intentionally. Mohini says I agree, her father has heart issue, she did this intentionally. Komolika says yes, she fed you that halwa, she knows everyone trusts her here, is she scared that her future plans get spoiled because of you. Moloy looks on.

Mohini thinks Komolika is right, Prerna is scared that I won’t accept her with Anurag. Komolika says don’t know why she hates you. Moloy gets the juice and asks Mohini to finish it. He goes and thinks I have to stop this girl else she will fill hatred in everyone for Prerna. Mohini asks Komolika to say truth, what feelings does she have for Anurag. Komolika smiles. Mohini says your face makes it evident. Komolika says I understood that he is sensitive, caring and emotional, he respects all the girls, every girl will like to have a guy like him, he is clean hearted. Mohini says let me recover and then I will make everything fine. Komolika says I wish you recover soon, I wish to become your daughter soon. They hug. Nivedita scolds servant and asks for her diamond bracelet. Anupam says calm down. Nivedita says stay out of it Anupam. Moloy comes. Nivedita says this maid has taken the bracelet, check her. Moloy says they help us a lot, they do our work, don’t say all this, we will find it out. Nivedita says I want the same bracelet. Moloy says you can’t blame them. He asks maid to calm down, we will find it, go and find it everywhere, go back to work. Anupam says Nivedita won’t let you live until you get same bracelet.

Moloy says I won’t get it. Anupam asks how will I get it. Moloy says I have got CCTV fixed in the house, since Navin had come back, lets go and check who has taken the bracelet. Navin says I m waiting for someone, I m sure she will come for my sake. He sees Prerna and says she has come. He shouts Prerna. He sees Anurag with her. He says this guy is always around her, he is such an insecure man. Anurag greets Navin. Navin asks why are you so scared, Anurag you have done this, she used to smile and dance with me, she has fear on her face now, she is looking so pale. Anurag says yes, she is scared for me, I saw her fighting with you without fear, she got scared for my life, because she is in love with me. Navin says the day I come out of this prison, I will come hunting for you. Prerna says don’t even dare to think this. The man says I think they have confessed their love to each other. Anurag asks Prerna are you fine. She nods. They leave. Navin shouts Prerna listen to me. Moloy asks the man to show him the footage. Moloy sees Komolika adding something in Mohini’s halwa. He gets shocked. He says it means Komolika has done this, only to frame Prerna.

Precap: Moloy slaps Komolika and shows the video. Veena sees Anurag with Prerna. She slaps Veena. Komolika sends her man after Moloy. Komolika says I did this to get Anurag, what’s wrong in it. Veena scolds Prerna. Prerna and Anurag say they love each other. Anurag says I want to marry Prerna. Komolika plots Moloy and Rajesh’s accident.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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