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The Episode starts with Prerna and Anurag getting shocked knowing Shivani’s pregnancy. Prerna asks who. Shivani says Ronit Chobey. She cries. She says we both used to love each other a lot, he said that he would marry me, but suddenly, he said that he can’t marry me, I wanted to break this relation, but I felt somewhat strange, I think I m pregnant, I called him up and told him that I love him a lot, but he told me that he doesn’t love me, I don’t want to live. Prerna stops her. She thinks I won’t leave that Ronit. Moloy comes and asks Anurag to be with Prerna. Veena cries outside. Suman looks on. Anurag goes to Prerna. She cries.

Anurag says you said you won’t spare that guy, you are crying here. She says these tears are for Shivani, she has gone through a lot, I mean whatever I said inside, I m not going to spare that guy. He asks what will happen if you scold or threaten him, maybe he leaves the city by fear, relax. She asks what shall I do. He says file a legal case against him, I know the inspector well, we both will go and file the case, he took advantage of Shivani, she didn’t have any option than to commit suicide. She agrees and says he will apologize to me, I m ready to do anything to make him beg. They leave. Moloy comes home and greets morning to Mohini. She asks are you okay. She says situation wasn’t good. She asks what happened. He tells everything. He says good thing is Shivani is fine. She says I don’t believe this, you left Nivedita’s anniversary party for such a girl. He asks what do you mean. She says Prerna couldn’t teach Shivani right and wrong, I don’t care for them, its better that you don’t get trapped, I m saying the truth, its not easy to say the truth, Shivani is a characterless girl. He says enough, I will go and sleep in study. She asks why are you upset with me, she did the wrong thing. He says a guy was also involved, you just can’t blame Shivani. She says I should blame Veena and Rajesh for giving such values to their daughters. He says yes, they are the worst parents like us, we couldn’t teach Nivedita as well, this is our reality, we caught Nivedita with Anupam, we had to cover that scandal and get them married. She says Nivedita loved Anupam. He says Shivani loved that guy. He goes. She says I hate his concern for them, thank God Mishka came here on time, else Moloy would have given Anurag’s hand to Prerna, I m glad Mishka and Anurag are together. Mishka is happy and says its a dream to be with you for breakfast, its first time after mom’s death, its great coming back, I missed you. Komolika says I missed you too. Mishka says Ronit didn’t meet me. Komolika says he came late. Mishka goes to meet her friend. Ronit comes and greets Komolika. Police comes home to arrest Ronit for Shivani’s rape and suicide attempt charges. She asks what, do you know who he is, dad will not spare you, better be careful, dad isn’t answering. Inspector says just Prerna Sharma can help you, she has filed the report. Komolika says Prerna Sharma. Inspector says Anurag has filed the complaint, we will make sure that we catch Ronit. Prerna holds Anurag’s hand. Pal ek pal….plays…. She says sorry. He smiles and thinks you don’t need to hesitate, we are friends, friends can be dependent on each other, I m always with you. She thinks I know, you will always be with me, I have fallen in love with you, you are special for me. He thinks I m with you, because you are very special. Ronit is on the way and recalls Shivani. He cries and recalls the way she begged him for marriage and then threatened of worse consequences. Komolika is also on the way. She thinks of Prerna and says is this the same Prerna, how can she file complaint against my brother, I m coming, you are going to face me.
Mohini comes to call Anurag for breakfast. She doesn’t see him. She calls him and asks did you leave for football practice, I always see your face first in morning. He says I m in police station. She asks are you fine. He says I m fine, I m here with Prerna to complaint against Ronit, its safe. She says I m very proud that you always help people, stay away from Prerna and her family. He asks what are you saying. She says you have helped Prerna, your life exists too, its imp, I can’t tolerate it if you get hurt. He says I m just supporting Prerna, I know Shivani isn’t lying, I know her, trust me, I won’t let anything wrong happen. She says fine, I trust you, come back soon, love you. He says love you too, I will come soon. He smiles and says mothers…. Prerna says thanks for always supporting me. He says I told you many times, I will always support you. She thinks why is he so nice.

Mohini recall Nivedita’s words. She says did I do any mistake by taking Prerna lightly, will she really take my son away from me. Prerna smiles seeing Anurag. She gets a call from Mahesh. He says Shivani isn’t listening to anyone, come soon. Inspector says we caught Ronit, he will be here soon. Anurag says great. Prerna asks why is Shivani behaving mad. Anurag thanks inspector and goes to see. She says I m in police station, I m coming soon. Anurag asks what happened. She says Shivani is out of control, Mahesh was crying, I don’t know what to do, shall I stay here or go. He says Ronit has been caught, you want to stay here or… She says we should stay here, I want to ask him why did he do this.

Inspector comes and says you know about Ronit’s father. Prerna says I just want justice. She takes Fir copy and goes. Komolika comes there. Anurag misses to see her. She leaves. The man asks who is this girl, it seems you haven’t seen her, the most luckiest man will get this girl. She meets Prerna and says you are here, you have come to complaint about your lover. Prerna says I need my copy, heart is broken, but not mine. Komolika picks the document and gives her. She says we have met here again, destiny, there is something. Anurag gets the car and signs her to come. Komolika turns to see him and doesn’t see his face. She says you got a new guy with new morning, life should be such, why to cry after the same guy, I m glad you have moved on. Prerna says sorry, I m definitely not like you, I can’t run away from my relations. Komolika says poor soul, I hope that we meet under good circumstances, I have come here as someone has tried to hurt my loved one, I believe in punishing the person, not getting the person punished by law. She leaves. Prerna goes to Anurag and says sorry, I met a weird girl. He recalls Komolika and says even I have collided with her. She says maybe we are talking about the same girl. They leave.
Rajesh and Veena try to console Shivani and ask her to forget the past. Rajesh says no one will scold you, don’t cry. Suman thinks he is too much. Anurag and Prerna come. Shivani says I won’t go home, send me to some ashram, I don’t want people to criticize my parents. Prerna says you won’t go anywhere. Anurag says no Shivani, its obvious that people will say a lot of things, they will taunt you and scold you, but do you care for this, a relation is formed based on mutual trust by two people, when one person is wrong, its not in our hands, you are not scared of those few people, who are they, are they close to you, you know your family, do you want to run away from them, they love you so much, you are not weak, sorry to interfere, its in your hands, do you want to stay with family or run away, stop crying, I know you, whatever happened was your moment of weakness, I m sorry if I said something wrong, you should get up, okay, do it for the sake of your family. Shivani says take me home. Everyone smiles. Anurag signs Prerna. She smiles.

Chobey comes to police station. Reporters ask him questions. He asks the man to find out everything about Prerna Sharma. Komolika asks inspector to free her brother, her dad would be coming. Inspector says sorry, I can’t help you. Chobey scolds the inspector. Inspector says no use shouting on me, media didn’t know why we got Ronit here, if you take Ronit, my seniors may suspend me, but your political career will be affected too, your son didn’t do anything great. Komolika says its that girl’s mistake. Chobey says set him free. Media comes there to ask him why did he come here. He says I have come here for social service. Reporters thank him. Chobey goes and scolds Ronit. He says girls and love aren’t made for you, but you wanted to fall in love. Komolika says dad, its okay, he has no experience of worldly things like us. Chobey gets angry and goes. She says inspector has said the right thing, it will be our loss, elections are ahead, we have to be very careful, we must respect women. He says I m proud of you that you are my daughter, you are right, we can’t take this risk. She says I can’t tolerate defeat and I don’t let anyone win, I will handle this matter and get Ronit out. He smiles and says I m sure you will take care of it. Prerna asks Shivani you still care for Ronit, we were going to lose you, what’s wrong. Shivani asks did you tell your feeling to Anurag. Prerna recalls Mishka. Shivani hugs her and asks her not to feel bad, you got your love and I didn’t, loving Ronit was my mistake, he used to get stressed when I spoke about marriage. Prerna cries thinking of Anurag, when she hears Shivani’s words about Ronit. Shivani says Anurag always supports you, he never let you alone, he loves you a lot. Prerna wipes her tears. Shivani looks at her.

Precap: Komolika insults Prerna and Shivani. She says this is just the beginning. Mishka romances Anurag. Prerna argues with Komolika. Prerna says I will make Ronit admit the crimes. Komolika says your sister will cry every night, its my promise.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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