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The Episode starts with Shivani getting Prerna downstairs. Anurag says I don’t make friends easily, I have few friends but I keep my friendship even if someone likes it or not, I had a doubt on Navin and disliked him, I got to know his intentions, how could I allow him to give same pain to Prerna. Navin sees the knife and thinks this is only option to leave from here. Anurag says this girl was making a sacrificing. Nivedita says stop treating her like Devi, she was willingly wanting Navin and his money. Moloy asks her to stop it. Nivedita says you told dad that your life will be set by marrying Navin. Anurag says I know she wasn’t happy, she was sacrificing her dreams and ambitions so that her family doesn’t get hurt. He says Prerna’s family got a notice to vacate the house in 24 hours, Prerna got that letter. Moloy sees Mohini. Anurag says my mum is innocent and couldn’t understand Navin, I know Mohini loves Navin truly, my mum just loves people. Mohini cries. Anurag says Prerna loves her family, she had no option than to marry Navin, she couldn’t arrange 15 lakhs. He says whatever Prerna did was for Rajesh and his happiness, she told me, she wanted to give you all a roof and happiness. Prerna cries. Veena recalls Prerna’s words. Shivani says yes, all this is true, I got to know this on haldi day, Prerna made me promise not to tell you, she was worried for you. Veena and Rajesh cry. Prerna hugs them and cries. Rajesh goes to Navin and says you got saved before, but today, it got clear, you are exposed here, I wish to hang you upside down and beat you to break your bones, don’t worry, I will not stain my hands, police will prove your crime and law will punish you, remember one thing, if you dare see my family again, I will kill you. He slaps Navin.

Anurag says Navin’s place is in jail. Navin sees the knife. Anurag says I informed police. Navin keeps knife at his neck. Everyone gets shocked. Navin says no Mohini, I don’t have any problem with you, you are my elder sister, I love you, Anurag has exposed me, Madhuri I told you I love you I will come back to you, see where your jealousy got me now, its true that Madhuri is my wife, I have sold all my wives in London, I love Madhuri and didn’t sell her, I was going to sell Prerna, I fell in love with her and cancelled the deal, maybe Madhuri didn’t like this and exposed my truth, Prerna Anurag can do anything for his friends, his big accident on your haldi day happened because of me, I have done his accident, I was driving the truck. They get shocked. Navin says his fate is good to get saved, don’t act smart, I swear I will kill him. Prerna shouts don’t shoot and diverts Navin. She moves Navin away and slaps him. She says who gave you right to ruin lives of many girls, you should get slaps from every girl of this world, Anurag said right, I was blind and couldn’t see all this, don’t take my name. Navin says Mohini, you know me since childhood. Mohini slaps him. She says how dare you, I have slapped my Anurag for the first time in life, how dare you keep knife at his neck, I will not spare you, how dare you try to kill him. Navin says kill me. She calls commissioner and says there is a big murderer here, I want you to come. Madhuri takes the knife and gets in front. She stops them and says Anurag I have heard you for the sake of my husband, I want my husband, Navin said he loves me, else he would have sold me. She asks Navin to just leave.
Anurag asks Madhuri to surrender. They go out and leave in the car. Anurag and everyone look on. Sid gets bike and follows Navin. Anurag and Moloy leave in the car. Mohini asks how dare you say that. Veena says you should have not done this, you got Navin’s alliance, when we refused, you should have respected our decision, you have sent the notice, you forced Prerna. Mohini says I didn’t know about Navin, how can you blame me, I know him since childhood, if he has changed into wrong man, I didn’t know that, I m his sister, not mum, I didn’t raise him, but you have given values to your daughter Prerna agreed to marry Navin for money, you failed as a mother Veena. Prerna says no, she has not failed as a mother, she is world’s best mum, she did a lot for us, you know why this has happened, my mum raised us well.

Nivedita shout at Prerna and insult her. Police comes there. Inspector asks where is that man. Mohini says he has run away with Madhuri, everyone has gone after him, its better you go and catch him. Inspector leaves. Mohini says we will talk about this for sure, Prerna should also get arrested, Prerna is responsible for getting my son hurt. She asks Nivedita to call Moloy and ask if he caught Navin. They go. Veena says nothing can happen of them. Prerna hugs Veena and cries. Mohini calls Moloy and asks where are you. Moloy says I m here. They all come back home. Moloy says he has run away. Anurag says police will arrest them, don’t worry. Veena thanks Anurag. He says once I make friendship, I live up to it. Moloy says I think there will be a thank you festival here, Prerna I am very upset, why didn’t you tell me. She says I have tried. He says you failed, you should have tried again and told me. She says I m really sorry, but I didn’t want charity, I had planned to take up a job and return money to Navin. Moloy says you are like my own daughter, you are like Nivedita and Tapur, your father is my childhood friend, the matter will be between us, sorry I know, my family members have got this matter in between, I will talk to Mohini later. He says so you need 15 lakhs and want to earn it by hardwork, I m giving you a job, salary will be 50000rs. Prerna says no, I can’t do this, 50000 is a big amount. He says I m not giving it for free, you will have much work, you are my personal assistant now. He says you need to arrange Anupam and Nivedita’s marriage anniversary. Anupam says its our first anniversary, Prerna congrats for job, be on time. Moloy asks Anurag to drop Rajesh and family home. Rajesh hugs Moloy. Moloy jokes and laughs. Rajesh and his family leave.

Moloy sees Mohini angrily. She goes. Anurag drops them and says we shall go now. Everyone insists him to come inside and have tea. Anurag sees everyone and says don’t be formal, feel free to do anything, else Sid and I will go. Veena says fine, we will get tea. Sid says I will park the car well and come. Shivani and Prerna go aside. Shivani says don’t forget to say sorry and thanks to Anurag, just go now. Prerna goes to Anurag and says I will prepare tea. He comes after her to kitchen and helps her. He says I know you won’t say thanks. She says I was going to say thanks. She thinks sorry for not believing you and hurting you. She asks what happened. He says apology accepted. She looks at him. She says but, I never apologized. He says but I have heard it, you apologized to me in your mind. She asks what else did I say. He says you wanted me to come inside the house to have tea. She says no, mum and Dadi wanted this. He says I saw it in your eyes. Sid and Shivani come and smile seeing them. Prerna makes tea. Anurag opens the container for her. He goes. Moloy asks Prerna to get a file from his room. She goes. Anurag and Sid study. Anurag answers the questions. Sid asks what were you thinking all night, was it about Prerna, Navin’s chapter is closed, you can express feelings to her. Prerna comes there and hears them. Sid says you don’t need to stop yourself now. Anurag says nothing has changed. Sid says you are in love. Anurag says never, I m not in love with her, enough now, she is just my friend, like you are my friend, anyways Prerna is not my type, she is stupid type. Sid says you mean you want someone smart and sharp. Anurag says no, she isn’t sensible, she is so moody, she believes in love stories, I m practical, she is always late, I m always punctual, we are different, I respect her, she is my friend. Sid sees her and greets. She goes. Anurag says its her job’s first day, I will wish her and come. Sid says he left me to wish her and he says he doesn’t love her. He smiles. Prerna gets the file and thinks of Anurag’s words. He comes there and says congrats. She says you mean I shouldn’t get this job, I m not sensible, don’t lie. He says I was just kidding, don’t take it in wrong sense, but you are moody. She says you call me close friend, you were talking like this about me. He asks what’s your problem, you always keep topic incomplete. She says why are you wasting my time. He says I m talking to you sweetly, you are upset that I broke your marriage with Navin. She says seriously, leave it if you don’t know why I m upset. They argue. She goes. He says she is so ungrateful, I did a lot for her, why is she talking to me like this.
Moloy takes the file and asks Prerna to go home, come in the evening and manage the anniversary party arrangements. She sees Anurag and thinks I should have not spoken to Anurag like this, I should say sorry. Anurag turns away. Moloy says I will drop you on the way, come. She leaves. Anurag thinks she has no guilt or regret. Sid looks on and comes to Anurag. Sid teases him. Anurag asks him to just go, else their friendship will end. Sid goes. Shivani comes and sees Prerna tearing papers. Prerna says nothing is good here. Shivani says you came back early. Prerna says I have to go in anniversary party early. Shivani asks how was your experience working with Anurag or Moloy. Prerna says thank God Moloy is my boss, not Anurag.

Shivani asks why did you fight with him. Prerna says he has fought with me, he is a complete jerk, he said this to Sid, he thinks I m not sensible, I m not his type, what’s his type, that Chandrika or Simona. Shivani smiles and says sit, this happens, sometimes our feelings get so strong that we don’t know why is this happening, sometimes we get scared of denial, we lie to ourselves about our feelings, do you understand what he feels for you, I have seen him, he risked his life to save you from Navin, what will you call this, isn’t this love, until you express, how would he know your feelings. Prerna asks what shall I do, shall I tell him that I love him. Shivani smiles and says you are saying this for the second time, you are caught, finally it has happened, you accepted this. She hugs Prerna. They smile.

Anurag calls Prerna. He says I can’t make you away from my mind, thanks for spoiling my mood. He ends call and says why did she talk to me so rudely, I was normal and didn’t tell her anything. Prerna says he sounded upset but I liked what he said. Shivani asks what did he say. Prerna says he said he is thinking about me, I don’t care whether he is happily thinking or in anger. Shivani says you got mad in love. They laugh and hug. Mohini comes and hugs Anurag. He asks what happened. She says nothing, I will scold the decorator, explain him, he didn’t finish the work. He says I will talk to him, don’t worry. She says I love you Anurag. He says love you too. She goes. He goes to talk to the man and asks how much time will this take. The man says it won’t get late. Anurag scolds the man. Anupam asks the man to go and do his work. He takes Anurag with him and asks what happened, how did you get impatient, did you fight with Prerna. Anurag looks at him.

Precap: A girl hugs Anurag and says I love you. Prerna looks on. A girl hugs Anurag and says I love you. Prerna looks on.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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