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The Episode starts with Moloy asking Mohini why is she hurrying so much, even Anurag looks surprised. Anurag tries to say. Nivedita congratulates her and thinks I have to see Prerna’s expression when I break this news to her. Komolika hugs Mishka and congratulates. Mishka thanks her and asks why did you ask me about Anurag and Prerna. Komolika says I met them, you are lucky to get a partner like you, you aren’t in danger because of me, he is different, I found him very interesting, trust me, if Anurag wasn’t yours, I would have cast my spell on him, I m no longer curious for him, since you are getting engaged to him, don’t worry.

Mishka says I wasn’t afraid, I know you love me, I trust you. Komolika says you are my baby, your doubt about Prerna is right, she is in love with Anurag, he doesn’t love Prerna, before he developed feelings for Prerna, you came in his life, I know you love him so much, any girl can fall for him because of his charm, I m your sister, don’t worry, does Prerna know about the engagement. Mishka says no. Komolika says then I will give her this good news. Mishka says let it be. Komolika says let me enjoy a bit, I will take care of it, you take a beauty sleep. Prerna comes to her room and thinks of Anurag. She thinks why do you give me beautiful memories, I don’t want them, I can spend my entire life with them happily, I wish I tried to know you before. She gets a call from Komolika. Komolika says you are lucky that I have called you, you can’t imagine what will happen with you, I bet you, you will lose everything, your peace and happiness, I called to wish you all the best. Prerna says you have to face me before hurting my family. Komolika says I m talking about you, you too are alive right, you use your emotions, if anyone breaks your heart, you will go mad. Prerna says you can’t hurt me. Komolika says but that guy can hurt you, Anurag. Prerna says don’t dare to take his name. Komolika wishes her the best. Prerna says why was taking Anurag’s name. Anurag thinks of Prerna and shouts please stop Prerna. He wakes up and looks around. Anupam comes and says I heard some sound and came to see.

Anurag says nothing, I had a dream. Anupam says you only dream of someone when the person is connected to you well, what was the dream, maybe I can tell you. Anurag says I had seen the entire family, we were talking, Prerna was going away when I asked her not to go. Anupam says your mind is saying that you are getting engaged to someone, but you may have promised someone else, you are scared that Prerna can go far from you. Anurag says you are watching many sci fi movies these days, its nothing such. Anupam says you aren’t seeing this. Anurag says you are hanging out with Sid, Sid also talks such things, I think you should get ready, its engagement, mom will be pleased, you should get ready. Anupam says yes, mom will be happy, best of luck. Anurag thinks Prerna is my best friend, I will never lose her.
Rajesh tells about riots and asks Shivani to inform them before going out. Prerna works and says I don’t understand this, I will ask Moloy about it. Rajesh says he knows the business well. Nivedita comes and says I have a good news, have sweets. She doesn’t give sweets to Prerna and says I want to feed you by my hands. She says Anurag’s engagement has been fixed with Mishka. Prerna gets shocked. Rajesh says its a big good news. Veena says we will call Anurag and congratulate him. Nivedita thinks I had come to see this shocking expression of Prerna. She asks isn’t it good news, thanks, everything was decided all of a sudden, our happiness lies in Anurag’s happiness, he was trapped in the riots. Rajesh asks what, was he trapped there. Nivedita says Anurag went crazy and was dancing, I was so happy to see his happiness, Prerna you don’t look happy, what happened, are you all right, you are looking a little low. Prerna says I didn’t sleep well and I m little tired. Nivedita invites them in engagement function. Rajesh says we will surely come. She leaves.

At Basu house, Anupam takes Nivedita aside. She asks what. He asks do you love your brother. She asks what will guests think that you got me here, are you crazy, I love my brother. He asks how can you do this, you are responsible for this. She says yes, the reason is Prerna, I told the truth to mom and mom took this decision. He says Anurag is confused, you manipulated Mohini, he is doing this engagement as he loves Mohini and cares for family. She says I know you need money. He says not now, I care for Anurag, you are his sister, Mishka isn’t right for him, I know he had a past with Mishka, did you hear anything about her from him, he feels a lot for Prerna, he talks nonstop about her, you had noticed this first. Mohini compliments Tapur and hugs. Moloy says my princess and hugs. He says Mohini don’t announce Tapur’s marriage by finding someone rich in the party, she doesn’t have to marry so soon. He says its a warning, I can’t bear more shocks. Mohini says I will discuss with her and do it. He asks did you ask Anurag before doing this, you took the decision on your own. He goes.
Nivedita says I know Anurag has feelings for Prerna, but he will forget her soon, Mishka has come in his life, Prerna has insulted me, and she won’t get another chance. Anupam says you won’t change. She says whatever will happen, it will be good. Mohini sees Anurag getting ready and cries happily. Anurag sees her and comes to her. He asks what happened, why are you crying. She says I m very happy and hugs him. She says when I look at you, I feel everything is good, you are about to enter a new phase of life, you are going to begin a new relation, my young Anurag has grown up, its the happiest moment of my life, I m proud, thank you. She hugs him. He asks are you happy. She says I m very happy, thanks. He says stop crying, your make up will be ruined. She says don’t talk like Moloy and goes. Moloy comes and says she talks so sugary, don’t get trapped, no doubt she loves us a lot, but we feel like we are doing things as we want, no we are behaving as she wants. Anurag smiles and asks what happened today that you didn’t wish. Moloy says she convinced me for your engagement. Anurag says she is very happy. Moloy asks are you doing this for her happiness. Anurag says no, I m also happy. Moloy asks what about you told me in office. Mohini comes and takes Moloy with her. Anupam comes to Anurag. Anurag says you are coming out of my washroom. Anupam says sorry, my washroom had some problem, so I used yours, by the way, did you think of the dream. Anurag says no, its weird, we often think about people around us, its meaningless. Anupam goes. Anurag thinks I wish I could tell Prerna about my engagement, but I guess Nivedita wanted to tell her. Prerna cries and thinks of Nivedita’s words.

Shivani asks her not to attend engagement. Prerna says I m upset, but I m happy for Anurag. Shivani says I will stay here with you. Prerna says no, I will have to go, Anurag has always supported me, its an imp day for him, I have be there for him like a good friend. They cry. Aankhon me….plays…. Mohini gives chunri and asks Anurag to offer it to Kuldevi. He thinks of Prerna. He says I recalled something seeing this chunri. Mohini says you recalled the pandal, this chunri is similar to the one which you saved from fire, I m very happy. She kisses him and smiles. She asks him to get ready fast and goes. He says mom says, whatever happens is for good, thank God you met me that day.

Komolika, Chobey and Mishka arrive. Komolika’s accessory drops. Mishka picks it and says I think its something valuable of Komolika. Chobey says if thing is imp, Komolika doesn’t miss it, she doesn’t lose time. Mishka says maybe her focus wasn’t on this, I m also your daughter, you can appreciate me and feel proud, its imp day for me, I chose Anurag, Komolika didn’t choose him. Anupam and other men stare at Komolika. Nikka….plays…. Anurag sees her and says she, here?

Anupam thinks why is she seeing Anurag with love, even I m handsome. Anurag and Anupam come downstairs. Nivedita says good to see you here. Komolika greets them. Mohini says you would have met the rest of the family, but this is my son Anurag. Komolika forwards hand and shakes hands with him. Anupam forwards hand to her. She does Namaste. She says I know you are Anurag, you know who am I. He says yes, we met before. She says I m Mishka’s sister. He gets surprised. Mishka greets everyone. Chobey says this is our second meeting, we didn’t know we will meet as relatives, I m happy Mishka has chosen a talented guy, I hope he will keep Mishka happy. Komolika says lucky you, he is a handsome, charming and different guy. Mishka agrees. Komolika thinks Anurag seems to be waiting for someone. Anurag thinks where are you Prerna.

Prerna and family comes. Rajesh says this gift is nice. Suman says don’t know what will Mohini tell us. They all talk. Prerna is lost. Shivani asks her to come. Anupam stares at Komolika. Nivedita asks him is he staring at Komolika. She says please don’t embarrass me. He says you might divorce me if I explain. She says the day I feel I can’t tolerate you, I will give you divorce. She goes. He says I m staring at Komolika as she is weird and mysterious, she is interesting. Anurag gets Sid’s call and says it happened suddenly, can you hear me. Komolika comes and says you are talking to your close friend right. He says I will pacify my friend. She says its your habit to break hearts, you upset your close friend and me, you made me fall, if you let me go this time, I will take you home and keep you captive until you make me happy, I m going to have some rights on you, as I m going to become your Saali. He smiles seeing Prerna at the door.

Precap: Prerna’s dress gets spoiled. Anurag helps her. Prerna falls down the stairs. Anurag drops the ring and runs to hold her in arms. Komolika taunts Prerna that her love will sink into her tears. Prerna falls down the stairs. Anurag runs to hold her. He holds her in arms. Anupam says Anurag you are in love with Prerna.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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