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Ranbir meets the inspector who shows him Nick’s sketch and informs him that the culprit’s whereabouts are found, his team is searching his address and soon he will be caught. Nick gets tensed hearing that and tries to leave. Constable notices him, but he escapes and getting into his car thinks Ranbir is behind him now, he should do something or else he will be in trouble. He calls Preethi and asks her to send him Prachi’s number or else he will be in trouble. She sends him Prachi’s number. He calls Prachi and threatens her to stop her husband from following him or else he will be in trouble. Prachi gets angry and asks who is he to threaten her. He says he is the one who attacked her and warns her to control her husband or else he will kill her husband. Prachi gets tensed.

Inspector informs Ranbir that they found Nick’s house address and asks him to accompany them to catch Nick. Ranbir agrees. Inspector says he seems to love his wife a lot. Ranbir says his wife doesn’t understand that. Inspector silently asks constables to behave well with Rabir as he seems to be a troubled lover and husband. Ranbir calls him. Nick drives his taxi and thinks he needs to take money from Rhea as he can do anything if he has money.

Aliya and Rhea withdraw money from their private locker and leave in their car. Shahana follows them in a taxi. Taxi driver informs that this building has private lockers, so Aliya and Rhea must have withdrawn something. Shahana asks him to follow their car. Rhea notices taxi following them and informs Aliya. Aliya comforts her saying soon Prach will be out of Ranbir’s love and Rhea will get Ranbir.

Prachi calls Ranbir and storms at him. He says he is busy. She insists him to come home right now and stop going behind a man who attacked her. Ranbir asks how she knows. She says she will and insists him to come home right now. Ranbir insists. Inspector calls him, and he disconnects call. They reach Nick’s house and search it. Inspector shares his knowledge regarding martial life. Ranbir notices a photoframe and is about to pick it when constable informs about a CCTV camera outside. Inspector says its a government surveillance camera and they need to take permission for the footage. Ranbir insists to accompany inspector to take permission.

Nick barges into Kohli House via window and thinks he will take money from Rhea and Aliya easily like he entered the house. He hides seeing Vikram and Pallavi coming and hearing their argument where Vikram supports Prachi and Pallavi supports Reha prays god that one shouldn’t get such an irritating wife like Pallavi. He messages Rhea that he is in their house. Rhea and Aliya meet him when they notice Shahana coming. Rhea hides Nick in a cupboard and messages that she will get him out once Shahana leaves. Aliya asks Shahana why is she following them. Shahana argues why she looks tense seeing her. Aliya and Rhea storm away. Shahana senses something is wrong and walks towards cupboard.
Prachi calls Ranbir repeatedly. Ranbir disconnects it. Inspetor asks him to pick the call. Ranbir says he would better go home and bear wife’s scolding. Prachi messages him that she fell and severely injured herself, nobody is there to help her, so he should return home soon. He reads message and rushes home to find her normal. She insists him to stop following the culprit. He denies. She argues with him and insists to get in. He doesn’t. She emotionally blackmails him that he would stay back for Rhea baby and not her.

Aliya and Rhea enter a room and hide money bag in a cupboard. Rhea says she needs to free Nick from cupboard, give him money, and send him away. She vents out her frustration that she wanted to kill Prachi, but herself is in a mess; she thought Ranbir would cry on her shoulder, but he is still with Prachi. Aliya asks her to calm down. Rhea says Nick is dangerous for them. Aliya says Ranbir is the problem as he saw Nick and will not stop until he finds Nick, so she should calm down first and then plan what to do next.

Ranbir asks Prachi what did she say. Prachi repeats her words. Ranbir says nobody can stop her. She says she doesn’t want him to go. He asks why. She says just like that. Their argument continues. He tries to leave. She gives his promise. He stops and says she knows how to stop him, but he will not stay and remind her repeatedly that he will not listen to her. She says he has to. He says he will do whatever he is doing from home, so she shouldn’t stop him now. She thinks whatever it it, she knows how to control him.

Pallavi order Preethi to bring her coffee. Nick inside cupboard thinks even he wants to have Preethi’s prepared tea. Vikram searches a file. Pallavi asks what is he searching and says nobody in this house listens to her. He says its a Mehra and Mehra blue file. Pallavi says its in that cupboard. Nick notices file in the cupboard and gets tensed. Vikram apologizes her for getting angry unnecessarily. Pallavi says whatever he thinks, Prachi is wrong for her always. She tris to open cupboard and finds it locked. Vikram asks where is the key. She says she never locks the cupboard. He says he has a spare key and goes to get it. Nick gets more tensed.

Ranbir passes by. Pallavi asks where was he, she was searching him whole day. Ranbir says she questions him when he is at home and even when is out, what does she really want. She asks why is he getting rude. He apologizes and says Nick is over his mind all the time. She asks who is Nick. He says Nick is the one who attacked Prachi and he wants to catch Nick as soon as possible. Prachi walks to him. He asks Pallavi to inform Prachi not to interfere in his work and walks away. Pallavi taunts Prachi if she heard her son’s words not to interfere in his work. Prachi says they both heard and interpreted it differently; she asked Ranbir not to run behind the culprit and waste his time, but he is not listening to her; she doesn’t want him to be in trouble because of her. Pallavi asks what magic she did on Ranbir that he doesn’t think of anything else except her; she thought she is important to her son, but he doesn’t count her at all. She requests Prachi to go away from her son’s love. Prachi recalls Ranbir insisting her that they should leave this house, assures Pallavi that she will not take her son away from her, and walks away.
Shahana walks to Prachi’s room to inform her about Aaliya and Rhea. Prachi cries saying Pallavic is misunderstanding her and thinks she is going to take Ranbir away from her, Pallavi’s fear is valid, but she will never do that. Sahana asks her to stop crying. Prachi says she is very bad and says Ranbir had asked her to move out from the family with him, but she didn’t do that. Shahana says that is good. . Prachi says Ranbir is behind the man who tried to kill her, he shouldn’t take stress to catch that culprit. Sahana says Ranbir point is valid and asks her to tell what she is hiding. Prachi says she wants Ranbir to search the culprit from home as the culprit threatened to kill Ranbir if she doesn’t stop Ranbir from chasing him. Sahana says the culprit himself is afraid and hence trying to frighten her, she should stop fighting with Ranbir as Ranbir loves her Prachi asks her to go and leave her the way she is. Sahana leaves saying they both love each other and nothing else.

Aliya notices Rhea’s tension and asks to relax and meditate. Rhea says she can’t waste her time on meditation and let Ranbir and Prachi reunite and have children who will call her aunty, etc. Aliya smiles and says she is imagining old Rhea. Rhea continues panicking. Aliya asks her to keep her mind calm. Rhea says let us stop talking, go and get Nick out of the cupboard as Shahana wouldn’t be there. Aliya agrees. Rhea takes a money bag for Nick and the cupboard key.

Ranbir calls the inspector and asks if he found Nick. Inspector says he needs some time to find the real culprit. Ranbir says he is worried about the family and fears who among them is the culprit, he just wants his wife’s attacker to be caught soon. Inspector says he can understand his situation. Ranbir requests him to come to his house to discuss a strategy to catch the culprit. Inspector agrees and asks him to give him some time to visit his home and then him. Shahana hears his conversation and says Prachi is fine. Ranbir asks if Prachi sent her and says he can’t control his anger and wants to punish a culprit who tried to harm Prachi. He continues venting out his frustration and asks her to explain Prachi to stop her foolishness. She asks him to explain it to Prachi herself and says some scholar told that once anger is out, one will see only love. He says Prachi will say 10 words if he says one, he is not in a mood to fight now, and walks away asking her to tell Prachi that he will not spare the culprit.

Shahana thinks how can Ranbir suspect her. She bumps into Dida and apologizes to her. Dida writhes in pain. Shahana massages her feet. Dida asks if Prachi is fine. Sahana says Prachi is fine, Prachi and Ranbir are worried for each other always. Dida asks her to get water for her. Shahana finds her earring missing and bends down to search it. Aliya and Rhea open cupboard. Nick notices Shahana, takes money bag, and closes the door again. Aliya acts as frustrated on servants. Shahana leaves. Dida asks Aliya to call the doctor to treat her knee pain. Aliya murmurs and goes to get doctor’s number from the diary. Nick feels frustrated seeing Dida still sitting near cupboard. Ranbir feels anxious recalling all the recent incidents and tries to calm himself thinking Prachi is fine, but then vents out his frustration on a punching bag. Prachi passes by and gets concerned seeing that.

Ranbir vent out his anger on a punching bag recalling inspector’s words that the culprit who wants to kill Prachi is from his family. Prachi enters and asks him to stop his madness. Ranbir says he doesn’t want to talk to her and asks her go from there. Prachi asks why don’t he speak to her properly. He asks if she replies properly and asks why did she come here. She asks him to stop following the culprit. Ranbir says he wants to find the culprit and punish him so that he cannot attack her again, he is getting mad when he can’t find him, he is worried for her life. He expresses how much he love her and says he wants to love her normally with gifts and chocs, protecting her, be her typical Hindi film hero, but she changed him completely.

Precap: Prachi tells Ranbir, you are burning in fire of passion. He says, I will keep burning and the day I find out the person who tried to hurt you, he will also burn in that fire. I will teach him such a lesson that he won’t dare to look at you again. This is my promise. She hugs him. Later, Nick has Prachi at knife point and he asks Ranbir and others to step back. Ranbir tells Prachi, the person who wants to kill you is in this house only. Rhea and Aaliya look on. Ranbir continues until he (Nick) doesn’t tell, I won’t let him go today. Aaliya whispers to Rhea that they will have to get Nick out of house somehow. Later, in their room, Ranbir hugs Prachi.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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