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Rhea asks what is he saying when Ranbir exclaims he was just thinking about something, Ranbir says that why did the person say everything is fair in love and war as they can even talk nicely but what does it mean, Rhea questions what is he saying, Rnabir replies he is also suffering but not just her, Rhea mentions she knows they both are suffering and even he would not like how she is looking but she is going to make sure that Prachi pays for her actions, Ranbir thinks they both have started fighting once again, he tries to calm her but Rhea is really frustrated she sees the driver walking away so calls him from behind.

Prachi in the room exclaims she should have been the one to go with him on their honeymoon but he went with Rhea, she is the one who insisted him that they need to go to Manali but he went with Rhea, she feels he is a really bad person, she suddenly feels something in her stomach so thinks that she would not let Ranbir know about his son, she is going to make sure he stays away from this family especially his father, she saw this dream of a happy life with his father but he went to spend some life with Rhea, she is the only one who has the right over him.

Rhea asks the driver if he was on a video call with Prachi to show her that she is pushing the car, she threatens to make his video and make it viral on the social media, she informs he would not be able to get any work after this, she orders him to sit and start the car, she sits when she questions if the car was not broken, he agrees hearing which Rhea gets tensed so starts quarreling with Ranbir. The driver leaves them when Ranbir tries to follow him, they both call for their bags so the driver throws them out, Rhea questions why is he not saying anything against Prachi, Ranbir explains they would not achieve anything like this and so exclaims they need to cancel this honeymoon and go back but Rhea assures she is not going to be her puppet, Ranbir sits on the bags asking Rhea to also sit since she also pushed the car however Rhea starts thinking about a plan, she turns to Ranbir mentioning the driver said there is a hotel not far from here.

Ranbir and Rhea reach the hotel, he is shocked to hear about the name of the hotel so immediately refuses to go inside, however Rhea exclaims they do not have any other choice but thinks that she cannot wait to win the game against Prachi. She insists that Ranbir should also come inside.

Dida is sitting when the worker hands her tea, she asks if Pallavi has gone to sleep however she informs that Pallavi is with Aaliya madam. Dida sees them both coming and feels Pallavi is really angry when she even asks the worker to see if she feels Pallavi is angry, the worker also says the same. Pallavi immediately questions Dida if it is true that Prachi desires to ruin the honeymoon of Rhea and Ranbir, Dida doesnot answer when Sahana comes asking about her bag, Pallavi scolds her saying they both are talking. She questions why Dida did not answer her questions, Aaliya asks how can she answer when she herself heard her saying to Sahana how Prachi desires to ruin the honeymoon, Dida standing exclaims what is wrong in it, Sahana assures there is nothing wrong, Pallavi getting angry orders her to pack her bags and leave this house.

Rhea and Ranbir are shocked after seeing the room, she exclaims it is a really nice room and even praises the worker who comes to place their bags, he even asks Ranbir who replies he has not seen a better room, Ranbir questions that a lot of tuck drivers would come to the hotel, the worker replies even wealthy people come here just like him, he asks if he can leave when Ranbir exclaims he will call if he needs anything, the worker doesnot leave but keeps saying Good night, Ranbir gives him some money so he leaves.

Ranbir questions what Rhea is doing, she replies she is going to make this room even more romantic, she requests him to call for some food so Ranbir goes to sit on the bed, Rhea calls Prachi informing she is on top of this world, since Prachi left them on the road but she has brought Ranbir to a hotel where they are going to celebrate their mini honeymoon. She gives her a complete tour of the room. Prachi exclaims the driver told her how she was shouting at him but should not do the same with Ranbir since he is going to leave her, Rhea replies it will not happen as all this happened because of Prachi, if she had not paid the driver to ruin them but that worked out so well for her even when she was not able to celebrate her honeymoon in Manali but has a perfect room, Rhea asks her to not look so much at Ranbir, he leaves informing Rhea that he is going to come back after a while, Prachi questions if Ranbir is fine with staying in that low grade hotel.

Pallavi questions if Sahana did not hear her, she must leave this house. Dida questions why is she scolding Sahana because of her, Pallavi exclaims it is not anger but Sahana came to celebrate lorhi so is she going to stay till Holi, Aaliya also supports Pallavi mentioning that everyone is in control of their own respect, she must have thought about it before plotting against Rhea and Ranbir, Dida questions she can also say the same about her, Aaliya getting shock questions what does she mean, Dida mentions she should stop instigating Pallavi and let their be peace in their house, Pallavi exclaims there would be peace in the house once Sahana leaves.

Aaliya says everyone has control over their own respect, had she left herself then things would not have come to such a point, Dida exclaims she can say the same about her when Aaliya questions what she means, Dida warns her to stop instigating Pallavi.

Pallavi calls the worker Niti, ordering her to pack the bags of Sahana thrown it out of the house, she questions if she would have to say it twice, Sahana exclaims this is why she never wanted to come to this house, but came because of Ranbir however she cannot bear such attitude of people, she was seeing her behaviour for a long time, Aaliya shouts at her to stop since she came to the house of Pallavi but is misbehaving when Sahana says that in the house of the Punjabis they first open the doors of their heart before the door to the house, Aaliya exclaims that she will now throw Sahana out of the house, she is about to throw her when Dida stops Aaliya questions why is she stopping her, Pallavi also comes requesting Dida to not do this since one should not fight with the family members for the sake of outsiders, Dida exclaims that one can find out who to live with, she explains Sahana has lived with Prachi since her childhood and is her sister, Aaliya questions with what right is she staying since Ranbir doesnot even consider Prachi to be his wife, Dida replies the same right because of which she has been staying in their house which is a guest, she assures that Sahana will leave this house but just like she came since Ranbir brought her then he would be the one to drop her off, she coming to stand in front of Aaliya mentions the time of Sahana has been decided so now Aaliya needs to think when she herself is going to leave, she asks Sahana to come with her while Aaliya and Pallavi are tensed.

Rhea exclaims she feels good when Prachi gets really angry she tends to cover it with sarcasm, but seems pretty cute and Ranbir feels good spending time with her, she would have been able to make a suite on the road side, Rhea exclaims that Ranbir agreed when Mummi jee went to ask Ranbir for the honeymoon, he immediately agreed now Prachi should stay in the room of Ranbir while she will be with hi in the honeymoon suite, she goes to hug Ranbir showing it to Prachi, but acts as if she forgot to end the call so mentions that she is feeling really romantic as today the entire day was really eventful and she felt everything happened for the good, she even got to spend some time with him, she exclaims everything turned out to be romantic but he gets really nervous when she questions what has happened and why is she so nervous, he doesnot say anything when she assumes it might be because of her dress, she assures she is going to come back after getting fresh, she is going to wear a dress that he will only get in a romantic mood, Ranbir wonders what can he do now since he only desired to make Prachi feel jealous but she did not reveal her feelings and now he is stuck in this problem, Ranbir thinks he can reveal the entire truth to Rhea that he only came to this honey moon for the sake of Prachi, he will not even worry about how she reacts now.
Aaliya sitting in the chair exclaims to Pallavi that she should have discussed it with her before, as she has been in this problem before, Pallavi questions what does she mean, Aaliya replies she means the problem where they donot want someone to stay in the house but they are enjoying, it is better that she oust the person out of the house, Aaliya informs that today Sahana created a scene and Bi jee supported her, Pallavi questions if Aaliya thinks she would not have tried, she has done all she can for it, Pallavi exclaims after Ranbir and Rhea left, this happened and that to because of the girl who doesnot have any relation with either Ranbir or Prachi, Aaliya exclaims they need to sort this matter before Ranbir comes back, Pallavi questions what can she do now, Aaliya exclaims she needs to go and ask Prachi with what right is she staying in this house, Pallavi replies she has done this before but nothing has come out of it.

Pallavi exclaims she has a way and it is better to make her life miserable in this house so she herself leaves, Aaliya questions then why has she not done it, Pallavi replies because it is not like her to make such plans, when Aaliya informs that parents tend to do whatever they feel is good for the better future of their children, Pallavi agrees with Aaliya to change for her children and now she will do what has never happened in this house.

Ranbir questions how can Prachi make him feel guilty even when she is not present, he wonders why did he agree to come on this honey moon, he recalls when Prachi said she doesnot want to start a family with him, Ranbir tries to think why is Prachi trying to make him go far away from her, he is not able to understand it so thinks that there is something wrong because she is saying something else but even then cannot see him go near with Rhea which is why she feels irritated, Ranbir thinks it is all fake since she cannot see him with anyone else which is why she is giving him this challenge and even making plans to make sure that he stays away from Rhea, Ranbir exclaims that Prachi cannot hide a emotion which is present which is of jealousy.

Prachi in her room is really tensed thinking that Ranbir was really close to Rhea as his hands were on her back, she wonders how he can be like this but she feels they would come even more close now after tonight. Ranbir and Rhea start dancing on a famous song, they both start being romantic exclaiming their love for each other, when he gets even more close to her holding her hand and hugging, Prachi suddenly wakes up from the day dream, thinking they both cannot come close to each other, she vows to not let them both come close as it was fine when they were pushing the car however she doesnot want them both to come close anymore. Ranbir exclaims he has found out the truth and would now do everything that makes her feel really jealous, he will force her to reveal the truth by praising Rhea in front of her, and when she accepts it then he would leave with her to a faraway place but to find out the truth, he will make her reveal the feelings.

Prachi in her room thinks that she needs to do something that will make a way between them both to separate them in the night, she finally figures out an idea.

Ranbir is sitting when Rhea comes asking how does he feel she is looking, he gets really nervous thinking that she is in a mood to celebrate the honeymoon, he thinks of giving an excuse that he has a stomach ache but she come close to him asking how is she looking in the dress, he says that the dress is nice when she questions what does he think about her, he reveals that she is also looking really nice but he explains he needs to say something to her so when she tries to come close, he rushes to the bathroom exclaiming he will come back after a few minutes.

Ranbir is standing in the bathroom while Rhea is really worried, she foes to the door asking if he is okay when Ranbir wonders what is this sort of a challenge as one sister is saying she will not let them celebrate the honeymoon but the other sister is adamant on celebrating it, he exclaims that he is stuck in their challenge and doesnot know what he can do, she asks why is he not coming out, Ranbir exclaims how can he come out while she is standing like a lioness.

The police arrive to the lodge and start searching the hotel rooms, they go to check the rooms one by one and try to search the rooms.
Rhea goes to stand in front of the mirror and wonder why Ranbir is not coming out since he also wanted to celebrate the honey moon but is acting like this, she exclaims that he needs to come out so starts to bang on the door but Ranbir doesnot come out.

Rhea goes to open the door when someone is knocking she is shocked to see the police standing, they start interrogating her questioning who did she come with but she assures them that she came with her husband however the inspector exclaims every couple in this room is a husband and wife but only till they remain in the premisses of this hotel, Rhea getting mad with the inspector throws water on his face, he asks the lady constables to arrest her, she calls Ranbir for help who comes running out when the inspector asks if he is actually her husband or partner in crime, Ranbir questions what does he mean when the inspector says he will stop the English at the police station, Ranbir tries to question on what grounds are they arresting them when the inspector says they can say whatever they desire at the police station, they arrest them both

Prachi is in the room asking how much time is it going to take when the waiter says he has done his work but it is up to them so they will come when he suddenly exclaims that they are coming, Prachi sees how Rhea and Ranbir are being pulled when she explains that she is Rhea Mehra however the inspector says that he has seen a lot girls like her, Ranbir questions why are they not listening to them when the inspector explains they will hear anything in the police station, Prachi then Mahesh for his help, mentioning she could not have done anything without his support when he replies he is always going to be there for her and she can just give him a call if she needs anything, Prachi ends the call advising him to take care of himself.

Prachi thinks she could not have gone between them both but the police did and now Rhea has gone to the real In laws house, she says Rhea would not be able to touch Ranbir because he belongs to him, she wonders what has she just said but she is only doing it to defeat Rhea as she should not be able to celebrate the honey moon with her husband when Prachi standing behind the sofa thinks she is going to celebrate this victory tomorrow since it is Valentine’s day, she is going to take Ranbir away from her but she would just be looking at her, Prachi says Rhea did the same to her in collage but at that time she was always just protecting herself however now she is the one who is attacking.

Sahana informs Dida that she respects her decision but cannot stay in this house after hearing all this, Dida says that she must not worry about anyone else since she came to this house for Prachi and even if they are not able to help her but should always protect her when she is about to fall, Dida exclaims Sahana cares more about her ego so should leave but if she feels the should come back for Dida, she informs Sahana that she is getting old but she should always be there for Prachi just like Aaliya who has come to stay in their house to help Rhea, Sahana agrees to stay, Dida calls her for a hug mentioning she can even cry for the scolding but Sahana replies that her scolds were filled with love but she is tensed about what happened downstairs, she prays that there should be a wand using which she can make both Rhea and Aaliya disappear and then break it, Dida after smiling once again hugs her assuring that everything would be alright.

Rhea questions the inspector why they have been arrested because she just went to that hotel thinking that it is not an unusual, the inspector says they go every day to arrest couples from that hotel when Rhea questions what does he mean since she is not that kind of a girl, Inspector says she doesnot seem innocent but someone else, Rhea replies he is not worthy to talk with her like this, she wants to go meet her husband and he must release her, the inspector questions if she is ordering her, she accepts it mentioning she can get him suspended if she likes since the family to whom she belongs is a really wealthy family, the inspector threatens to hit her if she misbehaves, when the inspector once again asks how much money did the person gave her, she once again explains he is her husband however the inspector doesnot believe her, she is about to slap him but he orders that she be thrown in the lockup, Rhea exclaims she can make a single call so he leaves, she try calling Aaliya but she does not answer.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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