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Dida over hears pallavi and Ranbir conversation and asks her why she is teaching wrong to Ranbir; she doesn’t like Prachi, that doesn’t mean she should always spill venom towards her; its Prachi’s greatness that she didn’t ask Ranbir to leave his family and instead is staying here even though everyone hates her. Pallavi walks away saying whatever it is, she hates Prachi. Ranbir tells Dida that he knows how much she loves Prachi. Dida says she knows he loves Prachi. He says his love is making him angry towards a person who wants to kill Prachi; he will vent out all his anger on the culprit once he finds him/her. Prachi recalls Pallavi and Ranbir’s conversation and Ranbir’s concern for her. She thinks he is too good.

Aliya heads towards fuse room thinking Nick is becoming a big problem for her; if she had known before, she would have hired a professional killer and not a maid’s boyfriend.

Preethi returns home and calls Nick. Vikram asks whose phone is ringing and hears ringtone from the cupboard. Rhea feels tensed. Vikram picks phone and notices Preethi’s call. Rhea lies that Nick opened eyes, takes the phone from him, and tells Preethi that she need not worry about Nick. Preethi gets worried for Nick thinking why Rhea picked Nick’s phone. Aliya reach fuse room. Sahana walks behind her and confronts if she wants to kill Prachi. She calls Prachi and try to inform her when Aliya pulls off the fuse. Sahana locks the door and threatens to expose her.

Rhea panic seeing Nick gaining consciousness, she calls Aliya and informs her. Aliya asks her to make him unconscious again somehow. Vikram hearing Rhea’s conversation that walk to Nick and asks who sent him? Rhea diverts Vikram’s attention, frees Nick, assures him that he will get his money, and asks him to escape. Nick runs. Vikram alerts Ranbir.
Rhea free Nick and asking him to escape from there. She assures him that he will get his money soon, gives him knife and asks him to point the knife at Sahana and escape from the hosue. Vikram notices Nick running and alerts Ranbir and Prachi. Rhea acts as being pushed by Nick and falling down. In dark, Nick abducts Pachi instead. Ranbir runs to Vikram and asks where is Nick run and where is Prachi. Rhea says Nick pushed her and escaped and acts as in severe pain. Dida and Sahan walk to them. Ranbir asks where is Prachi. Vikram asks if Nick is searching for Prachi. Nick worried runs searching Prachi. Sahana says she will also search for Prachi and informs that Aliya pulled the fuse off. Rhea says Sahana means Aliya was trying to fix the fuse. Vikram also goes searching for Nick. Rhea thinks Nick went on the other side while Sahana is here. Pallavi asks Rhea where is she hurt. Rhea says its internal injury and acting as feeling nauseous walks away.

Nick takes Prachi to his cab and pushes her inside. Prachi pleads to spare him. Nick is stunned to see Prachi instead of Sahana, ties her mouth and hands and warns her not to get out of car or else he will stab her. He says he told her to keep her husband away, but her husband created problem for him. Ranbir continues searching for Prachi. Rhea calls Nick. Nick says he by mistake abducted Prachi instead of Sahana. Rhea says Ranbir was shouting that he will not spare Nick if he harms Prachi and says he created 2 problems by abducting Prachi. Nick says problem is solved instead, he will complete his task of killing Prachi and solve all their problems. Rhea says its a good idea and asks him to go ahead. Nick demands money and asks her to bring the money within an hour at his given location or else he will meet Ranbir and reveal all secrets. Rhea gets tensed. Nick says he will show his loyalty towards her for an hour till she gets money or else will reach Ranbir.

Rhea opens fuse room and informs Aliya that Nick escaped and abducted Prachi instead of Sahana and threatened her that if she doesn’t give him money within an hour, he will reach Ranbir and reveal whole truth. Aliya asks her to give him money then and says Sahana is the problem for them right now. Ranbir continues to search for Prachi. Sahana finds Prachi’s ring on floor and realizes that she is abducted. She calls Ranbir. Ranbir rushes towards her, but then hears car starting sound in the backyard and runs there. He is shocked to notice Nick driving car and runs towards it. Prachi tries to alert Ranbir. Ranbir fails to stop Nick, and Nick drives car away. Ranbir runs behind car asking Prachi not to worry as he promised to protect her. He falls down and shouts Prachi’s name. He angrily says he warned Nick not to touch Prachi, but he made a mistake of abducting Prachi; he will even kill Nick to save Prachi.

Nick sends his location to Rhea. Aliya asks Rhea to take the money bag there. Rhea says money is in living room’s cupboard. Aliya says she will go to the living room and throw the bag away, Rhea can pick it and hand it over to Nick. Sahana informs Dida that she found Prachi’s ring on the floor. Pallavi comments that all the problems are because of Prachi. Dida asks why she is always behind Prachi and says problem is on Prachi instead as Nick tried to kill her. Pallavi comments that Prachi must have troubled Nick so much that he came to murder her. Sahana says Prachi can never trouble anyone. Pallavi says she knows Prachi’s extent. Sahana says that means police should doubt her for trying to kill Prachi as according to her, Prachi troubled her most. Pallavi asks her to mind her tongue.

Dida says when she wants to tell truth, she should learn to listen to truth. Pallavi says that doesn’t mean Sahana can insult her, Sahana is misbehaving with her because of Prachi and Dida’s support. Sahana apologizes Pallavi and says Prachi is attacked and instead of saving Prachi, she is blaming Prachi instead. She asks if Prachi is so bad, then why would Ranbir save her; Pallavi should trust her son at least; Dida is right that instead of cursing Prachi, she should try to save Prachi. Vikram asks Sahana to calm down as a person speaks what he/she shouldn’t in anger, they all should act wise and he thinks they should call the police as the situation is getting out of control. Sahana says she will go and search for Prachi. Vikram says let police come first. Sahana says they can’t wait till then and leaves the house.

Dida asks Vikram to call the police. Aliya walks in and thinks how to pick the money bag in front of them. Rhea walks out of house and gets tensed seeing Sahana there. She hides and hopes Sahana doesn’t notice her. Aliya acts as feeling dizzy and asks Pallavi to get her some water. Pallavi walks towards the kitchen. Aliya then acts as coughing and asks Dida to get hot water for her. Once Dida leaves, she picks bag and throws it out from window. Sahana hears sound and walks towards bag when Rhea stops her and says let us search for Prachi together and justifies herself that sisters fight, but cannot see each other in trouble, etc. She then acts as feeling leg pain and asks Sahana to get car keys from Vikram. Sahana agrees and thinks she doesn’t trust Rhea a bit, she is going with Rhea as she may know where Prachi is.

Rhea ask Sahana to get the car keys from Vikram. Once Sahana goes in, Rhea picks up money bag and drives the car away. Sahana fails to stop her and determines to find Prachi herself. Ranbir reaches Nick’s house searching him and is stunned to notice Nick’s photo with Preethi. He calls Preethi and asks her about Nick. She says she doesn’t know. He asks her to stop lying as he saw her photo with Nick. Preethi says he can go at one place and gives address. Nick stops car, calls henchman Tony, and hires him to murder Prachi. Tony’s friend asks if Nick cannot murder anyone when he can do other crimes. Tony says his Nick tried once and is charged with attempt to murder, so he needs professional help. He shows Prachi’s photo. Friend says she is a girl. Tony says it’s just a target and thinks who wants to kill such a beautiful girl.
Rhea drives car recalling Nick blackmailing her to give him 60 lakhs and threatening to meet Ranbir if she fails. Alia calls her and asks if she reached Nick. Rhea says she is stuck in traffic and says she feels frustrated thinking that Nick is blackmailing them for money. Alia says Nick promised to kill Prachi. Rhea says Nick can visit even Ranbir after taking money from them and take money from even Ranbir as he knows Ranbir wants to save Prachi at any cost, so they are trapped from both side. Aliya asks her not to think about the thing which hasn’t happened at all and just reach Nick’s place. Rhea says she is frustrated. Aliya asks her to send Nick’s location, even she will reach there. Rhea sends her location. Aliya thinks this warehouse is near Palam.

Nick ties Prachi to a chair and shuts her mouth. Prachi thinks he should let her go as she is pregnant. Nick says he is just doing his job and asks his aide to keep an eye on her. Another aide asks Nick if he will really kill Prachi. Nick says he cannot seeing her crying, so he hired Tony to murder Prachi as he is also a professional like them. He says Rhea hasn’t reached yet with money and if she doesn’t within 1 hour, they will take Prachi to Ranbir and seek money from him. Aide asks what is police reaches them before that. Nick says they will take money from Ranbir and even ask him to take back the case on them. Aide says they should visit Ranbir then. Nick says he is a professional and promised Rhea first. Aide asks him to call Rhea. He calls Rhea and finds her phone switched off. Adie says Rhea is double crossing him. Nick says she can’t, let’s wait for 15 minutes.

Prachi recalls Ranbir’s concern for her and thinks she needs him back for her and their baby’s sake and wants him to sake them both. Ranbir runs towards Nick’s location. Sahana calls him and asks where is he. He says he is going to Nick’s location to save Prachi. She asks him address so that she can reach there in a car. He says its some warehouse near Palem airport. Vikram hears Sahana’s conversation and says he will drive the car. Pallavi says even she will accompany them to save Prachi and she is doing it for Ranbir. Vikram agrees and takes her along. Ranbir continues to run. Nick says 15 minutes are over. Aide asks him to call Ranbir then. Nick says he will call Rhea once finally and if she is not reachable, he will call Ranbir. Rhea’s car breaks down and she finds even her mobile switched off. Nick tells aide that Rhea is really double crossing him, now he will show what he can do. Rhea panics thinking the pit she dug for Prachi became a well for herself. She shouts if someone can take her to Nick.

Nick asks Prachi to not shout and frees her mouth. Prachi starts crying vigorously. He says she promised not to cry. She asks him to free her and take money from Ranbir. Nick agrees and asks her to tell Ranbir to take back the case. Prachi agrees. Nick goes aside and calls Ranbir. Ranbir reaches warehouse. Nick demands money from him to release Prachi and says he has one more condition. Ranbir asks about it. Nick asks him to withdraw the case on him. Ranbir him to reveal who hired him to kill Prachi first. Nick agrees. They hear some sound. Ranbir walks inside towards Prachi.

Aliya takes Nick aside and slaps him for cheating her. Nick says he gave time to Rhea, but she double crossed him and hence he had to helplessly strike a deal with Ranbir. Aliya says Rhea is on the way and her phone is switched off. Rhea reaches there with money. Aliya asks him to finish his work and get the money. Rhea slaps him for trying to reveal her crime to Ranbir. Nick warns them that he will expose them if they slap him again. Aliya reveals that she kidnapped Preethi and warns him to finish the work or lose Preethi. Ranbir searches for Prachi. Vikram with Sahana and Pallavi reach warehouse. Pallavi and Sahana’s argument starts. Vikram asks them to stop fighting as they need to enter the warehouse silently. Aliya orders Nick again to kill Prachi. Ranbir searches for Nick and Prachi, calls Nick, and asks him to finish his deal. Aliya notices him and hides with Rhea. Ranbir trashes Nick’s aides and reaches Prachi.

Precap: A few people attack Ranbir. Ranbir takes Prachi’s name. Prachi seems to be feeling pukish, so she goes from the location. One of the goons points gun at Prachi and shoots. Ranbir jumps in between to save Prachi from getting shot and he himself gets shot on his arm. Prachi, Rhea, Pallavi, etc get shocked.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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