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Pallavi goes to Aaliya. She asks where is Rhea? Aaliya says I am going there. They come to Rhea. Pallavi asks how are you? She gets the call and goes. Rhea asks did you get the report? Aaliya says no. Rhea gets up and falls on Aaliya, says I am hurt, everything is getting delayed, I should have Prachi’s reports by now. She says all my stuff and the wedding pic shall be in Ranbir’s room, but…She says I want to kick out Prachi from his room and wants to stay in his room, wants to celebrate honeymoon with Ranbir, as I deserve it. She says she is Kohli family’s only bahu and says if I don’t expose Prachi tonight and tell everyone that she is carrying Sid’s child then I will lose Ranbir forever. Aaliya says you can’t lose, you are my Rhea. Rhea says whatever I want, is not happening and I can do what Prachi don’t want. Pallavi comes there and asks Rhea, how is she? Rhea says she is fine and wants to dance. She asks Aaliya to go and says she will come later. Aaliya asks what are you going to do? Rhea says I will tell you later. Aaliya tells Pallavi that Rhea is drinking water and is coming. Rhea calls doctor and asks did you read the report? Doctor says I haven’t read, but I have the duplicate copy. She checks and tells Rhea that Prachi is pregnant. Rhea insists her to come and tell the news to the family, otherwise they will not believe her. Doctor says ok, I will come. Rhea smiles.

Rhea, Aaliya and Pallavi come back to the party. Shahana calls Ranbir and asks where are you? Rhea asks Prachi, where was she? Prachi says I want to go far from you, but you are stopping me. Rhea says whatever shall happen, will happen. Prachi says the same. Rhea says I am talking about the party. She tells Pallavi that she wants to give surprise to them. Dida tells Vikram that something wrong is going to happen, as Rhea is looking happy. Rhea thanks the guests for coming and adding stars to the party. She says she wanted to come for her inlaws and needs her husband’s support to express her happiness. She says Ranbir and I want to become perfect couple like my inlaws. She plays music and starts dancing with Ranbir forcibly. Leja leja plays……Ranbir feels odd and uncomfortable. Prachi looks at him. Ranbir comes to Prachi while dancing, but Rhea pulls him back to dance with her. Prachi feels bad. Shahana tells Dida that Rhea is upto something. Dida says let her do, more strong is Prachi and Ranbir’s relation, than Rhea’s intentions.

Prachi tells Ranbir that she thought he is on terrace. He says I was on terrace, but Shahana called me here. He asks if we are eloping. Rhea introduces the NGO women and Dr. Pooja who comes there to the party. Aaliya gets happy and thinks Rhea is going to expose Prachi. Rhea tells that Dr. Pooja is the chief guest and going to give some important news. She says Prachi is not here, and without her, it won’t be fun. She says she will bring Prachi and has something to show on her phone. She asks waiter to serve to Dr. Pooja.
Ranbir comes to the terrace. Prachi follows him and recalls his words that they are pregnant. She gets emotional and tells sorry to him. He asks why are you saying sorry? She says you knows well, why I was behaving differently. He asks why did you get angry, as I was dancing with Rhea. Prachi says I got angry as….says I don’t know. He says you felt bad as you wanted to dance with me. He dances with him. Prachi says I want to celebrate all occasions of life with you, wants to cross all life milestones with you and wants to celebrate our 25th anniversary with our children. He says to have children, we have to do something. She gets shy and says she has called to inform him something. Ranbir says I have seen everything. Prachi asks did you see? He says ofcourse, I saw. Prachi looks at the card and asks did you get happy seeing that.

Rhea asks someone if she saw Ranbir and Prachi. The lady says no. Rhea tells Aaliya that she has to tell Ranbir about Prachi’s pregnancy news and tells that whoever tells first will win and the latter will just defend. She tells that she is going to terrace as she came to know that Prachi got it decorated. Aaliya says I will tell Pallavi. Ranbir tells that he was yearning to see her this behavior. Prachi says actually she wanted to tell him, for what he was waiting since their marriage. She says I am….Just then she gets scared hearing the thunderstorm and hugs him. Rain starts too. He says we shall go inside. Prachi says it is not the good shagun. Ranbir says nobody will come between us, and asks her to come. Pallavi comes there with Aaliya and asks Ranbir to come and make them have cake. Ranbir holds Prachi’s hands as he walks with Pallavi. Aaliya thinks Prachi is going to separate from Ranbir’s life.

They come back to the party. Rhea asks everyone to clap for Prachi and says if she can then she wanted to crown Prachi and tell everyone that she is secretive. She tells that she has called special guests and Dr. Pooja to reveal her secret, and can’t hide it for so long. She says I have to tell everyone about this and says sorry. She says the same thing, which we discussed two days back. Prachi recalls and gets tensed. Rhea says it is going to be fun night. Prachi thinks I will not tell about my pregnancy this way, don’t know how Ranbir will react. Rhea says my sister’s secret will be out infront of all and says the big news is…..Just then Prachi faints (or may be pretends to faint). Ranbir holds her and takes her to sofa. Dr. Pooja checks her. Rhea asks Ranbir to relax and asks Dr. Pooja to say what came in report. Prachi insists Rhea to talk to her. Rhea asks what do you want to talk, want to yearn, plead and cry infront of me. Everyone is shocked.

Shahana recalls Prachi’s conversation with her, and tells Rhea that she wants to talk to her. Rhea asks if today is important day and says I guess, I am important. She asks her to tell, why she lied to Ranbir, who brought her here and taken care of her. Shahana asks Ranbir to listen to his heart and not to believe anyone. Prachi asks Ranbir to listen to his heart. Rhea asks where is Buji? Buji says everything is ready. Rhea asks everyone to come, as she gets ready with the photos on the projector screen. Dr. Pooja sends Shahana to get water and tells Prachi that she knows that she is Pregnant and it is complicated. She says Rhea wanted me to confirm.

Rhea tells that she has connected her mobile with the screen and will tell the story behind the photos. Pallavi smiles. Rhea asks shall we begin. Prachi gets worried. Rhea asks Ranbir not to look at Prachi. Ranbir goes to Prachi and says I know that you are hiding something from me, and says I had told you what will happen if I come to know about it later. He says I have hidden my feelings from me, and tells that this all happened as I felt bad. He says I loved you before and even now loved you, and will love you. He says I will listen to you and asks her to tell before Rhea. He says I want to see who tell me first, and says you knows Rhea well, she will make an issue out of it. She says tell me before it is too late. Prachi thinks it is already late, Rhea will show my pregnancy report to everyone, and then you can’t understand.
Ranbir ask Prachi to tell what Rhea is going to tell him. Prachi says it is already late. He says I thought you will tell me, but you break the heart and says I am noticing you, and asks her to tell if she has any life taking illness. He asks her to tell him. Prachi looks at him. Dr. Pooja hears them. Ranbir gets teary eyes and goes back. Ali Maula plays…..Ranbir goes to Dida. Rhea looks at him and checks for the pics of Sid and Prachi. She tells that she couldn’t find the photos which she wanted to show. Pallavi asks what she wanted to show. Rhea says you know the person, whose real face I wanted to show. She says I couldn’t show the real face, but can explain the truth. She calls doctor and asks her to tell the answers for her questions. Prachi asks Ranbir, do you really think I have some illness and I am going to die? Ranbir says I won’t let this happen and holds her hand. Rhea asks Prachi to come infront and says this show is incomplete without you, and asks why are you standing like I have made you guilty. She says if you objects to Dr’s claims then objects her. She asks Dr. Pooja to tell why Prachi faints often and asks her to tell  her secret which she is hiding. Dr. Pooja says it is not a normal thing, this is happening as she is pregnant. Everyone looks on shocked. Ranbir asks Prachi, if she is pregnant? Rhea says yes, Prachi is pregnant and has hidden this news from you and everyone, it is a good news, but not good for Prachi. She says the reason for hiding the truth is that the baby must be of Sid. She says inshort, this baby is illegitimate, else what could be the reason and says this is done by the woman when she calls her husband as someone else and made her baby’s father as someone else. Dr. Pooja asks Rhea if she has pregnancy report. Rhea says it is missing. Dr. Pooja says if you need my degree then I can show you. Rhea says I trust you fully. Dr. Pooja says but I don’t trust you even a bit, and says Rhea asked me to lie to everyone that Prachi is pregnant. She asked me to come here and lie, so that she can break Prachi and your relation. Ranbir get angry. Aaliya ask why are you lying, Prachi is pregnant? Dr. Pooja asks really and asks where is the report? Rhea says the report is missing. Dr. Pooja says you have chosen this day, and got the screen kept here to show it, this might be important for you. She says if it was important then the report wouldn’t have gone missing. She says she had come here to lie, but couldn’t lie further. She says I have decided to tell the truth and truth is that Prachi is not pregnant, Rhea pressurized me to lie and threatened me. She says I lied as my younger sister is her friend. Rhea whispers to Doctor, why is she lying? Dr. Pooja says you lied to me and made me do Prachi’s test. Dida asks why are you threatening the doctor. Pallavi says this is not expected dirt from you, atleast you would have thought about family’s respect. Vikram says you have done a shameful act and asks from where do you get strength to do such a thing? Ranbir says you have crossed all limits and holds Prachi’s hand, says she is my wife and what is more important is that I love her. He ask how can you connect Prachi and Sid’s name together, I thought for a moment that Prachi will forget me and settle down with Sid. Rhea threatens the doctor openly. Dr. Pooja asks how dare you touch me and warns to file police case against her. Rhea asks NGO women to do something and tells that Prachi is trying to snatch my husband. The NGO women tells that Ranbir said clearly that he loves his wife, who is Prachi. Other NGO woman says you made doctor lie too. They tell that they came to do justice here, and want to show to society, what they do with the women who break others’ house. NGO woman puts ink on her hand and blackens Rhea’s face. Everyone is shocked. The lady says this is our way and justice. Other lady says your blacken face will separate you from other women.

Prachi stops them and says we will sort out our family matter and asks them to go. She try to wipe Rhea’s face with her pallu, but Rhea push Prachi. Ranbir holds her. Rhea blames NGO women and leave. Dr. Pooja apologizes to Prachi and leaves. Prachi comes behind Doctor and thanks her. Doctor asks her not to walk fast in this condition. Prachi recalls telling Doctor that she didn’t tell Ranbir about her pregnancy and was waiting to tell him at the right time, and don’t know if he will accept their baby or not. She reminds Doctor of her swear when she became doctor and asks her to save two lives, one of the baby and other of me. Fb ends. Prachi thanks the doctor. Dr. Pooja tells that she has seen Ranbir’s love, how he was scared. She says I understood Rhea wants to ruin your life and also of baby’s life. She says same thing had happened with her, she couldn’t save her husband from her sautan, but wants her to save Ranbir from Rhea. Prachi recalls Ranbir supporting her and scolding Rhea. Shahana tells Prachi that Rhea wanted to show Sid and her pics on the projector in a wrong way. She says she had heard Rhea and Aaliya talking. Prachi is shocked. A fb is shown. Prachi says why she didn’t show anything then? Shahana says she had deleted the pics, when Aaliya was connecting the mobile to the projector screen. Prachi says thank god, you have saved me and says if you haven’t deleted the pics, then even doctor couldn’t do anything. She hug Shahana.

Precap: Rhea tells Aaliya that whenever they challenge Prachi, they fail and whenever they do something without telling Prachi, they win. Aaliya says now there will be no stupidity anymore and asks her to add the tablets in Ranbir’s thandai and he will force you to take him to room, then nobody can stop Ranbir and your honeymoon, not even Prachi. Rhea smiles. Prachi and Ranbir are on the bed. Ranbir says I love you. Rhea tells Aaliya that she can’t do this with Ranbir and wants to spend her life with him. Prachi gets up from bed and tells that she will sleep in her room. Rhea tells Prachi that she is in her room, and Ranbir came to her room. She asks her, what her husband is doing in her room. Prachi looks on.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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