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Ranbir says the culprit informed that one of his family members wants to harm Prachi, he cannot differentiate between guests and family members, so he wants them all to cooperate police in their investigation. Aliya returns and stands silently. Inspector questions guests first and informs them that he couldn’t find any suspicious guest, so he will question family members next and asks if he can question them in a room so that they don’t feel nervous. Rhea try to leave. Inspector asks her to wait as he will question her next. He takes Aliya and Pallavi to a room and questions them. Pallavi says she doesn’t like Prachi’s over politeness and kind behavior.

Prachi insists Ranbir to let her perform his first-aid. He resists and argues with her. She forcefully performs his first-aid. Rhea interferes and asks if she can’t see that Ranbir doesn’t want her care. Ranbir asks her to stop. Prachi says her husband has already given her an answer. Rhea angrily leaves. Pallavi tells Inspector if he is doubting her, that he is wasting his time if he is doubting her. Inspector says he didn’t say that. Rhea walk in. Inspector says good she came, Pallavi feels Prachi is too kind and polite, what is her opinion regarding Prachi. Rhea says Prachi is very annoying and fake, she just knows how to trouble and make others cry, she doesn’t know why she is alive and she just wishes she is dead. She stops realizing she is speaking to the inspector. Inspector asks her to continue. Aliya says Rhea is Prachi’s sister and minor fights are common between sisters. Inspector says everything is clear now. Aliya ask what does he mean?

Prachi finishes bandaging Ranbir’s wound. Inspector walks out and says everything is normal. Ranbir asks how can he say that when the culprit told him that someone from the family helped him. Inspector says criminals usually lie to escape, so he will investigate outside. He asks Ranbir to accompany him to file a police complaint. Ranbir accompanies him. Inspector reveals that one of his family members doesn’t want to see Prachi alive. Ranbir asks he said something else inside. Inspector says he can not trust anyone from his family as they are wearing a mask and hired a goon to finish their task. Ranbir asks how will they find the culprit? Inspector says let the culprit feel relaxed and do a mistake again, it would be easy for them to find that person then. Ranbir thank him. Vikram apologizes to the guests for the inconvenience. Rhea asks Ranbir why he took a risk. Ranbir leave angrily.

Prachi goes to her room and calls her doctor. Doctor asks how is she feeling now? Prachi says she is fine and there is no pain, but she wants to have check-up just to make sure everything is fine. Doctor says when everything is right, she can visit after 2 days and meet her colleague as she is going out of station for a conference. Prachi says she will come later and wishes her a safe journey. She then thinks why she is talking about safety, maybe because she is not safe in her own house. She gets emotional thinking about Ranbir. Sahana walks and asks why she looks worried. Prachi says whoever he is, police will find him out; she wants to question that person why he tried to harm her when she never did wrong to anyone. Sahana says whoever that person is thinks she did wrong to him.
Ranbir visits police station to file an FIR. Inspector asks him if he remembers the thief’s face when he had a tussle with him. Ranbir says he remembers. Inspector asks to get his sketch ready by a sketch artist. Ranbir recalls inspector telling that culrpit is among his family member. A man walks in. Ranbir asks if he is a sketch artist. Inspector says he is their information who will spread the thief’s sketch in his network and find him soon.

Nick recalls Ranbir catching him. His girlfriend Preethi walks in and confronts him for getting into trouble due to his greed. Nick says nobody knows him except Aaliya and Rhea. Preethi says Ranbir will file an FIR and will get him arrested. He says he doesn’t care. She says they are rich people and can go to any extent, Rhea wants to kill her sister for Ranbir, etc. Nick says he will take his money and get bail if he is caught. Preethi says Aaliya and Rhea will not give him a penny. He says he will take money from them at any cost and walks away.

Ranbir continues to discuss the case with inspector when sketch artist reaches and makes Nick’s sketch. Ranbir is amazed and says he is the one. Constable informs inspector that hew as arrested a few days ago. Inspector asks him to get his file. Consable says his file burnt during fire accident in police station. Inspector asks informer to get 50 copies of the sketch and fix it at all the places, he needs the culprit in 2 days.

Nick clicks Ranbir’s pic and sends it to Rhea. Rhea asks why is he sending Ranbir’s pic. He blackmails her that he will meet Ranbir and will inform him that she wants to kill Prachi. Rhea asks what he needs. Nick walks to her in disguise and threatens her to give him 60 lakhs promised or else he will go to Ranbir. Rhea says he can as Ranbir will not believe him. Nick says he recorded her and Aliya’s conversation with him and says he will return at 10:30 sharp to take his money. He walks away. Rhea gets tensed. Aaliya and Pallavi notice her tensed and asks reason. She walks away rudely asking them to level her alone. Pallavi tells Aliya that she must be tensed regarding Ranbir. Aaliya says she will go and check. Pallavi thinks Rhea would obviously get tensed seeing Ranbir and Prachi getting closer, she should stop them or else its not good for both Rhea and this house.
Prachi brings food for Ranbir. Ranbir says he doesn’t need food. She insists him to have it and asks why he is rude to her. He says he speaks same as people stopped convincing him. He says he is tired of everything, there was a time when he wanted her to convince him, but now he doesn’t feel anything and is really happy. Prachi says time has changed. Ranbir says even feelings. Prachi says time can change, but not feelings; he must be angry on her that she didn’t let him leave the house, that’s because she didn’t want to separate him from his family. He shows their image in mirror and says this his family, says don’t say anything now. She thanks him for saving her. He thanks her for bandaging his wound and says she must be tired now, so she should go and rest. She leaves. He eats food and hopes he would have had food with her, he wants to be with her, but things are complicated now. He fears for her life recalling today’s incident and determines to find out who among his family member wants to kill Prachi.

Aliya notices Rhea trying to commit suicide and stops her. Rhea reveals that Nick is blackmailing her for money and said he finished his task, but what he could do if Ranbir saved Prachi on time; he has their conversation and is threatening to expose her in front of Ranbir. Aliya says she has money and will give it to Nick. She calls Nick and promises to give him money at 10:30 p.m. Informer notices Nick and informs police. Shahana hears Aliya and Rhea’s conversation and thinks they must be the one want to kill Prachi. She thinks of informing it to Ranbir, but stops thinking of following Aliya and Prachi and then informing Ranbir after finding more clue. Inspector asks constable to inform Ranbir that they got a lead. Prachi lying on bed recalls Ranbir’s words.

Prachi walk to Ranbir’s room and not finding him there. Ranbir reaches police station and gets out of his car. His phone falls down. Nick disguised picks his phone. Ranbir thanks him, recalls him with Rhea, and asks if he is the same person who was helping Rhea in decoration. Nick nods yes nervously. Ranbir leaves. Nick thinks he came to police station to bribe constable and destroy his previous criminal records to lead a better life. Ranbir meets the inspector who shows him Nick’s sketch and informs him that the culprit’s whereabouts are found, his team is searching his address and soon he will be caught. Nick gets tensed hearing that and tries to leave. Constable notices him, but he escapes and getting into his car thinks Ranbir is behind him now, he should do something or else he will be in trouble. He calls Preethi and asks her to send him Prachi’s number or else he will be in trouble. She sends him Prachi’s number. He calls Prachi and threatens her to stop her husband from following him or else he will be in trouble. Prachi gets angry and asks who is he to threaten her. He says he is the one who attacked her and warns her to control her husband or else he will kill her husband. Prachi gets tensed.

Precap: Inspector tells Ranbir, I called you here because I know this is very important to you. We will arrest him in front of your eyes. Ranbir asks what’s his name? Inspector says, Nick. Nick hears it and he calls Prachi and threatens her that if Ranbir doesn’t stop chasing him, then there will be another attack and this time it will be on him and he won’t be able to survive. Prachi gets worried. Prachi says to Ranbir you are burning in the fire of passion. Ranbir says I’ll burn myself in the fire of passion till the time I don’t find the person who tried to hurt you, I won’t spare him. Prachi hugs him tightly.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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