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Aaliya and Rhea come to Nick’s house. Nick looks at them. Aaliya asks will you don’t identify us? Rhea reminds that Preeti works in their house. He says he knows them. They get in his house. Rhea looks at his house. Aaliya says we have to get our work done. Rhea tells him that they heard that he was caught by Police for theft. He asks them not to fire Preeti for that. Aaliya reminds him that she gave him 10000 Rs and asks him to return the favor. He says the time came so soon. Rhea asks what was the amount, for which you went to jail? Nick says not a big amount, and says 3 lakhs. Rhea asks if he will do someone’s murder in 6 lakhs. Nick asks murder? He says whose murder.

Prachi is standing on the terrace and talks to her baby, says they used to look at the moon together, when they used to stay in rented house. She says everything is same, but your Papa is not with us, he is changed. She feels pain and asks what happened, if he/she got angry suddenly and felt bad as I talked bad about your father. He says you are connecting with your Papa even before your birth and asks baby to be like her, says she will never leave him/her and she can’t wait to see him/her. She says it will be beautiful day for me and I will tell truth to your Papa. She says sometimes I feel, he cares for me and sometimes not. She says he has confused me.

Ranbir comes home and collides with Dida. He says sorry and goes. Shahana asks Dida to talk to Ranbir and Prachi. Dida says I need to give puja saree to Pallavi, and thinks it is her duty to show the right direction to her.

Ranbir comes to the terrace and drinks beer. Prachi looks at him and asks why you didn’t stop when I asked you. Ranbir says why shall I stop, when you couldn’t answer me. He says why shall I answer you? Prachi says I don’t want to go with you. She says she doesn’t want to go away from family, and says I know the feeling, everyone becomes stranger. Ranbir says your thoughts are good, nobody can handle relations than you, but you don’t care about me. He says I am not in that countdown and says when you returned, I thought you just remember our love. He says when you returned, you had said that you will snatch my peace and happiness, and says you have won. He says this is all you wanted, you have ruined my condition and asks if she wants to worsen his condition more. He says I will be same, Ranbir Kohli, the youngest business tycoon. He says do whatever you want, Rhea can do whatever she wants and even Mummy. He says he will just do work and will not care for anyone. Prachi says you are drunk and says we will talk tomorrow. Ranbir says I am not drunk. Prachi asks him not to drink, and says she don’t like that. Ranbir says I was mad. He says today I came to know who had loved truly and who had acted. He says I wants to prove my innocence and can’t stay in this dirty environment. He says he says I don’t want dirty accusations on me and says you are free from my end, and says I have given your happiness back to you, finally you will be happy and free. Prachi is shocked. Judaaiyaan song plays…..
Nick asks Aaliya about whose murder. Rhea shows Prachi’s picture. Nick says I have seen her somewhere. Aaliya says she stays in our house. Nick asks why? Rhea says you don’t need to know, and says we will help you and that’s why you will not be caught. She says there will be crowd in the house tomorrow. Aaliya says we will help you. Rhea says your work will be done easily. Nick says if murder was easy, then half of the population wouldn’t have been there. He says if it was easy, then you could murder her at night. He says if I get caught then I will be in jail all my life. He says his mind works faster and says he is not a professional killer. He says his mummy wanted him to become engineer, but he is a taxi driver and has talent to hide the secret. He says think about yourself, if you get caught then what you will do. He demands 8 lakhs. Aaliya negotiates with him and fixes deal at 7 lakhs. Rhea says the murder shall look like accident. He says I could do this work for 3 lakhs, but doing it for 7 lakhs. Aaliya says if we give you 3 lakhs only. Nick says then he will not do the work. Rhea says they will give him money. Nick asks if they have chandelier even now and asks her to meet Prachi for last time.

Prachi tells Shahana that she will remember whatever Ranbir said, and says that he told that he freed me of his love and relation. She says I was thinking to unite with him since few days, and says may be it was our mood swings, it is good that I didn’t say anything to him while flowing in emotions. Shahana says truth will not change and says Ranbir is innocent and is grinded between the family. Prachi says he can’t prove himself innocent infront of me, now I can surely say that he and Rhea….

Prachi tell Shahana that Ranbir can prove himself innocent and clear infront ofworld, but now I can say surely that he has moved on in his relation with Rhea. Shahana tells that she had told her about Rhea giving him medicine. Prachi says who knows who had kept the medicines in Rhea’s room, many guests had come that day. Shahana says I never thought, you will be so negative. Prachi says I am realistic and not negative and can’t give clean chit to him. Shahana says if he proves that all the accusations on him was wrong, if you come to know that whatever he said was because he was broken and that you are the one whom he loves. Prachi says if he proves that Rhea had added tablet in his drink, if he proves that he loves me even now, if he proves that nobody was between us and will never come, then I promise that I will convince him and will fight with him, not because my love, but because he is my baby’s father. She says this can happen, when he makes his slate clear. Shahana says this will be proved that it was Rhea, who is real guilty. Prachi says if there is any truth in this, then Rhea will see my avatar which even I haven’t seen. she walks out of terrace.

Pallavi recalls Ranbir’s words that she shall not accuse Prachi’s character and that he regrets daily. Dida comes there and calls Pallavi. Pallavi says you have come to tell me that my behavior was not right with Prachi, I shouldn’t have told all that to her etc. Dida says I have come here to tell you that Satyanarayan puja will happen when you say and for that I came to give you saree.

She says parents can do many mistakes, but don’t make mistakes for their children. She says whatever I am saying today for Prachi and Ranbir, used to say for Vikram and you. She says I am your saas too and my responsibility is to support you whenever you are right. She tells that it is our responsibility to keep their Jodi united and not to disturb them. Pallavi asks do you think I am disturbing them. Dida says you have failed to become a good saas and asks her to do something to prove herself as good bahu. Pallavi says you knows who is my bahu. Dida says I know who is your legal bahu and asks her to get ready.

Vikram comes to Ranbir. Ranbir says I thought to do work here, as I had much work. He asks how come you are here and asks if Mummy sent you out, and vent out her anger on you. Vikram asks him to say what’s wrong and says I am your father. Ranbir recalls his conversation with Rhea and Prachi, and asks what do you want to know how I came here, and why I came in this situation. Vikram asks him to say. Ranbir says people will blame you, as I came to sleep here due to you. He says I realized true love seeing Prachi, then we got married. He says then I have to marry Rhea, and Prachi returned. He says I always thought that my fight with Prachi will be resolved in 2 mins, but the fight between us is not the usual ones, and there is no improvement in our relation, we fight a lot and this process goes on. He says don’t know if our lives are upset with us, or our relation. Vikram says if there is fight in relation, then there is love, expectation and frustration and it means love is there in relation. He asks did you see if any couple is in love without fight, and says that means their relation is not stable. He tells that Pallavi and my relation went through the same phase and asks if you want to fight with Rhea. Ranbir says no, and says I avoid her whenever she starts fighting. Vikram says exactly, this means you have feelings for Prachi and that’s why fight with her. He asks him to sleep and say sorry to her, even if it is her mistake, and says what matters is that you both are together. Vikram says bye. Ranbir says Rhea is in my room and that’s why I am here. Vikram goes. Ranbir thinks Papa didn’t understand.
Prachi asks Pandit ji if Suji ka halwa shall be made for prasad. Pandit ji asks her to bring halwa prasad. Prachi says ok. She sees Pallavi and asks her not to take Ranbir’s words on heart and says he loves and respects you a lot. Pallavi asks Aaliya to tell Prachi that Ranbir is her son and she don’t need her certificate what he wants to say and asks her to tell her strictly not to come between them. Aaliya asks did you understand? Prachi says I just want to say that he loves you a lot and goes. Pallavi goes to Pandit ji. Pandit ji asks for ghee. Preeti brings ghee. Pallavi asks Preeti to go and see the arrangements. Shahana comes to Prachi and says you are looking good. She says everything will be fine. Prachi says she won’t let him be peaceful with Rhea, until he proves his innocence. Shahana thinks Rhea will not let Ranbir sit with Rhea.

Pandit ji asks Pallavi to call Vikram so that a married couple can do puja. Pallavi says my son and daughter in law will do the puja. Dida thinks Prachi and Ranbir will do the puja, and asks Shahana to come with her. Aaliya sees guard coming and asks him to inform the CCTV footage guy not to bring it, as puja is going on. He says ok. Aaliya thinks to inform Rhea that she is going to sit with Ranbir for puja. Vikram asks Ranbir to live his life to the fullest and regrets to make him workaholic. Jai comes there and greets Vikram and Ranbir. Vikram asks if you came to do work here or to attend the puja. Jai says Ranbir always make me do work. Shahana and Dida go talking seeing Prachi. Shahana says we shall tell Prachi. Dida says we can’t tell Prachi that pandit ji wants Ranbir to sit with his wife, but Aaliya wants Rhea to sit with him. Prachi sys she heard them acting like children and indirectly telling me. Dida says I told Shahana that we shall tell everything to Prachi. She says sorry. Prachi says I will not let Rhea take my place, never. Aaliya comes to Rhea and tells that Pandit ji said that a married couple shall sit for puja. Rhea says only I will sit and asks how is she looking? Aaliya says good. Rhea says God shall think that we are made by him. Aaliya gets emotional and says she wants to apply black tika to her, so that nobody bad sight falls on her. Rhea says Prachi’s black magic is on Ranbir. Aaliya says today everything will end and asks her to shed some fake tears for Prachi and console Ranbir. Rhea says I want Ranbir to cry heavily for Prachi. Aaliya calls Nick and tells Rhea that yamraj is coming. Rhea says she didn’t want to do this, but Prachi made her ruthless from sister. She says I am going to become devil from darling sister.

Ranbir excuse himself from Jay. He walks to Pallavi and asks how is she. Pallavi asks if he took Prachi’s permission to check his mother’s whereabouts. Ranbir says he didn’t want to hurt her. Pallavi says he confuses her, she doesn’t know to believe his words or actions and reminds a proverb that actions speak louder than words, she is disturbed with his yesterday’s behavior. Ranbir apologizes her. Pallavi says if he wants her forgiveness, he should listen to her and let the pooja finish peacefully. Aliya hears their conversation and praises Pallavi for indirectly telling Ranbir to perform pooja with Rhea. Pallavi says there is no other way to talk to her son, she neither directly nor indirectly said her son anything and just spoke her heart out.

Vikram questions Ranbir for sending emails to his staff at 3:30 am. Ranbir scolds Jay for complaining against him to papa. Jay says he wants to show that Ranbir works. Ranbir gets a call and gets lost seeing Prachi coming. Sahana and Dida notice them and discuss that they act as fighting, but actually love each other a lot; they are cute. Rhea purposefully pushes Sahana. Sahana gets angry and fights with her. Rhea taunts her. Dida asks them to stop fighting during pooja at home.

Precap: Jai says to Ranbeer, listen I have no issues with working but don’t you think you are working a lot, you have made the whole staff crazy. Ranbeer says to Prachi, I have understood you can finish anything for your anger. Prachi says this is not my ego. Ranbeer says so what was it mood swings? before today you never had mood swings. Prachi is praying. Nick is cutting the rope, so that the chandelier falls on Prachi. He takes time. Aaliya takes the knife saying you won’t be able to do it and cuts the rope. Pallavi, Ranbir sees the chandelier coming down at Prachi. Ranbir screams her name and runs towards her.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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